Nine Yang Sword Saint

Chapter 68: : Killing Zhao Wuji (on)

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However, after the happiness, we must start to consider the reality.

It’s not easy to pick up more than 900 blood Wujins. They all grow on the walls of the caves. The walls are tall and steep, nowhere to be stressed, and the following is the horrible magma. Going on will die.

Moreover, if you want to collect these more than 900 blood Wujin, you will have to spend at least a few days and nights. At that time, Ningning could not wait to enter the mine to find Yangdingtian, then it will fall into the hands of Zao Wou-Ki. It is.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian calmed down.

At this time, the nearest blood Wujin, only two feet high, Yangdingtian could not help but reach out to touch this blood Wujin.

"Be careful, don't move, don't touch." The Eastern Nirvana suddenly shouted.

The action of Yangdingtian suddenly stopped.

The East Nirvana: "Look below, inside the magma."

Yangding Tiandun looked down and saw only a pair of eyes floating in the hot magma, faintly looking at Yangdingtian.

An incomparably huge monster, swimming in the magma. I can't see how big it is, but the horrible head is as big as a table, showing how big the body will be.

"Don't touch these blood Wujin, this is its territory. It regards blood Wujin as its own property. When it is touched, it will be killed by it immediately."

"Master, what is this monster?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"The lord of the abyss." The East Nirvana said: "I should have thought that 999 blood Ujin, it is completely heaven and earth, and how can there be no powerful monster guard?"

"Is it strong?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Extremely strong."

Yang Dingtian was full of unwillingness to watch these blood Wujin, and looked at the abyss lord in the magma.

"Children, it's yours, or yours, it's just a matter of time." The East Nirvana said: "Even if you let all of you take away 999 blood Ujin now, it's useless, because there is no heaven and earth Xuanhuo because you can't Forging. These blood Wujin are not only useless to your side, but will cause you to kill yourself. This is the real treasure of heaven and earth. Whoever knows will be greedy."

"Master, then when can I have a mysterious fire?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"At least when you become a Wushu-level powerhouse, you can go to find a Xuanhuo at that time, refining and turning into a heart-warming fire. Once you have a heart-burning fire, Xuanqi will have a qualitative leap." Niejiedao: "Every strong person must refine his heart, not only for the use of forged weapons, but also for refining. More importantly, all the mystery must be ignited by the fire, even every time The pulse also needs to be used."

"Is the heart fire so important?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Of course, the fire is as important as the martial arts. If there is no fire, there is no mystery. For a warrior, whether or not the fire is a sign of judging whether a warrior is strong or weak." The Eastern Nirvana: "A warrior has twice The fastest upgrade, the first time is the first practice of cheats, you can instantly improve two or three levels. The second time is the refining and burning heart. Once refining the fire, the Xuanqi level will have a strong breakthrough and improvement"

"Even for the sake of these tens of years of blood, I have to use the fastest speed to cultivate to the Wu Xuan class." Yangding Tiandao.

"Master believes that you can be sure." The East Nirvana said: "And for others, as long as a good Xuan fire can be. But for you, you must look for heaven and earth Xuanhuo, because you want to Wan The annual blood Wujin is completely melted, and it must be used in heaven and earth."

"So before there is no heaven and earth level Xuanhuo, even if there is a thousand years of blood Wujin can not forge a splendid soul sword." Oriental Nirvana said: "So, let these blood Wujin stay here, is the most favorable choice for you. ”

"The blood Wujin will not be eaten by this abyss lord?" Yangding Tiandao.

"No, the lord of the abyss is not a golden beast. It relies on the energy of magma to make a living." The East Nirvana said: "It is still the sentence, it is yours after all, before the refining of the heavens and the earth, these Blood Wujin is here for a while."

"When I got to what level, can I kill this abyss lord and take these blood Wujin?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"In two years, you broke through the nine-star Wu Xuan-class powerhouse and have the heaven-and-class Xuan fire. Master has the means to let you kill this abyss lord." The East Nirvana: "The key is to have a heaven and earth level fire, otherwise It is not always possible to kill this abyss lord when he is a master of the ranks. This monster should be the overlord within a thousand miles."

"I understand, Master." Yang Dingtian resolutely turned and said: "And, the most important thing now is the five-line yin and yang array after four days. I missed the yin-yang day of three hundred years. My mysterious breakthrough is hopeless. Even if I got 999 blood Wujin, it doesn't make any sense. So, what I need most now is the remaining three series of demon nucleus."

"Yes." The Eastern Nirvana said: "I am very happy that you have such a clear mind."

Yangding Tiandeng decided to leave here, and when he became a Wushen-class powerhouse, he had a world-class Xuanhuo, and then came here to harvest his blood Wujin.

