“If you ask such a question, you must already have an answer.” Victor is expressionless, he didn’t show any emotions from beginning to end.

Lan Mu frowns saying: “What makes you wait for me…is the will of the world manager?”

This term comes from the spirit of appraisal. He always believed that this must be 001.

However, Victor must have never heard of 001, so Lan Mu used the term of identification.

“Human, you like to ask questions.” Victor did not answer.

Thinking about it, the two are now fighting for life. Victor’s goal is obviously to kill Lan Mu. If it weren’t for Lan Mu’s many means, he would have died early by replacing him.

In this case, Lan Mu’s obvious cliché behavior, how can Victor, a big Divine Grade character who has lived and didn’t know how many years, would care about it.

“Huh? Do you think you can kill me?” Lan Mu said intently.

Victor said: “Although the process will be very tortuous, I will definitely win in the end, and you will definitely die. There is no doubt about this.”

Lan Mu was cold, Victor said. Such a certainty made him extremely disturbed.

That tone, as if fate decides everything.

“In that case, come in! We will fight to the death.” Lan Mu solemnly said, planning for the worst in his heart.

The worst result is that I die.

Lan Mu unemotional, he has already realized.

From about the overthrow of CANC, he has prepared himself for one day, and he will fail.

There is no eternal protagonist in the world. The Heaven’s Chosen Child trampled by Lan Mu is countless. Without him, I don’t know how many people on earth will be the emperor and how many will be the king.

If one day it is his turn, he will recognize it, it deserves it.

However, Lan Mu, with this enlightenment, found that Victor seemed scrupulous.

“Go in? A fight to the death? You will lose.” Victor didn’t know what he was thinking, but he didn’t move.

Lan Mu said with a smile: “Then what are you talking nonsense? Kill me.”

Unexpectedly, Lan Mu said so, Victor still didn’t move. Is making up his mind not to go in.

“…” Lan Mu frowned, this guy is really strong, but why is he so courageous?

It stands to reason that since he thinks he will win, he should be extremely confident.

The two stood in a stalemate for a while, and Lan Mu said again: “You believe in fate so much, what are you worried about?”

Victor finally said: “Fate also requires you and me to execute, just as A person is destined to become a god, but if he does not do it, does not work hard, but just waits, then the ending will never patronize him.”

“The two-dimensional space-time has great constraints on me. There I don’t have the means to bypass your divine light, and that’s the case, why should I abandon my strengths.”

“Fate is in favor of me. It doesn’t mean that I can keep my mind…”

After listening to this, Lan Mu eyes shined, and his pessimistic attitude of preparing for the death of the battle before, immediately calmed down.

He felt that Victor seemed to be jealous of himself, which should not be jealous for a powerhouse that prides itself on fate.

He couldn’t figure this out and needed more information.

Anyway, since there is Victor with destiny, he must work hard to defeat him, like a person who does not know the destiny.

Then Lan Mu, why should he stand still.

Thinking of this, Lan Mu suddenly said, “Tell me, what is the will of the world manager? Answer my question. It doesn’t matter even if you go out and fight with you. You can know those and die in your hands. How?”

“Tell me the truth! Even if it’s dead, it’s worth!”

The tone conveyed by Lan Mu divine sense imitates the Sabi, Yinxin, and Amon This kind of emotional fluctuations craving for truth.

In fact, half of this mood swing is acting, but half is sincere.

At this moment, in Victor’s eyes, Lan Mu is a human being who’will die at night after hearing the truth’.

As a silver-hearted person, Victor fully understands this mentality, and so does himself.

Victor was silent for a moment, and finally said: “The will of the world manager?”

“To be precise, it should be the will of the earth’s world manager, because it is the only manager of the universe, so at the same time It is also the manager of the pan-universe.”

“Before he appeared, the meaning of history was only history.”

Lan Mu was confused and asked: “History has no Meaning? What do you mean?”

“Do you really think that the universe was born 13.9 billion years ago and evolved to this day? This is just’history’, not at all true Experience.” Victor said.

