Night’s Nomenclature

Four hundred and six, the best battlefield

The Golden Crab Farm has always existed only in legends. It only appears once every few decades and then continues to be legendary.

The three crab boats next to the Arctic slowly moved out of the way. They wanted to see what was going on in the other crab pots of the Arctic.

One cage, two cages, three cages...

The number of king crabs caught in almost every cage is more than 100.

Craig did a simple calculation and found that the Arctic only dropped crab pots once, and it was enough to return home with a full load!

He shouted to the sailors beside him: "Put down our crab pots too! This is definitely a golden crab farm. The Arctic only put 180 crab pots, so there must be king crabs down there!"

The Arctic is very small and broken, and can only carry 180 crab pots. Even the quota is smaller than other crab fishing boats.

Under normal circumstances, the Alpine carries 300 crab pots.

However, they had just hoisted the crab pot, and before they had time to hang the cod bait inside, they heard a sharp weapon coming through the wind in the night sky.

In an instant, a playing card shot from a distance of hundreds of meters and cut the rope on the Alpine's crane.

The poker didn't stop spinning, but continued to spin forward, leaving a long bloody gash on Craig's right cheek before slowly falling to the deck.


The red and yellow ker cards looked like they were lying on the deck making a silent mockery. .

The crab pot made a pop and fell into the deep sea.

Craig looked at the North Pole in surprise. He took out his binoculars and saw the boy who had been to the Walnut Bar, grinning at him and showing his white teeth.

That powerful sense of oppression hit you directly in front of you from a distance of hundreds of meters.

He looked at the deck, picked up the playing card and tore it gently, splitting it into two pieces of paper.

This is just an ordinary playing card. Why can the rope be cut?

You know, that rope is the thick rope responsible for lifting the 680-pound crab pot. How can the playing cards cut it?

Craig touched the bloody cut on his cheek with lingering fear, wondering if the playing card had just scratched his neck, would he be dead now? !

He inexplicably thought of a sailor who came back after encountering a sea monster and said that since the other party did not intend to kill anyone, he must not take the initiative to provoke him.

Otherwise, he will definitely die miserably.

Just like a sailor falling into the sea and encountering a tiger shark. The shark has no intention of eating you, so you must not be idle and shake your body wildly to attract the other person's attention.

Thinking of this, Krieger silently put the torn playing cards into his pocket.

In order to prevent the other party from seeing his tearing up the cards and taking this as a provocation...

In the wheelhouse, the sailor who was at the helm said: "Captain, the Arctic informed us that it is okay to put cages in the golden crab farm. They are gifts from nature anyway, but according to the rules of the Barents Sea, We have to wait until the Arctic leaves before we can start work."

Craig suddenly said coldly: "Anchor, everyone go back to the cabin to rest. We will lower the crab pot after the Arctic has left."

To be precise, Craig gave in.

Nowadays, time walkers have long become a hotly discussed topic in various bars.

Thinking of the country the other party might come from, Craig suddenly felt like he was dominated by the mysterious power of the East.

Why does Time Walker help Zhang Jian? Craig couldn't figure it out.

Craig is not sure if the Alpine, Killer Whale, and Long Tail are all caged here, whether the king crabs in the Golden Crab Farm will be enough.

But now that you’ve found a golden crab farm, it’s worth the wait.

"Thank you for helping me," Zhang Jian looked at Qingchen and Yangyang and said seriously: "Now I can probably guess who you are, so you knew from the beginning that this is a golden crab farm, right? Tonight Fen Er and Craig should have sent sailors to cut our floats, and it was you, Qingchen, who helped me repel them."

Qingchen and Yangyang stood beside the deck and were responsible for picking up the lifted crab pots. The young man smiled and said, "We have no intention of helping you, so don't think too much. We came here with our own plans, and many things are just It was done conveniently. We are not relatives and have no friendship, so it is not worth our while."

Zhang Jian was stunned for a moment: "Then why are you still..."

"It's fun," Yangyang tilted her head and smiled: "Isn't that enough? We are more interested in fun things than helping you, so don't thank us all the time. It's quite hard for everyone to be polite. .”

I have to say that Qingchen and Yangyang are very similar in one thing, that is, they are both afraid of being polite to others.

Moreover, they really had no intention of helping Zhang Jian.

After all, if they can help this year, can they help every year? If Zhang Jian still can't find the crab farm next year, the crew members who follow him will still be cheated.

The income of sailors on crab fishing boats varies greatly. On good crab fishing boats, sailors receive more than 80,000 euros a year.

On a poor crab fishing boat, sailors were given more than 50,000 euros a year, but on Zhang Jian's boat last year, the sailors were only given more than 20,000 euros, which was really a basic salary.

At this time, Qingchen said seriously to Zhang Jian: "It was very touching when you talked about your dream of adventure, but I probably understand why you can't find the crab farm."

"For you, coming to the Barents Sea is a journey of freedom and adventure, but you should think more about your crew members. Everyone comes here with their lives, and they also have to shoulder family responsibilities," Qingchen He continued: "You can never forget your original intention, don't accept capital, and you can continue to take risks, but crab boats are for catching crabs, otherwise you will just be a failed adventurer. So do more homework and research Find out where you might find king crabs. In my opinion, king crabs are not hard to find, they have their own patterns of activity."

