Chapter 318 The world of gods!

Hatake Kusuo found a tree stump in his leisure time, sat down, then touched his chin and asked the nobleman, “What is your identity?”

Ace Des looked at Uchiha Sasuke’s actions, obviously interested in manipulating others, and wanted to ask something, but when he heard that Hatake Kusuo had already asked, he closed his mouth-ba .

“I am God’s spokesman!”

Dude, did he pretend to be so big when he came up? Hatake Kusuo directly aimed his eyes at Uchiha Sasuke beside him.

Uchiha Sasuke scratched the back of his head, checked himself carefully, and after finding that there was no problem with the spirit’s manipulation of the nobleman, he nodded to Hatake Kusuo.

It seems that he is crazy and even deceived himself.

All right “Okay! So to which god do you pledge your allegiance?”

“There is only one God in the world, God has no name, we just use the title of God to call him by force!”

Hatake Kusuo touched his chin, which was a bit embarrassing, but he caught a cleric unexpectedly.

Carefully felt the physical condition of this cleric, and found that there is no strange energy in his body.

In other words, he was just an ordinary person, and even the 877 beasts that Hatake Kusuo had just come to this world and sensed couldn’t beat him.

“Oh? What evidence do you have that your god exists in this world?”

Hatake Kusuo directly asked his own question. The general sect is a godless sect, and it is actually difficult to do this kind of proof.

Because there is no God in their world.

But Hatake Kusuo has traveled so many places. Of course, he wanted to see what kind of existence the so-called gods are. That is, he raised his interest, asked casually, and asked.

“God will give me magic! Allow me to exert power far beyond ordinary people!”

Hatake Kusuo nodded, then said, “Can you show how to communicate with your god?”

Ace Des almost laughed, but the next moment he couldn’t smile, because the cleric standing opposite him actually had a radiance in his hands.

Hatake Kusuo was also almost frightened, and after a careful perception, he found that there was a strange energy in this clergyman.

What’s the situation? Could it be something like a summoning technique or a seance that wasn’t there just now?

After carefully perceiving for a while, Hatake Kusuo found that there was no threat to himself and sat down again. His heart was a little restless, and his brows were furrowed together. This was the first time he had traveled through so many worlds. Meet the so-called god.

According to Hatake Kusuo’s understanding, the so-called god is just a higher life, but there are many kinds of this higher.

The last thing Hatake Kusuo wants to contact is the so-called God of Faith or God of Incense.

Because of this type of god, there will be a very weird feeling in Hatake Kusuo’s feeling.

If he is called a god by ignorant people simply because his flesh-body is very powerful and uses energy similar to Chakra, and he is still very powerful, this kind of god can be understood and accepted by Hatake Kusuo.

But the so-called belief, becoming a god made Hatake Kusuo uncomfortable.

Because he has not been able to directly understand what is going on here.

However, he breathed a sigh of relief quickly, because he could perceive this kind of power, which means that this kind of power is actually not very advanced.

Not much better than Chakra.

In addition, even with such a simple illusion, the gods who control them could not tell the difference, which meant that their gods were paying attention to Kusuo, and this time it was really possible to send this so-called god to the dissecting table.

“Then what does your magic do?”

“It can heal all wounds! But it has no effect on toxins or sickness!”

The clergyman was very honest and answered everything back (dabe).

Hatake Kusuo nodded, it seemed that this was a weakened version of Healing Jutsu.

Healing Jutsu can actually be controlled by the caster, but judging from the cleric’s expression, it cannot be controlled, it can only be turned on or off!

“Anything else?”

Hatake Kusuo’s question, the cleric hesitated for a while before answering.

“There is a system for divine arts! I only have the lowest-level healing arts in my hands, as well as the attack-attack system and the defense system, as well as the advent system!”

Hatake Kusuo nodded, then asked, “Are there infidels in this world?

“Yes, there are a lot of heretics in this world! The most Damn it are those Arcanists, who have no faith but can manipulate the power of the gods! I will catch them all and burn them to death!

Hatake Kusuo shook his head, it seems that this is a poor guy who has been brainwashed by religion, but on the contrary Hatake Kusuo is quite interested in that kind of arcanist.

“Do you know where to find such an arcanist?”

“I don’t know. It is illegal for them to use arcane magic in the kingdom, so they all hide! Maybe some wild countries abroad will have some!”

Hatake Kusuo nodded, then stood up, touching his chin and summarizing the information he had just obtained.

This world has so-called gods, but these gods are high and low, strong and weak.

And there should be this so-called proof, which cannot be proved yet, but judging from the mutual hostility between believers, there should be cooperation and hostility between them.

In addition, the arcanist in this world should be similar to a magician or a ninja-like existence.

The meaning of manipulating the power of gods should be that one can obtain the power of divine arts without believing in gods.

In addition, there should be many countries in this world, and this is just one of them.

And the world should be very large, and the kingdoms with uneven distribution of resources should be very powerful, while the kingdoms in the wild land, due to the uneven resources, should not be too serious about the control of beliefs.

“Last question, my dear Mr. Clergy, how do you communicate with your god?

Hatake Kusuo wanted to try it out to see if he could communicate with the gods.

“Prayer, as long as you pray sincerely, and if your spiritual power is strong enough and your purity is enough, you can get the power you want from the gods!”

“So can you show me your Bible?”

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