Chapter 0175 Uzumaki Naruto, we underestimated you!!

【On the quiet lake, slight bird calls can be heard from time to time in the surrounding dense forest.】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Amaru ride on a raft】

【Haruno Sakura, Hyuga Hinata and Fukuno ride on a raft】

【The deep farmer was explaining to them the village of Amaru, where there is a ruins】

【But Uzumaki Naruto complained a little:”Why do we have to ride on this broken raft?”】

【”Our legs and feet are much more efficient than this.”】

【Facing Naruto’s complaint, Haruno Sakura looked at him and explained: In this tropical forest, there are poisonous insects, poisonous snakes and beasts.……”】

【”There’s shit everywhere, you idiot!”Haruno Sakura’s sudden change of expression frightened Naruto to the point of trembling.】

【shut up now】

【Immediately afterwards, Shen Nong added:”In fact, there are also piranhas and crocodiles in this lake.”】

【”And piranhas still have poison stars”】


【Shen Nong’s words were so frightening that Naruto Uzumaki’s hair stood on end and he was sweating profusely. He completely lost the momentum he had just now.】

【However, at this time, Amaru behind him said:”Don’t worry, there are doctors who are more reliable than you ninjas in this suit.””】

【”If you have any problems then, let me use this scalpel to save your life.”】

【While talking, Amaru did not forget to show Naruto her scalpel and waved it in front of him.】


【Amaru’s words aroused Naruto’s unwillingness to admit defeat. He spoke arrogantly and said,”The people protecting you doctors now are ninjas.””】

【”Besides, after being saved by your scalpel, those who could have survived may also die.”】

【As Naruto Uzumaki spoke, he stood up and swayed back and forth even more excitedly, causing the raft to sway along with it.】

【”Nonsense, I am Teacher Shen Nong’s number one disciple”】

【Faced with Naruto’s shaking, Amaru not only did not stop him, but also stood up and confronted Naruto tit for tat.】

【He even said with a mocking smile:”In the cold world of your ninjas, there is no such bond of sincerity and skills passed down from generation to generation.”】


Amaru’s words caused the entire ninja world to fall into silence.

Looking back at the content of the previous video, it seems that she really got it right.

Orochimaru killed Hiruzen Sarutobi and killed his master.

Nagato killed Jiraiya and his master.

Due to Obito, Minato went to death and indirectly killed his master.


Everyone else was silent, and Uzumaki Kushina started to giggle.

“This child named Amaru is really cute. She and Naruto have very similar personalities. They both have the same sense of not giving up.”

“I just don’t know what she looks like despite her macho appearance.”

Minato:” Haha……”


【But faced with Amaru’s provocation, Uzumaki Naruto became angry】

【His expression suddenly changed and he retorted:”What did you say? I can’t just sit idly by and ignore this.”】

【”Talking about the master-disciple relationship”】

【”Iruka-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, lustful sennin”】

【”The bond between you and me is even stronger”】

【Uzumaki Naruto imitators Iruka, Kakashi and Jiraiya, with their arms stretched out and playing long notes】

【Looking at the teacher’s pleased smile, Amaru’s face turned red and he immediately replied:”Yes, teacher.””】

Amaru’s shy expression on the big screen makes it easy to see her feelings for Shen Nong.

Uzumaki Naruto was still blushing and envious of the master-disciple relationship between the two.

Yamanaka Ino came to Naruto’s back and poked him:”Naruto, are you an idiot?”

“It’s obvious that Amaru likes that deep farmer”


Ino’s words immediately made Kushina and Naruto frown.

“Hey, what does this mean?”

“Isn’t the emotional issue between Amaru and Naruto taking stock?”

“This deep peasant……”

Kushina was a little angry. What was the deal with this ghost old man getting involved?


Uchiha Sasuke snorted and laughed:”I guess Naruto can’t see the problem.””



“Forget it, let me tell you.”

Looking at Naruto’s bewildered look, Sasuke knew that the guy in front of him didn’t understand anything at all.

