The destruction of the Dragon Continent was very violent, and the whole was sunk without a trace.

In the geological information, what Lan Mu hears most is the doomsday process.

Different from dealing with ancient Egypt, the first plague was the end of life, and Dragon Race died in large numbers.

In other words, this is not the disaster caused by the pyramid, but the truth of the universe. There is no race that grows old with unfailing eyes and ears. If there is, it’s just that the time has not come.

If the pyramid is dissatisfied with the intervention of Dragon Race, it should have been in trouble 30,000,000 years ago. Why did it wait until 15,000,000 years ago to launch the end?

Time is the best weapon, it can kill everything.

This Dragon Race appeared suddenly, and over a long period of time, the number has never increased, but has gradually decreased.

From this, Lan Mu boldly guessed…The dragons are all male…

This point has nurtured N races from their strength of oneself, but they never mate internally. From the perspective of increasing the number, it is very possible.

That’s why they continuously create races, continuously mating through transformation.

“A group of male dragons…”

Lan Mu couldn’t bear to look straight. This is a huge weakness. So the first plague, the pyramid chose to wait.

Forcibly spend time, wait until all Dragon Races die…

Maybe one or two are still alive, but that doesn’t matter anymore.

This waiting has exhausted the last refuge of Dragon Continent.

Perhaps, this is also giving mankind a chance. If mankind abandons the influence of Dragon Race, maybe the next end will not come.

Of course, it is impossible. Dragon Race is the real Old Ancestor. From the Totem of this empire, to their countless years of harmonious living, as well as the long-term, the divine symbol reveals the interdependence of fields , Have long since been separated from each other.

From origin to culture, from music to language, from the primordial paintings, and then to the highly developed art field. From the names of the continents to the names of the empires, the names of civilizations and the names of human beings, dragons everywhere are deeply imprinted and cannot be erased.

How can you forget the dragon? Would rather choose to destroy.

So I care.

Sudden super earthquakes, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering volcanic eruptions, lava billowing, and the sea is overwhelming.

The unstoppable World Destroying Might surpasses those later methods, the so-called scourge, compared with it is not drizzle.

As soon as I came up this time, I wiped out the civilization with the momentum of Thunderbolt and made it clean!

Even in the water and fire, the entire continent sank.

Mankind has made countless efforts during this period, but they have not been able to restore all the good things they have.

In the Lost Island, Lan Mu can hear the tragic symphony 15,000,000 years ago. His listening spans time and space, and once again appreciates the indifference of the pyramid.

“The earth now… are you satisfied?”

The dragon continent has disappeared, except for the incomplete traces left on the islands such as Easter Island and South Matar. Constantly confused the current human beings.

As for the obliterating eye on the Lost Island, Lan Mu found that his ability to listen to truth was severely disturbed, in other words, it was called Secret Confusion.

He can only read out a little bit of information, that is, where the Obliterated Eye is, it is the place where Dragon Race first appeared, and it is also their burial place.

Very peculiar funeral method, when Dragon Race lifespan comes to the end, it will choose to come here.

He glanced back at the mountain where the Eye of Obliteration was located, then dived into the seabed and slowly headed towards Bermuda.

Bai Ze looked at him sadly behind him.


The Qi of Appraisal also has something that cannot be identified. The characteristic of the pyramid, that is, all detection methods are invalid for it.

Lan Mu came here with the ability to listen to truth, but found nothing.

Whether it is the scientific and technological means of the Amon civilization, the shinto means of the scientific gods, the fantasy means of appraisal, or even the immortal dao means of truth listening.

I can’t find out the history, the ingredients, or what it is!

If the parallel earth is also included, Lan Mu has discovered three times of its greatly showing divine might.

The sinking of the Dragon Continent was undoubtedly the most powerful one. crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, all in one go.

“But even so, you couldn’t really get rid of the influence of the dragon.”

Lan Mu knew that in the period of doomsday, there was the last old dragon alive. It Although unable to stop the doomsday, it also took away a very few humans.

Unsurprisingly, they fled to East Asia in the northwest, about to land from the shore of the Eastern Sea.

It was this last seed that kept the influence of the dragon from completely dying out.

This thing about culture is very far-reaching. even more how The fine divine symbol of the Dragon Continent is extremely developed, which has profoundly affected the east and west continents, first East Asia and then North America.

It can be imagined that the last dragon died in the Changbai Mountains, entrenched there and closed his eyes. After 15,000,000 years, the bones are tightly connected with the water veins there, fuse together.

He did not choose to return to the traditional place to die. Instead, he left his bones, sleeping forever at the bottom of Tianchi, becoming the only dragon that left the mark of existence.

Perhaps it was to protect the few Dragon Continent humans who depended on him for life, or he had no strength to go back.

I can fully imagine how desperate the few people were after he died.

The homeland has sunk, and the civilization has died, but they are still in the remaining lives, passing down a Totem, and it is deeply carved in time.

