“Abolish it?”

The silverhearted people looked towards Lan Mu, they have given up, knowing this war, they can’t help anymore .

I saw Lan Mu now, with a few more items on his body.

As soon as he raised his hand, the ghost hook hit Kelly.

Kelly wanted to break free, but found that it was a force majeure process and was forcibly pulled in front of Lan Mu.


Kelly’s look is very hideous, with thousands of eyes and beards, swelling rapidly, and a huge opening in her chest, she is going to swallow Lan Mu directly. .

Lan Mu immediately transformed into a baby queen who resembled Elise.

The little finger flicks with the finger, and Kelly’s image changes instantly, turning into a petite insect race with countless black threads behind it.

In an instant, it returned to the three-dimensional space-time, and lost its talent in high-dimensional existence. Obviously, this ability has degraded.

The Yinxin people are overjoyed. They can see that this is the image of Kelly when she was sealed. At that time, the worm body had no dimensional ability.

Lan Mu looked towards the universe, as long as Kylie is in the three-dimensional universe, he can use the quantum observer to decompose it.

However, just at this moment, Kelly evolved into another kind of insect again, returning to high dimensions.

The silver-hearted person said in a daze: “It’s too fast, did you use the root algorithm? Degenerate it instantly, really powerful. But this ability is useful for all races, but it is useless for the insect race. It can evolve back on its own in an instant, and it doesn’t reshape it.”

Lan Mu indifferent expression, he had already expected this situation.

The irreversible degradation of the degradation cap is a nightmare for all races, but the insect race doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what kind of evolution it evolves, and this does not have the ability to clear the memory. Kylie easily designed a new In the evolutionary stage, there is also a talent for entering higher dimensions.

From the very beginning, Lan Mu did not intend to rely on the degeneration ability, what he needed was the side effect of the degeneration cap.

Consume the light of life.

Now Lan Mu is his own insect race transformation. He has never changed this transformation, but it was given to him by Elise.

The cost of his use of the Degenerate Hat is all borne by the race to which this transformation belongs.

In other words, he is now using degenerative abilities recklessly, just consuming the life light of insect race.

As long as the light of life of insect race is not infinite, it will run out sooner or later.

Without super adaptability and being degraded in various ways, Kelly will become helpless.

Lan Mu’s approach really scared Kylie.

It is the mother emperor, of course, I can feel that its own adaptive pool is weakening and shrinking.

The adaptability of insect races is indeed not truly limitless. Their evolutionary potential is at the almighty Universe level.

The light of their life at most makes them invincible to the entire multiverse, reaching the point where all dimensions and all universes can be swallowed.

This is actually an unprecedented super light of life. It can be said that in the life ball fragment Three Great Races, the insect race is the most powerful race.

Can solve this kind of unsolvable adaptation, only the root algorithm can be solved.

In the degeneration again and again, it is simply testing Kelly’s evolutionary response.

Every time it degenerates, evolves a little bit slowly, it will be obliterated by Lan Mu.

It must immediately select a new evolution and return to high-dimensional space-time.

Because of the irreversible degradation, repeated evolution is not possible, causing Kylie’s image to change again and again.

Now it is directly in human form. After all, it strongly reads the adaptation library and gene library of Elise’s insect.

“You are reducing my controllable evolution! Don’t you want Elise to become the master? This will cause the evolutionary potential of the entire insect race to become mediocre!”

This is the first time Kelly couldn’t help speaking to Lan Mu. Obviously, the light of life has been lost too much, and this level of change cannot be adapted to it.

Lan Mu watched Kelly also become a petite girl, and with some attire in the style of insect race, it looked very moving.

He not only smiled secretly, but Kelly couldn’t match her hard power and planned to go soft.

Kelly knew that Lan Mu had subdued Elise, so she learned how to talk to him like Elise.

“Mediocre is mediocre, who made you so good…” Lan Mu kept his hands, continuously degenerating Kelly.

Although the Silverhearted people can’t understand the damage in the continual degradation, they also know that Kelly is afraid. They are afraid of seeing the insect race for the first time.

“Reduce the evolutionary potential of the entire insect race? so that’s how it is!” Giggs was the first to react and realized that Lan Mu directly reduced the insect race’s most cited information. Proud, the ultimate talent that most depends on for survival.