Moreover, the other elders saw the clues and couldn’t comment too much.

Sasuke mustered up the courage to do this. times hero


Sasuke cleared his throat pretendingly, and said:”Naruto, do you believe it or not, Amaru was deceived by the deep farmer in front of him.”

Uzumaki Naruto:”!!!!”

Yamanaka Ino:”!!!!”


The two of them shouted in unison and looked at Sasuke in surprise.

“snort! Once you guess, you don’t know”

“Since Orochimaru asked me to capture this deep farmer, I think there must be some ulterior secret between the two of them.”

“Think about it, can a guy who hangs out with someone like Orochimaru have any good intentions?”

“Will they do charity together?”


Uchiha Sasuke’s analysis shocked everyone.

Rock Lee also asked excitedly:”Ningji, can you see it too?” day by day:”……”


No! I really don’t know how to explain it to you. I’m afraid there aren’t many people who can’t figure it out.

“Bah, bah, bah.”

Akimichi Chouji kept eating the snacks in his hands.

He murmured and looked at Shikamaru:”No wonder this deep farmer happened to appear in our Konoha Village when we were attacked.”

“I guess it has some purpose, right, Shikamaru.

Shikamaru looked at Choji in surprise:”Ah, yes!””

I really didn’t expect that even Choji could see it, but Ino didn’t notice it. Women are really troublesome.

Especially someone like Ino Yamanaka.

“Then doesn’t that mean that Sakura, me, Hinata, and Amaru”

“All dangerous?”

Uzumaki Naruto’s expression changed greatly. Uchiha Sasuke did frown and looked at Naruto with lowered eyes.

He patted Naruto on the shoulder and said lightly:”Naruto, you will be the savior of the ninja world in the future, Konoha Village. Seventh Generation Hokage, what do you think Shen Nong can do to you this time?”

“I guess if it’s true, Amaru might have been sacrificed, after all, you guys can’t get over it.”



“Why did things become like this.”

Uzumaki Naruto believed Sasuke’s analysis, and his face suddenly became much more painful for a moment.

He had never felt the feeling of being liked by a girl.

Although he didn’t seem to have that idea about Amaru, when he heard that the other party might It was still very uncomfortable to die.

What’s more, Amaru’s past resonated with Naruto a lot.

“Well, don’t say that, Sasuke-chan.”

“The video hasn’t finished playing yet, so let’s watch it quietly.”

Kushina said with a smile, but she also felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Amaru actually seems to be really good and sensible.

If he was really killed by Shen Nong, Kushina decided to take Minato to find him. Shenzhen farmers settle accounts

【in the screen……】

【The group switched to traveling by land through the last section of the deep forest.】

【Shen Nong was exploring the road ahead, Haruno Sakura held Hinata’s hand, and the two supported each other forward.】

【At the end, Amaru is supporting Naruto】

【”I’m sorry about that”】

【”I talked a lot of nonsense before”】

【”you are really awesome”】

【Naruto looked at Amaru apologetically】

【Amaru didn’t care at all about the previous dispute with Naruto, but said:”I’m nothing, Shennon-sensei is the most powerful one.””】

【Naruto touched his head when he heard this, and hesitantly asked again:”Um, this…how should I say it?”】

【As he spoke, Naruto’s hands continued to move up and down, as if he were drawing something curved.】

【The more Naruto talked, the redder he blushed, and Amaru’s face became even stiffer due to his actions.】

【”Could it be, that… you are……”】

【Uzumaki Naruto still hesitated, but Amaru’s expression changed.】

【”Eh! Could it be that you are really a girl?”Naruto looks dumb, but he is not stupid about this kind of thing.】

【It can be seen from Amaru’s stubborn expression that his guess is correct.】

【”Are you that surprised?”Hearing Naruto’s exclamation, Amaru felt a little sad:”Do I really look like a boy?”】

