Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 601: See also stubborn

Cpa300_4; On the Fengyun, Lan Guochun stood on the back of the Bald Eagle, with his hands on his back, and Liu Mei was vertical, first launched, three masts, three blue-browed sea otters appeared.

The Poseidon monk Qi Qi said: "Children and women, and throw away, 瀚海志, only today. Hand-held trident, wearing white jade, hungry sea beast head, thirsty drinking sea beast blood..."

In the sea **** song, three sea otters, like a huge trident, flew up in the air and intercepted the blood eagle.

The Trident is extremely fast and accurate. It is inserted in the middle, and the blue light cuts through the blood and sea and air. It is instantly hard, sharp and boundless, and kills the blood eagle.

A fierce eagle, a dozen blood eagle attacked.

Zhong Lijuan stopped four of them.

There are still eight blood eagle left.

The three-handed sea blue sea otter was shot dead.

Accurate and fast, each hits a blood eagle very quickly.

The blood eagle smashed and turned into blood, and sprinkled on the sea otter.

The sea otter is stained with blood and becomes red.

But the sea otter was not instantly defeated like the goddess Huang Dun.

The speed of the red sea otter did not decrease, and the second blood eagle was forked.

Three sea otters attacked and six blood hawks fell.

The monk of the Three Gods broke out and shouted: "God, god..."

The power of the Trident has surpassed the scope of the top sea-going combat technology. It is a unique warfare technique of the Poseidon, but it can be called a "God."

In the air, there are only two blood eagle left.

Rushing to the sea ship.

If there is no accident, Sun Hao’s Bai Hai Shenzhou still has a great chance of blocking two blood hawks.

Looking at the two blood eagle rushing, the monks thought in their hearts: "I don't know if the Fengyun can stop it. If it can't stop it, it will be too inferior."

However, without waiting for the blood eagle to rush in, the monks who are always concerned about the development of the war suddenly have a very bad feeling.

On the sea, there was an accidental change.

Two blood eagle slammed at the same time.

Originally scattered, the blood that scattered to the surface of the sea, after eroding the yellow shield of Zhong Lijuan, corroded the Trident. The blood of the fall actually turned into a small **** eagle on the surface of the sea and rushed over to the fleet.

Originally thought that the blood eagle defeated and scattered, a little neglected the blood, no thought there would be such a change.


damn. Every monk has a bad idea in his heart.

Fengyun’s tyrants are afraid of being unable to stop.

Originally, Fengyun was the weak link of the fleet.

At this time, I suffered from two big blood hawks and so many small blood eagle sieges. I am afraid that the situation is not good.

The Bahai Shenzhou is claimed to be the most defensive barrier of the sea. However, no matter how good the skills are, it depends on who uses it.

The ability of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is really worrying.

The monks turned their minds.

Fengyun has already fought with the blood eagle.

On the Fengyun, Sun Hao’s body flashed. The Fengyun monk consists of four Jindan Qiqi infused with the real yuan, and the big array is lit up, and the Bahai Shenzhou is launched.

Taking Fengyun as the main body, the sail erected a high wall in front of the fleet, blocking the impact direction of the blood eagle.

A blood eagle slammed into the wall and slammed into a burst of blood.

The blood fell on the wall and began to corrode the wall.

The second blood eagle made a slight pause, slowing down the speed, trying to wait for the first blood eagle to erode the high wall and then hit the ship again.

The wall is stained with blood. Sun Hao immediately felt that the energy consumption of Fengyun was rapidly increasing.

The light of the moon and the moon can quickly kill the energy of the wall.

Did not dare to neglect, Sun Hao quickly put a real Yuan Dan in his mouth.

Not one, but a five true Yuan Dan.

The small flames and Mudan also urgently mobilized, and Zhen Yuandan just fell, and Sun Hao immediately mobilized refining.

The five true Yuan Dan quickly turned into a thriving real yuan, pouring into Sun Hao Dantian.

The condensate tower is running to absorb energy, but the number of real elements is too large. Sun Hao finally recovered some of his combat power for a short time.

The body is a masterpiece of blue light, and the Qing Emperor Mudan stone fetus grows into the Fengyun number, guiding the energy of the Shenzhou Shenzhou and rushing into the high-altitude sail.

The **** wall swayed. Finally, the position of the Sanshen monk was frightened and stunned, and it was not corroded and collapsed.

The second blood eagle saw that one did not hit the sail wall, and immediately stopped at the wall and slammed into the wall.

Sun Hao did not dare to neglect, but also stuffed a real Yuan Dan into his mouth.

Very stubborn and reluctant.

The Fengyun Paihai Shenzhou has once again stabilized its position.

The blood spots of the second blood eagle still failed to corrode the sail wall.

The monk of the Three Gods secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart said that it was okay. Fortunately, it has stabilized.

Although the eyes of the one-eyed three look at Sun Hao are a little softer, the disdain in the eyes is more and more intense.

Can't be that.

Just Sun Hao swallowed the action of Zhen Yuan Dan, but Jin Dan is a real person.

Sun Hao so swallowed the true Yuan Dan, so that Jin Dan real people feel at the same time, the heart will inevitably have a disdainful mentality.

Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang swallowed the true Yuan Dan, actually it was a swallow.

One swallowing so many true yuan Dan can only explain one problem. Aloes is too much to take a lot of spirits, and it has a very heavy and very strong drug resistance.