Nothing is more ruthless than this. The evolution of life is as indispensable as wisdom and imagination. In other words, without evolution, there would be no latter two.

If one person can control the evolution and degradation of a race, it will not only capture the lifeblood of insect race, but also the lifeblood of all races.

At this time, letting Kelly use various methods to negotiate, Lan Mu ignored it and frantically used the degradation hat.

And Kelly hasn’t been able to rush to attack Lan Mu. Let alone Lan Mu, she can switch and transform at any time. The degradation function alone will cause Kelly to be rejected by Gao Wei.

So Kelly dropped, sublimated, dropped, and sublimated continuously in the low-dimensional and high-dimensional…

Don’t talk about rebelling, it’s fast response if you can speak.

“Stop! I am willing to acknowledge allegiance! Stop…” Kelly said helplessly.

Kelly suddenly became soft, and she was willing to become Lan Mu’s vassal just like Elise.

Insect race so far, there are only three masters, Kelly, Elise and Lan Mu. If Kelly also acknowledges allegiance Lan Mu, it means that the insect race has fallen and is no longer an independent race. .

This may be a shame to civilization, but for insect race, it doesn’t matter, as long as you can continue to eat it.

But if Lan Mu is allowed to degenerate so much, even Elise, who becomes the supreme ruler in the future, is just a race with slightly higher potential.

How to eat the universe? How to eat the multiverse? How to eat stronger, bigger and more existence? How to taste the more wonderful genes?

Weakening the light of life is tantamount to depriving the insect race of the greatest happiness, which Kelly cannot accept.

From the perspective of the overall benefits of the insect race in the long run, if Kelly resists, the insect race will only get worse.

Lan Mu had expected Kelly’s acknowledge allegiance a long time ago, so he ignored any of Kelly’s rhetoric and degraded it in an orderly manner.

I just want to abolish and destroy the insect race and wait for Kelly to surrender.

Lan Mu didn’t bother to kill Kelly in a cumbersome way, and didn’t want to really abolish the insect race. He knew too much about the insect race. At the beginning, he could fool Elise with what he could eat, so naturally he knew about the insect race. It’s all that virtue.

Of course, if Kelly doesn’t surrender, then it will be ruined, but Elise will suffer.

At this time, Kelly stood silently near the Silver Heart, and it did not evolve back this time.

It is in a three-dimensional space-time, Lan Mu can immediately obliterate it with a quantum observer, so Kelly did so with all sincerity and gave her life to Lan Mu.

Lan Mu returned to the vicinity of Yinxin with a faint smile. At this moment, the three queens gathered, Kelly, Elise and Lan Mu formed a triangle.

“Mother Queen…” Although Elise and Kelly do not have any affection, they are a mother-daughter relationship in terms of ethnicity.

Kelly ignored Elise, and said to Lan Mu in a low voice: “What are you going to do? A contract? I won’t have excessive conditions. As long as Elise eats, I will Whatever you can eat…”

The words that came out were funny, but Kelly was serious. The conditions are indeed not high, just let it eat.

Lan Mu smiled and said: “You are quite familiar with the process…”

“But I don’t plan to conclude a contract anymore. I don’t want to have that kind of thing.”

Kelly was surprised, which means that it cannot be trusted by Lan Mu.


Lan Mu said: “You give way to Elise. Under the spiritual bondage, you are equivalent to her vassal.”

When Kelly heard it, she said honestly: “But I still have independence in this way. When our strengths are similar, I can resist it. I can even replace it at any time…”

Lan Mu said with a smile: “If you do that, there will be no chance of surrender…”

“Death is not terrifying…but you can never eat again… It’s really terrifying.”

The current Lan Mu really doesn’t need things like contracts anymore. He no longer wants to rely on such constraints as before.

Strength itself is the best confidence.

Lan Mu is confident that he will get stronger and stronger, and no one can catch up. After Victor’s disaster, he already knows the importance of confidence.

Kelly looked at Lan Mu’s smile and was awed by the calmness.

Isn’t it a vassal? What is dignity? Can you eat it?

Thinking that insect race is so pitiful…to the point that even the universe can’t eat it, it’s a nightmare!

Kelly hurriedly expanded her adaptation library and said to Elise.

“Evolve, Elise, from now on, you will be my master.”


ps: Finally the life orb is about to be completed Up.

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