It is normal for a monster to attack a city too early during the closed beta period, but after all, there must be a closing measure. It is impossible to slaughter the city until daytime.

The best finishing method, of course, is the appearance of Gabriel.

Since he has transformed into Gabriel and presented himself to the whole world, Lan Mu naturally wants to do his missionary career to the end.

“When mankind is in real danger, Gabriel will appear to rescue you.”

This is what the priests in the major exploration bases have always said.

Monster siege, NPC will not stand idly by. NPCs in the overwhelming majority base are also dealing with monsters.

In the battle, the player saw the power of NPC, but also realized that NPC was not too powerful.

Usually, the NPCs in the main game city are almost invincible, and the guards of a village may be stronger than the strongest boss.

However, when the monster sieges the city, the base NPC, like the player, struggles, and is subsequently eliminated.

The only thing left is the priests who did not participate in the war at each base. They prayed in the church.

Originally, the players were still criticizing those priests, but after seeing Gabriel really dropping from the sky, they immediately rejoiced.

Smart players already know that the blood moon is over.

Sure enough, the brilliance of Gabriel obscured the Scarlet Moon, and the monsters howled under the holy light, looking up towards Gabriel.

He did not cancel the blood moon directly, but used holy light to block the monsters from the resurrection point.

High in the sky, Gabriel seems to be a giant, and players in the six regions can clearly see this six-winged Seraphim.

“Is this a real angel, or is it in the game?” Some players murmured, they did not forget that this is a game.

“It is true! It must be true! Have you forgotten the value of faith? Only True God knows whether our hearts are pious, how can the game know?”

“So say , This is a game supervised by God? No wonder there is no government banning such a game…”

“Perhaps…this is not just a game…”


More and more players were resurrected. They screamed and rushed out, preparing to continue fighting with the monsters, but found that the monsters were all blocked.

Holy light is dazzling, and then I noticed Gabriel in the sky.

Lan Mu did not take action to destroy the monster, nor did he disperse the monster directly, but just blocked them and waited for all the players who remained in the game but had not resurrected.

Gradually, all the players were resurrected, and they looked towards Gabriel in surprise, no one worried that the monster would kill them.

Players know that Gabriel must have something to say.

Sure enough, Lan Mu said to all the players in the game: “You can stand here and stick to the present, you have the quality of not giving up in despair.”

“Destroy monsters yourself. Well, your persistence will be exchanged for what it deserves.”

“Every monster will leave behind a bone that gathers its magic power after death. Having a magic bone is the basis for becoming a warlock.”


“Don’t be afraid of them, holy light is protecting you.”

After that, every player feels that he is different. While holy light weakens the monsters, it also helps each The player gave a holy blessing.

Make the player’s attack cause sacred damage, and have a strong blow to the monster.

In other words, players are now blessed with a powerful buff, which gives them a basis for destroying monsters.


“Thanks Gabriel!”

“haha, I was right to stay!”

“Killed by monsters twenty times, I can finally get revenge!”

“Don’t worry about the mobs, find monsters to kill, they are the kind of magical monsters, killing them will let us A lot ahead of others!”

“I rely on! That’s awesome!”

“Don’t rush, hug! Hug! Even if we have divine blessings, we can’t be careless.”

Lan Mu watched the players clean up the monsters. With his help, the players can at least spend the night of the blood moon.

Monsters are not weak, but Lan Mu gives players the ability to cause fatal damage to monsters. After this night, a small group of warlocks will appear in the game.

The magic obtained by fusing the devil bones is different from the magic of learning local civilization. The former is a warlock and the latter is a wizard.

The player gets the magic contained in the devil bone, and there is a limit on casting spells every day. After using it, you must wait for the demon bone to slowly charge.

And the spell released is also fixed, the monster will only leave the corresponding monster bone.

All related spells are set by Lan Mu. They come from super USB flash drives or various entertainment works on the earth. The principle of seems right but actually isn’t, is basically made up by Lan Mu.

