Nirvana of Rebirth

Vol 5 Chapter 129: Climbing

At the beginning of Hu’s family, he went to climb the Qingshan Mountain, and Su Can received a call from Hu Yue.

"You have to read carefully the construction plan for the second store in Rongcheng. There are still many places that you need to sign and deposit. It is best to give it to me before the fourth day of the junior high." Wang Yue said to Su Can on the phone.

The so-called second store in Rongcheng is the Dunhuang Department Store with a total area of ​​more than 8,000 square meters on Consulate Road in the south of the city, which was built by the mall last year. The Zongguang area on Consulate Road has a permanent population of one million and a high-consumption group of 300,000. There are 200,000 floating population, the core living circle constructed by 60 large and small real estates, and a detailed analysis of this has been included in the hundreds of pages of the plan. Now Dunhuang has gradually become a comprehensive high-end department store integrating shopping, dining and leisure in Chengdu. It has been integrated into the blood and culture of the city and has become a business card of the city. Wang Yue has gradually become an entrepreneur who often appears in newspapers and magazines in the media industry in Chengdu. Fastest update of novel chapters

Su Can probably already had a foreboding that Dunhuang was advancing towards the most prosperous area of ​​Rongcheng.

"In addition, we jointly established the "Dunhuang Children's Relief Special Fund" with the China Children and Teenagers' Foundation to care for Rongcheng. The charity event to care for Rongcheng is on the sixth day of the sixth day. If you want to attend, I can arrange it at any time. Isn't it this way?" Wang Yue chuckled on the other side of the phone. Su Can is on the hillside of the green hills, and the dense crowds on the winding road below stretch to the top of the mountain. It is a huge mountain, and the crowded places are almost gone. You can see the beginning of the car from the dotted cars on the parking platform. One number of people. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Zeng Zhaoding turned around to greet Zeng Yuan and him to follow. The old sister Zeng Na is closely following the big army. Today, it is not only Su Canyi, but also a comrade-in-arms of Zeng Quanming. Now the old sister is next to the daughter of her uncle's comrade-in-arms. , And the old sister Zeng Na were joking and laughing from time to time, and occasionally looked back at them. Obviously, sometimes the topic was also about Su Can. Su Can is also uncomfortable. Zeng Na always likes to make others blush with jokes about herself and the girl. It also automatically lags behind, and can also contact Wang Yue at this time.

"I always like to do good deeds without leaving a name. It's up to you to attend this." Su Can smiled.

"If you want to be lazy, just say it. You are just a word of effort, but the next thing that can keep me busy is not only the foundation, the New Year's promotion celebration, but also the sunshine scholarship. Rongcheng Federation of Industry and Commerce, Rong Dafang recently We have established a contact time with us, and hope that this student project can have a rough idea before the tenth day. It is very exciting to think about it, and the media also hope to make an appointment. It is convenient and good for publicity. After all, we are in the province. The first private enterprise to establish a student fund for grassroots employees and university students."

The Sunshine Education Project is the second set of feedback programs for Dunhuang Shopping Mall this year. Dunhuang donated RMB 4 million. Carry out the Sunshine Education Project, of which one million is used to continue to support the children of grassroots employees in Dunhuang Mall to go to university, and the remaining three million are set up in Chengdu University to support poor students with excellent grades but difficult families.

So much so that the media now call such a series of activities of Dunhuang Mall that this year is Dunhuang's "charity year." Dunhuang Mall has set up two funds in succession, also in response to the "Eight People's Support Project" proposed by the municipal party committee and government this year. Governance indicators.

If you vote with peaches, you should repay you with plums.

Su Can's move did not mean to wave to Wang Bo. Su Can and Tao Chuhong made Wang Bo switch from a low-key to a high-key position to deal with the problems of land purchase and storage in the Fuhe area. This may be contrary to Wang Bo's original intention, but it can rectify his uncle's name and drag Zeng Quanming out of the quagmire. At this time, Su Can naturally had to be honest, otherwise one day Wang Bo would call and settle with himself. Wouldn't Wang Weiwei be dealt with worse by his father?

The mountaineering family seemed to have met in front. Zeng Quanming and Suli Chengdu greeted each other with smiles. The other party seemed to be a figure in the official face of Rongcheng, so it is not surprising that they met here. On the first day of the first day of climbing, there were only a few old temples in the famous mountains near Rongcheng. Most of them drove out of the city. The mountain roads were narrow and it was not surprising to see some acquaintances.

After saying hello, Su Can realized that this was Director Wang of the Municipal Bureau of Culture. He was down on Zeng Quanming and insisted on taking Zeng Quanming’s family to the famous Suqing backyard to relax. "The Taoist tea made by Taoist Zhang is good. If you’re tired, you can rest for a while. Let’s go and see the masterpieces of a generation of Taoist painter Zhang Suqing."

Director Wang met with Zeng Quanming only on the approval of a project approved by the Cultural Affairs Bureau last year. Usually, I know each other. I met on the way. On the one hand, I just talked to a few acquaintances about the matter of the official Rongcheng suing an official, but now I ran into it, which is quite a coincidence.

