Going to Niger is even more troublesome. That is a country covered by 80% desert. Several decades ago, it was only 50%. But the desert area is increasing every year. Sooner or later, it will desert the entire Niger. Said it is not suitable for human habitation.

I came to Niger by plane and bought a car to set off for the destination Zinder City.

Along the way, Mo Qi repeatedly studied his right eye, switching between four visual modes at will.

Perspective allows him to see through obstacles up to two meters in total.

When the visual distance is super far, the pupils change slightly, and the front vision within 800 meters is as clear as looking at his palm. The entire world has reached the feeling of super resolution in his eyes.

As for the remaining two modes, Fang Moqi has a headache every time he uses it.

Overlooking the angle of view and 360° No-Dead-Angle field of view, this is more than just the mutation of the eyes, no matter how the human eye is modified, it is impossible to have this ability, which seems to make his brain tissue produce Changed.

The four modes cannot be superimposed, and his right eye can only bear one vision at the same time.

As for the left eye, he has been completely blind in the past two days, and his eyesight has been completely taken away. That is to say, if the right eye is using a bird’s-eye view, then he can’t see the front face of others clearly.

“Look, you’re blind…” Lan Mu joked at Fang Moqi while driving.

Fang Moqi heartless said: “Fortunately, only one eye is blind.”

“Do you want to be blind two?” Lan Mu hehe said.

The vehicles driven by the two became more and more desolate. Large areas of wasteland covered by yellow sand made them walk instead. They encountered many local residents along the road. They were thin and numb.

This country has been in a state of famine for a long time. Perhaps the capital is not bad, but what is miserable is the poor villages around the desert. The desert is expanding every year, so they can’t rely on agriculture at all, and their lives are very successful. problem.

Since Lan Mu and the others first set foot in this country, they have received a lot of attention from baptism.

“The object is in the desert twenty kilometers away, in that direction…” Lan Mu said.

Fang Moqi carried his bag and walked towards the refugees and said, “I’ll ask.”

After Fang Moqi took out food and banknotes from his backpack, all the refugees around him The expressions all turned into a surprise, and coupled with his fluent native language, he quickly asked about the location of the containment object.

“There is where the rebels are. They have been on the edge of the desert for more than ten years. They looted the low-level residents and occasionally attacked the city to get supplies…” Fang Moqi walked back and said.

Lan Mu stunned: “Rebels again?”

Fang Moqi said: “Yes, the perennial famine has spawned many bandits. They are dissatisfied with the rule and stand on their own. It’s rampant in the desert, and the government has nothing to do.”

As soon as Lan Mu was about to speak, Fang Moqi stopped and continued.

“If the containment object is there, I think I probably guessed what it is.”

He analyzed: “I just asked a suspicious question from the local residents. In fact, the government has repeatedly encircled and suppressed this rebel army. At first, the rebel army was unsuccessful, but since two months ago, every official attack has encountered sandstorms, and sandstorms always appear in a form that is beneficial to the rebels. The regular army has been defeated by sandstorms many times.”

Fang Moqi assuredly said: “This is too suspicious. In the eyes of the locals, this is the desert sheltering the rebels, or the government’s bad luck. I think this must be the characteristics of the containment.”

The government has attacked the rebels four times in two months, and they were all repelled by the sandstorm without exception. Is it really a climate factor? This is not necessarily a coincidence.

“What are you going to do?” Lan Mu asked.

Fang Moqi said: “Of course he sneaked into the rebel camp and found the target and brought the recovered contents.”

But then he stopped Lan Mu again and said: “You I don’t have to go. This time I’m going to rely entirely on myself.”

Lan Mu was surprised: “Can you do it?”

Fang Moqi said, “Of course, you don’t If you shoot, you used to watch a movie. You also said that it is more convenient for me to contain as much as possible. This kind of thing is more convenient for me. Will you sneak up on the wall and window with me?”

Lan Mu smiled. Fang Moqi was right. If he wanted to cultivate a real containment elite, he certainly couldn’t follow.

Finally, Fang Moqi went to the desert to contain the target alone, leaving the bag with the refugees, and drove to an unmanned corner by himself.

His bag was full of food and water. Seeing that he didn’t need it, a group of hungry people swarmed up.

