Chapter 184: The Arrival of Shanks

Parallel Sengoku is Marshal Marine after all, and he naturally thinks about things from a comprehensive perspective!

The reason why Haruno Sakura has this ability makes him amazed, because it is definitely a super killer on the battlefield!

She alone can provide various boosts and healing to the entire army!

And the parallel Sengoku perceives his own conquest, and he understands that such a government has definitely increased his combat power by more than 15%!

You must know that Parallel Sengoku is already one of the top fighting forces in the world, and an increase of 15% can bring him a great increase in winning rate! Now he even has the confidence to touch Whitebeard and defeat him!

The Whitebeard side was already struggling to support, but now the two Garps were suddenly conquered by so many white pants, and immediately fell into a stance, and the situation in the audience was irreversibly tilted towards Marine.

Just when Whitebeard was going to give up and let all the Whitebeard Pirates retreat, and then he died here and was buried with Mark, a pirate ship came over the sea in the distance!

Parallel Sengoku immediately noticed the pirate ship! Above the unobstructed sea surface, a pirate ship suddenly appeared. It’s so striking.

Although this pirate ship is still a bit far, but looking at the style of the pirate ship parallel to Sengoku, it is still possible to determine who the ship belongs to!

After shrugging his shoulders, Kusuo said: “It seems that your situation is not good, Shanks should be here to maintain the balance of the world! Does it feel a little more stressful to fight two Four Emperors at a time?”


Parallel Sengoku snorted coldly and ignored Kusuo’s ridicule. Now his whole mind is on the pirate ship in the distance. As Kusuo said, Parallel Sengoku also understands Shanks’ philosophy!

Sengoku’s heart is frantically complaining: Shanks is just a pirate, how can he maintain the balance of the world? Those damn pirates! It’s all to blame for that bastard Roger, what the era of the great pirates will make the world become This look!

Kusuo went on to say: “Shoulks should just want to maintain the current situation and wait for Roger’s successor to re-emerge on the throne of One Piece?”

Hearing this sentence, Parallel Sengoku immediately became furious: “He still wants to make another One Piece! That bastard, Roger, alone has made me uncomfortable for so long!! Another old man, wouldn’t he be mad on the spot!”

Kusuo said nonchalantly: “You are relatively lucky! Seeing that there is no Garp over there, the Sengoku head of their world is about to blow up! The green and yellow are not picked up!

Parallel Sengoku seems to realize the meaning of Kusuo’s words, he looks at the straw hat who is fighting alongside Marine Luffy, Luffy!

All of a sudden, Sengoku felt that his body was several years younger!

What a miserable life in the parallel world!

“I wonder if I have the honor to go over there to meet another myself?”

Parallel Sengoku is now suddenly very interested in another world!

“Yes, yes, but you need to know what’s going on here first! Shanks are not easy to mess with your Marines!

Kusuo didn’t care, he was just watching a lively event anyway. Of course it was so lively!

In his heart, he even thought that if the Marines of the two worlds joined forces, would they be able to kill their immediate boss?

“Respond to me! Jianyu Thor!”

With a roar from the battlefield, Sasuke used his Shikai!

Parallel Sengoku immediately turned his eyes away, he really wanted to know the abilities of this group of outsiders!

Enel on the side looked at Sasuke, who was covered in thunder and lightning, and said, “You don’t seem to be able to do this?”

After all, things like this, Enel can also do it. He can even turn Thunder into a giant giant, forming a Thor.

So when I saw Sasuke like this, I felt like I could do it again!

Sasuke snorted coldly, and then said, “This kind of thing doesn’t depend on quantity, but on quality!”

Sasuke looked around and seemed to be looking for his target, but no one around him deserved to be his target. Soon he noticed the floating pirate ship on the sea. strong man!

“Rice wife!”

Sasuke raised his arm, and a spear composed of thunder and lightning condensed on it, and then directed the spear towards the pirate ship.

…0 ask for flowers…

Shanks on the boat quickly reacted, and before the lightning spear hit his ship, he dispelled the lightning!

Standing on the bow of the boat, Shanks murmured: “Marine is really talented. There was a Luffy before, but now there are people with Thunder Fruit ability? Captain! Where is this era going, even I can’t see it? It’s clear!”

On Marine’s side, Enel was a little dissatisfied: “I can do something like this!”

Then Enel also made a move, and the same wife as Sasuke went in the direction of Shanks.

Of course, Shanks is not a Saint Seiya, but the same method can’t work!

Afterwards, Sasuke and Enel seemed to be in a hurry, throwing his wife in the direction of Shanks like crazy.

The constant thunder and lightning made Shanks feel very tired! This kind of fatigue is not on the body, but in the mind!

He didn’t understand why this move that obviously couldn’t hurt him, why the people on the opposite side kept playing, and it seemed like there were two people instead of one!

Finally Shanks can’t stand it anymore!


Shanks was originally here to persuade him to make peace. If it wasn’t for such an unexpected situation, he really didn’t want to tear his face with Marine! But the two people on the opposite side were too arrogant. This kind of attack is harassing him, and he must teach the opposite person a lesson!

As Shanks’ sword qi attacked Sasuke and Enel, it went to El Nilu, and it immediately dissipated into a lightning bolt and scattered everywhere, while Sasuke directly condensed into a long sword in his hand, and slashed the sword qi. for two!

Sasuke said disdainfully: “Enel, you are like this! Faced with this kind of thing, your first reaction is to run away rather than fight back!”

The surrounding thunder and lightning quickly converged and re-formed Enel.

“I call it evading other people’s attacks at the least price! It’s good for me to save my stamina! It’s the most unwise choice for you to do this. You can avoid it, why do you have to be tough?”

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