Nirvana of Rebirth

Vol 5 Chapter 15: That girl

[]Chapter 15 That Girl]

It's like an engraved picture. The old students who became elite at Nantah University think about how to find someone to hand in the morning exercise ticket to do everything possible to avoid morning exercises. There are densely packed new students in the track and field field.

Each of them wakes up at the alarm clock at 5:30 in the morning, crawling out of bed, opening the closet door, and then looking for shirts or shirts suitable for running exercises from the stack of clothes, putting on sneakers or jogging shoes. Follow the army to give exercise classes.

On the way, I might be able to say something interesting about the recent start of school. Who highlighted at the orientation party whether there are any drawbacks in the course selection system for this semester. Perhaps we will continue to discuss the unsatisfactory content of the sleep talk last night, and the suspense about the conflict between freshmen and seniors. .

So Ran everyone saw the next series of situations so beyond doubt. Specifically, it should be the girl who was a little cold and arrogant playing the piano on the stage at the welcome party. In this kind of surroundings, she was a little angry, but Yuanhe couldn't talk about it. Below the relationship scenario. For a freshman who can be counted as a freshman who has a general impression, staged a coherent action that went forward and kicked people out of the crowd.

However, when she turned around and took the hand of the newborn, it was so natural.

This makes a group of people feel unreasonable.

The red sun was shining on their faces that day. Su Xiaocan and Tang Xiaowu, who were light this year, were surrounded by vivid faces.

These faces used to cheer for a new life when they entered school, or are sad now, they appear uniformly astonished by life accidentally throwing their tails.

The state of mind is still in the drift of the long shot.

If you change any of the circumstances. Zheng Rong was kicked like this, and he didn't have a good face, and he would never consider that the girl standing in front of him was the work of it.

But now he realized that he would not be able to make any decent reactions next, just remembering the look of the girl turning and turning away and the moment when the dense black ponytail fluttered.


It looked like he had appeared in his life. But a certain figure that had disappeared was so stunned for a while.

Zhong Zhenliang, the man who encountered Su Can’s wave curls at the welcome party, can see clearly that the two turned around and said to those friends who were equally dumbfounded by him. "Those flowers bought from the student union account for one hundred and thirty yuan" his expression was suddenly hurt. "The price/performance ratio is too **** high."

The people in the aquatic heat all nodded their heads and agreed that they had lived so old all the way, although they would not be like those old dough sticks who were in or out of society, they could still pile up their faces and laugh when they were in the middle and high school. The people of Lung Life are not like they have never seen the world, but they still feel horrified for the scene before them.

Su Can and Tang Wu separated from the crowd together. It was drowned in the mist when a large group of freshmen in the motherland watched them to the Ricai.

At that moment, sentient beings felt as if Su Xiaocan and Tang Xiaowu had just stepped through the void like this. Extinct arena.

But then it was a bit disappointing that they were immediately behind them with a group of roommates who had reacted and Su Can, a group of people in a dormitory that everyone met through various activities of borrowing water to steal instant noodles did not have a big vote for themselves. Consciousness of light bulb character.

The freshmen's morning exercises ended, and the fog that had gathered in the school campus gradually dissipated. People also began to relax and make up for sleepiness. In the morning class, some people did not fall asleep but did not participate in the morning class. Some people who had nothing to do were sat on the **** of the lawn and looked at the central lawn as if they were looking at the beginning of four college life.

But more people may be lamenting that they have the sips they bought from the small shop in the open park. In the early morning, they look back at that clean girl's kick with a sharp sense of beauty. .

It won’t be long before this matter will spread to the entire department.

But many people also understand that the reason why they are so gasping is because a certain numbness in their lives was knocked open this morning like the light of a horizontal line tearing through a thick cloud.

They began to look forward to the extraordinary expectation of these four, and there would be such a plain girl living in their own lives so brilliantly.

At this time, the baseball team also lost face. Zheng Rong, the senior who naturally did not show off in front of the freshmen, had the courage to go back to his dormitory and opened the door. What Zheng Rong saw were just a few. The roommate who just woke up.

The TOEFL Mr. was listening to the radio in front of the British Zhao’s new Ran Fan Qiyi. He just put on his clothes and took care of his always-looking casual suit. He grinned when Zheng Rong opened the door and came in. Why did you teach us a lively lesson to our younger brothers and sisters when you came back, have you been in the limelight again?"

Zheng Rong suddenly found that he had lived on a dog in the past three years.

The school woke up and began to gradually increase the number of people dressed in different clothes appearing on the road leading to various faculties.

The canteen in the dormitory area is full of greenery. Tong Tong and Ruan Siou are sitting around the table. Speaking of morning exercises, the scene that shocked the freshmen of Nantah University in this morning.

"It turns out that Su Can and Tang Wu knew each other. The student of that baseball team performed too badly today. I took back what I praised him last night." Tong Tong said that he was still defending his own home by showing that his elbow was still turning inward. Dormitory grade.

Before, she didn’t know the identity of Su Can and she felt that Cheng Congcong had a good relationship with some of the seniors of Nantah University, so she also agreed to say that she was optimistic about the seniors of the baseball team, but today it is obvious that she has to know that the position of the balance should be moved towards. Where is the tilt.

