Non-famous Actor

: Two hundred and seven, Kazilan's big eyes

"Ding ding ding..."

The phone call came suddenly.

Sun Hao, who was boxing and exercising, was watching the entertainment news broadcast on TV when his mobile phone on the sofa rang.

Zeng Li was putting on makeup not far away, and Sun Hao didn't want to disturb her, so he wiped off his sweat with a towel, went to the balcony, and answered the phone.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Director Sun Hao, it's me!"

The voice sounded a bit familiar, but Sun Hao still couldn't remember who the other party was, but he knew it the next moment.

"Your phone number was given to me by Leslie. I know it's a bit presumptuous to call you suddenly, but I still hope to visit you today."

Leslie is Leslie Cheung's English name. Now, Sun Hao knew who the other party was, and it was Andy Lau whom he had just met last night.

"I dare not take it as a visit. Please tell Mr. Liu if you have something to do."

"Well... I think we should talk face to face." Andy Lau on the phone hesitated a little.

"All right, Mr. Liu

At nine o'clock in the morning, Zeng Li and I are going to the law firm. Why don't we meet at the coffee shop downstairs in the Alexandra Building in Central at ten o'clock? "


Andy Lau agreed happily, without any superstar airs.

"Ding ding ding..."

But just after the call ended, the phone in Sun Hao's hand rang again, thinking that Andy Lau had something to say, Sun Hao didn't think about it, and pressed the answer button directly.

"Mr. Liu..."

"Haha... Haozi, my surname is not Liu, but Wang. This is my new phone number. You haven't written it down yet, have you?"


Sun Hao wanted to vomit blood.

It turned out that it was Wang Er Er who saw that men and women couldn't walk.

"Haozi, brother, I'm here on Hong Kong Island. I came here yesterday afternoon. I'm currently staying at the Emperor Hotel near Deep Water Bay. Why don't you come over for a cup of tea now?"

"You don't need to drink tea, because I have to go back to South Korea to film at three o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Wang, you can talk on the phone if you have anything to do." Sun Hao directly refused.

I'm a suave, suave, young and handsome guy. You invited him to a hotel. I don't know what disgusting things you would want to do.


After being silent for a long time, Wang Laoer on the phone said slowly:

"Sun Hao, let me remind you!

Do you still remember Lin Zhiling, a young model from Taiwan Province, who was sitting with us when we were drinking in the bar in Casablanca? "

Who is Lin Zhiling, Sun Hao naturally knows, although she is still a little-known small wild model, after all, she will be famous in the future.

But when it came to the matter of sitting in a bar and drinking together, Sun Hao scratched his head, because I didn't do it? !

"Oh, by the way, Sun Hao, don't blame my brother for not reminding you, it's best not to bring Zeng Li when you come."


The rain in the south comes and goes quickly.

It was still raining heavily at six o'clock in the morning, but by seven o'clock the sky was blue.

For breakfast, Sun Hao doesn't pay too much attention to it. Din Tai Fung next to the hotel has crab roe buns and preserved egg porridge with lean meat.

However, Zeng Li has become more and more particular. In the mainland, she still eats steamed stuffed buns with big mouthfuls, but sitting here now, she **** them in small mouthfuls.

Sun Hao was in a hurry and wanted to rush her.

As a result, Zeng Li pouted at a seat not far away, and Sun Hao looked up.


Sun Hao's eyes widened immediately. It turned out that Kwan Chi-lin, who is so beautiful in the entertainment circle of Hong Kong Island, was sitting there having breakfast.

Currently 37 years old, it can be regarded as the peak period of a woman's appearance, and Li Jiaxin can compete with one of them.

"How about it, isn't it beautiful?

I felt like she was staring at me just now. Zeng Li nudged Sun Hao with her elbow and whispered.

"Well, pretty is pretty.

But I feel that the reason why she looks at you is because she is thinking, hey, why is there a girl more beautiful than me? "

"Cut, a lie."

Zeng Li immediately rolled two beautiful eyes at Sun Hao.

