At the same time, on the Kunlun Mountains, on the jade platform.


Fairy Ziyi seemed to have received some information, and then smiled: "The God of Yin and Yang is not here. His mountain is over there, you can use it."


Fairy Ziyi raised her hand and pointed, a mountain in the distance that Yi Zheng didn't even know how high was standing there.


Its height is not too high. Fortunately, there are no higher peaks around, and people will not be sprinkled with vegetable soup, which is not bad.


Yi Zheng hurriedly called Ying Zhao and the others over, Rare immediately shouted, "I'll carry you up!"


Yingzhao and the others glared at him, then Yingzhao took Yi Zheng, the others flew by themselves, and Rare jumped up with force. When he reached the top of the mountain, Yi Zheng saw a large stone tablet with the words "Yin and Yang" written on it.


This mountain is too big. There are mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, deserts, thousands of islands on the mountain...


What shocked Yi Zheng was that there were actually many creatures on this mountain, including jackals, tigers and leopards!


Only then did Yi Zheng understand that this is a mountain, this is clearly a small world, no wonder it is called Yin-Yang Realm, not Yin-Yang Mountain!


However, even if this is one world, in the eyes of these gods, it is just a dining table.


The Pantao event is really too big, so big that it doesn't know the law of the world, or even if the creatures are not big enough themselves, it is useless to infiltrate this event.


Because the infinitely small Yi Zheng and others stood in the small world and looked up, they couldn't see the gods and Buddhas at all, but were restricted by the rules of the small world, they could only see the blue sky...


It feels as if people on earth are sitting on the earth and looking up at the stars. What they can see is only within the range of their eyesight, and they can't see the existence in the depths of the vast universe. Even if that existence is thousands of times larger than the sun! It is thousands of times brighter than the sun.


Fortunately, Yingzhao and the others are not weak. After falling into this small world, Yingzhao and the others roared at the same time, and then their bodies began to grow, and the four divine beasts turned into giant beasts in no time!


The four people sat on the top of the mountain, and they just filled the mountain!


Yingzhao put Yi Zheng on his shoulder. Although Yi Zheng broke through the rules of the small world and was able to see the situation outside, but...


An atomic bomb faces a group of gods laughing like the sun, and there is no sense of participation!


The enlightened beast smiled, raised his hand and shot a beam of brilliance into Yi Zheng's body, Yi Zheng felt a loud bang in his mind, and then a scripture unfolded, and it was amazing!


The enlightened beast said: "This method of heaven and earth is not a supernatural power. It is easy to learn, but it is extremely difficult to master it. You learn it, and then deal with it and use it first."


The system prompt sounded in Yi Zheng's ear: "Ding! The enlightened beast taught you the seventh-order god-level exercise "Fa Xiang Tiandi", did you study it?"


Yi Zheng immediately clicked to learn, and then the scripture in his sea of ​​knowledge became clear.


Yi Zheng possessed the Wisdom Mantra, although his Wisdom Mantra was used on the powerful and terrifying gods, immortals and Buddhas around him, the effect was almost negligible.


However, the level of the martial arts of Enlightened Beasts is not high. They are also at the seventh-order **** level. The wisdom words are absorbed in an instant, Yi Zheng understands them in seconds, and directly activates the magical powers of the heavens and the earth.


In an instant, Yi Zheng's body became hot, as if there was infinite heat gathering and compressing in his body, and finally he rushed out with a bang!


Yi Zheng was like a ball. With a bang, Yi Zheng's body began to stretch and enlarge. In the blink of an eye, it grew more than ten meters tall, and then his body continued to grow, and it got bigger and bigger!


At the same time, the dantian in the body is like a runaway turbine, running wildly, and the infuriating energy is continuously compressed and then detonated!


His body is getting taller and taller, and his strength is also increasing!


Double, double, triple...


When Yi Zheng was 10,000 meters tall, he found out sadly that he was still an ant! It can't be compared with these gods and giants at all!


"Sword Comes"


Not to mention eating at the same table.


At this moment, a colorful streamer shot directly into Yi Zheng's body. Yi Zheng only felt that a force in his body that was so powerful that it could open up the world exploded. An extremely fast rate of growth!


After three seconds, Yi Zheng didn't know how tall he had grown. Anyway, he finally saw Yingzhao's knee.


Yi Zheng ignored Yingzhao and others, but waved in the direction of the Queen Mother of the West in the distance: "Thank you, Miss Xi Queen Mother!"


Hearing this title, all the immortals present were speechless for a while. As one of the first innate demon gods who jumped out of Pangu's body between heaven and earth, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the oldest god.


In the end, the rabbit called her little sister!


Apart from her size, that woman is so small!


However, they admired the courage of this rabbit even more. Who in the world would dare to call the Queen Mother of the West like that!


In terms of strength, status, and seniority, the Queen Mother of the West is almost the pinnacle of everything. The immortals and the gods are trembling when they see her, and they have prepared a lot of etiquette.


However, Qun Xian also saw how favored this rabbit was once again, and only heard the Queen Mother of the West indifferently reply: "It's not me, it's her!"


Due to his increased height and greatly improved eyesight, he finally saw the girl sitting on the incomparably huge mountain. The direction the girl pointed to was the Queen Mother!