Zhang Jian was stunned for a long time.

Old John was also stunned for a long time.

Zhang Jian felt a little unconvinced after being taught a lesson, but after being unconvinced, he began to reflect from the bottom of his heart.

After all, when his father was still alive, although he always talked about freedom and adventurous spirit, he could always bring the crew back with full rewards.

Old John was stunned for a long time because he discovered a problem.

The young girl was unloading the crab pot while talking. Old John had forgotten to use the crane just now, so the two of them looked like they were having fun lifting the 680-pound crab pot.

Maybe when the boy was talking to the girl, he forgot that after the crab pots are moved on the deck, a crane is needed, right? !

At a certain moment, Old John felt that Qingchen was more suitable to be the captain of the Arctic. If he followed such a captain, there would probably be no life lost on the ship, and he would be able to return home with a full load every year.

I work 7 days a year, and then I can enjoy life freely for the remaining 300 days.

Niedep, who was responsible for measuring the crabs with a caliper, felt that he had never been so relaxed on a crab fishing boat...

It is not easy to put down a crab pot, but it is even harder to collect the crab pot.

The Arctic turned on all the lights on the ship and was busy from nine o'clock at night until early morning.

Old John was so sleepy that he almost wanted to close his eyes, but Qingchen and Yangyang were still working with great energy.

The Alpine, Killer Whale, and Long Tail witnessed the abundance of crabs in a golden crab farm not far away.

While unpacking the crab pot, Yangyang looked at Qingchen and asked in a low voice: "You just demonstrated your power as a time traveler by flying poker, and you didn't hide your whereabouts when you came. This time, the crab fishing boats came back one after another. When you arrive at the port, I'm afraid many people will know that you are drifting in the Barents Sea."

Qingchen smiled and nodded.

"So, you had the plan to attract Jindai and Kashima from the beginning?" Yangyang asked curiously.

"Is there any more suitable battlefield than here?" Qingchen asked with a smile: "The sea is endless and the sea water is extremely cold. If I fall into the sea, I can breathe with my skin, but they can't. Here, if they are really unconscious, When danger catches up with them, the mysterious Barents Sea will let them understand what it means to have no way to escape."

Yangyang tilted her head: "How long can you stay underwater?"

Qingchen thought for a moment and said, "Half an hour."

Yangyang curled her lips and said, "You're lying. I came here specifically to help you overcome your calamity, and you still lied to me. Are you still not a human being?"

Qingchen was a little embarrassed. After he had just acquired the new ability of Knight Qi, he could only breathe underwater for 20 minutes.

However, he found that the knight's energy was almost flowing into his whole body, and he could survive underwater for three hours.

However, he still doesn’t want to tell everyone why he can breathe underwater and how long he can breathe. After all, this is the ability to save his life...

Yangyang smiled and said: "Forget it, I don't blame you, I have a secret too, it's even!"

Qingchen looked at the sea. The distance between ships here was often more than a few nautical miles, and they looked like little black dots to each other.

The masters in Time Walker can run faster than a boat if they are on land, but here they can only wait patiently.

The sniper rifle seems to be very useful here.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the North Pole put away its anchor, faced the rising sun, and sailed towards the direction where the sea and the sky meet, fully loaded with cargo.

The Arctic even caused a minor stir in the port when it returned to the port of Amsterdam to be weighed a day later.

However, the Arctic did not stay too long in the port. As if it was in a hurry, it just refilled some fuel and set sail again.

Two days later, the Alpine returned to port.

After waiting to be weighed, Craig went to the Walnut Bar to drink to relieve his boredom.

At this time, the port was full of legends about the Arctic. The more Craig listened, the more he wanted to have a cerebral hemorrhage.

When someone was playing the Arctic Horn in the Walnut Bar, Craig retorted loudly: "It's not Zhang Jian's credit that the Arctic was able to find the golden crab farm. It was because he had two time travelers from the East on board! If there hadn't been that With two time walkers, the Arctic will definitely lose all its pants this year!"

Everyone's eyes lit up in the bar, there was such a story?

However, at this moment, a short and stocky Asian man sat down opposite Craig: "Can we talk? I want to know what the two time walkers on the Arctic look like?"

Craig tried his best to remember, and then said: "They are all very beautiful."

The stocky man seemed to have found his target, and he suddenly became interested. He took out a photo of Qingchen from his arms: "Is it him?"

"Yes, that's him," Craig looked at Qingchen's photo, as if he was suddenly transported back to the Walnut Bar a few days ago. The boy walked into the bar with the cold wind outside the Amsterdam port.

The short, stocky man opposite him said, "Is he still on the Arctic?"

Craig had noticed that the person opposite him was no ordinary person. He said, "Here, we happened to meet the Arctic when we came back. I'm pretty sure he is on the Arctic."

The short and stocky man smiled and said: "Hello, let's get acquainted again. My name is Kamishirokura. I can see that you hate those two time walkers, and I am just willing to get rid of them for you."

