“The time difference is about ten to a thousand times. This is random and cannot be controlled. In other words, if you go in for a year, you may experience ten years in it. Even thousands of years.”

When Lan Mu wanted to enter the second dimension personally, Odonis reminded.

“I know that after I disappear, you will destroy the comics one minute later, so that even if I have bad luck, I will only stay in it for ten minutes.”

Lan Mu had to go in and feel what he said, otherwise he would fight Victor for the first time, which would be too hasty.

He must be more familiar with it than Victor.

“Okay, you can try the low-end quadratic element first. Remember, the extra information on you will make that dimension adapt to you, and relevant rules will appear. Apart from this, in that The world contains the rules within the scope, you also have to abide by it.” Odonis said.

Lan Mu nodded, looking at various comics, the first thing he wanted to experiment was the dimension of acquaintances.

“Just this.”

Lan Mu picked one, it was Hokage, and he specifically asked the D-class personnel to finish it, so that he could see the seven directly The generation of Naruto, he wanted to know whether the Naruto that was created by the hand was related to it.

However, Lan Mu was disappointed. He was directly painted in the Hokage office of Mu Leaf Village. The moment he appeared, he was discovered by Naruto.

“Who?” Naruto didn’t sit still, but his eyes were extremely strange.

“Don’t you know me?” Lan Mu changed into the black Daoist Long in front of him, but Naruto still regarded him as a stranger.

Naruto wondered, he really didn’t know him.

At this time, a few people from the Fire Shadow Guard team came in, wearing masks anxiously: “When did you break in…”

Lan Mu did not speak, touched Looking at the ninjas at the table.

“When I came in, the unexistent became existence, and everything here is real.”

“It’s not so much a two-dimensional space-time, it’s a dream world. Because this two-dimensional space-time has nothing to do with the big universe, the information is chaotic and will not obey the natural order of the big universe at all. Its two-dimensionality is not our two-dimensional. When I give it rules, everything can be achieved here. For us, the two dimensions can even have countless dimensions in it.”

Lan Mu muttered to himself, looking at the extremely real and false world in front of him with empty eyes.

“I did not perceive other universes, the entire dimension is only one universe.”

“It’s too real…If I hadn’t personally supervised the creation, I would definitely think it was an alien. The universe is just.”

Lan Mu each minding their own business to explore, this annoyed the ninjas.

“who the hell are you!”

“Take him down first!”

Lan Mu lightly glanced at the ninjas and easily avoided them Ninjutsu and throwing.

“Go on, I won’t hide this time.” Lan Mu said.

The ninjas were taken aback for a while, and they used their own skills. All kinds of escape techniques blasted Lan Mu’s body for a while, and the office was in a mess, but in the end, even Lan Mu’s clothes were not broken.

“This is too weak… the paint has turned me into a creature of this dimension, but even so, I am still too strong, because Naruto’s world view is too weak, or the dimensional gap.”

Lan Mu shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, he blasted a group of Shangren with majestic mana.

Naruto appeared behind Lan Mu for an instant, Helix Maru rolled out and solemnly said: “Stop! What is your purpose?”

Lan Mu said: “I’m so sorry, the universe just Birth, it will be destroyed.”

After finishing speaking, he broke open the Hokage Building and flew to the height of the Wood Leaf Village.

Ka-cha said, the so-called Formation not worth mentioning, he instantly stood on the cloud.

“What are you going to do?” Naruto uses Strength of Six Paths to fly, but apart from him, no one can keep up so high.

Lan Mu said: “You don’t know what I’m doing, maybe it will be better.”

Naruto is very at a loss. He doesn’t even know that he was just there when Lan Mu appeared. It just appeared for a moment. Even everything in this world starts at that moment. All the things he remembered were just information settings.

And the birth time will not exceed ten minutes, here is about to be destroyed.

Lan Mu found out that he was not the original Naruto, so he lost interest in this World.

I saw him transform into Kong Xuan, Five Colored Divine Light blooming from behind, hiding the sky and covering the earth flooding the entire planet.

“The entire universe is going to be destroyed soon, maybe you stay in my divine light, you can escape.”

Naruto’s Body of Immortal makes him all over The golden light blooms, the huge spiral pill is directly shot at Lan Mu’s heart.

“What the hell are you talking about! Stop it!” Naruto saw the wood Leaf Village and the surrounding forests disappear, and he was very anxious.

However, even the Immortal Technique spiral pill in his hand was swept away by a black light, and the strange man in front of him was unscathed.