Lan Mu was shocked, he understood.

Anyone who is familiar with the elements of information can understand this idealistic view of the world.

“Is it just the will of the manager of the earth world? Just the will of the earth…can be pan-cosmic?”

Since it is the will of the earth world manager, then it will not be It appeared before the earth, and the age of the earth has only passed four 1.5 billion years.

So before the birth of the earth, did the cosmic evolution history of nearly ten billion years really exist?

If we say that the time before the earth appeared, it is just a record, and it has not really been experienced. Before that, the universe did not exist. People can use any means to measure through the material basis they have seen and experienced. Although they are proving that the universe has passed 13.9 billion years or more, in fact, that is just the setting of information. .

After all, the laws of nature, this thing, are all set by information, and they are observed, summarized and used by humans.

Assuming that there is an existence that perfectly controls information, then it is entirely possible to create the universe from a certain intermediate period of the’history’. Before that, people’think’ that there has been time, and people’think’ that they have experienced Things that people’think’ exist, die, and evolve…

In fact, they can just appear in’yesterday’, but no one can notice it.

This is information. Everything about observation, experience, and deduction is information. Seeing and not seeing, thinking and not thinking, existence and non-existence are also information…

“You mean everything in the universe started from the birth of the earth? Time before, but Just record?”

Victor said: “You can understand that everything comes from the brilliance of the first moment, and time flows because of this…This is the truth of the universe.”

“The shit truth! You mean that the world will that appeared when the earth was born made all of this? The theory of God is even more credible than this! You even believe it?” Lan Mu said angrily.

“…” Victor was silent.

Lan Mu said again: “Even if this is true, what is the purpose of the universe?”

For many mysteries, this answer has no meaning at all. Why does the will make containment objects? Why do you want to make Yuanxu? Why should there be everything in this world? Why is it just the earth? Why is the will of the earth the only manager in the universe?

“The purpose of the universe? How do I know?” Victor said blankly. He had such a sad expression for the first time. It turned out that he was not a cold puppet, but a self-conscious personality.

He was also confused about all this, and was deeply tortured by false answers.

Lan Mu was relaxed. Obviously Victor was just being perfunctory with an answer. Even he knew this well.

When the ultimate mystery of the universe is truly obtained, there will be no more doubts. If he is still confused, it means that he is still far from the truth.

“Why don’t you know? Are you not a substitute?” Lan Mu asked.

Victor said quietly: “Who told you that I am a substitute? I don’t know your definition of a substitute. I am only bound by a contract for a small problem. When I die, Only then will it truly become the incarnation of the manager’s will, that is the true substitute. Maybe then, I will know the real answer.”

Lan Mu said intently: “Then why don’t you go Death?”

Victor said in agony: “The current me, I just don’t have freedom. If I become a true substitute, I will lose myself.”

“I don’t even have my own personality. , Then what’s the point of getting the answer? Just like you tell a stone a secret, what is the difference between what you say and what you didn’t say about that stone?”

“If I can get that The answer, even if it is only a second, I will die willingly.”

Lan Mu understands his pain, this is really torture.

Chao Wen Dao Xi can die, but who would be willing to die first… and then hear Dao?

As Victor said, if he already knows the answer, then life does not matter to him.

The will of the world obviously needs a living substitute.

Only contractors who still have a longing for life and freedom will complete the most important “execution item” in their destiny.

“So you who have no way to go, you can only kill me and get freedom, right?”


ps: There is only one chapter today ,Sorry. Someone asked what the fourth dimension was, and they said it was time. I want to explain, the article has already stated that time is a parallel dimension. The fourth dimension is a dimension that cannot be understood by organisms in the third dimension. Two-dimensional space-time is a two-dimensional space plus time dimension, and a three-dimensional space-time is a three-dimensional space plus time dimension. All time and space are in the mode of 2+1, 3+1, 4+1… There is only one time dimension, and the dimension we often say is the space dimension. The four dimensions of three-dimensional space-time are common sense 2333.

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