"To the well?"

The expressions of Huang Yuan and Cai Kun changed several times.

Although in this house, it is dangerous to stay with Huang Caixia.

But going to the well in the middle of the night is not necessarily safe.

"Do I have to go at night?"

Huang Yuan asked with a bitter face.

Lin Chen walked towards the old house and said at the same time, "I didn't ask you to come with me."

Seeing Lin Chen leave.

A cold wind blows.

Huang Yuan and Cai Kun couldn't help but shuddered, and then hurriedly followed.

Although the well is also very dangerous, Lin Chen is there.

Much safer than Huang Caixia in the house.

The old house is a little far from here, and it took more than ten minutes to get there.

Back here again.

It's quieter here than during the day.

Also colder.


The cold wind kept blowing.

Huang Yuan and Cai Kun, who were wearing thin clothes, couldn't help shaking.

There's something wrong with this place.


Lin Chen took the stone away and threw it to the ground.

The seal was lifted, and the odor inside was immediately smoked out.

But because of the low temperature and the strong wind, the odor is not as exaggerated as it is during the day.

At least Cai Kun didn't faint.

Lin Chen took a look inside.

Black does not slip autumn.

I don't know what's going on below.



Ice Soul Unsheathed!

Lin Chen took out the Ice Soul Sword, and then threw the Ice Soul Sword directly into the well.

"I'm super!"

Both Huang Yuan and Cai Kun were taken aback.

"Lin Shen, that sword looks very handsome, why did you throw it away?"

"Don't give it to me, I promise to give it!"

"I don't know what's going on at the bottom of this well. If the sword is thrown, it can't be used."

They are saying this.

The odor suddenly disappeared.

The two were stunned.

He also sniffed hard.

It really didn't smell any odors, strange.

Lin Chen glanced at the well, and the cold air rushed towards his face, obviously already frozen.

As for the Ice Soul Sword, will it be dirty?

That's impossible.

Lin Chen jumped into the well with his hands up.

The two people who were inhaling wildly beside them saw this scene and were stunned on the spot.

Just jumped off?

No protection at all?

"Lin God!"

Huang Yuan and Cai Kun immediately rushed to the well and shouted at the bottom, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Lin Chen said.


He fell on the ice.

Now that he is close to the bottom of the well, after the system automatically adjusts the brightness in his eyes, he finally sees the bottom of the well.

There are dark ice cubes underneath.

It was black, cloudy water formed when it was frozen.

But it's too dark.

Can't see what's going on further.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the void, the Ice Soul Sword appeared again, and the blade trembled.


All the ice under Lin Chen's feet broke and exploded.

As the ice cubes exploded, Lin Chen was able to go deeper.


Lin Chen's eyes fell on a piece of broken ice.

Because in this piece of ice, there is an arm!

It was a dark and badly rotted arm that had been dead for a long time.

Lin Chen looked at the surrounding ice cubes.

Second block, third block, fourth block...

He finds more ice cubes that hide bodies.

No need to piece together.

Lin Chen also found that more than one person died here.

At least five people died in this well!

"The old man said that there was only one woman who jumped into the well. Why are there so many corpses now?"

Lin Chen casually looked down.

He saw a face.

It was a thin, rotting face.

The eyes are gone, only two holes remain.

His face was sunken, as if he had been hungry for hundreds of years.

At this moment.

The face opened its mouth wide, and the mouth was full of black things.


"Because you want to climb out of the well before you die, so you keep your face up?"

Lin Chen glanced at the bottom of the well.

He saw a black brick shining brightly.

That is the prompt of the system.

Items that can be interacted with!

Lin Chen walked over and pressed the black brick.

Can't press.

He took it out instead, and it was easy to take out, there was a black hole behind the brick.

Lin Chen took a look.

With the system adjusting the brightness, he could see inside clearly.

There is a hand in it!

A white human hand.

It looked like a living hand.

However, in the deepest part of this well, and in the black bricks, how could there be a living person?

Lin Chen thought for a moment.

Then, he stretched out his hand and reached into the hole in front of him.

Just reached in.


That hand suddenly grabbed his own.

very cold.

It's not so much a hand as it is a piece of ice.

Just when Lin Chen was about to pull out the strange hand, the wall next to him suddenly made a "boom" sound.

Turn around.

Wall, open!

When the wall was fully opened, the cold hand released him.

Lin Chen pulled out his hand and glanced at his palm subconsciously.

"You're already dead."

There are two words on the palm.

Was it handwritten by the weird guy just now?

Lin Chen glanced at the location of the entrance of the hole, remembered it firmly, and then started directly.


The well vibrates.

The hideout of the strange hand was directly lifted out by Lin Chen.

Throwing away all the black bricks, Lin Chen saw clearly that it was not a hand at all.

Because behind the hand, there is a lot of flesh and blood in the place that the eyes can't reach. These flesh and blood are like a pipeline, connecting deeper into the black brick.

Lin Chen cleaned the surrounding bricks along the flesh and blood passage.

Finally found.

This white hand is connected to the hole!

Around the entrance of the cave, there are all flesh and blood, and those flesh and blood control the entrance of the cave.

So when he was caught, the hole opened.

"I see."

Lin Chen whispered, "I thought it was some kind of high-tech."

He walked into the cave and found that the walls here were all made of flesh and blood.

The cave smelled bad.

If it weren't for the cold air of the Ice Soul Sword, the molecular movement would not be intense, otherwise the place would stink even more.

Several corpses were embedded in the walls, their faces were twisted, their hands and feet twisted, and they were very terrifying.

They died in pain.

The hole is not deep, only more than ten meters.

But there were more than ten bodies on the wall.

In the deepest part of the hole, on the middle wall, there is a special corpse.

Because he didn't rot!

He seemed to be alive not too long ago.

This man, when he was alive, should have been handsome, but now his face is full of fear.

His hand stretched forward as if trying to escape from here.

But it ultimately failed.

"A special corpse..."

Lin Chen looked at the man and thought of what the old village chief said before.

A man, after playing with a woman until she is pregnant, leaves immediately.

In the end, the woman couldn't stand the rumors and committed suicide by throwing herself into a well.

"This man, shouldn't he be that scumbag?"

Very likely.

Just at this time.

The man's face twitched.

still alive?

Lin Chen immediately scanned him with the system, but the result was that it was a corpse.

already dead.

And dead.

Dead for over three years!

Then why is it still moving?

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

next second.

The man's head twisted a bit, and this time he saw clearly that it was indeed moving.

He seemed to be twisting his neck.

Because you haven't moved for too long?

Another second.

The man blinked!

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