Non-famous Actor

: One hundred and thirty, countermeasures

Latest website: It's nice to be young!

Even though the two of them tossed until midnight last night, when they got up early in the morning, Sun Hao was still as vigorous as a tiger. After changing into his sports clothes, he ran around Nanluoguxiang twice, and only then did he feel a little tired.

The Wang Family Grain and Oil Store at the entrance of Shoubi Hutong opened early. When Sun Hao passed by there, he bought some peanut oil, millet, flour, eggs, potatoes and cabbage.

Since time travel, Sun Hao usually eats breakfast outside, but now that he has the conditions, he naturally wants to cook it by himself.

Millet porridge, potato cakes, and refreshing cabbage, this is the breakfast Sun Hao plans to make today.

But when he was carrying something, he walked to the door of his house, but unexpectedly saw a person.

"Hey, Miss Hua, why are you here?"

"Hehe, I'm here to report the specific situation to you. Tomorrow, isn't this going to America A?!" While speaking, Wang Jinghua took the things from Sun Hao, and the two entered the door together .

"Where is Zeng Li?"

"Still asleep!"

Nodding his mouth towards the main room, Sun Hao led Wang Jinghua into the kitchen.

"Sister Hua, thank you. Zeng Li told me that without the help of you and Brother Dong, my two garages would not be able to open the door to the alley."

Putting the millet into the pot, Sun Hao expressed his gratitude to Wang Jinghua while washing the rice.

Wang Jinghua, who was squatting at the door of the kitchen and was peeling the potatoes, immediately raised the peeling knife in her hand.

"You're welcome.

This is mainly a coincidence. The husband of your brother Dong's colleague is the director of Jiaodaokou Street. If you change places, it may not be able to help you. "

"Sister Hua, I must thank you!

Someday Brother Dong has time, I'll cook a few dishes and treat you two to a drink. "Sun Hao said this with sincerity.

Dong Zhihua also agreed to help because of the fact that his younger sister Wang Xiaochen went to the Central Academy of Chinese Opera to study.

"Okay, let's talk when you have time. Your brother Dong also plans to have a good chat with you." Wang Jinghua moved quickly, and after peeling the skin, she began to shred the potatoes.

Since it is the first day of cooking here, the tools are not complete. For example, the shredded potatoes used in potato cakes can only be cut with a knife.

"Sun Hao..."


"The soundtrack of "10 Cloverfield Road" was finished last night by Dou Zhen. I plan to fly to America A tomorrow morning. Do you have anything else to say?"

"Hmm..." Sun Hao thought for a while, and then said, "Sister Hua, tell Harvey Weinstein that I can give him the priority to sell the script adaptation rights and sequel shooting rights of this movie, but there is only one condition.

"10 Cloverfield Road" must be released before April 23, US time. "

"It seems that the time is a bit tight, and they don't even have time to do publicity?"

After handing the shredded potatoes to Sun Hao, Wang Jinghua began to wash her hands. Sun Hao was cooking today, and she was just helping.

"Time is a bit tight, but Harvey Weinstein is also a well-known Hollywood boss, so he will naturally find a way."

"Okay, leave this to me!" Wang Jinghua nodded.

Potato cakes are very simple to make. It is nothing more than putting potato shreds in a pot, then adding flour, eggs, salt, and thirteen spices to season, stir into a thin batter, and then spread it out in a pan for frying...

Sun Hao was busy, and Wang Jinghua, who pulled up a chair and sat down, spoke again.

"Sun Hao..."


"Are you really planning to use Zhao Yanzi as the female lead in the movie "Train to Busan"?"

"Oh ah!"

Sun Hao, who was frying the first potato cake, turned to look at her in surprise.

"Sister Hua, who did you hear the news from?"

"Didn't you tell me?" Wang Jinghua asked in confusion.

"When did I tell you this?" Sun Hao became more and more confused.

How can it be?

When did I say that?

The eldest sister who will wear the military flag in a few days, I have no time to hide, how can I take the initiative to provoke her?

"Sun Hao, it was you who said that you want to leave the female lead of "Travel to Busan" to Han Shanye.

Because Han Shanye told you last time, he received great kindness back then, and now he wants to return the kindness to that person's younger generation? "

"Yes, I told you that!"

"That's right, because the person Han Shanye is talking about is Zhao Yanzi." Wang Jinghua said this very firmly.

Sun Hao was stunned, and even forgot to turn over the potato cakes fried in the pan.

Seeing that Sun Hao didn't believe it, Wang Jinghua sighed and said, "Zhao Yanzi's mother's surname is Wei, and she has a cousin named Wei Qiming, who is older than Xie Jin and Xie Lao.

Back then, Mr. Han was able to enter the Emei Film Studio because of his help. "


The amount of information was too large for Sun Hao to digest for a while, so he could only spread potato cakes while thinking about countermeasures.

Not long after, Zeng Li got up.

"Sister Hua, are you here?"


I heard from you a long time ago that Sun Hao cooks delicious food, so I will come over to try it today. "Wang Jinghua smiled and patted Zeng Li on the shoulder.

"Now, it's almost seven o'clock, hurry up and wash up, Sun Hao will make breakfast right away."

I heard that it was almost seven o'clock, and Zeng Li ran to the bathroom with a groan. The first session this morning was the lines class, which was taught by the head of the department, Wang Mingya. This class cannot be unprepared.

However, Zeng Li's strange cry gave Sun Hao some inspiration.

"Miss Hua, let's do this!

You held a press conference at Beijing Film Studio on behalf of us this afternoon. In front of Mr. Han, you formally invited Zhao Yanzi as a producer to participate in the movie "Busan" OK".

Of course, you have to introduce the role of Zheng Yumei to many media, the pregnant woman, even in the face of many "zombies", she still exudes the brilliance of motherhood..."


Just now, Wang Jinghua, who was frowning and distressed just like Sun Hao, wanted to understand the twists and turns, and instantly became happy.

Damn, that's great.

Let the princess fans all over the country put pressure on Zhao Yanzi and Qiong Yao, ask a youth idol loved by tens of millions of people to play the role of a pregnant woman, and face zombies, what's the matter?

And once the princess fans get into trouble, I believe Han Shanye has nothing to say. It's not that we don't give you the role, but that she doesn't want it..., or dare not.

With the countermeasures for things, the mood will naturally be happy. Even Wang Jinghua ate two bowls of millet porridge, which she usually doesn't like to drink.

Of course, while drinking porridge, Wang Jinghua did not forget to privately send a text message to Li Bingbing, who is filming in Nanhai Film and Television City, Foshan, Guangdong Province I will give you the script to take away, be sure to read carefully, It is estimated that after two weeks, Sun Hao will start to fix the angle! 】

This is the advantage of being close!

Going out at 7:15, Sun Hao and Zeng Li arrived at the school at 7:30, entered the classroom, and had half an hour of preview time.

In today's lines class, Sun Hao prepared for himself the passage in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in which Zhuge Liang scolded Wang Lang to death:

[I thought that the old ministers of the Han Dynasty must have high opinions, so I didn't expect to make such contemptuous remarks... I have always known what you have done: living on the shore of the East China Sea, and being filial to the world for the first time; When will they help the rebels and conspire to usurp the throne...]

But just as he was familiar with it, Sun Hao suddenly heard someone clapping his hands.

"Students, let's change the rules. For today's lines class, I will improvise for you."

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