【Amaru also understands why Uzumaki Naruto had such a big reaction.】

【The other party really thought she was a boy, that’s why she had such a strong reaction when she found out she was actually a girl.】

【”Uh-huh!”Naruto couldn’t help but nod, which made Amaru feel even more uncomfortable.】

【”Teacher Shen Nong must also think so.”】


【Looking at Amaru squatting on the ground with a sad look on his face】

【Uzumaki Naruto suddenly realized, he held his arms in front of his chest and said confidently:”That’s it! It turns out you are obsessed with that deep farmer uncle.”】


【But as soon as these words came out, Amaru was even more embarrassed.】

【In a moment of excitement, he stood up on the spot:”Idiot, that’s not the case.”】

【By the way, he slapped Naruto】

【A loud snap】

【A slap mark suddenly appeared on Naruto’s face】


【”Sorry…sorry……”Seeing Naruto’s miserable state, Amaru quickly apologized.】

【She also didn’t expect that Naruto, as a ninja, couldn’t even dodge his own slap.】


After Jiraiya read it, he was dumbfounded in surprise:”With your IQ, you still think my novel is boring.”

“You deserve to be beaten by a girl, Naruto!”

Just when a few people wanted to ‘laugh’ at Naruto, they discovered that on the screen, Aluma’s village was attacked by Kong Ninja.

The whole village was in flames.

Aluma ran out of the deep forest crazily, and came. After arriving at the village, he kept shouting the names of the villagers.

The whole person fell into a sluggish state.

【”Everyone, you…where are you all?”】

【”Is anyone here?”】

【Aluma screamed heartbreakingly:”Did you hide in advance? Where did you hide?”】

【She was running and shouting, but inadvertently, she stepped on an ambush set up by the enemy in advance.】

【All of a sudden, a large number of Ju Wus were rushing towards her.】

【Just when Aluma had no time to dodge, Shen Nong ran from behind her.】

【Blocked in front of her】


【Several sounds rang out, Shen Nong’s body was covered with kunai】

【”Teacher Shen Nong”】

【Upon seeing this, Aluma screamed in pain, and tears welled up on the spot.】

【But Shen Nong smiled and said:”I never thought that I would risk my life to save you.””】

【”Why? Aluma asked anxiously】

【”Because you are my most proud disciple”】

【”The rest is up to you.”Shen Nong, who was dressed roughly, took off the turban on his head and put it in Aluma’s hand.】

【”Work together with everyone to find and rescue the villagers”】

【at this time……】

【Haruno Sakura, Hinata Hinata and Uzumaki Naruto slowly arrived at the scene】

【Without saying a word, Haruno Sakura hurriedly used medical ninjutsu to save Shen Nong. Unfortunately, Shen Nong had too many wounds and was bleeding.】

【There is simply no way to stop the bleeding in time】

【After a while, Shen Nong stopped breathing.】

【”teacher! teacher! please don’t die”】

【Aluma collapsed. Seeing Haruno Sakura and Hinata shaking their heads helplessly, she suddenly fell into Shennon’s arms.】

【Yes! Shen Nong is her savior】

【When she was waiting to die in a dark room, Shen Nong was like the ray of light in her heart】

【Light up Amaru’s whole life】


【Shen Nong is gone, Aluma… is alone again】

【And with memories that are more painful than death, I am alone. 】

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help but frowned.

According to Sasuke, there is indeed something wrong with Shen Nong.

Why did he tell Aluma to find the people in the village and rescue them?

It was as if he had understood early on that the village was not dead, but had been captured.

But even if Shen Nong had any purpose, he wouldn’t make fun of his own life.

“snort! It’s exactly what I thought”

“This guy definitely has the same immortal ninjutsu as Orochimaru”

“It really made Naruto, Sakura and Hinata play around.”

Sasuke seemed to have seen through everything, with disdain on his lips.


“Isn’t it bad to say this? Why do I feel that the farmer uncle is a good person?”

Uzumaki Naruto is still a little naive.

