The European continent in 1860 was the Victorian era.

The Queen of England just got the title of Emperor of India the year before last. Although many rebellions broke out last year, British India has been completely stabilized this year.

The United Kingdom in this era is extremely strong, and France in the post-Napoleonic era has gradually begun to decline.

It was in this year that the British and French coalition forces burned the Old Summer Palace, the future wise Emperor Mu Ren became the prince, and Lincoln was elected the first Republican president in the history of the United States to start the Civil War…

Lan Mu comes to this timeline and can witness countless history.

He can even change at will. Anyway, this timeline develops into what the hell looks like, and it does not affect his own starting point.

Too many things happened this year, but there was a major event, which is little known and is deeply remembered by Lan Mu.

CANC was established.


Lan Mu just appeared on an island in the Mediterranean when it exploded.

The intense explosion gleamed with purple light and erased the entire island.

Even a large amount of sea water was wiped out out of thin air, causing strong torrents.

The purple light disappeared, a large vacuum zone appeared here, not to mention the islands, even the air and sea water disappeared, and all the matter was obliterated.

This purple light is Victor’s high-dimensional strike. It blasted out almost at the same time when Lan Mu merged with the blood of the years.

Because from the four-dimensional space-time directly into Lan Mu within the body, although Lan Mu crossed the timeline in time, a small portion of the purple light that can enter him within the body still follows him here. .

The explosion was silent, but the disappearing sea water and air still caused a pressure difference, causing the air and sea water to squeeze toward the center, which looked like a natural disaster.

About ten minutes later, a steamship approached here and was already very close. The people on board seemed to have seen the explosion in the distance.

At the same time, a silhouette appeared out of thin air on the sea, it was Lan Mu.

“Good risk!”

Lan Mu is now in Kong Xuan form. His Blood Race body was almost wiped out by the explosion just now, entering at the crucial moment Shenyin and switched transformations.

I was still hit by Victor while crossing, causing the body of the Blood Race to fall into the verge of death, and there was only a drop of the original blood left when the god was hidden.

This drop of origin blood still maintains the fusion with the blood of years, this is the key to his return to the starting point.

“At that time I felt like I was going to die, and there was no means to repair myself immediately. The Blood Race Transformation could not appear for the time being. Otherwise, dying would be equivalent to unlocking the blood of the years… Now I cannot change my body yet. Otherwise, the starting point of the record will be refreshed in an instant, and I will never be able to return to my timeline…”

The timeline in this world is extremely important, not just the power he has developed there for many years, There is also the most critical life ball fragment.

“I have a life ball within the body, so no matter which timeline I go to, it is impossible to have a life ball, naturally there will be no fragments later… that is, I have to fill it up Life orbs can only work on the timeline where he was born.”

Lan Mu was almost scared to death. He was not afraid of being killed by a spike. He had the ability to switch and transform, as long as he was not Transformations that are too weak can come to live in response.

He was afraid that the body of the Blood Race would be completely dead, so he broke his plan for completion.

Fortunately, the immediately he crossed was hidden, so that the blood of the years was not disconnected from the Blood Race.

I saw Lan Mu holding the Shenyin Knife at this moment, waiting completely for concentration attention.

For a long time, there was no follow-up attack, Lan Mu nodded, it was certain that Victor would not attack him again.

The entire timeline of this world is Time Freeze relative to this side.

At this time, if Lan Mu goes back, he will be attacked by Victor instantly. He must be completely sure before he can return to the starting point.

After confirming that this timeline is safe, Lan Mu looked towards the steamship approaching.

“They are all ordinary persons…it seems to have seen the island erased by purple light…”

Lan Mu recalled the island and was taken over by the Blue and White Club Previously, it was one of CANC’s Mediterranean bases.

When he was extinguished by the purple light just now, Lan Mu seemed to have seen buildings on this island when he was in a state of divine seclusion.

“When I came, it changed history…At this time, it should already be CANC’s stronghold, right?”

Lan Mu pinched his finger and his figure disappeared , I saw him fly to the deck of the ship, but no one could see him.

He has seen a familiar logo, the umbrella badge of CANC.

“The people of CANC…this time are not blue uniforms…” Lan Mu observed the group with interest.

There were about twenty people on the ship, almost all of them were Greeks. There was no standard for dressing, only the badges were painted on the ship.

If it weren’t for this badge, Lan Mu wouldn’t be able to tell that these people were CANC members.

The sailors on the deck stared blankly at the place where the island disappeared, and said in horror: “Our island is gone! It really is gone!”

“no! It must be Fake!”

“What was the purple light before? Everything was blown up clean…God!”

“How could this be?”


“Enoch, tell the boss, our stronghold is gone.”

I saw the man called Enoch, who seemed to be the leader of this group, he left I went to a blackboard in the cabin and wrote: “The stronghold is destroyed, it is suspected of a supernatural event, come back quickly!”

This is an ancient Greek text, Lan Mu recognized it, and he even remembered it. The origin of the containment.

