Mogadishu is full of dilapidated low-rise buildings. From time to time, you can see craters on the walls and the ground, as well as cremation burn marks from grenade explosions.

Of course, you can occasionally see nice small western-style houses or 4-Layer hotels.

The towering walls and barbed wire fences are as neat as military fortresses.

The vehicles on the street are very broken, and people often pass by with guns sitting in an armed jeep, all expressions are indifferent, no one dares to stop.

When encountering this kind of armed jeep, other car owners give way when they see it, very consciously.

Fang Moqi said: “In such a place, the people are always living in panic, and they don’t know how they live.”

Lan Mu didn’t say anything, they two A Chinese walking on the road is too conspicuous, especially Lan Mu wearing a red coat, which is even more conspicuous.

Pedestrians looked at them curiously and narrowly, with their eyes as if they were looking at the two who are not afraid of death.

Local people live in danger, let alone foreigners. Foreigners who come to Soma, especially those from Europe and the United States, will generally not be poor. In their impression, the Chinese who travelled far seemed to be richer, and all were big fat sheep.

There are many evil forces in Mogadishu. They like to stare at these wealthy foreigners. If they really want to take action, the so-called official security companies can’t keep tourists. Of course, you usually get some money to eliminate disasters, and your life can be saved.

In front of the hotel is a towering big iron gate, which makes it look like a prison. The gatehouse next to it has an opening as a window, a bit like the bunker towers of several decades ago in China.

“Are there still wars here?” Lan Mu asked.

Fang Moqi said: “not at all, there has been a lot of peace in the past two years. With the intervention of many countries, the civil war has been suppressed and the government has been re-established. On the surface they are not at all in a civil war. Status…”

Lan Mu said: “But it’s actually still fighting?”

“Almost, Mogadishu’s division of power is very complicated, government forces and attempts to seize power The rebels, as well as various private armed forces like local tyrants… The power of the government is not at all, and the law and order is a mess. Almost every day there are shooting incidents, kidnappings and murders occur from time to time, and almost every There have been terrorist attacks every month, bombing roads and buildings, airports, and ports have been attacked.” Fang Moqi said, and Lan Mu checked into the hotel. They had no luggage, just wanted a place to stay.

The two sat on a clean bed, and Fang Moqi continued: “The rebels are mainly youth troops, extremely radical parties. In order to seize power, they do everything they can to plunder, kill, and explode… They will forcibly conscript soldiers, capture children to join them, then train them as a killing machine, and then turn around to attack their parents and Teacher.”

“They continue to harass this person who wants to get out of the war. The country that came out here, their existence makes this country never able to advance. Continuously terrorist attacks are just to declare their existence, for the so-called victory… However, they have been hated by the people, and their idea of ​​controlling this country is impossible to achieve Yes.”

Fang Moqi doesn’t know how long he has been in Africa. He is very familiar with the situation here.

Lan Mu learned about the situation and said: “There is a government here, but it is still chaotic. The city is still in the hands of evil forces. So we are likely to be directly attacked when we go to the streets? Those private individuals Are armed forces attacking foreigners so boldly?”

Fang Moqi said: “They need money. As long as they have money, they can raise their subordinates and buy guns and ammunition, which can guarantee their local tyrant-like lives. “

“hehe.” Lan Mu stood up with a smile, and walked out the door and said: “I can breathe.”

When he walked out of the room, he immediately turned into a treasure hunter, remember The location of the containment object.

Take out Google Maps, he turned into a Blood Race and sent dozens of bats to fly over, quickly seeing the situation there.

“so that’s how it is, this time the containment item should look like this…it’s just as a hand training tutorial.”

In a castle-like building, a fierce look The Li guy was practicing shooting at a very distant Frisbee in the yard, and he hit all targets close to one kilometer away without missing a shot.

When he stopped to rest, one of his men came over and was reporting to him. The content was exactly what happened to Lan Mu.

“Boss, there are four foreigners living in the Posaton Hotel, two of whom are from Portugal and two are Chinese.”

The boss sits on the sofa and smokes. , His skin is whiter than that of his men, not at all so black, and his eyes are as sharp as an eagle, known as eagle eyes.

He looks like a thirtysomething, with a gun always slung around his waist.

“Does the government’s security company provide protection?”

The subordinate replied: “The two Portuguese reporters hired five soldiers to protect, but the two Chinese did not. Some armed forces are just two pistols.”

“hmph, the Chinese are so cute, we have an obligation to teach them the preciousness of life.” Hawkeye said with a smile.

Then the opponent gave an order: “Notify the five soldiers that the two Portuguese have to pay 10,000 US dollars if they want to return home safely.”

“Understand.” Obviously this is not the first time I have done this, and he has a clear expression.

“As for the two Chinese, teach them a lesson…”

“Lao Fang, we go roam around and let you experience it It feels like a containment operation, in the future you will have to lead a team to containment around the world.”

