Non-famous Actor

: Four hundred fifty-five, earthquake?

【Snake King Association】

It is a snake shop run by Zhou Jialing in Sham Shui Po. It mainly sells snake soup and also holds snake banquets. The store decoration retains the characteristics of old-fashioned restaurants, attracting diners from all over the world.

On the wall, there are densely posted various media reports about the shop owner "Snake Queen" Zhou Jialing, as well as photos of her with various celebrities, such as Yilong, Zhou Runfa, Zhou Xingchi...

At the end of the shop stood a wooden cabinet as tall as a person, and inside each cabinet door was one or several snakes.

Since it was time for dinner, Huo Wenxi parked the car on the side of the road, and followed Sun Hao to come here to inspect the shooting scene of "The Departed Walker", and have another meal here by the way.

In the food culture of Hong Kong Island, there has been a tradition of eating snake soup in winter since ancient times, for the purpose of nourishing and warming up. Therefore, even if Huo Wenxi is a beautiful woman, she has no psychological barriers to eating snakes.

"Boss, salt and pepper snake rolls, golden dragon Xizhu, fried snake shreds with celery and double pepper, and then two more snake soup."

"Okay, Mr. Sun, just wait a moment!"

Zhou Jialing, the female shopkeeper of the Snake King Association, stood at the counter and agreed, then turned around and went to the kitchen to work.

"Director, it looks like you are a big foodie on Hong Kong Island. When did you find out about this restaurant?"

Huo Wenxi sat down, a little curious.

Sun Hao never spends more than 50 days in Hong Kong Island throughout the year, so how did he know about this specialty store? !

"I just came here last time and found it when I was strolling around here. It's very distinctive."

"Did you find it while scouting for "The Departed Walker"?"


"But you haven't told me yet, how should we deal with the collective strike of Hong Kong extras?" Huo Wenxi asked Sun Hao while pouring tea.

"Eat first, and I'll show you around after dinner."

"Hehe..." Huo Wenxi smiled.

"On Hong Kong Island, I am the landlord. If you, a foreigner, take me for a stroll, wouldn't you be laughed to death?!"

However, even so, Huo Wenxi nodded and agreed, as long as you don't get rid of the trouble of collective strike by extras.



"You don't have the intention of bringing extra actors from the mainland, do you? If that's the case, "The Departed" really isn't a pure Hong Kong film."

"Hmm..." Sun Hao touched his nose habitually.

"Sister Mani, don't even mention it. When I first received your call, I really had this kind of thought in mind."

"That means you don't plan to use this method now?"

"Yes!" Sun Hao picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

"Then, director, can you tell me specifically what you plan to do? After all, according to the plan, our movie will start on October 18th."

"Well... keep it secret for now!" Sun Hao moved his head closer and whispered in Huo Wenxi's ear.


Huo Wenxi was a little angry.

What time is it?

The fire is imminent, and you are still playing tricks.

Snake King Xie, in Hong Kong Island, deserves to be the first restaurant to be a snake. The action is very fast. Sun Hao is chatting with Huo Wenxi, and the owner of the restaurant, Zhou Jialing, serves the food in person.

"Mr. Sun, fried snake shreds with salt and pepper and celery and double pepper!"

"OK, thanks!"

"Need something to drink?"

"Beer..." Looking at Huo Wenxi, Sun Hao saw that she had no objection, so he smiled at the shop owner Zhou Jialing:

"Shell, come here for a box, if you get more, you will be refunded and less will be replaced."


Zhou Jialing bowed and waved towards the counter, and immediately a middle-aged man came over carrying a case of beer.

"Mr. Sun, if you still need it, just ask."


Huo Wenxi responded, waved her hand, and wanted to let her go, but who knows, Sun Hao said with a smile: "Miss Zhou, I have a small favor, can you help me?"

"Mr. Sun, please speak!"

Originally, she wanted to go back to the back kitchen to see how the other two dishes were doing, but when she heard Sun Hao's words, Zhou Jialing stopped immediately.

"There should be quite a few regular customers in your store, right?"

"It's quite a lot. Basically, I have to turn over the station three times for a meal!" Zhou Jialing is confident that as long as Hong Kong Islanders who like to eat snakes, they will generally regard this place as their home.

"Then... among them, is there anyone who likes acting in movies?"

"Hey... Mr. Sun, what do you mean?" Zhou Jialing was puzzled.

And Huo Wenxi had the same doubts, did Sun Hao lose his mind, why did he say such unprofessional words?

Actors are actors, even if they are extras; amateurs are amateurs, even if they show their face inadvertently in a certain movie...

How can the two be confused? !

At this time, Sun Hao smiled and spoke.

"Don't be nervous, Ms. Zhou, what I mean is this. There is a movie I want to film in our [Yaowangxie] store. I wonder if you have any difficulties?"

"No, no, I'm willing even if I don't give money. After all, everyone knows that Mr. Sun, your movie will become popular when it is shot, and it will bring me a lot of traffic."

"Haha... Miss Zhou, you are serious!"

Sun Hao smiled confidently.

At this moment, Huo Wenxi slapped her thigh suddenly.

"Director, I understand what you mean.

Are you planning to let the regular customers of the Snake King Association appear in the movie, and then we can directly omit the extras in this scene? "


Seeing that Huo Wenxi guessed his thoughts, Sun Hao didn't intend to hide it.

"For the necessary guest actors, I plan to let the contracted artists of Yinghuang Entertainment Company to play; and for other non-essential roles, all amateurs will be used, such as the diners in this shop, the owner of the audio shop next door, or the people on the street. Small merchants who sell things..."

"Hmm..." Huo Wenxi thought for a moment, then nodded solemnly. If you don't consider the length of the shooting, this is really a good idea.

"Then..., what about the director, Wu Xing, and the stunt team?"

"Stunt..., I have sent Ke Shouliang back to China, if all goes well, I can arrive tomorrow.

For martial arts, I plan to use Kou Zhanwen and Zhang Jin. When filming "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" last year, one of them was a martial artist and the other was a stand-in. Both of them have real kung fu. "


Zhu Pi and Gambi, who looked like a couple very much, were sitting on a table at the entrance of the Snake King Association, with their backs to Sun Hao and Huo Wenxi.

[Hey, Sun Hao has so many eyes! 】

Although they were sitting next to each, out of professional habits, the two of them still used their mobile phones to send text messages very cautiously.

[Hehe..., Gabby, do you see that this is the great director, otherwise, Sun Hao would have been crushed by his mainland counterparts long ago, how could he be in a good mood to come to Hong Kong Island to shoot a Hong Kong film! 〕

【Then, Brother Pig, what should we do now? 】

[Of course, this explosive news must be released immediately, if it cannot be sent through the paper media, it will be sent online.

I really don't believe it, will this news become the focus of Hong Kong Island? ! 〕

After the text message was sent, Zhu Pi, who was already a little anxious, got up and left immediately, while Gambi stood up and followed quickly.

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