Duplicate the blackboard. This blackboard can be cut into several copies. No matter what word is written on any blackboard, the other copies will show the same words.

And everyone who sees these words will remember the content firmly.

This is a containment item with a very high CANC number, but it will be useless in later life, so it has always been well contained.

However, in this era, it is clearly a communication weapon and a learning weapon, and it is one of CANC’s commonly used containment objects.

The side effects are average, making the writer insomnia for one to five days.

Lan Mu was a little surprised. He was surprised that Enoch only wrote the stronghold, but did not mention which stronghold it was.

This means…this island is now the only base of CANC…

“No way? The island that was erased just now…is the current CANC headquarters? “

Sure enough, Lan Mu looked at this group of people as if they were mourned, and looked at a loss. Obviously, the psychological shock was great.

Lan Mu listened to these people on the deck silently, and probably understood the current situation of CANC.

It’s miserable, very miserable!

Poor, very poor!

At this time, CANC was just established, and it was formed by a group of like-minded friends.

Some of them have experienced supernatural events and are really interested in such things. Some people are completely involved in friendship and family, and they join the organization purely by believing in friends.

This island is where everyone put together money, saved it for a long time, and emptied all of the funds, and took advantage of the Greek economic crisis this year, the credit loss caused by the credit default, and the isolation by the international market. I took the opportunity to buy a small island as the headquarters.

They just swore an oath to establish CANC on the island last month, and they are not as rigorous and noble dogma as later generations.

It’s just a small community that has discovered the existence of the containment object and is determined to study all supernatural things, but is dedicated to environmental protection.

The proposal of environmental protection at the end of the first industrial revolution is simply too advanced. No wonder they were so miserable.

Industrial production has brought tremendous convenience. The pollution problem is just a bud and there is no threat, so mankind is still far from reflecting on it. Isn’t it nonsense to mention environmental protection at this time?

Except for CANC, the concept of environmental protection did not appear until 100 years in history.

So they don’t have any social support. When facing supernatural things, they have no resources on their hands. They simply rely on a wave of will and persistence to keep the organization unbreakable.

As a result, just a month after its establishment, the psychological sustenance, the headquarters like a home, was bombed by unfathomable mystery.

Nowadays, the naive CANC organization suddenly exploded.

Lan Mu saw that many people had tears in their eyes and lost their eyes, a little unwilling to accept the cruelty of reality.

“It’s not easy. It took a group of ordinary persons from scratch for more than 100 years to finally establish the huge world protection organization for later generations. It is really not easy.”

Lan Mu sighed. It didn’t take long for another ship to come. Lan Mu saw the same umbrella badge at a glance.

“The boss is here!”

Hearing this call, Lan Mu stared at someone on the deck with interest.

The ship is close, and there are only a dozen people on it. It seems that almost all the members of CANC are here, and there are only 34 people in total!

I saw that the headed man seemed to be in his twenties, and all members were about this age. This is an extremely young and energetic society.

“This person is Zero One, much younger than Qu Bo remembers.” Lan Mu stared at the Greek who was called the boss, according to the clues he knew, this At that time, the contract should have been signed.

“Odonis, what caused this?” Enoch asked. He is the number two person here. There are more than 20 people on his boat, and the so-called boss’s boat is also It can be seen from only ten people, and he is also considered the top half of the boss.

Lan Mu secretly said in one’s heart: “This Enoch should be Zero Two. The original name of Zero One is Odonis…”

Donis said: “Don’t call me Aldonis, call me Prometheus, I said, everyone will call each other pseudonyms, get used to it!” Enoch solemnly said: “Don’t worry about such useless rules anymore. We owe a lot of money to buy this island. Now we have two broken ships. It is a question of whether the organization can continue.”

Odonis sighed: “Well, Enoch, this is Void Power that wiped out our island. I don’t know the specifics. I only know that the formidable power of Void Power is higher than all energy, but energy. The ancestors! Fortunately, the number is very small and condensed, otherwise the earth may be erased…”

“Obsolete? If we were on the island before, wouldn’t we all die? Will it still appear? “

“No, it has been consumed.”

All members were in an uproar. This was a one-time containment item.

“Our island just disappeared in vain?”

“The Imperial Capital is punishing us…”

“It’s too dangerous, I will Saying that this is the realm of God, we shouldn’t intervene!”

“Is it because we study this supernatural thing, so we were avenged by the containment?”

” What to fight against this incredible supernatural force?”

The headquarters was erased by unfathomable mystery, just like many unfathomable mystery containment objects are generally unreasonable, here the overwhelming majority do not have the will to fear death.

“Boss, I quit.”

“Yes, don’t worry about this, it’s not something humans can touch.”

“Enoch big brother, please persuade the boss.”

For a time, the hearts of the people floated, and almost all the members asked for dissolution.

Even Enoch said: “Odonis, give up, we are really naive.”

Lan Mu was stunned to see the future of Enoch. The zero two said that they would disband, but the future zero one was also moved, his expression hesitant.

“No…No way?”

“I just changed a little history…CANC was disbanded because of this?”

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