Lan Mu incarnation Blood Race sent two bats to fly to observe. The distance is too far, and the spirit strength is invisible.

“Sure enough, it’s stealth…”

Fang Moqi’s vision is broad, and his already powerful stealth ability has been increased even more. The entire camp is within his vision, and Pass the guard post with no difficulty.

Those who couldn’t get around were also ambushed in advance by him.

In this way, he quickly approached where the rebel leader was.

Lan Mu looked at him and wondered how Fang Moqi could determine what to contain?

Just thinking of this, Fang Moqi directly took out his bow and arrow and shot it into the sky.

The arrow fell exhausted in the air and plunged into the middle of the camp, among the group of people sitting on the ground.

No one hit, the arrow stuck to the ground.

This undoubtedly alarmed everyone, and they lifted the head with guns.

Of course there are no enemies in the air. Taking this opportunity, Fang Moqi shot an arrow.

“so that’s how it is, no matter who is shot, the person holding the containment will activate the ability.” Lan Mu secretly said in one’s heart.

However, not at all, one person was killed by an arrow, and the others panicked first and shouted enemy attacks.

“Not enough, at least you have to make the people behind the scenes feel threatened.” Lan Mu thought.

Fang Moqi obviously thought the same way, taking out his gun and shooting at an unremarkable tent.

“peng peng peng!”


The tent suddenly exploded. It turned out that there were explosives piled inside, which should be rebel ammunition. Library.

The flames of the explosion ignited the tents, and the bullet shells and iron sheets that were fired turned into sharp weapons. The nearby rebels screamed and fell.

Perspective allowed Fang Moqi to easily find the ammunition depot, and the camp had no secrets in his eyes.

The rebels fired in rebellion, searching everywhere for Fang Moqi’s traces, but Fang Moqi’s vision was extremely wide and he was involved around the curve.

He uses the same way of fighting as Hawkeye, using his vision advantage against the enemy.

The rebels are always shot by bullets and arrows that appear and disappear unpredictably, and finally a black man in the crowd is anxious.

I saw him run into a tent, lifted the felt cloth on the ground, and dug the sand with his bare hands.

There was a black woman on the bed, dressed in revealing clothes. She was a little frightened by the gunfire outside, and asked: “Bazaar, is the army calling again?”

Bazaar was cold. Without speaking, a sand sculpture was dug out soon.

It is a piece of golden gravel that I don’t know why it is glued together to form a sculpture. It has a strange image, the head of a crocodile, and the human body with seven arms and legs like Evil God.

Bazaar pulled the woman over and drew the knife directly into her neck.

The woman was hurried and frightened, not knowing why Bazaar violently killed her.

Blood spurted out and poured on the sand sculpture. Baza whispered a few local words softly.

At this time, a bat sneaked in and saw this scene.

Lan Mu secretly thought: “This should be the containment object, right? Sacrifice was originally going to be made?”

Sure enough, the next second a violent wind blew up and the yellow sand was flying.

The sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun suddenly rose, covering the entire camp for a kilometer, causing people to hide their faces and yell into the house.

People in the sandstorm couldn’t open their eyes at all, their sight was severely disturbed, and the sun was gloomy.

To deal with ordinary person, the sandstorm is indeed severe, but Fang Moqi is no longer an ordinary person.

The yellow sand has no effect on him, and his vision is still clear.

Fang Moqi’s right eye sees through, and he can see the target with his eyes closed, and naturally he also sees the scene of Bazaar’s sacrifice.

Anyone covered head and sneaked away like a rat in the sandstorm. Except Fang Moqi, only Bazaar was unaffected, holding a gun and looking for the enemy’s tracks everywhere in the camp.

The containment created a sandstorm, but it did not affect him, but it did not seem to bless him with unique abilities.

Fang Moqi is hiding behind the bunker and can see him clearly.

Bows and arrows were useless in the wind and sand, Fang Moqi raised his hand and took aim carefully. Seeing that the opponent did not notice, he shot directly.


The bullet punched a blood hole in Baza’s head and died on the spot.

Not only Fang Moqi was stunned, even Lan Mu couldn’t believe it.

“Is this dead?”

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