The next moment, Miao Qiqi carried Yi Zheng with her long legs to catch up with the parade.

The parade did not go far, and stopped in the square not far ahead. Someone built a high platform in front of it, and on it stood a black-faced man with a long sword across his waist, and a large flag was placed beside him that read: " Eliminate demons, protect my homeland."

There are constantly curious players rushing over to watch the fun, and more and more people gather.

The black-faced man shouted: "Everyone, let me introduce myself, I am Heilian Jianxin, a direct disciple of the Dayan Sword Sect! I believe that everyone must have heard the news of the invasion of the extraterrestrial demons. The news has been confirmed that the extraterritorial demons do exist. !"


The people present were in an uproar.

Hei Lian Jian Xin continued: "The twelve sects and some hidden masters held a meeting overnight, and decided to temporarily put aside all prejudices, unanimously go public, and gather all the forces to destroy the extraterrestrial demons."

When everyone heard this, they were immediately excited.

"The twelve sects are united? And there are hidden masters?"

"My dear, this is a big deal."

"That extraterrestrial demon is going to be miserable... I guess he never dreamed that so many people would unite to kill him, right?"

"Anyway, he should be damned!"

"Yes, all enemies who want us to die should die!"


When people were discussing, Hei Lian Jian Xin continued: "There is currently news that the extraterritorial demons have appeared near Xingling Mountain. Those who are interested in eliminating demons can sign up with me. We will set off at noon. This time, we must kill the demons in Xingling. Mountain!"

When they heard Xinglingshan, many people were shocked.

"Xingling Mountain? That's a dead place."

"It's too dangerous. Those who are too weak are really not suitable to go."

"What are you afraid of? This time, the twelve sects joined forces to destroy demons. There must be experts in charge. Let's go, most of them will witness a historic moment, right?"

People think what this person said is reasonable, but there are still not many people who really dare to sign up.

"Xingling Mountain?" Yi Zheng looked at Miao Qiqi.

Miao Qiqi said like a family treasure: "Xingling Mountain, one of the thirty-six dead places in Qianyuan Continent, the strength of the wild monsters in it is very terrifying. It is said that they are all masters of the fourth and ninth levels, and even the existence of the fifth level and above. Listen. It is said that there have been big monsters of the sixth and seventh orders in Xingling Mountain. So far, players who have entered Xingling Mountain have been killed, and no one has come out alive."

Yi Zheng said, "Do you know what this extraterritorial demon looks like?"

Miao Qiqi shook her head.

"What does the extraterritorial demon look like?" Yi Zheng asked in a straight voice.

Seeing someone asking, Hei Lian Jianxin shook his head slightly and said: "I can't say the specifics, and we will understand when everyone sees it. In short, this battle will be very dangerous, but the benefits are also great. Killing the extraterrestrial demons, They will be sheltered by the twelve sects, and each of the twelve sects will take out an epic equipment and give it to the player with the highest contribution.

In the end, everyone who participates in this hunt for the demons will be heroes of the Qianyuan Continent. We will register them and erect monuments! "

The previous rewards made everyone's eyes light up. As for the establishment of monuments, everyone didn't care much.

Just when people were thinking about whether or not to participate, a voice shouted: "Participate, you must participate! It is my responsibility to eliminate demons and guards. For the sake of Qianyuan Continent, I will do my best and die!"

Good guy, this guy is not only loud, but he also has a good way of shouting.

When everyone heard the sound, they saw that the one who was shouting was a small man in a white robe and a mask, riding on the shoulders of a young girl.

Someone shouted: "That girl, take care of your son, the adults are doing things, don't shout."

Yi Zheng's face suddenly turned dark...

"Pfft!" Miao Qiqi almost stopped laughing, but in order not to make the NPC angry, he still smiled and said, "Uh, he...he is an NPC, not a player, nor my child."

For NPCs running around and participating in things between players, the players here are no longer surprised.

After all, the world is becoming more and more real, and the boundaries between players and NPCs are becoming more and more blurred. Except for some top-level or special NPCs, ordinary NPCs are basically no different from players. There are good ones who like to follow the players around to fight monsters, and there are also those who are chased and killed by posting quests.

Therefore, everyone only expressed a little dissatisfaction with Yi Zheng as an NPC, and then looked at Hei Lian Jian Xin.

Hei Lian Jian Xin doesn't care whether Yi Zheng is an NPC or a player, anyway, he just needs to support his own way of eliminating demons.

So Hei Lian Jian Xin said: "Everyone, don't do this, just like this little brother said, it is my responsibility to eliminate the demons and defend the way! Once the demons come over, we don't know anything about them, but they point to us. Palm, what are the consequences? In light of serious casualties, in serious cases, we all have to be killed back to level 0 and kicked out of the game world of the heavens. Qianyuan Continent is at stake, do you really want to stay out of it?"

"You can't stay out of it, and swear to defend the Qianyuan Continent!"

Everyone looked back with dark faces, and sure enough, it was that stupid child who was shouting again. She was too easily bewitched, and she was still too young.

Yi Zhengcai doesn't care so much. He is the one watching the fun. Of course, the bigger the better, the better. Otherwise, he will be bored when he is idle.

What's more, to fight the extraterrestrial demons, the main forces of the twelve sects are all out, and he can just touch the bottom of Qianyuan Continent, so he clenched his small fist and shouted: "Support Heilian Jianxin, support Dayan Jianzong , kill those idiots outside the realm!"

