Chapter 0182 Uzumaki Naruto is not dead, so Shion is dead?!!

【in the screen……】

【Hyuga Neji’s team led Shion on the road to the Sealing Shrine of the Land of Numa.】

【Shion’s movements are not as good as those of a ninja, so she can only be carried forward quickly by Haruno Sakura, the only female ninja in the team.】

【”It’s so uncomfortable to sit”】

【Ziyuan had a lot of problems, and she kept complaining:”Your body doesn’t look like a woman at all.””】

Haruno Sakura:”?????”


Haruno Sakura was simply stunned.

When Yamanaka Ino was angry with Shion just now, she thought that Shion was okay, maybe not the kind of person Ino imagined.

But at this moment…

Haruno Sakura is absolutely right what Yamanaka Ino said..

She has never recognized Yamanaka Ino so much.


“This bastard miko, what is she talking about?”

“Carrying her on the road at high speed is tiring enough. Why does she have so many problems?”

“Isn’t that right Ino, this miko is simply too hateful.”

Yamanaka Ino:”……”


I really didn’t expect it.

Compared with Amaru, the heroines on the list this time seem a little too unpopular.

Even Uzumaki Naruto, as the male protagonist, is full of resentment towards Shion.

【What no one expected was that】

【They were chased by Ashue】

【Feeling that someone was catching up with everyone, everyone stopped immediately】

【Uzumaki Naruto asked even more vigilantly:”Who is this person?””】

【When Ashue appeared in front of everyone, Naruto shouted in surprise:”Brother Ashue?”】

【Just seeing Ashue appear, Shion, who was still sitting on Haruno Sakura’s back, waved her arms and asked with an unhappy look:”What are you doing here?”】

【However, when faced with Shion who had an extremely bad attitude, Ashue did not get angry. Instead, she came to him and said softly:”My duty is to never leave Shion-sama for even half a step no matter what.””】

【But Shion waved her hand, pointed at Ashue, and ordered with a look of displeasure:”You will only get in the way, go back to the village quickly.”】

【”Can’t go back. Ashue insisted.】

【”Go back quickly.”Ziyuan said noisily.】

【”Can’t go back”】

【”Go back to me quickly, go back when I tell you to”】

【”Can’t go back……”】

【”Go back quickly……”】

【Uzumaki Naruto:”……”】

【Locke Lee:”……”】

【So under Shion’s forced order, Hyuga Neji’s team could only use faster steps to get rid of Ashue.】

【It’s a pity that no matter how they run, when they stop and look back, they can always see Ashue’s figure not far away.】

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“Sure enough, Kushina and I guessed it right. The reason why Shion didn’t let those people follow was definitely because she was afraid of unwarranted casualties.”

Jiraiya burst out laughing.

“No! What a seductive sage, why do you say that that miko really thinks like this?”

“Maybe she just dislikes Ashue as a burden?”

Uzumaki Naruto still looked unhappy.

Jiraiya didn’t care, but smiled and said:”You brat, just be tough now.”

“I think if Ziyuan was really the kind of woman who is selfish and can act petty at will, she would not be on the list.”


After listening to Jiraiya’s words, Naruto was so dissatisfied that he tried to lick his lips.

He didn’t believe it anyway.

If Shion didn’t really say it, he, Yuu Uzumaki, would never believe it.

【It’s a pity that no matter how Neji and the others ran, they were eventually caught up by Ashue when they needed to stop and rest at night.】

【”No trace of the enemy was found”】

【Standing on the hill, Neji used his Byakugan to observe carefully.】

【”Just camp here”】

【As soon as Ningji finished speaking, Naruto Uzumaki asked with some confusion:”Ah? Didn’t you say that the situation is urgent?”】

【Locke Li quickly answered Naruto’s doubts:”If it’s just us, it won’t be a problem if we run for several days in a row, but……”】

【He turned to look at Shion who was sitting on the stone. Ashue was massaging her tired ankles.】

【Haruno Sakura looked at the same time and said:”The two of them have reached their limit.”】


【After hearing Haruno Sakura’s denial, Shion waved her pink fist again in dissatisfaction:”I have nothing to do.”】

【Unfortunately, Ashue hurriedly stopped him:”Master Shion, the art of sealing requires physical strength.”】

【”Please have a good rest tonight”】

【Ashue’s voice was still extremely gentle, but after hearing this, Shion still turned her head arrogantly:”Huh! I’m hungry, hurry up and eat.””】

【She didn’t seem to know how to refute Ashue’s words, because Shion also knew what the sealing technique was.】

【But want her to admit her mistakes? impossible】

【Seeing this, Uzumaki Naruto looked helpless:”This miko has started to put on airs and willfulness again.”】

【Just the next scene……】

【”This soup is too cold. This thing is just unpalatable.”】

【As Shion complained, a bowl of soup was thrown to the ground on the spot, along with two rice balls.】

【Faced with Shion’s dissatisfaction, even Haruno Sakura froze on the spot and remained silent for a long time.】

【However, Uzumaki Naruto stared at the food on the ground and said,”Actually, I quite like this.””】

【Haruno Sakura:”Actually, I am too”】

“ah? I didn’t expect Sakura to like eating rice balls.”

