about ten hours, Lan Mu found that players have begun to adapt to this game.

First consciously accumulate food reserves.

In this game, food and water are essential. Players at first expedition to the killing, do not know how to handle the body.

Some people cut off the heads go back and change feats.

Some people have handled animal carcasses in reality, barely decomposed the carcasses, and took some seemingly important parts in exchange for merit.

But the player finally discovered that a whole corpse had the most merits, so after hunting monsters, they dragged them back to the base.

For a long time, while they got a lot of merits, they found that the base did not provide food and water for free.

When hunger entangled them, they discovered that it takes merit to eat the processed meat.

“It’s so dark!”

So, the player who knows how to cook becomes a dad in the game again, because not everyone can make a fire in the wild.

The team combination hunts and kills the monster, and the chef handles the corpse, leaving the meat to make food, and returning the rest to the base in exchange for merit.

Successively, a team began to unconsciously divide labor.

Interestingly, this division of labor relies on the skills of players in reality.

Gabriel reality of a very devout believer, who is naturally divine technique, the team’s core ‘law God’.

wounded who rely on divine technique treatment, encountered strong strange to rely on divine technique who control the market, everyone’s priority to the protection of divine technique.

Secondly, it is the commander of the team. Most of them are professional players. They have better adaptability and understanding of the game than ordinary people. They are leaders and tactical guides.

However, surprisingly, came in third professional chef dad is not, nor is the so-called MT, but not in reality good player movement.

is craftsmen, will be some carpenter, mason’s skill, otherwise the team are not even a wheelbarrow.

“Hey, this game allows players to really start from scratch ah, you are Tom also house technology, otherwise we will be like over there as a team, spend feats buy a truck.”

Nani formed a team, although there are only fifteen people, but it has all five internal organs.

They were the first team to start this game can find their own creation, freedom surprisingly high.

To make carts, axes, artificial weapons, etc., they don’t need to spend any effort to buy the high technology of the base, and they do it themselves.

In the case that the divine technique, the technical house and even the chef are the team fathers, he Nani can still be the team leader without any skill.

It relies on a unique and unmatched understanding of this unique and unmatched game.

During the period when all teams only dared to hunt down mobs, and run away when encountering big monsters or gregarious monsters.

Tanani was the first to lead the team and eliminate nine raptors.

Using traps and setting fires, they did not sacrifice a single person and eliminated the small group of velociraptors.

The war also do much to stabilize his position as team leader, and fame in North America.

That was Raptor ah! Gregarious Raptor least seventy-eight, as many as a dozen out, the players met only escape, and escape all escape is the kind of player is simply a nightmare, it is considered the most powerful base near strange.

But in the early stage, Nani’s team used human wisdom to wipe out nine raptors.

When a wooden cart dragged the swift dragon corpse back to the base, players in the entire North American region were a sensation.

Use wisdom to defeat powerful enemies. This sense of accomplishment fascinates players. Killing nine monsters is more proud than killing a hundred monsters in other games.

“We accumulated a lot of feats, and finally consider the exchange of skills.”

“Redeem higher cooking it! I am not very satisfied to produce their own food ……”

“Learn to make leather! Our novice clothes are about to rot…”

“I want to learn to swim. In reality, I can’t swim. If I didn’t drag everyone down , we would have crossed the river a novice. “

we each airs his own views, want to have their own life skills learning.

But no one asked to learn fighting skills in Nani’s understanding, he told us all sad to fighting skills, they rely on the wisdom and the team has always been a tool for winning, fighting technique is enough to learn and fast Long PK it?

Nani said:. “Cooking and leather touches in no hurry, but Tom really want to learn to swim quickly, our exploration progress has lagged behind Timo’s team of”

This swim some players really inherent weaknesses, they will not swim in reality, the results of the game would go even a river.

novice players to get the name of the river is located in the western base 20 li, is the first player encountered a river, is the only source of water.

The water is turbulent there, and there are many monsters encountered, but many players have crossed the river to that end, and they brought back the news that there are ore and more powerful monsters there.

Nani added: “The remaining meritorious, if you trust me, then it together series of convertible architecture skills.”