The Queen Mother sat upright on the giant mountain, looking at Yi Zheng with a smile.

Yi Zheng was immediately embarrassed, and thought: "My Cao, what are you doing? Thank her? The Queen Mother of the West won't be angry and slap me? Don't thank her? If she commits a crime of disrespect, wouldn't the rabbit's head fall to the ground? "


Yi Zheng didn't understand the rules of heaven, but according to the rules of the emperor on earth, it was reasonable.


And he believed in his bones that the rules of the heavenly court must be more and stricter than those of the earthly court.


Just as Yi Zheng's eyes were rolling, thinking about how to deal with it, the Queen Mother said, "Today's Peach Festival, all beings are equal, don't say thank you, don't say anything wrong, just be happy."


The Queen Mother's words directly excused Yi Zheng from thanking him.


When the immortals saw this, they were in an uproar again!


They know the temperament of the Queen Mother best. Although she is not a short-tempered person, she is the most disciplined person.


There should be rewards and thanks.


Now, for the sake of a rabbit, the rules have been changed directly.


This really made everyone's jaw drop.


But when they glanced at the Queen Mother of the West, they suddenly realized that they stopped talking.


It's just that they shouted in their hearts: "This rabbit is going to defy the sky! It's better to make more friends in the future, and don't offend it."


Yi Zheng didn't know what was going on, but he was too lazy to think about it. Since he didn't have to be caught in the middle, he was naturally happy. Regarding the kindness of the Queen Mother, he followed it up, and owed it to others.


He has always firmly believed that he and the Queen Mother of the West are in the same group.


No matter how good the other party is to him, as long as the Queen Mother of the West gives an order, he will immediately follow the Queen Mother of the West.


After all, from the beginning to the end, only the Queen Mother of the West was really kind to him.


He can't tell who is bad, and he still understands who is good to him.


What's more, he has a deep relationship with the Queen Mother of the West. Although he is not very reliable, he still values ​​his friends and brothers very seriously.


At this moment, a long roar came from a distance, almost at the same time, all the gods, gods and Buddhas got up and looked east, bowing and salute.


At this moment, even the proud Queen Mother of the West, the majestic Queen Mother also looked to the east, frowning in awe.


Yi Zheng curiously climbed onto the shoulders of the tallest Lu Wu, then pulled Lu Wu's hair with one hand and built a pergola with the other, looking into the distance like Captain Jack.


To the east, a golden light lit up, instantly turning the entire sky into golden color!


Then came the crisp sound of jingle, followed by the sound of dragon and phoenix, and then there was a burst of fairy music...


At the same time, the true fairy music also sounded on Kunlun Mountain.


In the sound of fairy music, golden dragons danced and tens of thousands of birds sang. One hundred and eight five-clawed golden dragons flew from a distance pulling a bright golden carriage, surrounded by fairies, and heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals followed!


The beasts run, and Dapeng clears the way!


That scene was extremely shocking!


Yi Zheng was speechless and said, "Damn it, what kind of prodigal son, such a big array... woo woo..."


Before Yi Zheng could finish speaking, Lu Wu covered his mouth.


The enlightened beast said in a low voice, "One hundred and eight five-clawed golden dragons pull the cart, and only one person can ride in the world!"


Yi Zheng instantly understood: "Jade Emperor?!"


Yingzhao also saw the Jade Emperor for the first time. After pulling the four scourges and Rabbit into the group chat, he said in the chat column: "The Jade Emperor is too pompous, isn't it? I was fortunate enough to meet the Taoist Taishang Laojun back then, but I didn't see him either. It's such a show."


The enlightened beast explained: "The Jade Emperor is the co-lord of all realms. Except for the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, who is the incarnation of heaven, anyone who sees him will lower him by one point. That is the real majesty of the godless king! Even if it is the Taoist ancestor of Sanqing, I also want to leave a clone in the heaven for him to Do you think he should be very ostentatious?"


When everyone heard this, they all took a deep breath and exclaimed that it was amazing!


At this moment, Yi Zheng fell into deep thought.


When he was on Earth, he still liked the ancient legends of Tianxia. He had checked the classics and found that excluding novels and stories compiled by later generations, in the ancient Taoist orthodox books, the Jade Emperor was the first person in the Three Realms. Sanqing is also below him.


But later, with the evolution of the times, I do not know when, Sanqing began to overwhelm the Jade Emperor.


In the age of novels, the Jade Emperor even began to be included in the chess pieces of Sanqing and other saints.


Therefore, he could understand when he heard the enlightened beast say this.


With such a distracted effort, there was a sudden shouting from all around, and the sound shook the wild and eight wastes!


"Congratulations to the Jade Emperor!" The group of immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons shouted.


The heaven and the earth shook, and all laws followed. In an instant, the sky was filled with celestial rays, the auspicious air was flying, and the ground was swarming with golden lotuses...


The golden dragon chariot was also approaching, and Yi Zheng finally saw the true face of the golden dragon chariot! Where is the golden dragon car, but a yellow gas like a finger flowing through the whole body!


Yingzhao exclaimed first, "My God, that dragon carriage is actually made of black and yellow energy! This is too extravagant, isn't it?!"




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