In fact, Lan Mu still has doubts about Wu Zongxin’s explanation.

Why did everyone die, but he survived?

If the Worm’s Brain goes to sleep soon after Formation is enveloped, then he can completely protect his companions.

He said that he disguised himself as an insect and shared the corpses of his companions with the insects. Let’s not say whether this can be achieved. Even so, at the speed of the insects’ eating, more than 100 corpses quickly disappeared. Up.

How can it be possible to store dead bodies? Even if you want to store it, you should store energy after eating it. Insect race definitely has this function, instead of leaving the corpse to decay.

For a while, Lan Mu looked at Wu Zong in silence. This man was full of lies and kept lying to him.

And what makes Lan Mu horrified is that if even eating the body of a companion is considered a lie, then with such a lie that ordinary people cannot accept, what more cruel facts will be covered up?

Lan Mu vaguely guessed in his mind, but didn’t say anything.

“gā gā gā…”

A louder crawling sound appeared, and insect race return in a swirl of dust.

First of all, the body size has become larger, and not the big ants before, one by one looks like a big cat.

There are also many offensive organs, high-strength outer skeletons, such as rock-piercing tentacles, razor-sharp limbs, and ultra-dense black shells.

They moved swiftly and launched a fierce attack on Lan Mu as soon as they emerged from the ground.

“Finally send a more powerful battle-type insect?”

Lan Mu has a gun in one hand and a sword in the other. The crimson energy bomb blasts the insect, and the sword is swept away. one slice.

After fighting hard, Lan Mu was surprised to find that the swarm had begun to adapt to his crimson energy.

This demon power originally hurt insects greatly, but now the effect is far worse. Except for the insects that were directly hit by the slash, they will die, but those that should be destroyed by AOE damage do not. Seriously, he can still stand up and continue the impact.

“What? So fast! Only an hour has passed!”

The power of this transformation lies in the energy of Half Demon, although there is nothing too exaggerated sword energy, but The range of damage is enough for him to deal with the worm sea tactics.

Without the area damage, just slash one by one, even if Lan Mu’s hand is fast, it will be extremely difficult to fight.

Dante’s power is so great that a single sword cut is enough to break the tight shell of the insect. The tragic insect is like a dry iron lump, only symbolically flowing out a little corrosive body fluid.

“The magic beads contributed by these dead insects are very few. They are obviously stronger. Why are there fewer magic beads? Is it because the insect produces antibodies to the crimson energy, and only by this Only monsters killed by energy will explode magic orbs, so in the case of less energy, the less magical orbs will be?”

These insect corpses are either quickly destroyed by others after they die. Insect swallowed, or swept away by tentacles rising from the ground.

Lan Mu frowned, the insect race recovered these corpses, which must be used to continue the production of insects.

If the production loss is low enough, he will face an endless insect!

“The previous small insects were not recycled, or if they were recycled a little and found to be useless, they were discarded…Because of the existence of the magic beads, the body of the dead monster is virtual, and the overwhelming majority is nourished. The body of Dante is transformed into magic and absorbed by the body of Dante, and the remaining lumps are of little significance to the insect race.”

“In other words, the body of Dante was originally used to restrain the insect race, at least to kill monsters and suck demons. The characteristics directly invalidate the recovery mechanism of the insect race. This is a situation that worries the insect race more than a powerful enemy, so they chose to preferentially evolve the characteristics of resisting the erosion of crimson energy.”

“Too abnormal Isn’t this kind of adaptability invincible?”

However, after ten minutes of hard fighting, Lan Mu only killed two hundred large insects, and the insect swarm suddenly began to retreat and went back underground again. .

“Huh? Don’t continue? Probing? Still giving up?”

Lan Mu thought for a while and suddenly smiled.

He understands that insect race should be lack of troops, and their favorite worm sea tactics cannot be used in Formation.

And obviously, it is very difficult for the insect race to produce this kind of insect that can resist the crimson energy. So far, Lan Mu has only seen more than 500, cut off more than 200, and the rest ran away.

In this resource-poor Formation, with almost no bio-energy, if the insect race wants to evolve a physique against Lan Mu, the cost is bound to be huge.

“Fortunately, there are containment objects such as Formation. Fortunately, they were intercepted on the moon. Otherwise, if the insect race takes root in human society, it will be a terrifying disaster. The biological resources of human society can provide The rich nourishment of insect race will be an evolutionary feast by then.”