When he heard that Haruno Sakura’s favorite food was the same as his own, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly became interested.

Haruno Sakura:”……”


This idiot Haruno Sakura was really depressed by Naruto Uzumaki’s rough nerves.

There are so many people, what nonsense is he talking about?

“snort! There are so many things you like to eat.”

Uchiha Sasuke snorted coldly.

But after hearing Sasuke’s dissatisfaction, Naruto and Haruno Sakura didn’t pay much attention. However

, Yamanaka Ino trembled.

No way!

Sasuke is not eating Naruto and Haruno. Sakura’s jealousy?

Eh? Sasuke won’t suddenly fall in love with Haruno Sakura after giving up revenge, right?

【Faced with Shion’s princess disease, Ashue knelt down on one knee in front of Shion: I’m sorry, Shion-sama”】

【”snort!”Shion turned her head to the side in displeasure, not wanting to talk to Ashue in front of her at all.】

【”I’m going to bed”】

【Ziyuan didn’t eat either and went straight to the floor】

【Just when she was sleeping until midnight, there was a soft ringing of bells in her mind.】

【Eyes suddenly opened】

【However, in the picture, she saw herself lying on the ground vomiting blood.】

【This scene made Ziyuan break into a cold sweat and she quickly looked around.】

【But she found that at this time, Haruno Sakura, Hyuga Neji, and Rock Lee were sitting cross-legged, surrounding her.】


“That miko?”

“Did she predict her own death?”

“Ah this……”

“How could she die? If she dies, who will go to the Jiayin Garden and the West?”

“Fool! Didn’t you see her being hunted? It must have been sent by the monsters. The monsters are not stupid either. As long as they kill Ziyuan, no one can deal with them.”

“But…if Zi Xi dies, who will deal with the monster?”

“It can’t be Uzumaki Naruto!”

The audience didn’t know where the subsequent plot would develop for a while.

Shion first predicted that Uzumaki Naruto would die, and then predicted that he would die for a while. Everyone’s thoughts were completely confused.

But Yamanaka Ino He slapped his thigh and said proudly:”What did I say?””

“This miko will die in the end, how about that?

But her words made Naruto tremble:”Hey!” Ino,

“I would also be shot through the chest and die, but why would I survive in the end?”

“What an idiot.”

Uchiha Sasuke once again mocked Naruto and said by the way:”Naruto, have you forgotten the Nine Lamas in your body?”

“When the two of us fought for the first time in the Valley of the End, I also penetrated your body with a Chidori.”

“Didn’t your wounds heal quickly after releasing the Nine-Tails chakra?”


Uchiha Sasuke’s answer aroused everyone’s curiosity.

Jiraiya touched his chin:”Well, it seems to make sense. Kakashi also followed suit and said:”So, Sasuke is right, it must be the Nine Lamas who helped Naruto again.””

Uzumaki Kushina also thought for a long time, and suddenly said:”Naruto, in fact, the physique of our Uzumaki clan is originally different from ordinary people.”

“Coupled with the reason for the Nine Lamas in your body, I think these two conditions must be met at the same time, so you did not die.”


Uzumaki Naruto didn’t understand what these people were talking about at all, but he seemed to understand that the reason why he didn’t die had something to do with the Nine Lamas.

“Now, Nine Lamas, I didn’t expect you to save me once here.”

In the spiritual world, Uzumaki Naruto happily said to Nine Lamas, and even smiled evilly and said:”Kuro Lama, the relationship between the two of us is indeed extraordinary.”

When Kura heard this, his big fox eyes drooped slightly, and he wanted to pounce Naruto to death with one claw.

This idiot is still saying such boring things.

The relationship is generally not ordinary, hasn’t it been made public long ago?