After listening to the explanation Nani, Everyone exclaimed: “You want to build your own town so soon?”

“This is just a closed beta!”

Nani said with a smile: “Some things are always necessary try the closed beta at the time that, if I guess correctly, tomorrow we will be able to build outside the fortress game first base! “

well the game! Just want to survive!

After listening to Nani ambitions, everyone shouted: “!! Well we together build their own territory”


2nd day, this is a game where the 2nd day, the reality is only in the past ten hours just four o’clock.

as a dream world, and realistic time ratio of 2: 1. This has been explained on the official website.

A large group of people are addicted to the game. Although they are extremely sadistic, they play with keen interest pleasure.

Nani’s team has always belonged to one of the very best top teams in North America. They have already begun to build houses on the other side of the Novice River.

After other players discovered their actions, the news immediately spread throughout North America.

“Nani squad in the build fortress!”

“They have built the foundation and walls!”

More and more players are attracted To observe, some people even joined Nani’s team directly.

With the growth of the team, construction progress faster and faster.

“Tom! Quick check off the assembly line the inner wall of the structure of the furnace!”

“eh? How did you get the glass, go with Google!”

“pulley rope was not strong enough, we want a solution!”

Nani constantly directing, they all have difficulty build forts, directly off the assembly line to find information.

They are like transmigrators, with a whole civilization standing behind them, frantically climbing the technology tree in the early stage.

From a technical point of view, they have surpassed all closed beta players.

Many closed beta players and respected in the divine technique base, fighting technique, traps and other manufacturing skills.

Build a pulley block in the game? Making glass? This is not sick it?

However, when Nani’s team returned to the base with a shipment, the players were dumb.

These guys actually made explosives! and also******!

Although extremely poor, and even some of insecurity, but this, after all, for the killing of great benefit, for a time triggered looting in the player population.

This is much cheaper than the base’s weapons. A can of explosives only sells 2 merits, which is the same price as the base’s two bullets.

Two bullets are not as big as a can of explosive formidable power. To deal with some large creatures, one can of explosive is too much.

So Nani started the gun base business and earned a lot of merit. Lan Mu


Overlooking the behavior of the players in the dream high in the sky, and soon found the players climb the tech tree behavior.

But it was his long anticipated, in addition to base sci-fi creations of late, early and reality there is not much difference, in reality, you’ll skills in the game would not have learned, in reality, No, you can learn to use it in reality in the game.

So Google, encyclopedias and other things all of a sudden become the player the Raiders Daquan, they frantically issuing posts introduce a variety of manufacturing methods item in the forum, various material alternatives in the game.

And this trend is caused by Nani, who in the morning, his video sent out after the game, led to many people marvel at the reality of the 2nd day.

Other closed beta players were amazed at Nani’s ability to understand the game. He even played a technical advantage in the game and pitted the player’s money.

Netizens who don’t have an internal beta number can’t believe how free this is a game. It’s a real world where players can play. After

watched the game video, did not qualify beta users envy, they realized it was a landmark game, have to send what to expect when the second round closed beta ended, or simply beta. After

and say the life skills learned in the game more and more players, the reality can also help, and more caused a sensation.

such as cooking and swimming, on the base of learning the game, the player directly indoctrinated two skills of information results in reality, they also learn the relevant skills.

Swimming has always been a very simple matter, the reality of people who can not swim are usually afraid of the water to try, plus tips will not, choked a few mouthfuls to give up. But in the game, players have the courage to try, learn to swim and then come to reality, naturally they are not afraid of water.

The same is true for cooking, peeling, tailoring, etc. As long as you use it many times in the game and use it to the point of skill, it is basically pretty close in reality.

reality is studied architecture students, have wistfully of the game building skills series. Reality science engineering and manufacturing, but also drooling on game-related skills. The knowledge download technology, but only exists in science fiction.

Such a game that directly inputs real knowledge is completely a benefit of learning scum!

Some players even said that not to mention five hundred dollars, even if it is fifty thousand dollars, he has to play!

Lan Mu slightly smiled, realizing that the time is almost here.

“it is time to increase the number of players, but unfortunately, with the increase in players and expanding the search area, you will soon find the real difficult monster is what ……”

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