He doesn’t believe that Shen Nong is really as miserable as Sasuke said.

Unfortunately, his words made Sasuke let out a sigh of anger.

“If you don’t believe it, just wait and see.”

“This deep farmer is definitely alive and definitely deceived Amaru.”

Sasuke was sure that what he thought was absolutely correct.

To express his dissatisfaction, if Shen Nong was really kind to Amaru, there would be nothing wrong with Uzumaki Naruto.

This video should be used to summarize the relationship between Amaru and Amaru. Shen Nong’s love is hard to calm down

“Look, it’s Sasuke.”

At this time, people around suddenly screamed.

Uchiha Mikoto even smiled and said:”Well, our Sasuke is still very handsome?”

【on screen】

【Sasuke took out the Kusanagi sword and instantly chopped a giant python into several pieces. Then he shook his right hand and the Kusanagi sword spun several times in his hand.】

【Immediately after he put the Kusanagi sword back into its scabbard, his expression suddenly changed drastically: What on earth is going on with this strange chakra?”】

【On the other side, the entrance to the ruins next to Amaru Village】

【Uzumaki Naruto turned into a four-tailed monster and was fighting a monster that looked like an earthworm in front of him.】

【On the monster’s forehead, there is a zero written on it】

【Naruto in the four-tailed state is extremely terrifying】

【The sharp claws grabbed Zero’s tail and tore it off directly】


【Zero-Tail’s severed body was quickly connected together】

【Just when Naruto was about to move forward, a bright light appeared in his chest】

【After the amulet purse Jiraiya gave him was burned by the Nine-Tails chakra, the amulet that appeared inside was the seal that suppressed the power of the Nine-Tails in his body.】

【”A lustful fairy?”Naruto woke up instantly after seeing the amulet given by Jiraiya, and the Nine-Tails’ chakra also receded.】

【”Yes, I will use my own power to save Amaru”】

【Naruto picked up the amulet and looked at the person inside Zero-Tail. It was Amaru who had replaced his former turban with the one left by Deep Farmer.】

【”Amaru, aren’t you a disciple of Shen Nong? If you are a disciple, you should inherit the legacy of your master.”】

【”Don’t you want to be praised by Uncle Deep Farmer?”】

【”So, wake up”】

【”Shen Nong teacher!”After Naruto’s words reached Amaru’s ears, Amaru suddenly opened his eyes, and after muttering Shennon’s name】

【She fell to the ground weakly, and the Zero Tails surrounding her disappeared.】

【After a long time, Amaru woke up leisurely】

【At this time, Uzumaki Naruto was holding the injured Haruno Sakura and squatting in front of her.】

【”Amaru, are you okay?”】

【”Great, you are finally back”】

【”I think Uncle Shen Nong would probably say the same thing.”】

【Seeing Amaru waking up, Naruto smiled and said】

【”Um!”Amaru wiped his tears and nodded.】

【At this time, Haruno Sakura in Naruto’s arms also let out a cautious sound, and woke up leisurely.】

【”Sakura, are you okay?”Naruto’s gentle look immediately embarrassed Haruno Sakura.】

【She had never seen such a good-looking Uzumaki Naruto, and her pretty face turned red with embarrassment.】

【”ah!”Haruno Sakura screamed and slapped Naruto to the ground.】

【Watching this scene made Amaru break into a cold sweat while watching it.】

【”Why, why give me a slap?”】

【Naruto, who was lying on the ground, was completely puzzled. Haruno Sakura put her hands on her chest in shame and said nervously:”Who told you to suddenly put your face in front of me?”】

Oh my God!

Yamanaka Ino was immediately confused.

Haruno Sakura, Amaru!

“Na na, Naruto, I really can’t see it.”


“After the New Year, Haruno Sakura will actually blush when she sees you?”

“ah? Yeah?”

Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head happily.

When Sasuke saw this, he snorted and cast his eyes aside.

Unfortunately, just when Naruto was so proud, he felt a coolness coming from behind.