Finally, he watched in shock. The entire Ninja world was gone, and only an empty moon was left alone in the distance.

“This is…what kind of technique…” Naruto’s expression was stunned and let Lan Mu brush it away.

Lan Mu stood there, waiting for tens of seconds before feeling a palpitating heart.

In an instant, he saw the end of the universe.

It was absolute nothingness that burst out in an instant, a bit like in the Yuanxu, it was a horrible feeling that Lan Mu shivered from the depths of his thoughts, even for a moment, it was extremely frightening.

At the end of the entire dimension, Lan Mu thought he was going to die.


Wait for him to come back to his senses, he was already standing in the laboratory, and Aldonis asked from the side: “How do you feel?”

Lan Mu said with lingering fear: “At first, it’s okay, but at the moment when the last dimension is destroyed, I feel like I am going to die…”

“It’s just a feeling. The paint stipulates that you can come back. , You can definitely come back.” Odonis said with a smile.

“If this low-dimensional existence is brought back, what will happen?” Lan Mu asked.

Odonis said: “When the dimension is destroyed, there is nothing but you. How do you bring it… eh? Did you bring it back with Five Colored Divine Light?”

Lan Mu nodded and said: “Yes, I can still feel an entire ninja world in my divine light.”

Odonis frowns saying: “It’s useless, Do you think they will have the same strength when you bring it to reality? You have to abide by their rules in the second dimension. But they cannot become high-dimensional creatures in the third dimension. The so-called Naruto is already extremely strong inside If you let him out, the sun may be able to kill him.”

“This is the fundamental difference in the intensity of information. Their dimensions are too low.”


Lan Mu frowned, severing the mind of keeping the Ninja world in the three-dimensional.

Even if he releases the entire planet, it will only cause them to collapse instantly. The existing cosmic environment is simply not what the planet can bear.

“I see, let’s officially start. I want to turn into a low-dimensional transformation and go to Dragon Ball. This time, I will destroy the comic in a year.”

Donis said: “Then you have to stay for at least ten years, uh…you are not planning to let Dragon Ball increase the probability of transforming, are you? And you are planning to make ten years of transforming?”

Lan Mu asked: “Can you?”

Odonis said: “I don’t know, Dragon Ball It shouldn’t be effective, but I can’t detect your heels at all, so I can I’m not sure.”

Lan Mu nodded and said: “Try it and you’ll know… Just draw me to the scene of Saru World’s First Martial Dao. By the way, change the previous plot. Deliberately mention Buu and Birus, plus… The King!”

Odonis was surprised: “You are crazy, I said, after you go down, you must follow the rules there. , If there is a king, then he represents the will of the universe, and he wants to obliterate you, just a matter of thought! Do you think you will not die in the second dimension?”

Lan Mu said: “Will it? Dignified Naruto can’t even hurt my clothes.”

“That’s two different things! Naruto is the pinnacle of Level 2 civilization at best, and your Divine Dragon body is Fifth Level Peak, Kong Xuan is even at level 6, is there comparability? And this is still in the case of the two-dimensional, if transferred here, Hokage may not be able to beat a three-dimensional dog!” Odonis said.

Lan Mu eyes shined said: “So, if we create a second element that is beneficial to us, but for Victor, we can set absolute information to pit Victor?”

Odonis nodded and said: “This is the best way, but I can tell you responsibly, don’t think about setting up a thing that kills Victor, and you use that thing to kill Victor, this will only make the situation worse. Don’t forget, the owner of the second dimension is still 001. If you set it so blatantly, it will let him interfere in order to maintain fate.”

Lan Mu frowns saying: “Interference? You mean fate correction, maybe it is the condition for him to unlock some of the restrictions?”

“Yes, if you do this, it is likely that the second element will also There is something that specifically obliterates you, if you go too far, 001 can go too far. The second dimension is created by him, and you are absolutely dying in terms of rule setting, and it is simply delivered to the door…” Otto Nice said.

Lan Mu nodded and said: “In terms of the environment, I can only try to bridge the gap and finally rely on myself, defying heaven changing fate?”

“Yes, you can only With the life ball, you should not regard the life ball as a foreign object, it is you, and you are it. The life ball will definitely help you silently, and the rest will depend on your presence.” Odonis said.

Lan Mu closed his eyes. He knew that he couldn’t make too many tricks because he was fighting fate.

“If you know, let’s get rid of the king.”

“I want to feel the difference between the fighting and reality there. It is a special training.”


ps: Happy Valentine’s Day…

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