They left many legends on this land, leaving behind myths that cannot be proved at all.

The foundation of a civilization is words, cities, and ceremonial buildings or ritual instruments.

Before this was born, it could only be called culture.

In a short period of time, those people can’t keep civilization, but they keep culture. This culture was inherited by Homo sapiens, by primordial people, and by the ancients until now.

So that later, in the face of the ancient Egyptians whose civilization was several generations higher than them, the descendants of this land still held back their own culture and did not attach themselves to it. Even if they are technically unable to fight back, and even have not established a civilization, they still stubbornly classify the Totem of the Guardian God of Ancient Egypt as a dragon, and the strong word is: Rain Dragon.

If you are not called a dragon, it is wrong. You can help me, but my culture is still my culture.

The legend of Rain Dragon’s help is not the so-called destiny, nor the superficial praise.

That is just a culture… the most basic stubbornness.

Back to Shadow Island, Bai Ze finally had a conversation with Lan Mu, and he did not dare to bother following behind his ass.

“Master, what have you been up to after you came back? It seems to have visited several islands in the Pacific, and then went to the Pyramid of Bermuda?”

Bai Ze puzzled , Also very curious.

Lan Mu’s dragon-head-like face can’t see his expression, he only heard him say: “I’m just researching…the destruction of the world where the pyramid of the doomsday failed.”

“Ah? How is it possible? The Doomsday Pyramid will also fail? Which world is so powerful and successfully prevented its extinction?” Bai Ze is also a person who knows the pyramid very well. He was shocked when he heard Lan Mu’s words.

Lan Mu’s Qilin pursed his mouth unconsciously and said: “It’s on the earth, but you got it wrong. They didn’t resist the doomsday, and they were completely defeated. They all died…”

“What does that mean?” Bai Ze asked.

“I mean, the pyramid not at all achieves its purpose perfectly, and I am worried that it will come again.”

Lan Mu told what he had learned Bai Ze, Bai Ze was dumbfounded after hearing this, the original dragon culture was 30,000,000 years old.

Bai Ze said: “According to known information, the pyramids do not allow the earth’s civilization to be interfered by outsiders, but ancient Egypt has also been passed down, and their myths also exist.”


Lan Mu shook his head and said: “You have to note that the culture of ancient Egypt is not the culture of the Amon people. They are just aloof and remote people who raised the ancient Egyptians. After they left the earth, Egypt returned to normal. Their culture is their own from beginning to end.”

“So the pyramid’s method of exterminating the world is very gentle, at first is directed at the Amon people. After the Amon people leave, the end will stop. .”

“Look at the worship of Egyptian mythology, which one is not prototyped on earth? It is a native natural development, not imposed by the Amon at all, even if there is no Amon, There will also be Egypt, and there will also be myths. He achieved his goal with the pyramids. It was a successful punishment.”

Bai Ze suddenly said: “The dragon continent is different, the dragon is different from the human bloodline. Connected, the text Shadow Transformation has a profound effect, reaching the point where it must be completely erased, because if there is no dragon, there will be nothing behind. The purpose of the pyramid this time is to aim at the influence of the dragon. Start.”

Lan Mu nodded and said: “Yes, but the result is not perfect. There are no dragons in the world, and even no dragons. But the influence can still be seen from modern times. Obviously, there are no dragons in the world, but the influence of dragons is so great that they have almost implemented all of a civilization. Is this kind of civilization reasonable? It can be expected that the pyramid will return in a swirl of dust.”

“Hi…what should I do?” Bai Ze startedled, they had already begun to protect the environment, and thought they could not be afraid of the pyramids. It turns out that sooner or later the pyramid will be shot to cleanse the current civilization.

Lan Mu hummed: “You calm down.”

Bai Ze knew that he was lost, and hurriedly shut up.

Lan Mu continued: “I’m just considering the worst result, the probability is no more than 1/10000th. It hasn’t erupted for a long time. The pyramid has let go of the dragon culture and left its legacy. It is judged that local culture has great probability. Everything is just speculation, and I am afraid it is waiting for an opportunity.”

He knows that with his own power, unless people escape the earth, he will also It is difficult to stop the end.

The power of the pyramid to destroy the Dragon Continent is too shocking. The destruction of the crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood still echoes in Lan Mu’s mind.

Heaven falls and earth rends, he can’t stop it no matter how strong it is.

But if it does come, Lan Mu thought that his choice should be the same as that of Dragon Land.

“I’m just worrying about it, I really want to go to the Changbai Mountains to pay homage to the keel.”

Bai Ze grinned: “Well, Goddess Club of Freedom…”

“Well, I know, the Dragon Continent will stop here. Next, I will retreat and set out to solve Qubo in three days!”

Lan Mu wants to retreat and study to absorb a large amount of alien energy After that, what happened to the life ball.


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