Haruno Sakura glared fiercely. Looking at him:”Naruto, where did you put your hand just now?”

“The back of the head”

“No, I mean what’s on the big screen.”

Naruto was startled when he heard this, and then said:”I dragged your back with my hands, that’s not……”

“No, I’m not talking about the left hand, but the right hand.”

Haruno Sakura was really filled with hatred, and she never expected that the inventory system would release this section.

At this time, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina were too embarrassed to say anything.

After all, just now, they could see very clearly that their son’s right hand, Put it on someone’s belly.

This is really… hard to argue with.

“That’s awesome, Naruto, another one.”

Jiraiya and Kakashi looked at each other and nodded.

The two of them seemed to be taking a second look at the seemingly innocent little yellow-haired man in front of them.

“Forehead! What about Hinata?”

Inuzuka Kiba only saw the three of them but not Hinata, but his words made Hinata puff up his cheeks.

It’s really annoying.

There’s no need to open a pot.

【At the same time, there was a loud noise on the screen】

【The ruins in front of Naruto and the three people actually showed an upward trend.】

【”Maybe Hinata and the missing villagers are in this ruins”】

【As soon as Haruno Sakura finished speaking, Uzumaki Naruto hurriedly said:”Sakura, please take Amaru back to Konoha Village immediately.”】

【”I will definitely find Hinata and the villagers”】

【After listening to Naruto’s words, Haruno Sakura was stunned for a moment, and then understood the truth:”I know, I will definitely come back with reinforcements.”】

【”Amaru, get on my back and I’ll take you back to Konoha”】

【But at this time, Amaru said with a stubborn expression:”Don’t”】

【This place made Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto stunned.】

【Amaru continued talking to himself:”I want to inherit the legacy of Teacher Shennong and save the villagers.””】

【”but……”Haruno Sakura is in trouble. It is really irrational for Amaru to stay. This will affect Naruto.】

【But Naruto smiled:”Okay, I understand, come with me”】


【Naruto’s behavior made Haruno Sakura even more confused, and she quickly shouted:”Wait a minute, Naruto……”】

【Unfortunately, Naruto did not obey and ran into the ruins with Amaru:”Don’t worry, I will definitely protect Amaru. Sakura, please report the matter to the village quickly.”】

【”Wait a moment……”】

【Haruno Sakura shouted for a long time, and finally smiled helplessly:”This kind of disobedient behavior is really distressing.”】

【”Forget it, let’s quickly report the situation in this place to the village.”】

【However at this time】

【in ruins】

【There is a man sitting in the middle of the hall】

【”I didn’t expect that except for Uzumaki Naruto, even the darkness in Amaru’s heart disappeared.”】

【”snort! But it is enough to activate the air fortress. As long as the world is involved in war, the darkness in the heart will be inexhaustible.”】

【”Start it, Ankbandian.”】

【”Now is the time to declare war on the five major powers. Let us, the Kingdom of Sky, achieve true rejuvenation.”】


【The person who activated the ruins was none other than the dead Amaru’s teacher, Shen Nong. 】

The audience was all surprised.

It turns out that in addition to the threat of the Otsutsuki clan, there are also people like this in the ninja world.

“What to say? What is the value of his existence now?”

“No, no, no, I don’t know. This kind of people usually swell after gaining some strange power.”

“I really thought I could be invincible in the world”

“I’m afraid there’s something wrong with my brain.”

In Konoha Village.

Yamanaka Ino and Uzumaki Naruto were both dumbfounded.

Only Uchiha Sasuke looked proud.

“How’s it going, Naruto?”

“Am I right? Is there something wrong with that deep farmer?”

“Both you and Amaru were deceived by him.”

Uzumaki Naruto:”……”

It’s over!

This time I’m humiliating myself in front of Sasuke.


Naruto said arrogantly:”I didn’t expect to be fooled by you.”

Sasuke Uchiha:”?????” etc!

Damn it Naruto, you are so unreasonable just for the sake of face.

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