The huge purple stream fell down like a pillar of heaven. If no one stopped it, there would not be a living thing within 3000 li, and the earth would inevitably disappear into an abyss.

At this time, Lan Mu’s best practice is to leave Shenyin.

Hou Yi didn’t know Victor after all, and couldn’t grasp the initial opportunity. Now the Great Witch level can’t do anything to Victor.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Lan Mu must protect himself to survive. Leaving this place is the best choice.

However, he held his right hand diagonally, determined to block the blow.

“The ancestor witch should be able to arrive as soon as possible…”

The torrent of void rushed and all the witches closed their eyes. When they saw the torrent, they should Was hit.

However, Lan Mu instantly switched the form of the quantum observer, decomposing all the Void Power, turning the real into virtual.

The radiance is everywhere, no one can see the scene of being shrouded by the torrent, but the bombing like Heavenly Might suddenly disappears, the witches blindly eyes opened, and one is not dead.

Hou Yi rushed over in surprise, and Victor also looked at Lan Mu in surprise.

At this moment, Lan Mu is the body of the great witch again. After he extinguished the energy, he changed back.

This is to confuse people, he tries not to want Victor to know that he has the transformation of a quantum observer.

Once Victor knows, he will understand that he will not be able to kill himself without changing the infinite quantum body.

In this way, Victor will inevitably respond to incarnation as the strongest state. At that time, I am afraid that Saint will not make a move, and no one can help him.

And Saint, that is no longer what Lan Mu can plot against, it can only rely on luck.

So Lan Mu is not as a last resort and doesn’t want Victor to become an infinite quantum body.

However, Victor still seemed to be aware of something and looked at Lan Mu suspiciously.

The blow he had just now was sure to win, but didn’t expect to be resolved.

Victor stared at Lan Mu and said: “You dominated the particles just now, is your new transformation?”

Lan Mu was shocked, and Victor actually noticed it.

“No matter how tortuous the process, you will inevitably be killed by me.” Victor said suddenly sadly: “But killing you by keeping yourself and killing you by losing yourself are two different things… …I want freedom, not just take your life.”

Hearing this sentence, Lan Mu knew that Victor had guessed his new transformation, but he was not sure.

So uncertain, Victor will not be forced to become an infinite quantum observer by contract.

But if Lan Mu is in front of him and shows the form of a blue quantum man, then Victor must also transform himself.

Victor expected this probability, so he was extremely sad at the moment. He hoped that what he thought was wrong.

Otherwise, even if he kills Lan Mu, what’s the point? I have lost myself.

“In destiny, there is no mention of your ending. Perhaps what’God’ wants is you and me’perish together’.” Lan Mu’s soul sound transmission said.

Victor was stunned, he was as desperate as Lan Mu.

“If it ended like that, it would be better for you to win.” Victor said solemnly.

Lan Mu asked: “Then you close your eyes and wait for death.”

“But I…can’t…” Victor and Lan Mu looked at each other, their eyes There are many killing intents.

Let Victor not kill Lan Mu and close his eyes and wait to die. It’s as ridiculous as allowing Ordonis to indulge a villain to abuse the containment and try to conquer the world.

“Lan Mu must die!”

Victor’s killing intent flooded the sky, his eyes were extremely complicated. 1,000,000 Victors, each with 30,000,000,000 Void Cannons behind them, immediately fired a volley of 300 million Void arrays. Between Heaven and Earth are all purple light, shining beyond words.

Feeling such a terrifying torrent, Lan Mu has no choice.

Now, he must hide himself. As for turning into a quantum observer to fight Victor, and killing him while he hasn’t converted, this kind of thing is unrealistic.

He has tried thousands of times in the two-dimensional element. Victor, who has been incarnation of millions, was impossible to kill in an instant. Give him a little time and he will instantly become a quantum observer stronger than himself.

And this is not the routine he wanted to execute when he established the prehistoric.