Lan Mu did not fly directly to solve the target and find the containment object.

He intends to take Fang Moqi to explore the characteristics of the contents step by step, using only Fang Moqi’s level of power to finally complete the containment plan.

Lan Mu’s positioning for the Lao Fang in the organization is equivalent to Captain, and may also serve as an instructor for blue and white employees.

“Very good! Where is the containment?” Fang Moqi said excitedly.

Lan Mu has been contained many times and has long experience. He said: “We have a special method to get the location of the containment object, but it needs to be judged by the containment staff. In addition, the characteristics are unknown. It’s a taboo for containment to make contact if you are in a situation. Of course, there are special circumstances and special handling. This is not rigid…”

Lan Mu talked about experience for Fang Moqi. The matters needing attention have been said again.

Now the two must first go to the approximate location of the containment object, and then look for anomalies.

This is the biggest difference between the Blue and White Society containment and CANC containment. Lan Mu can know the location of the containment object, and CANC often knows what it is when the containment object causes anomalies and is detected. Only then began containment.

The two walked on the streets, some important streets were paved with new roads, and there were new, well-painted buildings.

Somali has been relatively peaceful in the past two years and has undergone weak development. There is a difference between government and anarchy.

Perhaps the two Chinese walking on the street were really too conspicuous. Many passersby couldn’t help but stare at them, looking like they were watching a good show.

“peng~ peng~!”

Suddenly there were two gunshots on the street, and the women covered their faces and hurriedly carried the silly child back to the house, some of the stalls doing business And the shop owner looked towards the direction of the gunshot in surprise.

Fang Moqi’s muscles were tight, but Lan Mu looked away leisurely.

On the window sill of a 2-Layer building next to it, a black man in a hat is watching them laughing strangely. The gun in his hand is still pointing to the sky. Obviously he was shooting at the sky just now. Gun warning.

At this moment, two Portuguese men were sitting on a small truck with cameras to take pictures of the streets of Mogadishu. Passing by, they were shocked when they saw shots fired.

Five security guards armed with guns hurriedly jumped out of the truck and surrounded the car, frowns babbling at the black man who fired the gun.

The Soma people speak two languages, one is Arabic, and the other is the local Soma language, which is the local dialect. Although this country was established by the integration of multiple tribes, the dialects are similar. Basically the same language.

Lan Mu is good at Arabic, but not Soma. Although he learns any language very quickly now, how could he learn such a niche language?

However, Fang Moqi suddenly translated quietly from the side: “He was asking why he fired the gun upstairs, and the people upstairs answered him. This is Hawkeye’s order…”

Lan Mu startled: “You can even speak Soma?”

Fang Moqi calmly said: “Yes, this kind of dialect is very simple.”

Lan Mu found He is really a linguistic genius, especially good at dialect. “How many languages ​​do you know?”

“I can’t count it. I can learn the local dialect of a place when I go to one place. I have been shopping all over the world for so many years. How many do I remember.” Fang Moqi invisibly forced.

“hehe…” Lan Mu smiled.

Fang Moqi said again: “The man upstairs asked the security chief to tell the two Portuguese to prepare them with ten thousand dollars. Hawkeye can ensure that they return home safely.”

Lan Mu looked, and sure enough, the five security guards negotiated with the Portuguese almost without the slightest hesitation, obviously not wanting to confront the people upstairs.

“Two gentlemen, only need ten thousand dollars, you are safe in Mogadishu, unless the youth army returns.” said the security guard.

The two Portuguese quit, how can there be such a thing? You are here to protect yourself, but when something happens, you still have to spend a lot of money to eliminate the disaster.

The security guard showed his white teeth said with a smile: “The five of us can’t guarantee your safety. If Hawkeye has to kidnap you, our five lives under the gun battle are not enough…”

The Portuguese angrily said: “Are you still not from the government? Didn’t you say that it will protect our safety?”

The security guard said: “Yes, but if Hawkeye wants to take you down. Our protection is only to die. It’s not good for anyone to die in the rain of bullets. I personally suggest spending 10,000 US dollars. If the two gentlemen insist on not paying, we will do our best according to the treaty, but I am very Responsibly, the probability that you two survived in the end was almost zero.”

The Portuguese was scared and asked: “Who is Hawkeye?”

“Yes In a word: Soma belongs to the government, and Mogadishu is eagle-eyed.” The security guards said.

In the end, the Portuguese compromised and there is no way not to compromise. Although these security guards will protect them, when the time comes, who can be sure that they will not be shot?

The two obediently and honestly handed over ten thousand dollars, which is more than nine thousand euros, which almost spent all their reserve funds.

Lan Mu and Fang Moqi shook their heads secretly. What a shit security company is a pit.

Eagle Eye is the local tyrant of this city. If you hire someone from the security company, you have at most one more negotiation qualification that’s all.

This is the so-called’our company can save your lives’.


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