【In the dead of night, Ashue sat alone on the hill, looking into the distance.】

【There seems to be a little satisfaction on his face】

【At this time, Naruto Uzumaki came to Ashue with two rice balls and said,”Hey, we still have a day’s journey tomorrow.”】

【”It’s not okay if you don’t have enough to eat.”While saying that, Naruto put a rice ball in Ashue’s hand.】

【”Thank you! Ashue smiled and took the rice ball, but did not move her mouth.】

【Uzumaki Naruto actually had a rice ball for two mouths, and he was extremely happy eating it.】

【But then, Naruto’s face darkened, and he hesitated and asked: That, that about precognition”】

【Hearing this, Ashue immediately understood Naruto’s worries, so he explained:”Shion-sama’s prediction is only about the life and death of the people around you.”】

【Naruto immediately asked:”Even if I knew I was going to die, couldn’t I avoid it?”】

【”Yes, no matter how hard you rack your brains, the fate of someone whose death is predicted cannot be changed.”】

【”But the people in the prediction are all people who can sacrifice their lives for Lord Shion.”】

【”If these predicted people survive, then Master Shion will die”】

【Although Ashue wanted to comfort Uzumaki Naruto】

【But he still truthfully told Naruto about Shion’s precognition.】

【It turns out that because of Shion’s ability, many ordinary villagers in the Ghost Country are extremely afraid of Shion.】

【Just like the Dread Uzumaki Naruto, they will retreat when they see Shion】

【In addition to the guards from the Kingdom of Ghosts who exist to protect Shion’s life,】

【Growing up, no one wanted to get close to Ziyuan】

【Uzumaki Naruto was silent for a moment, and suddenly said:”It must be very lonely, no wonder she is so willful”】

【”So Ashue-chan, wouldn’t you be afraid if your death was predicted?”】

【Ashue smiled:”Our family has received a favor from Shion-sama’s mother that cannot be repaid.”】

【”If I can protect Shion-sama, I will gladly give up my life.”】 understood!

Ashue’s explanation finally made the audience suddenly understand.

Shion’s precognition was conditional.

The first is the person around her. This person must have the mentality to risk his life for her.

Secondly, if Ziyuan’s prediction is inaccurate, she will suffer backlash and die.

“No wonder Shion died”

“Did it turn out that Naruto died due to backlash because he was not dead?”

Yamanaka Ino transformed into a famous detective, her mind spinning rapidly.

After thinking for a few breaths, she suddenly froze


“Does this have anything to do with love?”

“Uzumaki Naruto and Shion, it feels like a tragedy between them.”

But at this time, Uzumaki Naruto was silent.

Thinking of Ashue’s words just now, he had a deep understanding of Shion’s experience.

Whether it is the future Uzumaki Naruto on the screen or the current Uzumaki Naruto.

It is the same. mood.

No wonder Shion would be so willful.

Naruto deeply felt Shion’s sad fate.

Not only was she lonely, but she also had to shoulder the fate of saving the world.

My heart must be… very tired!

【The sun rose slowly, and Ashue didn’t eat the rice ball that Naruto gave him until the end.】

【The sky becomes brighter】

【Uzumaki Naruto finished his meditation, stood up energetically, and looked at Ashue beside him:”Brother Ashue, let’s go”】

【Just when Naruto was stretching, Shion appeared behind the two of them.】

【Seeing Shion coming, Naruto thought to himself: Her character is so unruly and willful because she was shunned by others.】

【Be gentler to her from now on】

【Thinking of this, Naruto suddenly had a sunny smile on his face:”Good morning”】

【Hearing the sound, Shion was still as usual, snorting arrogantly, turning her head away, not intending to pay attention to Uzumaki Naruto】

【This made Naruto very embarrassed】

【However, Shion still walked up to Ashue and said:”Ashue, that’s enough. You should go back to the village immediately.””】

【”I can’t leave Master Shion even half a step.” Ashue’s answer was exactly the same as yesterday.】

【I don’t know what happened. At this time, Ziyuan seemed very angry and scolded:”You can only hold me back.””】


【Uzumaki Naruto, who had just developed a good impression of Shion, said anxiously after seeing how unruly Shion was,”You idiot miko””】

【”Do you know what kind of mood Brother Ashue is using to protect you?”】

【Surprisingly, Shion did not argue with Naruto this time, but there was an inexplicable sadness on her pretty face.】

【Seeing this, Ashue smiled and asked,”Did you foresee it?”】

【Shion was silent, and Ashue continued:”It doesn’t matter, please tell the truth.”】

【”Whenever my heart beats faster, I always think of the sound of bells in my mind”】

【”At this time, I can see the future picture”】

【”Ashue, you will die!”]


Shion’s words surprised everyone again.

The story was reversed and there was obviously a big problem.

Moreover, what Shion predicted was clearly her own death.

Why did it become Ashue’s death again?


“I really don’t understand. Is this miko lying on purpose?”

Yanaka Ino was holding her head in annoyance.

She had no idea how to explain what happened to Shion.


Jiraiya and the others were silent.

They didn’t understand what Shion was doing.

If She said it was to trick Ashue, but she kept asking Ashue to return to the village quickly.

Going back to the village would definitely be much safer than following Shion.


Jiraiya planned to remain silent. Before everything was announced, he had no plans to participate. We discussed it.

Otherwise, none of the things I said or guessed were accurate, and would be very human.

But one thing is clear, that is, Ziyon must be a kind-hearted person…

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