Although insect race has adapted to the crimson energy, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, but is Ding’s power so easy to adapt? Every big insect just now must be extremely expensive. The insect race can’t be beaten.

“Wu Zong, I ask you. Why was the insect race so weak when I first came? So weak as an ant?” Lan Mu asked.

Wu Zong said: “Didn’t you think about it? Because of the lack of resources, even the main brain of the insect race chooses to sleep, and all the insects are degraded. By reducing unnecessary organs and functions, the insects are kept The lowest standard of survival needs.”

He continued: “Before the emergence of Formation, the original insect race was extremely powerful. Although Lop Nor was a Desert, it was enough for the insect production army, and the individual strength was also extremely high. Strong. But if you keep this strong, the daily consumption must be amazing. In order to survive, degradation is also a means of survival.”

This is a race that can bend and stretch, and has everything to adapt to the universe. The characteristics of the environment.

They can evolve organs that digest minerals and make biological mining vehicles such as workers and insects.

But after all, stones are impossible to provide all the elements they need. There are always things that only creatures can provide, so they are also creatures destroyers, extremely aggressive races.


The next morning, this is the last day of Dante’s form.

This night was not peaceful. Insect race seemed to give up the frontal attack and changed to various sneak attacks.

Sneak attack Theirs is a small parasite. In the early hours of the morning, the two encountered a total of 17 parasite attacks.

There are spore type, slug type, and even some creatures smaller than pores.

When that kind of microbe-like symbiosis got into his within the body, the blue energy finally broke out, instantly washing itself, and eradicating all the alien parasites.

The blue energy is a bit like an angel holy light, plus it was not used by Lan Mu to attack the insect race, so the insects did not at all adapt to it, and the parasitic plan failed.

As for Wu Zong, Lan Mu did not save him.

He didn’t realize that he was parasitized, and he was still in a state where he could live as long as possible.

Sunlight shines through the Formation, and the heat in the Formation continues to rise.

Feeling an unusual increase in heat, Lan Mu realized that in the enclosed Formation, because it can only enter and cannot exit, the heat cannot be dissipated, and it will only get hotter!

Not only that, the air pressure will also get bigger and bigger, everything is suffocated in Formation, and it is reasonable that this place should have become a hellish place.

Just when Lan Mu wondered why it has become a melting pot not at all for more than a month.

Suddenly, there was water seeping on the ground, and many colonies appeared. A carpet of large biological tissues covered the ground, greedily absorbing sunlight.

All kinds of rays, radiation, and heat are absorbed, and the upward trend of temperature is curbed.

Even at noon, not only did it not get hotter in Formation, but it also dropped a lot.

Insect race is absorbing solar energy, they really eat everything!

“hmph!” Looking at the fungus blanket floating under his feet, Lan Mu directly used his crimson energy to destroy the Unknown Creature that was eroding his shoes.

Crimson energy resistance is expensive. Lan Mu does not believe that Worm Brain will equip every insect with this antibody.

“If the insect brain is killed, the whole insect race will die? At least it will be paralyzed. After all, the consciousness of all insects comes from the insect brain.”

Lan Mu wanted to kill the insect brain immediately, but with the blushing energy already adapted, Lan Mu is not at all 100% sure.

“Today is the last day of Dante’s form. Should I grab a few insects and go directly, or see the insect brain and grab the most important one?”

Just a moment of hesitation, Within the body the demon power of the tyrant helped him make the decision. The crimson energy drove Lan Mu to do as he pleased in his restlessness!

There will never be a place where Dante is afraid. It is not only the fighting instinct that is integrated into in the bones, but also the unruly and courageousness that is not afraid of everything.

While strengthening him with the magic orbs obtained from the battle, it also makes Lan Mu more combative!

“che, a group of impoverished insects.”

Lan Mu carefreely smiled, carrying the sword of rebellion and walking towards a cave.

Wu Zong said anxiously: “You are crazy! Do you want to go to the insect race lair?”

“Why? Are you going to follow me?” Lan Mu asked.

“I…” Of course Wu Zong didn’t dare to follow, and it was just courting death to go to the insect nest.

“hehe.” Lan Mu jumped, without the slightest hesitation, jumping into the insect nest.

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