Sixth Imperial Prince proclaiming this move is no different from a monkey show, but it has a lot of appeal to forces with uncertain attitudes.

Like the Luo Family cultivator, a person who commits crimes and makes meritorious deeds, if he has the opportunity, he may actually invest in the Sixth Imperial Prince.

There were still a lot of people who supported the Sixth Imperial Prince. Zhao Family clansman under Zhao Huang had supported the Sixth Imperial Prince.

There are also many small forces, such as Return to Origin Sword Sect, and the iron rod of Sixth Imperial Prince.

Most of the cultivators below Golden Core led by Wang Daoyuan were cultivated by Return to Origin Sword Sect.

Among them, those who are not determined, or have ambitions and not enough brains, are likely to take refuge in the past.

Emperor Zhao is stationed in Nanli Mountain, south of central Zhennan County, where there is a fourth rank middle grade without attribute spirit vein.

Two thousand miles southwest of Nanli Mountain, there is the remaining vein of Hidden Dragon Mountain defended by the Song Kingdom cultivator and Myriad Spirits Sect cultivator.

Sixth Imperial Prince sent someone to send a message to Emperor Zhao, asking Ninth Prince to abdicate immediately and return power to him.

Zhao Family and other clansman, those who abandon the dark and cast the bright will bear the blame.

Those who are stubbornly defeated will not forgive.

In the message, Zhao Family's numerous cultivators all cursed him.

Before being timid and incompetent, it’s just a personality defect.

It’s good now, colluding with Emperor Song to kill his father’s enemy and beating his own brother.

This is not a question of character defects, it is heinous.

Zhao Jingguo bowed to Emperor Zhao and said: "Your Majesty, as Zong Zhengqing, the minister has the responsibility to discipline the clansman.

Among clansman, such a scum is a minister. Dereliction of duty, please confess Your Majesty."

Emperor Zhao waved his hand and said: "As an emperor, I have the responsibility to educate the people.

If something like this happens, my responsibility is even greater. Great.

Now is not the time for accountability, Song Yan borrowed the name of his sixth brother to unite the remnants of Myriad Spirits Sect and Sunset Palace to bring disaster to the South.

If he can’t be restrained , Zhao State may never have peace."

Linhai King said angrily: "Kick him out of the Zhao Family, and none of his descendants will stay."

Emperor Zhao shook his head and said: "After the Three Sects rebellion, Zhao Family bloodline is not enough.

He doesn't care about those children and grandchildren, but I can’t bear to fight in the same room."

Zhao Jingbang, with a face full of folds, said: "Your Majesty is kind, but it doesn't have to be so forgiving.

Ling Tian is a brave and courageous, and he is greedy for power.

Is a thankless wretch who is not familiar with him. What can I do to him? It’s all useless.

The old minister has been in Song Dynasty for hundreds of years, and he knows Song Yan very well.

This kid is a hungry wolf, just let him taste a bit of sweetness. , He will keep chasing and biting.

To keep him honest, he can only break his bones, so that he has no hope of turning over.

Song Family Golden Core cultivator The number is too small. If you want to get rid of his ambition, it is better to kill a few more Song Family Golden Cores.

Let him not have enough family property to maintain stability, so that Song Guo will return to the situation of loose sand again."

Zhao Huang nodded: "Imperial Uncle makes sense. When the war starts, try to stare at the Song Family Golden Core and kill."

Everyone claimed to be.

Zhao Jingguo said: "Your Majesty, since you want to forcefully kill Song Family Golden Core, you need a Peak expert to take action.

Song has no particularly strong expert, only Song Yan The strength should not be underestimated, it should be similar to Zhao Lingtian’s evil obstacle.

With the addition of the Dragon Rebel, there are three Peak Experts.

There is also the Profound Nether Rebel, He has the mysterious turtle in the water, even if it is outside the waters, the strength should be above Lingjiang.

However, the mysterious turtle in the water is not strong, and Lingjiang can barely hold the Profound Nether. Rebel.

We only have two Peak battle strengths, the minister and Your Majesty, and there are three Peak battle strengths facing the enemy. I really don’t really want to kill them.

According to me Look, it is better to transfer Qingli County King and Zhong Zhenyang over.

Once the County King uses Lesser Divine Ability, plus the Golden Crow alien, the strength surpasses Profound Nether daoist.

Zhong The last time Zhenyang was in the Nine Nether Profound Crystal Ore, he just used the Lesser Divine Ability to escape, and he could instantly overshadow the Lesser Divine Ability of the prince, and his strength should not be under the dragon daoist.

Two people are transferred here to kill Song Family Golden Core."

Emperor Zhao thought for a while: "Little Imperial Uncle said something reasonable, Linhai King, you go to Yanyue Mountain and ask Qingli County King and Zhong Zhenyang to come over. .

You will sit in Yanyue Mountain temporarily to prevent the enemy from threatening the hinterland of Zhao State to the north."