Maybe Guan Zhilin came early, or maybe she had a small appetite. When Sun Hao and Zeng Li were discussing her, this elegant and beautiful beauty got up and left.

Looking at her back, Zeng Li heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh my god, I'm so exhausted. It's not good to be stared at by a super beautiful woman while eating."


Sun Hao wanted to laugh.

Daughter-in-law, I didn't expect you to pretend to be a good lady.

And after such a small episode, Sun Hao's mood gradually calmed down. What's the big deal? Isn't the most serious thing that the former body master Quan Lie once drunk and had sex, and was photographed by the always wretched Wang Erer? ?

At that time, the soldiers will come to block, and the water will come to the soil!

The Emperor Hotel is located at No. 1 Wang Tak Street, Happy Valley. Nearby is the legendary Happy Valley Racecourse. It is said that standing on the upper floors of the hotel can even overlook the entire racecourse.

Of course, Sun Hao is not in the mood to admire horses. He came here just to chat with Wang Lao Er, what exactly did Lin Zhiling and I do, and it is worth your old man's special trip to Hong Kong Island.

The two got off the taxi and walked into the hotel lobby. Sun Hao was about to make a call to Wang Lao Er, but the guy hurried out of the elevator.

"Hey, Haozi, are you here so early?

I thought you were coming over at noon.

The Cantonese cuisine at Junjingxuan on the first floor is pretty good. I plan to try it with you at lunch. "

Wang Lao Erji knew how to behave, even if he saw Zeng Li coming with her, he hugged and greeted her without changing his face, like an old friend who had known each other for many years.

"Liuli, are you getting more and more beautiful now?"

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your compliment."

"It's not a compliment, it's true!

Lili, I still remember the first time I saw you in Tanga Mountain, your temperament is not as noble as it is now, it has only been so long, and I am dwarfed by comparison. "


Sun Hao sighed.

Don't use idioms that you don't know how to use, because it's easy to make others laugh.

Of course, in a sense, Wang Laoer's comparison of himself to a woman is quite appropriate sometimes.

"Haozi, let's go to the fourth floor. There is a coffee shop on the fourth floor. Several friends are waiting there." After exchanging greetings with Zeng Li, Wang Er Er turned his head to Sun Hao.


However, Mr. Wang, you also know that my time is a bit tight, and I have to go to the law firm at nine o'clock..."


Before Sun Hao finished speaking, Wang Laoer warmly embraced him and Zeng Li and walked into the elevator next to the front desk.

To say they are friends is not a lie, Sun Hao and those who are sitting in the coffee shop on the second floor have really met each other.

Feng Xiaogang with bared teeth, Jiang Zhiqiang with gloomy face, and Huang Xiaoming who looked like a waiter in a coffee shop stood behind these two.

"Sun Hao, here we come!"

Feng Xiaogang bowed slightly.

"Brother Hao!"

Huang Xiaoming's emotional intelligence is extremely To Sun Hao, he calls him brother in private, but he calls him brother in public.

"Director Sun Hao, I'm here to ask you for someone. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" will be launched on July 15th, and today will be the 18th. When do you plan to return Zhang Ziyi to us?"

Among them, only Jiang Zhiqiang was complaining.

Sun Hao smiled at this.

"Mr. Jiang, you should actually thank me. In the past, my classmate Zhang Ziyi was just a newcomer favored by director Zhang Yimou.

And now, according to some Hong Kong and Taiwan media reports, the global box office of the horror movie "Kun Chi Yan" starring her is likely to exceed 300 million US dollars. "

"Sun Hao, it's okay if you don't talk about this, but if I mention this, I even want to strangle you to death.

Zhang Ziyi is obviously a chivalrous woman in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", but you let her act in a horror movie, and there is such a scary scene, I am now worried that European and American audiences will enjoy "Crouching Tiger" in cinemas a year later "Hidden Dragon", are you afraid that she will suddenly do this to the camera lens..."

As he said that, Jiang Zhiqiang imitated the most classic horror scene in "Kun Chi Yan" to Sun Hao~【Kazlan Big Eyes】!

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