Shen Xiangzhen should have some kind of mystery. It can improve the combat power in a short time by ingesting the real yuan Dan. However, it is very likely that Shen Xiangzhen often uses this trick, which has caused Zheng Yuandan to resist the drug.

The effect of the pandan has been greatly reduced, and it has to rely on the quantity to supplement the real yuan.

On the Sanshen, the Jindan monks had such a very simple and clear reasoning at the same time, and they could not help but look at Sun Hao.

One-eyed Haosan even wants to ask Sun Hao: "You are so capricious, do you know the Qingyunmen elders?"

Indeed, so arbitrarily swallowing the spirit, the erysipelas accumulated in Sun Hao's body is afraid of a very terrible degree.

If the Qingyunmen elders know that they are not mad, they are strange.

The second generation of Qingyunmen, who is touted by the Qingyunmen, is actually a virtue. The one-eyed Haosan is once again worthless for Qingyunmen. Once again, Qingyunmen’s situation is getting worse.

In the long run, Qingyunmen fears that it will take less than a few years, and will be defeated in the hands of the old rivals.

The forces that are generally attached to Qingyunmen are bound to suffer from the catastrophe.

Sun Hao is such a disciple, it is simply the locust of Qingyunmen, which is the stumbling block for Qingyunmen to decline.

Sun Hao does not know that in the one-eyed three hearts, he has been labeled as incompetent and shameless, and has been regarded as a scum of Qingyunmen.

just now. Sun Hao is working hard to drive the tyrannical Shenzhou, defending the smaller blood eagle that has been formed by the **** agglutination.

Twelve huge bloodless hawks were smashed, and the combined blood and light formed thousands of smaller blood eagle, hitting the fleet.

The strength of a small blood eagle is not as fierce as the twelve blood eagle. But spread out, attacking on all sides, the defense is not difficult.

If the state of the Bahai Shenzhou is complete, the fleet is within the scope of the Bahai Shenzhou, but it is better to say. The wall of sails will inevitably automatically defend against the breakthrough of the Little Blood Eagle from all directions.

However, Sun Hao’s hegemonic Shenzhou drive is not complete, and most sea ships are not included in the defense system.

It is not that Sun Hao does not want to, but the real yuan is occupied and cannot be fully driven.

Of course, there are a lot of true Yuan Dan in the hands.

Instead, you can take Zhenyuan Dan to explode and try to expand the scope of defense.

In Sun Hao’s perception, the little blood eagle condensed by the moonlight moonlight is very secretive. Once it breaks through the defense and rushes into the fleet, it is feared that the Sanshen will suffer a lot of losses.

The blood eagle is composed of blood light. Not only can it corrode the true yuan cover formed by the sea boat, but it can also break through the monk's helium layer, and may even directly destroy the monk.

Since he has joined the fleet, Sun Hao’s ability is not hidden.

In the twinkling of an eye, almost without thinking, Sun Hao took out a real Yuan Dan with both hands, and swallowed his brain.

In a very short period of time, Zhen Yuandan rushed into Sun Hao Dantian, even though he had to condense the empty tower to absorb the real yuan. However, Sun Hao finally got enough real yuan in a short time.

A clear voice in the mouth, Qingdi Mudan stone fetus longevity true yuan, Yanlong nine stacks of real yuan burgeoning, the source is constantly imported into the Fengyun.

The Fengyun number suddenly became a masterpiece.

The air sails soared in the wind. The tall wall of the virtual shadow quickly spreads around.

At this moment, Sun Hao had no other thoughts in his heart.

Just thinking, try to resist more blood hawks as much as possible.

The little blood eagle flew.

Constantly hitting the wall and making a series of buzzing sounds.

The action of Sun Hao, the monks looked in the eyes. There is also a deep admiration in my heart.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, although the strength is not very strong, but the responsibility is very strong, actually take the real yuan Dan again, forcibly erupt the power of the Hehai Shenzhou, for the fleet to resist the blood eagle.

Regardless of the effect, Sun Hao Sun’s heart is worthy of admiration.

Not all monks can be like a fragrant incense, regardless of the harm of the true Yuan Dan dan, forced to shoot.

Thousands of small blood eagle hit the sail wall.

The sail wall was crumbling and barely supported.

However, only supporting the semi-column time, before the small blood eagle has not completely disappeared, Sun Hao body, must be condensed empty tower has been sucked, and once again Sun Hao's real yuan suction fell below 50% .

Look at the little blood eagle that is left in the air, Sun Hao no longer insists, the gods know, the sails shrink, and the sail wall begins to shrink rapidly.

Almost a moment of effort, the sail wall has shrunk to the size of the tyrannical Shenzhou, and the defense is still in the impact of the tyrannical Shenzhou squad's small blood eagle and the other seafarers are finally facing each other. On the attack, there are not many small blood hawks.

In this case, the Sanshen monk had expected it and was prepared.

It can be said that Sun Hao's performance, Sun Hao can intercept most of the small blood eagle, although very stubborn, but in fact has exceeded their expectations.

One-eyed three screamed loudly: "War..."

The monks of the Three Gods moved together, and many sea ships launched their own, weaker sea-going warfare skills, and began to fight the Little Blood Eagle.

Thousands of blood eagle, Sun Hao blocked ten or eight, but still a lot, except for some small blood eagle in the siege of the tyrants, each sea boat has no less than seven or eight small blood eagle attacks.

Above the sea, the blood is shining, killing the sound.

The melee is unfolding. (To be continued.)


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