Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 786: Long county owner was hijacked

After the Qing Princess left the inner palace, Xuanwuhuang handled the chapter for a while. %

The espionage leader rushed in from the outside, and did not come to salute and report, but shouted: "The emperor! Grand event!"

His Xuanwu repair is not low, but at the moment it is panting, because the mood is too excited.

"What? Long, Long Lao actually... Go to Qi and grab the Qiwang's long-time county owner back?" Xuanwuhuang received the report, can't believe that such a thing would happen.

For a time, Xuanwu Huang thought a lot.

After all, the Sui Zongzong lord is the first master, and the three holy sacred people of heaven and earth can balance him.

Before, because of the provoke of Xiao Ruoyao being thundered, the lord has come to make a big pass. Although San Shengzong did not say that the loss was heavy, he was at least injured a lot. If, because of this long county magistrate, it would lead him to worry, would there be the most direct conflict between the two masters?

But this temptation is not low. Long Lao is also a cautious person. He is willing to do so. It is also considered that the political significance is good and it is worth taking such a big risk.

"Coincidence, coincidence! I don't know how, the long-time county owner actually played in the country, and the dragon will start to squat." The espionage leader will briefly explain the situation.

"The sword lord did not chase it out?" Xuanwuhuang could not believe it.

With the cultivation of Xuanwu masters in this era, if you can rush to other countries to grab people, I am afraid that you do not need to move troops to fight.

However, the county owner himself ran to the outskirts of Qidu and left the heavily guarded area. And a winter old man was originally enough to protect the long county owner, but the one that met was the super-class Xuanyue master.

On weekdays, the lords of the Weisong people were also unable to rush out because they used the mysterious spirit to renew their lives.


"There is this little girl in the hand, the top has killed the 100,000 soldiers in Qi State!" Xuanwu Huang laughed.

False to go to the country to hijack people, I can't think of hijacking such an important person - Qi Wang's only daughter, the york!

And she is still a little girl with aging.

I have long known that the Xuanwu Emperor of this illness has no pity for the early decline of the You County. Instead, the heart sneaked.

Xuanwu Emperor believes that the owner of the You County is definitely second only to Qi Shizi in the heart of Qi Wang, and even more important than the Qi Prince. The more such a child, the more parents love it! This is an important bargaining chip.

What's more, Xuanwu Huang knows his old rival, Qi Wang, how to value his family.

“Where did Sansheng go?” Xuanwuhuang immediately asked his own spy leader.

"Three Saints are inspecting at the border. At this time, I have already received the report and met there!" The espionage leader is also elated: "Congratulations to the emperor. This is a good sign."

"Yes, it is a good sign. It’s like Zhou Yiruo’s genius is a genius, and all kinds of happy events come one after another." Xuanwuhuang is in a very good mood: "I will arrange a large number of masters at the moment, except for the personal guards around me. All go all out to support the action of the looting of the county!"

"According to the purpose!"

"There are still squats, the lord of the county may not have a little damage! They will be afraid that they will hurt the county owner. We can't hurt her, otherwise the action will lose its meaning." Xuanwuhuang ordered: " Also remind the Three Saints, be careful of the sect of the Swordsman, and rush to the Wuru County.

Just enter Wudu. In the city defense system created by the garrison project for decades, under the protection of many spar, even the masters like the lord can't help the country.

Did not break through the monthly order, to reach the realm of the Japanese Supreme, the strength of the Sovereign is only the peak of the mortal.

"According to the purpose!"

"And, immediately summon the Tai Hospital and the Yuanhe Temple, as well as the first-class experts who have all the wounds and wounds in Wudu and the surrounding areas. They are all in the palace. They are ready to treat the wounds of Long Lao and others. There are doctors in the county who may be in poor physical condition!"

"According to the purpose!"

"The record is the old man. The House of Government is preparing for the first-rate injury medicine and treating him with possible injuries. When he returns, he will inform him the first time. He will personally welcome him."

"According to the purpose!"

Xuanwu Emperor knows how to use the human servant. Long Laoyuan brought people back from Qi State. How could it not be supported at a crucial moment? Even if the consequences will lead to the sorrow of the sword, it is necessary to bite the teeth to affirm the achievements of the dragon.

Otherwise, if the Wu State takes the initiative to serve softly, it is good to send it back to the county governor. It can be a cold heart.

The various purposes of Xuanwu Emperor are conveyed, and Wudu is busy everywhere.

The national transport of the Wu Kingdom is indeed good. If there is no such thing as Wu Hao, the Wu State will sooner or later be the hegemony of Wang Yitong.

Long Lao all the way to hold the long county to escape from the south, Qi master masters to catch up, there must be many master battles at the border. And most need the support of the yuan therapy hall. The retreat of the master of the piano is also over!

In the self-cultivation hall, the main hall of the piano is slowly suffocating into the hundred scorpions, and the sputum is raised around the body.

In the end, her realm broke through and reached the realm of spirituality.

