No One Can Leave The Beginner’s Village

Chapter 297: identity revealed

Yi Zheng looked suspiciously at me that I wasn't fat.

I am not fat: "I am a **** and can make scrolls for returning to the city, scrolls for random teleportation, and scrolls for escape. If there are suitable materials, we can build a batch, so why don't we just run?

It's a pity that when we came here, we lacked materials and couldn't make a prison escape scroll. Otherwise, how could the **** catch it? "

As soon as Yi Zheng heard it, he suddenly came to the spirit!

He doesn't have to really send the two of them over, as long as everyone can see that he is shooting at them.

The City Return Scroll is definitely not usable. After using it, it will return to a nearby city, which is no different from surrendering.

The random teleportation scroll is just like the name, it is random, and it is not surprising that it goes into the arms of the enemy. The point is that the above two scrolls cannot be used once they are trapped by a formation or special terrain.

Just to be on the safe side, I am God recommends the jailbreak scroll.

As long as there are enough materials, I am God can make up to a tier 4 escape scroll, which can escape from cages, special terrain, and formations below tier 4, and teleport to the set beacon.

Then there are the materials. The fourth-order materials such as silent flowers and white-leaf grass juice are not easy to find. Yi Zheng asked the apes to help them find them, and it took less than half a day to get them together.

Finally, the blood of a Tier 4 boss is needed.

Yi Zheng directly brought Xingling Ape King's head over.

At this point, all materials are ready.

It took me three days to make six escape scrolls, two for each of the three.

So far everything is ready, the rest is acting.


"Don't be discouraged Qiqi, I believe Brother Yixie is still alive, it's definitely fine." Hei Lian Jian Xin said with a heavy sigh.

Miao Qiqi opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

For four days, she followed a group of people including Hei Lian Jian Xin and Qu Mai to search for Yi Zheng's whereabouts on the mountain. Although she saw traces of the battle, she did not find Yi Zheng's body.

Qu Mai speculates that Yi Zheng is still alive, but he hasn't seen Yi Zheng's shadow for four days, even Qu Mai is a little shaken.

In the past four days, the human players have been advancing steadily all the way, and all the bosses in the thirty-six holes have also been repulsed.

However, after they climbed over the two mountains, the players also began to slow down, because further ahead is the area where the fifth-order wild monsters are active.

The fourth-order is already very difficult to deal with. When encountering fifth-order wild monsters, even the strongest human masters will be very troublesome. If they encounter fifth-order bosses, they have to run away.

After all, the difference between the first-order and the strength is too great.

Especially among wild monsters, they are not like players, who have risen all the way from level 1, but are born powerful!

This is especially true of monster bosses. Their existence is not for players to single out, but requires players to unite to win by intelligence. Therefore, the attribute at the beginning was the power of crushing. Now that so long has passed, these bosses rely on cultivation, and they do not know how powerful they are.

One step difference, no one dares to surpass.

"It is said that the twelve supreme secrets of the twelve sects can be challenged after mastering it. I don't know if it is true or not. Unfortunately, I have been unable to understand the secrets..." Qu Mai sighed.

"Senior brother, it will be a matter of time before you use your intelligence to comprehend the Supreme Secret of Dayan Sword Art. By the way, what should we do now? We haven't seen the shadow of the extraterritorial demons along the way. Should we continue to move forward, or go to Looking back?" Hei Lian Jian Xin asked.

After thinking for a while, Qu Mai walked to the distance, where Li Xuantian, Xue Tianyan, Wushen, Nanke and other top 12 on the Heavenly Ranking list, all the true disciples of the 12 sects have arrived.

After discussing for a while, everyone thought that I was a **** and others, and it was impossible for me to enter the fifth-order wild monster area, and even if I did, I would be dead.

If they are not resurrected in a nearby city, they must still be in the Tier 4 area.

"We ploughed it all the way, and we searched almost every corner. The only thing we didn't find was the boss's residence in the thirty-six holes. Although I don't really believe that they dare to enter the boss's nest, I still think it is necessary to go in and see. Look. Especially those bosses who were killed by us and have not been resurrected." Xue Tianyan said.

Everyone nodded, feeling that they should go and have a look.

The reason why I didn't pass before was mainly because I didn't want to fight with those bosses.

And they don't think that two third-order wastes dare to go to the boss's nest and squat.

Now, every possible place has been found, and the impossible place has become the only answer.

"Leave some people here to stare, in case they desperately enter the fifth-order area, we can find out in time when we come out. They won't let them sneak away." Li Xuantian suggested.

Everyone nodded.

Afterwards, a group of players were left to stay here, while the others followed Li Xuantian, Qu Mai and others up the mountain to go to the boss's nest to find out.

Just when everyone turned around, an explosion sounded, and then they saw a little fat man in a white robe shouting: "Where did the extraterrestrial demons run?! Stop for me!"

Then I saw that the little fat man was riding a big stick, and the two figures he was chasing fled in confusion.

There were other players rushing out all around, and all eighteen weapons such as sword light, sword energy, and long whip greeted the extraterritorial demons.

"It's Yixie!" Miao Qiqi exclaimed with ecstasy.

