Every time I meet Lan Mu, his strength is stronger than the last time.

When Lan Mu chose to end the battle head-on, the governors became the one who wanted to escape.

Even if Lan Mu is in a normal form, his strength is far superior to that of the Governor. After being demonized, he is the Number One Person under the King.

If the second stage of magic, without calculating the root algorithm, his strength is absolutely comparable to the king, even though he can only last for five minutes of second stage of magic.

Nowadays, in dealing with these ordinary governors, Lan Mu is just a period of demonization, which completely shocked the audience.

In their eyes, close to the apex is no different from the apex. They rarely saw the king fighting, and they were scared to see the half-step king.

Seeing this strength, the four governors have thoroughly recognized the facts. No matter how arrogant they are, they still understand the strength gap.

“The king…is this the king?”

“The seventh king of the abyss is not a demon, nor is it a Dragon Race…It turned out to be a human!”

“Impossible! This is not an enemy we can fight against!”

The remaining four governors immediately wanted to escape. There was no need to fight. The opponent’s hard power was enough, even more how to restrain demon.

“Who allowed you to go? Don’t run away. This is what you said…”

Lan Mu turned into a red light and hit a governor, suddenly his body After being cut in half, Juli threw him away, battered and exhausted and crashed into the pit.

The Governor saw that Lan Mu’s first goal was himself. He was so scared that the three souls came out of his body, and said in panic: “Wait a minute! Wait a minute!”

“pu pu pu pu pu ! “

The demonized Lan Mu releases the nature of the body. Under the gorgeous and exquisite sword dance, he sometimes savagely attacks, like a madman, riding on the governor and slashing.

The governor of this bad luck was chopped and howled. Under the suppression of Lan Mu’s terrifying strength and scarlet energy, he was helpless to fight back.

Because Lan Mu presses him to fight, even if it is teleporting, the two will go together.

In the end, the governor completely lost his vitality, and the devil’s blood burst out of the wreckage, and the dead could no longer die.

However, the other three governors also took this opportunity to teleport in different directions and fled, regardless of who said that they would fight head-on.

On the way to escape, I saw the three governors unanimously take out jade stone to ask for help, and the goal of asking for help was also a king.

“Please help the King of Blackback!”

The King of Blackback is one of the three Demon Kings in Dongtian District. Teddy is fond of love, Jingba likes to have fun, only Blackback Love fighting alone. If he knew that a powerhouse like a demon hunter had emerged from the abyss, he would surely fight desperately.

A governor waited for the Blackback King to connect to the communication, but the Blackback King never answered. He didn’t dare to stop, teleporting crazily, suddenly feeling the strong holy light breath behind him, and suddenly turning his head back in horror.

The rays of light shone through the dark abyss, piercing through the sky.

“Ah! Don’t chase me!” The governor who was being chased was very depressed, but had lost the courage to fight Lan Mu.

They chased and fled to the nearby territory. Many monsters looked up and saw a crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood chase.

A 50-meter-high demon was overtaken by a holy light, followed by a wild scarlet slash, and within a short while, the sky was full of blood mist.

Solving one, without any delay, the holy light suddenly appeared again and refracted in another direction.

Soon, he found another governor, this guy was smart, and hid himself with a high level of invisibility.

But the angel’s perception can accurately detect the evil demonic energy, and he can’t hide it at all.

At the empty place, Lan Mu killed him indifferently.

“He can really become an angel? Damn, why is that? I fight with you!”

The governor is so courageous, he knows he can’t run away, think Going to fight Lan Mu.

But he didn’t have this strength, Lan Mu quickly switched and transformed, beheading him in an unknown small valley.

“There is one Akita left…”

Lan Mu sank into the shuttle ring on the ground, and returned to the Akita collar in the blink of an eye, but within the scope of the spirit strength, he could not find him. Now, disappear without a trace.

“I can’t do anything if I run separately…Never mind, just leave a living.”