Linhai King handed over and said yes, and then left Nanli Mountain.

I came to Yanyue Mountain and conveyed the will of Emperor Zhao to Wang Daoyuan and Zhong Zhenyang.

The two of them did not delay their time, and after confessing the affairs of Yanyue Mountain, they concealed their body and rushed to Nanli Mountain.

When they came to Zhao Huangjia, they bowed and saluted: "Chen Wang Daoyuan, Chen Zhong Zhenyang, pay respects to Your Majesty."

Zhao Huang slightly nodded: "Two Aiqing is flat."

Wang Daoyuan and Zhong Zhenyang both proclaimed their thanks.

Emperor Zhao asked: "I discussed with the officials that to defeat the opponent, we must first disintegrate their union.

Myriad Spirits Sect and Sunset Palace have no retreat, and they will fight to the end.

If you want to disintegrate them, you can only scare Song Yan, so you need to kill a few more Song Family Golden Cores.

There are Zhao Lingtian and Yulong Rebels on the side of the rebels. And Song Yan’s three Peak experts, as well as Profound Nether, a lesser expert.

I wonder if the strength of the two Aiqings can deal with these four?"

Zhong Zhenyang didn't dare to talk, Wang Daoyuan replied first: "reporting to Your Majesty, among the four, the minister has only seen Zong Zhengqing and the Yulong rebel.

It’s hard to beat him with all his strength."

Zhong Zhenyang continued: "The minister knows a little bit about the strength of the four and his Royal Highness.

In my opinion, the strength of the county king should be slightly inferior to the Peak expert.

Not in the waters, it can beat the Profound Nether rebels.

Zhao Family cultivation technique and spell, some Restrain the minister.

Therefore, the minister is not sure to deal with the Sixth Imperial Prince.

But for Shang Song Yan and the Yulong rebels, you can stay safe."

Zhao Jingguo said with a smile: "Zhao Lingtian is as timid as a mouse and will not dare to take action.

Your Majesty and Zhao Huang are the Monarch of the entire Country, and should not be moved lightly.

at first, the opponent will only have two experts, the Dragon Rebel and the Profound Nether Rebel.

I can withstand the Dragon Rebel, and Ling Jiang can also entangle the Profound Nether.

His Royal Highness and Fellow Daoist Zhong kill the enemy very fast, but they can kill the Song Kingdom cultivator as soon as possible."

Everyone had no objection. I wanted to prepare, so I went to attack. Hidden Dragon Mountain aftermath.

Didn't expect the Sixth Imperial Prince to take the initiative, and the entire group left Hidden Dragon Mountain and came towards Lishan to the south.

The benefits of the door-to-door delivery, Emperor Zhao couldn't easily let go, and brought numerous cultivators to the outside of the mountain.

Of course, Wang Daoyuan and Zhong Zhenyang did not show up directly, but hid three hundred miles north of Nanli Mountain.

When they came to Nanli Mountain, they hid their figures. Song Emperor probably didn't know that they were here.

The hidden secrets of the two are brilliant. At this distance, the Golden Core cultivator is hard to find.

Soon, a large cloud of auspicious clouds flew over from Southwest.

The Emperor Song and the Sixth Imperial Prince both wore diadem suits and twelve crowns on their heads.

Beside the two of them stood the Royal Dragon daoist, Profound Nether daoist, Diyan daoist, and four late Song Dynasty Golden Core cultivators.

Sixth Imperial Prince first spoke: "More than five hundred years ago, Three Sects rioted and captured the capital.

Before his father died, he ordered Zhao Jingguo to hand over the Mountain and River Seal to me. , This is the legend.

Er et al. even defy the first emperor’s will and force me to abdicate. This is an act of rebellion.

As the saying goes,'You have more help than you lose your way. '

I am the orthodox emperor of Zhao State, the monarch of Tao.

First, Emperor Song raised up troops to help me quell the rebellion, and then Myriad Spirits Sect and Sunset Palace cultivator. I’m the forerunner.

If you still think that you are a descendant of the Zhao family, please kneel down and please come down.

For the sake of being the same as the Zhao family’s bloodline, I would spare you not to die. ......"

Looking at his vile face, Zhao Jingguo couldn't suppress his anger, and yelled: "The beast who has abandoned his ancestors, a stray dog, dare to bark in front of Your Majesty.

Now obediently surrender, follow me to the ancestors’ spirits, and I will confess that you are the descendants of the Zhao family.

If you persist in your own wrong doings again, I will block you. Drive out the Zhao clan."

After that, a blue long sword illusory shadow condensed in his hand.

Yulong daoist flew up on the cloud and angrily rebuked: "You rebel dare to insult the saint, watch the old man take you down and bind you to the saint to ask for sin."

Yulong daoist's hands are stained with the blood of Zhao's clansman, and now he claims to be a loyal minister of Zhao Family, calling Zhao Jingguo a thief, really thief crying, "Stop thief!".

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