Non-famous Actor

: Six hundred and forty four, Golden Globes

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"Hi director!"

"Hello, Mr. Han!"

"Hello, Mr. Yu!"

"Hello Miss Fei!"


Los Angeles International Airport

Sun Hao, Han Shanye and his party just left the terminal, and they saw Ning Hao and Xing Aina who had arrived here earlier.

"Ah..., Nana, how did you come here so fast?" Xing Aina and Zeng Li had a good relationship, and they hugged each other when they met.

"We flew from the mountain city to Shanghai Magic City, and then transferred over from Shanghai City, which happened to be four hours ahead of you."

After receiving the luggage, Ning Hao smiled and chatted with Sun Hao while preparing to put the suitcase in the taxi.

Los Angeles is not bad, at least the taxis are relatively plentiful, unlike in Beijing International Airport, if you don’t lift up your skirts for delicate girls, you won’t be able to grab a taxi.

But as soon as the taxi stopped, Sun Hao, Han Shanye, Yu Dong and the others saw a luxury convoy of Cadillacs approaching.

"Old Ning..."


"Stop calling a taxi, our car is here?"

Sure enough, as soon as Sun Hao finished speaking, the lead car of that luxury convoy stopped at his feet.

"Hahaha..., Sun, my friend!"

After pushing the door and getting out of the car, Harvey Weinstein with a fierce face appeared in front of Sun Hao. The two bumped their chests, and a big bear hug came.

"Mr. Harvey, "Hero" has made you a lot of money, right?"


But still not as good as your movie. "

Although he is awesome in China, Han Shanye is not enough to see abroad. Harvey Weinstein just nodded and greeted him when he saw him, and then pulled Sun Hao into the lead car.

“Beverly Hills Hilton!”

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Harvey Weinstein gave a casual order and chatted with Sun Hao.

"Sun, are there a lot of people here?"

"They are all friends, they want to come and see the world!"

"Well... I'll arrange it!"

Harvey Weinstein is a well-known old hooligan in Hollywood. It is not a problem for him to ask for more invitations when an actress walks on the red carpet.

Even if he wanted to help, it would be possible for Fan Jiuyi to walk the red carpet with Tom Hanks on his arm.

"Sun, when will we start the promotion of "Fast and Furious"?"

"It's the day before the Chinese New Year. If it starts early, I'm afraid it won't be time-sensitive." Sun Hao thought for a while and replied.


I listen to you, you said when to do it, when should we do it? "The car was running smoothly, and the red wine that Harvey Weinstein poured into the glass didn't spill out.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Sun Hao raised his glass and touched him with a smile.

However, just as Harvey Weinstein put down his wine glass, he stretched out his right hand to Sun Hao and said with a smile:

"Sun, I'm afraid I have to congratulate you!"


[The first time Guo Nvxia angrily smashed the shopkeeper Tong of Tongfu Store and lost people

1. Exterior view at night outside Tongfu Inn

Xing Butou and everyone at the Tongfu Inn were at the entrance of the inn.

Lao Xing: I have to go.

Shopkeeper: Lao Xing!

Lao Xing: I am on official business, and my heart is on the people. I am on official business, and my heart is on the people!

Shopkeeper: Listen to me.

Lao Xing: Don't say anything, this is the end of the matter, everyone lives in peace.

Shopkeeper: don't go

Lao Xing: I have to go

Shopkeeper: If you leave, I will die for you

Lao Xing: What are you doing?

Shopkeeper: It’s not hard not to keep your heart, but also to keep your people

Lao Xing: What if people can’t keep them?

Shopkeeper: Then please settle last month's wine bill, abacus, wait!


"Ha ha…"

January 21, 8:30 am

Huang Yi, who was hiding at home and reading the script, laughed badly. She only read a hundred or so words, and she squatted on the ground with her belly in her arms.

Maybe it was because she made too much noise and woke up Lu Haibo who was cooking in the kitchen. This guy was wearing an apron and ran out with a spatula in his hand.

"What's the matter, old Huang?"

Lu Haibo is a good person.

Knowing that although Huang Yi bought a house in Beijing, he lived here alone, so he bought a house in the same community, and he often came here to cook for his classmates.

Of course, Lu Haibo also had a role model in doing so.

It is said that the students of the performance department of the ninth and sixth grades of Chinese opera, if they are in the capital, basically go to the director's house to have a meal, and the director is also willing to cook for his classmates.

Lu Haibo believes that on this point, he has to learn from Director Sun Hao in everything he says.

"Haha, Hai Bo, this "Wulin Biography" written by our director is simply too funny. As soon as the TV series started, there was a big twist in the plot."

"Hey, yeah? Let me see..."

For Huang Yi, Lu Haibo is full of envy. During the dinner together, she didn't say anything? The director casually threw her a heroine...

Huang Yi!

One, go to northern Shaanxi. In August next year, when the TV series starts, I want to listen to your authentic northern Shaanxi dialect.

Second, focus on the role of gold inlaid jade in "New Dragon Inn". Remember, what I want is not a simple imitation, but you want to perform the flavor of it.

If you can do these two points, then the role of Tong Xiangyu is yours!

Thinking about Sun Hao's confession to Huang Yi, Lu Haibo picked up the script from the table.


Shopkeeper (planning plan): Fenjiu seven two seven eight fifty six

Lao Xing: Shopkeeper Tong, we have to be reasonable

Shopkeeper: Why am I being unreasonable?

Lao Xing: The male and female evil spirits are making such a fuss. The whole Seven Heroes town is in turmoil, and everyone is in danger.

Shopkeeper: That's true

Lao Xing: That's right

Shopkeeper: Fenjiu seven two seven eight fifty six

Lao Xing: It’s alright, alright, you can’t finish it, it’s almost alright.

Shopkeeper: Sorry, I was wrong

Lao Xing: I know where the mistake is

Shopkeeper: The fault is that Nuerhong is seven taels and Fenjiu is eight taels, eight, sixty-four, seven, nine, sixty-three, and you need to add another five dollars



All day complaining about Huang Yi's low smile, Lu Haibo didn't expect that he was no better than her?

It's just that I read 100 more characters than her, and I couldn't live with laughter. I'm a man, and I have no resistance in front of this script.

Huang Yi, why don't you lend me this script for two days?

Lu Haibo is smart, and he thought of an idea as soon as he turned his small eyes.

Let's take a look!

Take a look at which role in this script is suitable for you? When the time comes to call the director myself, I don't believe that the director will cruelly reject a young man with perseverance and acting skills.

But before he could say anything, Lu Haibo saw Huang Yi sitting in front of the computer.

[Everyone, good morning, everyone. This is the text live broadcast room of Today I will broadcast live the content of the 59th Golden Globe Awards Ceremony.

Similar to the awarding process in China, the first part of the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony is to walk on the red carpet. Now we can see that a long red carpet has been laid in front of the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles.

On both sides of the red carpet, there are hundreds of reporters with long guns and short cannons in their hands. Since the red carpet show has not officially started, they are whispering about who will get the best film and best director this year.


"Hi Bo..."


"Do you think our director will win the award this time?" Huang Yi turned her head and looked at Lu Haibo.

"Two days ago, a host friend in the circle said that if the director participated in her show, it would be difficult for her to introduce the director to the audience.

Because up to now, the director has not won any important awards, she can't tell the audience directly, the one next to me is the director of "The Martian" with a box office of more than one billion US dollars, right? "

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