The most important thing now is to hunt for the gold demon nucleus, the ice demon nucleus, and the electric demon nucleus.

All the ice demon nucleus here was destroyed by Zao Wou-Ki, and even the bodies of two cold snakes were destroyed. However, there is still a cold snake that escaped in the killing of Yangdingtian and fled to the depths of the non-freezing pool. As long as it was found and got its demon nucleus, Yang Dingtian’s task today was completed. After all, There are many places in the mainland that eat gold beasts. There are red wildernesses, but there are some dangers. The key is the ice demon nuclear.

Whether it is hunting for the only remaining ice-based demon nucleus, or wanting to leave here, or to avoid Ningning's falling into danger, there is a person who can't avoid it. That is the abnormal bloodthirsty Zao Wou-ki. He stayed at the edge of the non-freezing pool, and Yangdingtian could not hide from him.

A Wu Zun-class powerhouse, he and Ningning two people, but also can not beat each other's fingers.

This distorted Zao Wou-ki took away all the things in Yangdingtian, ruining the demon nucleus that he risked his life and wanted to torture him. And the key is that he knows that there is blood in the gold.

999 million years of blood Wujin, representing the extraordinary sword of the future Yangdingtian, is the biggest guarantee for Yangdingtian to cultivate a powerful sword soul, and is the biggest guarantee for Yangdingtian to defeat the eastern ice rink five years later. This secret must not be known to the second person.

Therefore, Zao Wou-Ki must die, no matter how he must die. He is not dead, Yang Dingtian and Ningning will die, and die very tragically.

"Master, I want to kill Zao Wou-Ki, but I will take a lot of risks." Yangding Tiandao.

The Eastern Nirvana slowly said: "Go! Today is not his death, you are dead!"

Yangding suddenly clenched his fists and left the crystal mine with his forty-nine blood Wujin. He quickly ran for several kilometers and returned to the other side of the ice-covered unfrozen pool.

Hide the bag of blood Wujin, take out three blood Wujin, Yangding suddenly jumped into the non-freezing pool and continually dive.

The sneak peek is faster because he has three thousand years of blood and more than fifty pounds. Moreover, this time it was not as cold as it was last time, because the blood Wujin continued to release a lot of heat.

Dive 80 meters.

Dive 90 meters.

98 meters...

Yangdingtian is still frozen all over the body, but at least there is also a god, not like the last time the soul seems to have been frozen.

Before going to a coma, rushing forward to the last rush, rushing through the middle of a hundred meters.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian flipped in the water, entered another gravity field, and then began to float, but there were three blood Wujin, the floating speed was slower, and he needed to fight hard, but the water temperature became hotter and hotter. Will not be frozen to death.

"Hey..." Yangding rushed out of the water.

Then, the whole body was completely out of control, and was sucked up by a powerful force. It was Zhao Wuji who sucked him directly with Xuanqi.

Zhao Wuji on the shore clung to the neck of Yangdingtian and looked at him incredulously. "You are not dead? You are not dead? Why are you not dead?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Predecessors, I am not dead. There is really blood in Wujin. I found the entrance. As long as I dive 100 meters, I will find the entrance. There is really a **** gold vein below."

Zhao Wuji's palm is tight, Yang Dingtian's neck has a sharp pain, suddenly it has to be pinched off Really **** gold? Zhao Wuji trembled: "If you dare to lie to me, do you know how bad your consequences are?" ”

"You let me go to the predecessors, I will show it to you." Yangding Tiandao.

Zhao Wuji suddenly threw Yangdingtian on the ground.

Yang Dingtian took out a million years of blood from the arms and handed it to Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji stayed, the whole face was completely thundered, and he looked at the blood Wujin unbelievably.

"Wangnian blood Wujin? Wannian blood Wujin?" Zhao Wuji trembled: "I have seen the best before, but it is only a hundred years of blood Wujin, God, you made me fail nine times before, because those blood Wujin Too bad, is it for me to get the blood of Wujin today? I understand, I understand..."

"Ha ha..." Zhao Wuji Yang Tiantian smiled and waved his palm.

The incomparably powerful mysterious energy burst out, the whole cave shook and the wall cracked, and the massive stones fell and squatted on the ground. The entire huge cave seemed to collapse.

Wu Zun-class powerhouse is really powerful!

Yangdingtian is watching the almost mad Zao Wou-ki.

Today, Zao Wou-ki must die, otherwise he will die in Yangding!

Yes, this idea is crazy, Yangdingtian is just an enlightener, and Zao Wou-Ki is a Wuzun-class powerhouse. On the strength of 10,000 Yangdingtian is not his opponent.

"Predecessors, I have an idea." Yang Ding Tian said Zhao Wuji, with a gentle smile on his face.

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