You can cast spells if you hold the devil bones. In reality, it would be nice if it was true. Lan Mu couldn’t ask for it.

If he can, he will decisively peel off the little demons.

Overnight, more and more people went online. They heard that things had changed in the forum and hurried over to reap the benefits.

However, they went online only to die. Except for the group of people who insisted at first, all the people who picked up the bargain later were not blessed by Gabriel.

You want to kill a monster with a pistol and explosives this thing? Simply wishful thinking.

Shrinked in the holy light protective cover of the base, those players beat their chests and feet, regretting it.

“Hi! What a tyrant! So angry!”

“We shouldn’t quit the game! We missed the chance to become a warlock.”

“I should have thought of such a plot long ago. The organizer should not deliberately abuse us. Every skill system is opened for a reason. The technology that comes with the human exploration base, the divine technique bestowed by our human gods, and It is mentioned on the official website that the learning magic system that is opened after contacting the local civilization, these all are gradually opening up more skill choices as the player explores.”

“hmph! Actually, I thought about it a long time ago, It’s just that I don’t want to die too many times in vain. What a pity! I’m one step too late to go online.”

“Cut! After a while, you were the worst scolding in the forum before.”

“If you want me to say, don’t just provide this information directly to us? Why do we have to have a blood moon? The Tucheng that our team has worked so hard to build is directly flattened…”

“Provide directly to You? You go play that kind of online game, recharge 10,000, and you will become a god! Peerless Divine Item, click and send.”

“Yes, the fun of this game lies in the player’s exploration, free life A sense of accomplishment. I really admire the players who stayed in the game and abused. They really have a unique vision and saw the game clearly.”

A large group of players went online and occasionally helped clean up the mobs. Most of them are chatting under the safe holy light.

They regret it again, and they have no choice at this moment. They can only watch the battle, watching the players outside fight the monsters bravely, and then excitedly harvest the crystal clear and near-transparent monster bones.

The players realized that from this night onwards, the divine technique practitioner will not be the eldest father, and the era of the magic bone warlock has arrived.

“The world of this game is changing too fast. In the beginning, the monster was the dad, and we all had to walk around. After that, the divine technique was the dad, and we all provided him. Then technology is king, we I have to climb the tree of science and technology. Then I understand that no matter how powerful it is, it’s useless to crush you. However, the number of people is not a big deal. Giant beast teaches how to be a human in minutes… Now the giant beast is the scum, and the monster is the monster we pursue. , The devil bone will be a huge price! The warlock is the father, no! It is the ancestor!”

After the blood moon night, various lucky players who got the devil bone showed off the power of magic in the forum.

Players have discovered that a warlock’s battle strength can reach a team of more than ten or twenty people. Some field-controlling magic is more important and can change the situation at critical moments.

The powerful magic aroused envy and hatred on the forum, and these lucky players came to the front of everyone.

Many people are willing to actually spend a high price to buy magic bones. After all, without Gabriel’s blessing, the player’s current strength cannot deal with monsters. Only a warlock with the same magic can deal with monsters, so magic bones are precious There is no doubt.

For this situation, Lan Mu had long anticipated that the reason why he did not directly provide information on the devil bone, rather than tortured it first, was purposeful for giving this gameplay through the plot.

A small part is for authenticity, mainly for the growth of nightmares and angels.

First harvest the fear, and then after the player can’t provide the fear, let the angel appear to save the field, harvest a lot of faith, and make the player become pious.

If you want to become stronger, you must take risks. Risking will lead to disasters. The disasters make people fearful, and fear induces belief.

Sometimes, Lan Mu feels that he is too utilitarian.

Soul, spirit, fear, faith… Fortunately, the true ancestors disdain human blood, otherwise humans will be ruined.

The whole world allows him to achieve Supreme by himself. This seems to be destined from the at first of getting the life ball.

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