In the initial stage of an intelligent race, they developed civilization and used the laws of nature. It was definitely not because of looking up at the starry sky and being curious about the mysteries of the universe.

Just want to survive, to survive better.

Everything for existence is the universal principle of intelligent creatures.

Yun Suiyue Shu said: “Your planet belongs to the middle-aged life planet. Assuming you are not the first generation of intelligent creatures, then it is possible that there are one or more civilizations in front of you. Of course, there is no trace. This can be proved. The only evidence may be the pyramid.”

“In our guess, that thing is absolutely impossible to be born naturally. We would rather believe that it is a creation of a great civilization.”

Lan Mu smiled bitterly. If the earth only has such unnatural things as the Pyramid of Doom, Lan Mu might believe this statement.

But it is a pity that similar things emerge in endlessly. Among the containment objects he has identified, there are even young ones that have only been born for a few years.

To make him believe that this is a toy made by a certain civilization for the earth, he would not believe it to death.

However, he didn’t need to tell Yunsuiyueshu about this, and asked directly: “Apart from being created by a certain civilization, is there no other probability?”

Yunsuiyueshu said “According to our research, it has only two kinds of probabilities. First, a certain super civilization in the universe stays on this planet.”

“This probability is very high, because when technology develops , Everything is possible. A certain super civilization chooses the earth as a test site, leaving behind the pyramids may be trying to shape the civilization they want through a certain degree of regulation.”

” It makes sense, your previous generations of civilization may not be as good as their minds, they were directly destroyed by the pyramids, and even no traces were left.”

“Our intervention has seriously affected you, so it triggered It’s a certain mechanism. In the one hundred years of research on it, we have found nothing, and it is precisely this way that we realized the gap with its creator.”

“The chief scientist on the sun ark pulls Meng said: “Someone is looking at us, the earth is too dangerous.” It is the fear of existence in the dark that we decisively choose to leave.”

Lan Mu indifferent expression, asked Said: “Is there another probability?”

Yun Suiyueshu said: “Maybe a civilization on the earth before you created it. With regard to this, the probability is very small. Because the only plausible situation , That’s the ancient civilization that created the pyramid, and the tribe left here, allowing the pyramid to restart the earth’s ecology and nurturing new intelligent life from the beginning. If this intelligent life does not meet the rules they set in advance, the pyramid will launch the end Erase it.”

“Yes, it’s the past, but what’s the motivation? Maybe we can’t guess the idea of ​​that ancient civilization…”

“But no matter what kind of probability it is , The existence of the creation of the pyramid is higher than our imagination, you may think that it is just controlling a planet, but in fact, we would rather accept that there is a civilization that can destroy the galaxy, and do not want to accept that there is no measurement method created by a civilization. Something that reacts.”

“We can imagine the way to destroy the galaxy, but something full of unknown and incomprehensible is obviously more terrifying.”

“Your level of science and technology is not high enough, you may not be able to understand our fears, but we dare to conclude that the higher the level of science and technology, the more difficult it is for civilizations to accept such things, because the more they know, then The greater the fear of ignorance.”

Lan Mu can actually understand their feelings. The higher the technological strength of the civilization, the less able to accept ignorance.

Even if there is a little clue, even if any parameter can be measured.

No, nothing.

“It is indestructible and surpasses all the substances we know. Then this kind of substance should be of high quality in principle, but there is no…this thing can’t even measure its mass! Then gravity has it Does it work? No…not at all! It is always fixed in one place, and no gravity can shake it.”

“We once thought that it might be a strong interaction force that connects all nuclei tightly. Together, this can explain its hardness, but if this is the case, in this case there is no molecular vibration, then it should always remain at absolute zero! But the fact is that temperature cannot be measured…any measuring instrument It shows the normal temperature, that is, the temperature of the waters around it.”

“We once put forward 17,942 conjectures, but the reality has hit us in a mess. It shouldn’t be It exists, but it is indeed possible to see that the light it reflects has no meaning, and there is no change in the spectrum. Sometimes we wonder, why should we see it? How good is it to not even reflect light?”

Yun Suiyue Book calls itself an artificial intelligence life. It really looks like a life. Lan Mu can even feel at a loss and pain in its tone.

Lan Mu shook his head. What Yun Suiyue Shu said was what he already knew. As for those two ideas, if you look at the Pyramid of Doom and other containment objects together, it would be a shit. .

Of course, if you insist on explaining that a powerful existence created this thing, it means that the existence has been staying on the earth, or observing the earth in the dark, otherwise, where would the later containment objects emerge? Here?

If this is the case, isn’t it always in the observation of a certain existence, including everything he has in the book of Yunxueyue at this moment?

If he is the Amon civilization, or if the pyramid is not on the earth, then Lan Mu will definitely destroy the entire planet, and see if that thing is still there.

See if those containment objects will appear!

But unfortunately, Lan Mu can’t do such a thing. The Amon civilization was as timid as a mouse. They were frightened by the powerhouse that might exist in the dark and did not dare to move the earth at all.

“Friendly, it also represents a certain degree of cowardice…”

Lan Mu thought about it for a while, and saw Yun Suiyueshu still babbling about the pyramids All kinds of conjectures, and then these conjectures are so smashing.

Lan Mu is annoying to listen. Sure enough, the smarter the person, the more troublesome. Heartless people like him have long been accustomed to the unscientific nature of the containment objects, and they are very relaxed.

Is this just the Pyramid of Doom, can’t stand it? How many containments did the earth have since ancient times? Throwing away some things that were later understood, wormholes and other things that proved to be aliens, there are more completely unscientific and incredible things.

If you tell Yun Suiyueshu all, it must not immediately crash?

Originally, after hearing that they left the wormhole, Lan Mu thought that the containment items were all the remnants of aliens from all walks of life on the earth. Now it is too naive to think about it.

“Okay, are you staying here to tell humans about something that you can’t understand yourself?”

Lan Mu interrupted the Yun Suiyue Book, so it After a moment of silence, he said: “My main mission is to tell you the true history and admit mistakes, and tell you all of our understanding of the earth. This is our help.”

Lan Mu really wants to complain. at all what help, but he still patiently asked: “I just want to know, can you provide technology? For example, your star jumping, or wormhole manufacturing technology…”

“I’m sorry, I’m just a book on the cloud years, without any technical information.” The book on the cloud years said decisively.

Lan Mu dark dao fruit However, even if the Amon civilization is friendly, it does not mean that they are willing to teach skills. Even thinking about the values ​​of people on earth would think this is a very stupid thing, especially with regard to cutting-edge technologies such as star jumping and wormhole manufacturing.

Moreover, for a history book, it is more than a lot of things to store technical data.

“I see, so what do you want to say about other civilizations in the universe? To be honest, we don’t need evaluation of the earth, we just want to understand the world outside the earth “

Lan Mu continued: “For example, do civilizations in the universe have public morals? Or what rules?”

Yun Suiyueshu said: “No, who will To build something so boring?”


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