Non-famous Actor

Chapter 478: , lunar pomp

In my hometown, before the ox plows the field, the owner will always give the cow a good meal, enough forage, enough soup, and even some exquisite owners will give the cow a few handfuls of corn and soybeans. Concentrate.

If you want the cow to contribute, you have to pay a little bit!

And Sun Hao thinks that he is the cow that needs to contribute. Since you want me to join the national team and want me to move around in the narrow space you set, then you have to show some sincerity, right? !

And "Avatar" is the touchstone to verify your sincerity.

Although the investment is a bit large, a full 500 million US dollars, the rewards are also high. From the upstream professional photographers to the most downstream film special effects production companies, as long as they can participate, the technology will definitely be developed.

With a budget of 500 million US dollars and a five-year production period, Han Shanye almost fell over the wine table when he heard Sun Hao's estimate for "Avatar".

This grandson really dares to bid!

Of course, Han Shanye also knew that he could not make the decision, so he told Sun Hao that I need to report to my superiors.

Let me know, I'm not in a hurry anyway.

After eating something and drinking some beer, after talking about things, Chaohan Shanye, Yan Long, and Yang Shoucheng waved their hands, and Sun Hao turned around and left the room.

As for those beautiful stars, Sun Hao didn't have the slightest intention to take them out, because the dinner is a dinner, and going out is another price tag.

Of course, even if the price comes out, it depends on whether these beautiful artists are willing or not? !


"Are you Director Sun Hao?"

"Director Sun Hao, hee hee..., I am your loyal fan, can you take a photo with me?"

"Director Sun Hao, I just came from the theater in Yau Ma Tei, and I just watched your latest movie "Moon". It's so handsome and cool!"

"Director Sun Hao, why can't I understand "Moon"? Why are there three identical people appearing in the camera together?"

"Director Sun Hao, I heard that a film company in Hollywood wants to invite you to develop in the past, but why don't you go?"

There are many mainland tourists visiting Victoria Harbour. Just as Sun Hao strolled by the seaside for a while, he met many enthusiastic movie fans from the mainland.

Taking photos, signing, answering questions... After half an hour of tossing, Sun Hao waved goodbye to these people.

At 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, there were few buses near Central Plaza. Sun Hao planned to take the subway back. Taking the subway was safe and fast, and he could find a movie theater at the exit of the subway to watch a midnight show of the movie "Moon".

But just as he was about to walk into the entrance of the subway station, suddenly, a beautiful woman grabbed his clothes from behind.

"Sun Hao, please wait a moment?"

The voice is sweet and recognizable. Sun Hao doesn't even need to turn his head to know who is coming?

"What's the matter, Miss Lin?"

"What, you call me Miss Lin?" Lin Zhiling, who was 1.7 meters tall, was surprised.

"Sun Hao, it was you who told me back then that you were going to follow the idol route, we would not contact each other within two years, and even if we did meet, we should pretend we didn't know each other.

And two years later, if you are not married and I am not married, we will be together.

Now, it has been two years, four months and five days. I never thought that you would call me Ms. Lin when we met? "


Sun Hao stared at her and smiled.

"Miss Lin, your acting skills are good. Tell me, what's the matter with you?"

"Sun Hao, what I said is true. At that time I asked you for a token, but you gave me a Jasper..." Lin Zhiling took out something from her pocket and handed it to Sun Hao, weeping. Drop, a pitiful look.

"Hehe..., the acting is good!" Sun Hao smiled and applauded. "However, I can give you another chance. If you don't tell me your real reason for coming, I'm going to leave."

"Sun Hao..." Lin Zhiling wanted to say more, but she didn't expect Sun Hao to turn around and leave. Therefore, she could only follow in a hurry, and then said quickly and anxiously:

"Sun Hao, what I just said is the truth, how can you not remember it, I asked you to use it, but you said you didn't feel comfortable wearing it, so you left it for me as a token.

You also said that if you don't become famous after two years, it means you are dead, so I don't have to wait for you anymore..."

In this way, Lin Zhiling, who was wearing a baseball cap, jeans, and a black T-shirt, followed Sun Hao all the way from the Central MTR station to Yau Ma Tei.

Fortunately, there were not too many people in the carriage late at night, otherwise, if it was photographed by those entertainment media, it would not be known what it would be like.

"Director Sun Hao..."

Perhaps because she really felt Sun Hao's unfeelingness, Lin Zhiling's tone finally softened at the moment.

"Even if I beg you to do it?

You make me famous! You want me to be like the Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, who became popular all over the world overnight, and by then, the past between the two of us will be erased? "


Sun Hao, who came out of the subway, rejected her very simply.

"Miss Lin, because your acting skills are so clumsy, you just want to cheat by holding a Jasper.

But it's ridiculous that you don't even check such an important prop, its production date is actually September of last year. "

"Uh..." Lin Zhiling turned over the Jasper, took a closer look, and immediately threw it into the trash can next to it.

"Director Sun Hao, what I said is true. The two of us did have close contact, and Jissbon is also true. It's just that I didn't bring it with me. That's why I bought it from a nearby shop just now. Li quickly bought one, just to increase the persuasiveness of my words."

However, Sun Hao ignored her at this time, but looked at the Yau Ma Tei Cinema not far away, and there was already a long queue at the entrance of the cinema.

Today Saturday, many parents brought their students to watch the movie. Of course, the movie "Moon" is also really powerful. Many elements such as science fiction, cloning, and suspense are favorites of young people.

Sun Hao thought for a while, then walked over and stood quietly behind these people.

"Dad, can you guarantee that this pair looks good?"

"Of course!

Let's put it this way kid.

This is our best science fiction film in China. Although the scene is simple and the characters are few, it is full of suspense and humanitarian thinking about future technology. It's a bit like a stage play, where meaningful themes can be shown with only limited stage space. "

"Haha... Dad, I can't understand what you're talking about."

"It's okay, you'll understand after you watch the movie."

Hearing the conversation between father and son, Sun Hao even wanted to go up and explain directly, son, don’t listen to your father, in fact, if you really can’t understand, or don’t understand physics, then, at your age, you may watch this movie don't know.

However, before Sun Hao could make a move, a man stood out from the entrance of the Yau Ma Tei Cinema, wearing blue overalls, holding a loudspeaker in his hand, and announced loudly:

"In Auditorium No. 4, the sci-fi movie "Moon" will be officially screened in 5 minutes. Please prepare in advance!"

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