The main hall of the piano slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were sharp and sharp.

In the realm of Xuanyue, the blessing of the body for the metatherapeutics began to show more.

At the earliest, the cultivation of Xuanqi is far ahead of the qiqi practitioners. Even before the five-star spirit of the qi practitioners, there was no fighting power.

In the new moon realm of the month, the qi practitioners are still weaker than the Xuanqi practitioners. Because the power of the power is not enough, it is equivalent to nourishing nature, and it is good for the enemy without hurting the enemy.

However, the master of the piano went to the realm of the moon in the month of the saints, and found that the degree of consolidation of the vitality was greatly improved, and the spit out of the vitality suddenly produced an effect similar to the mysterious attack.

It is like the general warm air will make the person being blown comfortable, or even physiotherapy. However, the warm wind is strong to a certain extent, and the cohesive force exceeds the limit, especially after the temperature is raised, it will have terrible lethality.

After the piano master got up, he opened the hall and walked out slowly.

"The master of the piano!" Several guards of the temple guards at the door guards, as well as the female guards who were deliberately sent to strengthen the law-protection by the Xuanwu Emperor, were kneeling on the ground.

"Yeah. Get up." The priest of the piano responded politely, and the itch of the little knife in his heart was unbearable, and he waved his hand.

A white poplar that was a few steps away from the distance slammed into countless sawdust.

The main hall of the piano was pleasantly surprised, and the surrounding guards were shocked.

Immediately and screaming, he responded with a quick response: "Congratulations to the master of the temple!"

The rest of the people also said with joy: "Congratulations to the master of the temple!"

If Wu Hao is here, maybe he will have a big villain. Fortunately, the master of the piano is not a wicked person, and there is no excitement to raise his arms and screams [from now on, people stop killing, Buddha blocks the Buddha] slogan.

"What if?" The piano master’s skill confirmed the matter, and immediately asked.

She actually asked Wu Hao about the situation first, and she was very sorry for this.

The female guard who had just changed the class immediately replied: "The master sister is leading the sisters in the front hall to cultivate the spirit."

The main hall of the piano nodded with satisfaction, and although the heart was thoughtful, although it was young, it was still a master sister.

“Can there be an accident in the Yuantherapy Hall?” asked the owner of the piano.

"Unexpected?" The guards looked at each other and didn't know how to answer.

When the master of the piano sees their reaction, they know that there is no need to worry. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Otherwise, if they show their fears and words, then it is a great disaster.

"Be a disciple to tell the master sister and others." There is a female guard who is going to call Wu Hao.

The main hall of the piano is a sleeve of a robe: "No. You must not leak the news that the retreat has ended. Several people will prepare a robe and bath for me. I will go to the temple and go directly to see it later. The rest will stay here."

"Follow!" The guards and the royal guards must listen to the Lord, and do it immediately.

The main hall of the piano hall has been rushed to retreat for many days, and the body robes have indeed had an odor. After washing it, she went to the front hall.

Walking on the road, the master of the piano still thought about Zhou Yiruo's management of the Yuandian Temple.

I also blame myself for suddenly entering the customs, and many things are too late to arrange. Suddenly handed the Yuanhe Temple to a 16-year-old little girl. Although she is intelligent, she has no experience and it is not bad to provoke any disaster.

Thinking of this, the owner of the piano apologizes to the Yuandian Temple and Zhou Yiruo.

I am afraid that many of the Yuandian disciples of the Yuandian Temple will not deal with her. After all, how can a small girl be able to serve the audience easily during his retreat?

During the walk, the main hall of the piano encountered many female disciples and female guards who were guarding the whole place. She also constantly asked the disciples not to report the news of their customs clearance.

Stepping out of the footsteps of more than one hundred steps, the main hall of the piano passed through the account room, and could not help but stay in the footsteps.

"Ah! Lord!" The two female disciples who managed the accounts immediately saw her and quickly got up and saluted.

“There is no need for more gifts.” The master of the piano went to the table where he visited the account book, and turned over the ledger, and asked casually: “After playing the retreat, how many days have you spent in the temple?”

“Back to the main Since the first few days, the cost of the Yuan yin Temple has increased five times compared with the previous days. The daily catering and spending expenses cost about 720.” The female disciple who wrote the book back Road.

"Five times?! Seven, seven hundred two?!" The main hall of the piano was almost scared and skewed.

Although I have long thought that Zhou Wei is a rich lady from a wealthy family, and the little girl will not live, maybe she can't stand the pain and improve her diet. But she never imagined that spending was five times more.

"How much is the stock silver left?" The main hall of the piano was depressed, and I felt that the little girl would not live after all, but forgive me.

After all, she greatly loved this pro-disciple in her heart, but spent more than two silver.

"Oh... silver has sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-three two left." The female disciple replied: "Before you retreat, you have added more than 40,000."

"How is this possible? Oh, is the treasury up to date with the latest treasury?"

"No, it’s all the master sister’s own pockets.” (To be continued.)

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