Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 94 The corpses are sealed away

There are 16 Death God masks, but Teacher Haixing said there are 13, so the monsters in the other 3 masks were swallowed by the last leader of the Uzumaki clan, right?

He only devoured three of them, and he became the person he is now, neither human nor ghost.

Zheng Dai could slightly appreciate the powerlessness and pain of being the last clan leader when the Uzumaki clan was destroyed. He put down the scroll with a sigh, and suddenly heard a slight noise inside, and turned his head to look carefully.

Minato walked out with a weak look on his face, sat on the ground against the wall, closed his eyes and panted.

Minato Jounin, are you okay?

The chakra has been somewhat overused and needs a few minutes to recover. Minato replied softly: Zhengdai, how is your condition? Can you still separate the water body? If so, go down and help.

Minato Jounin, please take a look at this first.

Huh? Minato opened his eyes, took the scroll in Zhengdai's hand, and quickly scanned it. that so?

Minato sighed with regret on his face, and Masadai suggested: Do you think... would it be useful if I called Uzumaki Ashina's name?

You can try it, wait for me...

I'll go. He was wearing the seal.

‘Water body art! ’

Without his instructions, the water body quickly went inside, asked Kushina to open the seal, and jumped in.

As soon as he hit the ground, he shouted.

Uzumaki Ashina!!


There were constant echoes in the underground chamber.

Grandpa Patriarch?

What followed was Kushina's surprised and trembling voice, and then the huge Shinigami locked by her began to struggle violently.

Zheng...Dai, how do you know...the name of the patriarch, grandpa, ah...Zhao, hurry up, this guy...I can't hold it anymore!

Haruno Zhao failed to respond, and the 15 little monsters chasing him seemed to be even more crazy, and they wanted to touch him a few times even if they were sealed.

There is a reaction! Just as Yixi was wearing it, he hurriedly continued: Uzumaki Ashina, the 54th generation leader of the Uzumaki clan, do you still remember who you are?

He moved closer to Death.

What you see in front of you is Uzumaki Kushina, the last fire left by your Uzumaki clan who was sent to Konoha. The handsome blond man is her husband. He can continue the descendants of your Uzumaki clan. You want to destroy the last of the Uzumaki clan. The inheritance!”

Kushina blushed slightly, what did the dead child say...huh? He said this was...the patriarch?

how come? !

However, as Zhengdai shouted, the intensity of the death struggle suddenly became smaller. Kushina stared blankly, her face gradually turning pale.

Are you really... Grandpa Patriarch? How could you become like this?!

Thoughts and confusion coexist in the eyes of Death.

Uzumaki Ashina, have you forgotten what you want to do? You want to devour the 48 monsters you created, transform into a god of death, and kill all enemies who invade the Uzumaki clan!

What are you doing now? You have to erase the last bloodline of the whirlpool on your own!

There was sudden silence in the underground secret room.

The 15 little monsters chasing Teacher Haixing all stopped, and the God of Death also stopped struggling.

Teacher Haixing gasped heavily, mixed with a bit of confusion, and weighed the mask, trying to seize the opportunity to seal the remaining little monsters.

Kushina had tears in her eyes, looking at the giant Shinigami in anticipation and disbelief.

The water body and mind plop loudly.

Is it effective?


At this moment, the giant god of death suddenly opened his mouth and let out a roar that resounded through the soul!

The water body turned into water and disappeared in an instant. Teacher Haixing's body swayed, covering his ears and half squatting, with a look of pain on his face. Only Kushina seemed to be deliberately avoided by the roar and was not affected, but tears burst out of her eyes in an instant.

Really...Grandpa Patriarch?

Above, Zheng Dai turned pale, let out a cry of pain, covered his head and sat down on the ground.

Mental strength: 13.21 (30.55)

Oh, it hurts, it hurts, shit, the upper limit seems to have been lowered? Permanent loss? You're not stupid, are you?

Minato quickly stood up and supported him: How's it going? Is it effective? Are you okay? I'm wearing it!

Yes... it should be effective.

At this time, the masks placed on the ground trembled, and several phantom monsters emerged from them. Minato's expression changed, and he ducked away with his face straight.

The seven masks that had been sealed before, a total of 21 phantom monsters, were all unsealed in an instant. The red barrier released by Utopa Kushina was also shattered by the roar, and 21 phantom monsters got back into the underground secret room without any hindrance!

Minato's expression changed again, and he wanted to step forward to help, but he stumbled again, and was supported by Zhengdai, who gasped a few times.

This is the first time that the fourth generation has been so weak. Zheng Dai didn't know why this thought suddenly flashed through his mind. He subconsciously felt that it might not be a bad thing for all the monsters to break the seal.

In the underground chamber, unsealed monsters and monsters that broke out of the seal poured into the open mouth of the God of Death!

Kushina's sealing chain had been shaken open, and she cried into a little girl. Teacher Haixing covered her head and stood next to her, whispering: How did that kid Zhengdai do it? Call it crazy and make you cry? Hey, it ate all the little monsters and it won't change. You have to be stronger, can you control it?

At the same time, a dazzling white light emitted from around the God of Death. Under the white light, its figure gradually shrank and its face gradually changed.

It turned into the shadow of an old man with a beard!

Grandpa Patriarch! Kushina cried and wanted to rush forward, but Haruno Zhao quickly grabbed her.

Don't be careless, he may not be sane!

The bearded old man looked at them, UU reading A slightly pleased smile flashed on his face, he took a few steps forward, reached out his hand, and touched Kushina's cheek.

Haruno Zhao remained vigilant and stretched out his hand to pull Kushina away, but failed.

Instead, Kushina cried and moved her face closer.

Hey, Kushina! Haruno Zhao was shocked, but saw the hand brushing Kushina's cheek, and accurately placed it on... his shoulder!

...What a tragedy! The target is actually me?!

Haruno Zhao's expression suddenly changed, and he tried his best to mobilize the little remaining chakra, but suddenly he was stunned again.

...Contract? Sacrifice your soul and use your power to seal the enemies we cannot defeat? Hey, hey, hey! What kind of breaking technique is this!

The phantom of the bearded old man opened and closed his lips and gestured with three words, 'Protect her. ’

...Huh? You want me to learn this trick and ask me to protect Kushina? Why don't you sign with her! Can you sign with me? Haruno Zhao was stunned: Hey, hey, old man, you can't be You must be color blind, the guy Zhengdai shouted just now was a handsome guy with blond hair, not a handsome guy with red hair!

The long-bearded old man's shadow showed confusion and astonishment in his eyes, and finally he smiled helplessly.

‘I’m an old fool, I can only ask you. ’

He turned his head and glanced at the sobbing Kushina with nostalgia. Her body swelled and her face showed pain. She was about to turn into the god of death again, but suddenly condensed and shot into a mask on the wall.

Ugh... Grandpa Patriarch!!

Haruno Zhao was stunned: In the blackmailed me? Impossible, don't even think about it! I will never, never use your destructive technique!

At the same time, above the secret room, several subtitles suddenly flashed across Zheng Dai's eyes.

‘Successfully repaired the Ninja Tool: Mask of Death’

‘World correction 2%’

‘Acquire real skills: Seal the corpses’

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