Craig was stunned for a moment: "You?"

"It's not just me," Kamishokura said with a smile: "There are many people. We are all time walkers and have been chasing him for a long time."

During the days when the North Pole left Amsterdam, many forces were looking for a time traveler named Qingchen.

At first, Jindai, Kashima, Kunlun, and Kyushu were looking for it, and later even the "future" of North America began to look for it.

There are only so many large-scale time walker organizations in the world, so in the past few days, except for the "hacker" organization that has taken root in North America, the other five major organizations are all looking for Qingchen...

The strange thing is, what will Qingchen do in the future?

Someone has asked, and the future answer is that everyone is looking for it, which means that this person is very important.

Everyone is looking for me, but I’m not looking. Am I a bit unsociable?

At first, everyone sent time walkers to squat near various tourist attractions, thinking that Qingchen was visiting the Netherlands.

As a result, after squatting for several days, I didn't even see a single hair.

Slowly, all the people began to spread out from the city center. It was not until Kamishirokura came here and suddenly heard that "the new crew members on the Arctic are particularly young" that he suddenly paid attention to this matter.

All strangers who appear suddenly are worth noting.

However, what was unexpected was that Kamishirokura actually found him.

Kandaikura looked at Craig and smiled: "This time we go to sea, please help us find the Arctic."

Craig was stunned for a moment, and he asked shrewdly: "What is my reward? You know that the operation time of the crab fishing boat is only a few days. What if I delay fishing to find someone?"

"How much money you earned last year from fishing for crabs, we can pay you directly this year," Kamishokura said with a smile, "We are willing to pay a 10% deposit. This is industry practice."

If He Jinqiu is here, he must know that the God's Generation Organization is preparing to have sex for free again.

In fact, the Shendai Organization has done many similar things internationally. They pay a deposit first, and then kill the person after the event is completed, so no one will ask them for the balance.

I don’t know what’s going on with this nation. They seem normal on weekdays, but when they see blood, they immediately turn into shameless invaders.

However, Kamishirokura also underestimated Craig's shrewdness.

After the people from the Age of Gods agreed to go to sea tomorrow morning, Craig immediately called for Fenr from the Orca and Frodo from the Long Tail.

After the three men briefly conspired, the news that a time traveler was boarding a crab boat in the Amsterdam port spread like wildfire overnight.

This is a port city. If you want to say who has the most connections in this city, it must be the captain and sailors.

With the help of the Time Walker, the Arctic found the legend of the Golden Crab Farm, floating in the night sky of Amsterdam.

Moreover, everyone seems to know that the Arctic found the golden crab farm because of two time walkers from the East.

A boy and a girl, both pretty good-looking.

Regal was very smart. He realized that good looks seemed to be a criterion for time walkers to find people, so he deliberately released such news.

The next morning, more than ten members of Jindai arrived at the port on time, and then they saw Kashima and the people from the future were also there...

Kamishirokura was startled. He thought he was the only one who found the news about Qingchen, but he didn't expect that Kashima also found it?

Kashima's intelligence system in the outer world seems to be quite powerful.

But Kamishokura soon discovered that something was wrong. After he took the people on Craig's Alpine, Kashima boarded Fener's Orca.

Kamishirokura has heard that the Alpine, Orca, and Long Tail wear the same pants...

Kamishirokura reacted immediately. This shrewd crab fishing captain realized the importance of intelligence and sold it to two families in one go...

Fortunately, Kandaikura thought, although Kashima also came, the interests of the two families were basically the same when it came to facing Qingchen, and they both wanted to get rid of it quickly.

So just come when Kashima comes, it will be an extra ally.

Kamishirokura breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the two ships had just sailed out of the port. When Kamishirokura turned around, he suddenly saw He Jinqiu, the leader of Kyushu, holding the black scepter in his hand and standing on the deck of the Long Tail a thousand meters away. superior.

Kamishirokura looked at Craig with an unkind expression: "The boat should go faster, and don't go with the boat behind you!"

In the Oslo port in the north, there is an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer "Bass", quickly leaving, targeting the Barents Sea.

The Burke-class destroyer is one of the main types of destroyers in service in North America and is equipped with the Aegis combat system.

At this time, there were several white people lying leisurely on the beach chairs on the deck of the Bass. They seemed not to be afraid of the cold wind at all, and they felt like sunbathing on the beach.

One of the black men said, "Why are we going to the Barents Sea?"

"Because everyone has gone," a thin white man said with a smile: "So Jindai, Kashima, and Kyushu have all gone. Wouldn't we be missing something if we didn't go?"

"But the fuel cost for a destroyer trip is very expensive," the black man said.

The white man smiled: "Do we still need to consider the issue of gas expenses in the future? The world will be ours in the future, but I also find it a bit strange. Jindai, Kashima, and Kyushu all seem to be looking for a good-looking person. , why? Couldn't it be like what Homer wrote, where Troy and Greece fought for the most beautiful Helen, so the two countries launched a ten-year war? "

The black man thought for a while and said, "Then I really want to see what this person looks like."

Five thousand word chapter

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