Then Yi Zheng felt that it was not enough to shout, so he patted Miao Qiqi again.

Miao Qiqi felt that she was shouting, she was a bit stupid and didn't want to shout.

Yi Zheng whispered, "Mission, mission!"

Miao Qiqi asked, "Are you rich or equipped?"

"All!" Yi Zheng said.

Miao Qiqi immediately regained her energy, clenched her fists, and shouted louder than Yi Zheng: "Kill the extraterritorial demons, support Hei Lian Jian Xin, support Dayan Sword Sect, and kill them!"

The players around looked at the pair of living treasures with dark faces, and then murmured, "A child of Heilian Jianxin, right?"

Seeing that everyone was still unmoved, Hei Lian Jianxin gritted his teeth and said: "My senior brother said that this time, as long as the participants fight against the demons, remember that they are against the demons, they will be open to Dayan for a month. Heart Sutra Pavilion!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar and exclaimed.

"What is Dayan Heart Sutra Pavilion?" Yi Zheng asked Miao Qiqi in a low voice.

Miao Qiqi said with bright eyes: "That is the sacred place of the Heart Sutra of the Dayan Sword Sect. It is said that there are supreme supernatural powers and secret methods of the Heart Sutra. But so far, no one has comprehended it... Even if it is the first day of the Dayan Sword Sect. A master, Qu Mai, seems to have gained nothing. If you can enter, it is really a great opportunity. If you understand the essence, it will definitely soar to the sky."

Yi Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he raised his small hand and shouted, "Support Dayan Sword Sect, kill those ugly, disgusting extraterrestrial demons!"

Yi Zheng thought he was still howling, but the next moment, all around shouted in unison:

"Kill them to death and support the Dayan Sword Sect!"

That voice, like a dull thunder, startled Yi Zheng and Miao Qiqi.

Sure enough, it's useless to tell them about danger, but to talk about benefits.

The benefits are enough, and the extraterritorial demons and the crisis in the Qianyuan Continent are all over.

As a result, the mobilization meeting of Andu City's siege and suppression of the extraterrestrial demons was a perfect conclusion, and then Hei Lian Jianxin greeted everyone to sign up, and finally followed him to set off immediately to Xingling Mountain.

And Yi Zheng was the first one who jumped out to support Hei Lian Jian Xin. Naturally, Hei Lian Jian Xin took extra care of him and pulled him over to walk side by side.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Yi Zheng and Miao Qiqi differently. Before, they looked at idiots, and then at Tuo'er. Now, looking at their eyes, that's a good dog's leg!

Miao Qiqi's face turned red when she was seen, but Yi Zheng didn't care.

Now that he was close, Yi Zheng asked Hei Lian Jian Xin in a low voice: "Brother Hei Lian, what does the extraterrestrial demon look like? Does it look like a human or a dog?"

Hei Lian Jian Xin looked around, saw that no one was looking over, and said in a low voice, "I think you are pleasing to the eye, so I will tell you secretly, remember, don't tell anyone else."

Yi Zheng raised his small paw and said, "It is necessary, I am serious about killing the extraterrestrial demon!"

Miao Qiqi also had a curious expression on her face, and nodded vigorously.

Hei Lian Jian Xin whispered: "It is said that the extraterrestrial demon came from another continent. The two who came before were human-like and were caught by the black scorpions. Then another extraterrestrial who looked like a rabbit came. Heavenly Demon, he not only defeated my eldest brother Qu Mai, but also chased and killed Li Xuantian all the way..."

When Yi Zheng heard this, the curiosity on his little face had changed to a strange and depressed expression. The extraterrestrial demon who had been scolding himself for a long time was himself!

Emotionally, he is now trying to kill himself!

This Nima...

Too oolong.

However, Yi Zheng wondered again. He was obviously in Andu City, so why did these people go to Xingling Mountain?

Hei Lian Jian Xin only knew that extraterrestrial demons appeared in Xingling Mountain, and the twelve sects gathered in Xingling Mountain to slay demons and eliminate His task was to draw a lot of people over to support him.

Finally, while chatting on the road, Yi Zheng realized what happened during this time.

The black scorpion didn't stop for a while. After Li Xuantian became unreliable, she directly broke the news that Yi Zheng, I am a god, and I am not fat came from another continent.

He also threatened that the three of them were meticulous works from another continent. The purpose was to attack the Qianyuan Continent, destroy the human beings here, and **** the resources here to conduct pre-war investigations.

As soon as this news came out, the world shook.

The top masters of the twelve sects were also shocked.

Like the people on Earth, they didn't know that there was another continent, and they always thought that the Qianyuan Continent where they were located was the largest continent, the core of the world.

Suddenly I know that there is still another continent, and there are still people on the continent, and they are very powerful, and they are eyeing them.

For a while, people were panicking, and no one fell asleep.

They got together for a meeting overnight, and interrogated Black Scorpion. Black Scorpion insisted that Yi Zheng and the others were meticulous work and wanted to attack Qianyuan Continent.

Although those people don't fully believe in the black scorpion, but someone is sleeping soundly on the couch, who can bear this?

Be careful to make Wannian Ship, plan ahead, they still understand.

So, they decided to take two steps.

------off topic-----

The content of 292 was indeed written before, but that paragraph was deleted and changed to something else. The characters here are liked by readers, and they are retained. And this content is also needed for the plot, where is the pit?

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