But Su Licheng didn’t have such an acquainted invitation like Director Wang. He just glanced at Su Can. The meaning of this glance made Su Can turn to the beginning. Now I’m afraid we all know that the backstage behind Zeng Quanming is Wang Bo, so I made friends with something. It's hard to say, but when I see Zeng Quanming, I can't help but get closer.

On the day of the day, the people are surrounded by fences, but they are good at repairing. Without the brick atmosphere, it looks like a modern conference hall of the municipal government. The host Zhang Daoist has already been. He is more than 40 years old, and he looks like he is in his early thirties, but he is a master of beauty.

It's just this Xuan and another wave of people who are also coming here.

"When Chiang Kai-shek was young, he met a Taoist priest in this green hill. This Taoist priest said to him, "You cannot leave the river, and you cannot lose the bay." "Everything in the world has days. I am afraid that Chiang Kai-shek did not expect that a warlock on the roadside, in a few words, gave him a clean life. Of course, this is also regarded as an anecdote of Qingshan from the people. In front is Suqing Tea Garden, which contains some works of Taoist painter Zhang Suqing, Mayor Tao, please here." Wang Zhiwang, secretary of the Executive Deputy Mayor of Rongcheng, led the way. Tao Changping and his nephew Tao Chuhong and his entourage climbed up the mountain leisurely.

Tao Changping is in his forties, it is the time when his career is flourishing. If he doesn't make it, he will be promoted to the mayor of Chengdu at the end of this term. So I didn’t care about this issue of the Development Planning Commission. As for Wang Bo’s personal appearance, it made him feel a little embarrassed, but Wang Bo couldn’t move him. However, Tao’s original strategy of establishing a foothold in the southwest was actually Therefore, at a discount, Tao Changping's heart was secretly frustrated. Although Wang Bo accepted the criticism in front of him, he also expressed his dissatisfaction appropriately through some channels, but he still had to accumulate it before he had a head-on conflict with Wang Bo.

"If the lot in Fuhe District is not available, Sichuan Airlines will be reorganized. Is Nanning Group confident this time?" Tao Changping said to Tao Chuhong, who had also said about the car crash that night. It is immature, but what can be done. The opponent has Wang Weiwei's side, and the key is that it is not Su Can or Wang Weiwei who smashed the car. Instead, Tao Chuhong smashed his car by himself. In this way, the dumb person still has to take it hard by himself.

Although Tao Changping mentioned Tao Chuhong. But he didn't say much. He had known this nephew for a long time. Although Tao Chuhong had stubborn temperament sometimes, he still had a certain ability. Nanning Group is a weapon to make its performance beautiful this time. The development of Fuhe District can be put on hold for the time being. However, the negotiation of Sichuan Airlines' reorganization of Nanning into a shareholding must be imperative. Once Nanning Group intervenes in Sichuan Airlines, it will pull him. invest. The excellent political achievement project of opening a route is a complete package to be collected on oneself. With beautiful economic data, this is the best right to speak for a smooth official career. "My dad and Sichuan Airlines executives have already contacted. Deputy Li always hopes that our Nanning Group can enter. We can purchase the rights and interests of Sichuan Airlines at a high premium. This is exactly what Sichuan Airlines needs, but it must be nailed down. Move a little more."

Tao Changping knew that Wang Bo was also secretly using his power to do this. If the Nanning Group could take a stake in this, then it would be considered a sigh of illness from the planning committee incident.

Tao Changping was thinking about it, but all of them were stopped at Suqing Tea Garden, "I'm sorry. Zhang Daochang has a guest today."

Dao Tong didn't know who he was accompanying. Tao Changping's secretary looked a little heavy. At this time, there was a Taoist priest in his thirties. I am also good at observing words and colors. When I look at these people, they feel that it is not easy. To tell the truth, "It is Director Wang of the Municipal Cultural Bureau and Director Zeng of the Municipal Development and Planning Commission. You are their friends. Or I will go in and say something?"

Tao Chuhong's complexion suddenly became ugly. He was really an enemy. When he thought of the way Su Can was in front of him at the time, and even Lin Luoran's counter-attack against him, Tao Chuhong was frustrated when he thought about it. Mind, this. It’s hard to look even at that time.

Tao Changping's expression remained unchanged His secretary was extremely dissatisfied. Just about to be bright, Tao Changping waved his hand, "Forget it, I won't drink the tea."

Turning around and walking to the side, a group of people didn't dare to go against his will, and immediately changed course.

"Tao Changping is here?" Knowing this. Zeng Quanming was still extremely surprised.

After Su Can's family went down, a deputy secretary general of the Municipal Party Committee Office came up with Zeng Quanming and them. Then I talked about the matter, "I originally played into the tea garden, but I didn't come in in the end. It is said that Mayor Tao's car was parked in the Qingshan parking lot. Many people saw it, and went straight away from the Suqing tea garden. Together with his nephew Tao Chuhong, the secretary of the municipal government office. Mr. Wang from Dajiang Trading, and a few men and women.

Although Director Wang of the Cultural Affairs Bureau said that he was close to Zeng Quanming, Tao Changping knew that it made him think. But there was no Yan Lu in front of everyone.

I just thought that Tao Changping actually avoided Zeng Quanming in Qingshan, I'm afraid this thing will happen in the next year. I don't know what it will be like.

Zeng Quanming and his nephew who has been very uproarious recently. Don't know what it is like

The first is more.

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