"I like Tang Wu a little bit. When I entered school, I thought that this girl was beautiful and quiet, and she was a girl who was quiet to indifferent, and I never expected that I would be able to have a little bit of it." That kind of upright senior can also be kicked by Tang Wu. When you didn't see that senior's face, it was almost out of water. I really don’t have the guts to change me."

Tong Tong's thoughts are still unfinished.

I thought that Tang Wu could actually be like Su Can. The relationship between two people is not so simple. How far is it? You have to capture Tang Wu today and share an absolutely unknown story.

Girls like Tang Wu will always have a story worth experiencing, Tong Tong is so convinced.

"Normally." Ruan Siou replied absently, but felt a bit astringent when he said this sentence. But the two women on the table did not hear it.

Cheng Zacong combed her pink nails. The gazes from a few glasses men walking in front of the table gave her a sense of vanity. Although she said it didn't matter on the outside, she still remembered the scene in the track and field in her mind.

She herself was very optimistic about the senior of this baseball team, Zheng Rong. Before telling everyone that he had heard from the seniors in the senior year, his fame at Nantah made Cheng Congcong even preach to the people around her and even thought she was a idiot. .

However, Zheng Rong's performance today is obviously very lacklustre, which makes Cheng Congcong regretted that he followed suit before pursuing him.

Cheng Congcong is a girl who will follow the public opinion, but she is also a not stupid girl who does so many things. It was nothing more than trying to gain the approval of others. After seeing Zheng Rong aroused public anger, she also mixed up with the crowd and said a few cold words.

But Tang Wu's immediate actions made her somewhat unexpected. It also made her calm down and carefully analyze the freshman who is on the cusp of the storm.

"I think so. Tang Wu is too unkind." Cheng Congcong glanced at the two women coquettishly. "They are already famous but have no plans to entertain guests. Didn't you treat our dormitory as his own? ."

Tong Tong reacted and patted the table and said, "If she comes back today, she will have to let her treat this Nizi to a meal. At any rate, it's a married woman. It's not like letting a person in the dormitory take a sneak peek to meet the parents. Don’t just find a place outside if it’s too expensive."

"Since the beginning of the Internet, we drove Qian Zhongyuan out and his girlfriend is also a beauty in our freshman college. This guy is not ordinary, right?" Ruan Siou said with dissatisfaction. It's so easy to abduct Tang Wu, I have to go to "Chuan Fu Ji." Come to the table for a hearty meal. "

"Raise your hands and humble." Tong Tong said quickly.

"Come on, you guys don't gossip. Maybe the little lovers have known each other for a long time. So we are outsiders." Cheng Congcong smiled. "I can't guarantee that Tang Wu won't feel bad about slaughtering others like this."

The three girls have discussed **** Tang Wu’s boyfriend Su Can. This is the time when most of the freshman students in the freshman college in the surrounding university cafeteria study are not the captain of the school baseball team Zheng Rong and Su Can this morning The dispute is a hot discussion about the girl with a ponytail in denim shorts and a ponytail.

Roommate Li Han when Su Can and Tang Wu walked out of the track and field. Xiao Xu and even the head of the building Wang Dongjian and others all chased from behind, and Su Can didn't see Zhang Xiaoqiao and knew that this kid was only in the dormitory to get together. At other times, he would not act collectively with everyone.

But Su Can hoped that everyone now has the character of Zhang Xiaoqiao.

Everyone comes first. But there was no group gathered around, just pretending to be a chance encounter. From later on, they all waved hello, "Ai Chan Ge, Can Sao, walking sail."

Tang Wu smiled like a flower. Everyone stared blankly at their hearts and was scratched a little.

"Are you also walking?" Su Can felt that the eyes of these guys were not quite right, so why would they be taking care of Tang Wu's body.

"Yeah, what a coincidence."

"Then you continue to worship

Su Can made a sharp look of "Don't hurry up".

"Oh. Okay. Sister Chan, you guys continue." Everyone winked, but they probably knew that Chu was nothing wrong, so they went away in droves. I just turned my head back and looked at this end from time to time. Tang Wu just stared at the ground and blushed.

"This is the guy in our building, isn't it boring."

"No, it's cute." Tang Wu raised his head and raised the corners of his mouth. Smiled.

Su Can was a little Looking at Tang Wu's Qinghong at this time, there was no sting in her eyes. Those long Zheng Rong's coldness only had a deep and indescribable depth.

Su Can had a strong urge to hug her tightly, so he took Tang Wu's hand and pulled Tang Wu close to his chest, looking at this bright and dripping face, lowering his head towards her red. The lip print goes up and kisses bitterly.

Here, the traffic on the school roadway was like Tangwu Zhizhi who was frightened, pushing him away and his chest ups and downs. Then she found that Su Can's eyes were slanting and she was looking into the distance.

Su Can looked back. Only then showed a bright smile that made Tang Wu feel relieved, but then what he said made Tang Wu's heart rise to a high level like a roller coaster.

"Let's go swimming in the evening. That hotel seems to have an indoor swimming pool."

There is only one chapter today.

I know that everyone is not enough to read it and I want to hurry up, but in order to write the coolest part, it is a little bit slower.

Brothers, you are simply amazing. We are in the new month. Fight with momentum.

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