Hei Lian Jian Xin laughed loudly and said, "I knew this clever ghost would be fine!"

The players who were with Hei Lian Jian Xin also laughed.

Qu Mai said: "This is the person you asked me to save? Isn't this very vivid?"

Hei Lian Jian Xin nodded, then turned around abruptly: "Extraterritorial demons, quickly catch them!"

Players are out...

Experts such as Li Xuantian and Xue Tianyan also set off. Although everyone has united, there are only two extraterrestrial demons. How to divide them and who will judge is still a problem. Whoever catches it must have limited right to dispose of it.

"Extraterritorial Demons, stop for me!" Qu Mai also burst into the sky with a loud shout.

I was a **** and I was not fat. I was prepared, but I never expected these people to move so fast, especially the legendary Twelve True Disciples, whose speed was like a hurricane and lightning, and the two of them hadn't seen the situation clearly. Well, it's almost dead in front of you.

The two almost subconsciously crushed the escape scroll in their hands.

The golden light lit up, and the two disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, more than a dozen attacks hit the place where the two had just stopped. The explosion sounded, the big trees were smashed, and the boulders cracked.

It's a pity that after the explosion, there are only big pits all over the ground, but I can't see that I am a **** and I am not fat.

"Where's the person?" Li Xuantian roared.

"Run away, I'm about to catch them, what are you doing?" Yi Zheng complained.

Everyone was speechless for a while, and the dignified true disciples were completely rejected.

Li Xuantian looked at Yi Zheng, and then his pupils condensed!

Yi Zheng's five short figures really attracted his attention, and there was a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Yi Zheng was also a little hairy by this guy, and said in his heart, "He won't see anything, right? No, I'm not a wild monster now, but an NPC."

At this moment, Miao Qiqi rushed over and hugged Yi Zheng: "Yixie, you're not dead, that's great."

Hei Lian Jian Xin also ran over: "Haha, little brother Yixie, I knew you wouldn't die so easily."

Yi Zheng climbed up on Miao Qiqi's shoulder, yawned and said, "Death? This uncle is so awesome, how could it be so easy to die. But the two extraterrestrial demons were almost caught by me, it's a pity... "

Seeing a group of players rushing over to chat with Yi Zheng, talking and laughing, Li Xuantian frowned, and he was a little unsure of Yi Zheng's identity. When he first saw Yi Zheng's figure, the first thing that came to his mind was the embarrassed dead rabbit who was chasing him.

But that dead rabbit is an extraterrestrial demon and has no friends in this world.

Secondly, the rabbit is a wild monster, this guy is an NPC, obviously not the same thing.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that he was still too sensitive.

"Do you think he looks like that rabbit?" Qu Mai asked.

Li Xuantian nodded: "Like."

Qu Mai said: "Unfortunately not, there are so many children and players, and there are little fat people everywhere, don't think too much."

Although Li Xuantian was not reconciled, he still nodded. With his knowledge, he didn't know that anyone could switch between wild monsters, NPCs, and neutral ornamental animals at will.

Feeling that Li Xuantian's eyes gradually became dull, Yi Zheng was also secretly relieved.

Although, he is not afraid of being exposed, the big deal is to fight, and if he dies, he will just die as a clone.

But it would be a pity to miss the opportunity to acquire the twelve secrets.

"Boss Hei Lian, I have completed the task you said, right? Can I go to the twelve sects to see the supreme secret?" Yi Zheng suddenly asked Hei Lian Jian Xin.

Hei Lian Jian Xin couldn't answer directly, but looked at Qu Mai.

Qu Mai laughed, and just as she was about to say something, she heard a sneer: "Tsk tsk, accept the award by yourself for acting, Rabbit, you are really calculating!"

While speaking, Xingling Ape King came out of the woods, staring at Yi Zheng with a pair of red eyes.

Just after he was resurrected, after being beaten to death by a rabbit, his attributes dropped a lot, his lifespan also dropped for a year, and the meridians in his body were blocked and seriously injured.

All this shows that he was not killed by the player, but by his peers!

Players will not lose level, experience, and will not have serious injury effects when killing wild monsters.

Thinking that he was overcast by his peers, Xingling Yuan became angry, and he felt that Yi was a traitor among wild monsters. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. After pulling his younger brother to ask Yi Zheng's actions in the past few days, he vaguely guessed what he was doing. After catching up, he just happened to see Yi Zheng and I are gods and others.

Only then did he understand Yi Zheng's abacus.

Seeing that Yi Zheng was about to, he couldn't swallow his resentment and finally stood up and wanted to expose Yi Zheng.

"Rabbit? What kind of rabbit?" Everyone was stunned.

Li Xuantian even trembled and asked, "Xingling Ape King, what do you mean by that?"

Xingling Ape King laughed loudly: "Of course it means literally!"

Then Xing Ling pointed at Yi Zheng and said, "This guy is not a player, nor is he an NPC. Although I don't know what means he used, he can disguise himself as an NPC. But in fact, he is a wild monster, a rabbit!

After he killed me, he asked my subordinates to help him find two big fools, one called me a **** and the other called me not fat.

Then a few people plotted something.

I didn't know it at first, but I can see everything just now... Everyone, I don't need to say anything, right? "


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