“Speaking in advance, obviously you can strike immediately…”

The sentence Lan Mu must die, giving Lan Mu a few nanoseconds of reaction time.

In an instant he switched the transformation of Kong Xuan, Five Colored Divine Light came out, sweeping all surrounding matter, including the witches.

As for the torrent of void, this time the formidable power is too big and Lan Mu can’t hold it at all, so at the crucial moment, he chose Shenyin.


The entire field of the Yizhi tribe has disappeared, and what is left is a huge dark pit with great visual impact.

There is nothing left, only the lonely silhouette of Hou Yi is left in the pit of death.

Hou Yi was extremely angry, and his hatred for Victor had reached the extreme.


Countless blood arrows shot out and took one million Victor.

Some blood arrows were offset by the Void Cannon, and some shot Victor wonderfully and instantly killed him.

At this moment, Hou Yi’s arrow technique is so exquisite that he can always kill a Victor with a single arrow.

In the short confrontation, Hou Yi actually killed twelve Victors. Unfortunately, this is one hair from nine oxen to Avatar’s millions of enemies.

Victors consciously divided into tens of thousands of batches, each batch has nearly a hundred, moved towards different directions, evenly distributed, searching for Lan Mu in a large area.

This kind of omni-directional search, there will be no dead ends at all, no matter which direction Lan Mu moved towards after Shen Yin, he will eventually be found.

Even, there are a group of people who stayed here to fight against Houyi, just to prevent Lan Mu from not leaving.

At this time, Lan Mu really hasn’t left, and is in the deep pit at Hou Yi’s feet.

“This guy does nothing, but he should be extremely contradictory now, right?”

Lan Mu recalled Victor’s previous reminder, knowing that he wanted to hide himself.

On the blow just now, Victor knew that Lan Mu could not be killed, and Lan Mu could escape as long as he was hidden.

Since Victor’s ego is indestructible anyway, he deliberately reminded him that he also hoped that Lan Mu would have enough time to think and not directly become a quantum observer.

It is impossible to describe how contradictory Victor’s heart is. What he fears most is that Lan Mu suddenly becomes that kind of thing, which will force him to change too.

Killing Lan Mu is a contract. It was Victor’s wish to kill Lan Mu as much as possible.

Becoming a quantum observer is the outcome Victor does not want to accept.

These are two desperate guys, playing continuously with fate.

However, the initiative at this moment is in the hands of Lan Mu.

“I am hidden, what can you do?”

“en? This is…is going to be bombarded?”

I only saw the sky There are more and more void cannons, denser than the stars, and they are already covering half of the prehistoric country.

Just now, a million Victor flew in all directions. On the one hand, he was searching for Lan Mu, but on the other hand, he was constantly dropping Void Cannons.

Victor knows the power of Shenyin Knife, so he can only kill Lan Mu with a cumbersome method, which is unlimited bombing!

“very good! Is it finally the kind of infinite output! But… I remember that there is no need to arrange that many Void Cannons… He only needs to release energy by himself…”

There is a hidden sword, theoretically, if you want to kill Lan Mu, you should destroy the universe.

In the second dimension, in Lan Mu’s many simulation battles, Victor chose this way, destroying the universe unscrupulously and releasing energy without restriction.

Each time the simulation reaches that stage, Lan Mu has only the incarnation quantum observer one way, but in the end he will never beat Victor.

But now, Lan Mu is waiting for him! As long as Victor dares to do this in Honghuang, he will know how deadly he bombed Honghuang!

How much power does the prehistoric have? How many people listen to the aisle at Purple Heaven Palace? Explosive? Give you ten courage!

“Fried! Victor! You are fried!” Lan Mu looked forward to it, he even wanted to lend Victor a hundred courage!

However, after waiting for a long time, Victor was only arranging a monitoring network and a void cannon array, but he did not fire.

Looking at the posture, this guy seems to have no intention of ruining the prehistoric without restraint.

“Not good…has he realized the weirdness of Honghuang?” Lan Mu felt a little in his heart.


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