For Lan Mu, killing one less governor makes no difference. Unsurprisingly, The Six Kings are coming soon.

He can completely guess that Akita, as the only survivor of this time, will bring shocking news to the Six Kings.

Xitian District, in a huge palace six kilometers tall, the six kings gathered here.

They rarely meet, but Teddy insists that everyone come, so they blocked trivial matters and rushed here from various places.

There is no doubt that Teddy called everyone together to tell them that Sharu exists and that the other party also has the root algorithm.

Teddy’s approach to the root algorithm really surprised the kings, but this is not the most amazing thing.

Having the ability of root algorithm level, it is not the first time that they have met. Some worlds are as advanced as the abyss, and there are also root algorithms with different levels of vertex powerhouse, which show different characteristics.

It can go beyond the vertex, which is unbelievable because it is impossible.

As the abyss of the highest level of known energy, their apex represents the apex of countless worlds. Now that they know that there is a higher world, how can this not make them horrified.

“Impossible, that man-made creature is definitely lying, and his strength is definitely the blessing of some root algorithm, which misleads you. If there is a world like him, it means that we actually did not at all arrive. At the top, why in countless years, our strength can’t be improved by a single bit?” It was a gray giant dragon whose body was flashing with thunder and lightning all the time. His body was 500 metres long, and his wingspan was 900 meters. It was a huge monster.

He is one of the Three Dragon Kings in the Xitian District and Teddy’s father-in-law, named Satline.

After hearing his words, the kings all nodded. If it is a lower world, the vertex powerhouse inside only needs to contact the existence of the other world. With this little influence, it can continue to progress and improve its strength.

Because for the beings who have been exposed to the concept of multiple worlds, their apex becomes the apex of the strongest world as the standard.

Undoubtedly, the abyss is definitely a civilization that is fully exposed to the plural world, and as the most powerhouse, they cannot continue to improve their strength. This can only illustrate a possibility.

The apex of the abyss is the apex of all worlds.

This reason is sufficient to rule out the possibility that Sharu came from a higher world, but a demon said faintly, which immediately shocked all the kings present and overthrew this idea.

This demon is the King of Blackback. He said: “I feel my strength has improved a little bit…”

“What? How is it possible? Our strength is stagnant. Countless years! How did it improve? Are you sure you are not mistaken? Why do I not feel this way?” Teddy asked in surprise.

The king of black back said seriously: “Because of the existence of the apex, you have already abandoned the cultivation, and I am different, as long as nothing happens, I insist on cultivation every day, countless years have never slackened. I have improved my strength. Very sensitive, I will never make a mistake…I am really a little stronger.”

The other five kings can’t believe it, but they know that Blackback will never lie and boasting.

The black back can become stronger, which means that the apex is improved…

The kings looked at each other, and their eyes were full of shock. They hurriedly checked the energy level of the abyss, no doubt did not rise, but dropped a little.

The energy level of the world is based on the average level, which is a comprehensive assessment. The energy level has not risen, but the peak has risen. There is only one probability.

“There is a world beyond the abyss!”

The world beyond the abyss raises the apex of all worlds…

Teddy asked: “When did it happen? When did the apex promotion start?” Blackback said honestly: “I was in cultivation every day. About ten days ago, I felt that the cultivation was effective. I thought it was an illusion… …I didn’t know until five days ago that I really became stronger.”

“Isn’t this time period when the guy who challenged me appeared?” Teddy browses tightly knit and starts to manage Know the cause and effect.

“I fought the man-made creature seven days ago. At that time, the guy had waited for me for five days. He reached the abyss at least twelve days ago. You only felt the apex loosening ten days ago. You are impossible. I immediately felt that the cultivation had an effect, but it was also impossible to delay too long. It is estimated that the apex improvement will take about 15 days or less.”

“The two times are basically the same.”

Finally Teddy solemnly said: “The energy level of the world that created him has increased, and the apex has been raised, allowing humans to successfully create super creatures.”

“In this way, everything is explained. ……”


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