Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 44 Family and business depend on each other

Li Tai was not a knowledgeable medical expert. His knowledge of wind diseases and qi diseases mainly came from searching and sorting out personnel in the early Tang Dynasty.

There are more than 200 types of wind and gas diseases, and athlete's foot can range from mild to severe. Of course, Li Tai did not have the ability to make a detailed diagnosis, but he still had basic common sense. He Basheng's current living and eating habits were obviously not healthy enough and would undoubtedly worsen the condition.

As the saying goes, good words can never persuade a damn person to die. If it was just an unrelated person, Li Tai would persuade him, but he wouldn't be too sad.

But He Basheng was not ordinary to him after all. While he was greedy for this favor, he also hoped to repay him emotionally, so that He Basheng's later life would not be too sad and desolate.

When He Basheng saw Li Tai showing such a lazy look, he just smiled helplessly.

He is not a withdrawn or unkind person by nature, and he also enjoys the care and supervision from the younger generations. But even though they were happy, they were also disappointed. The reason was, as Li Tai said, they were neither relatives nor friends. Even if they had relatively close contacts, they would not be touching.

There was no mutton to go with the meal, so he ate a bowl of rice with buttermilk. When he saw Li Tai also finished his meal, he said again: "The cloth has been returned to the warehouse, and the disciple has already sued me. Don't be too hasty with the rest. Years ago I don’t have a lot of money to make.”

Li Tai had borrowed nearly 7,000 pieces of cloth from He Basheng before, which was definitely a huge sum of money. Even Li Tai, a debtor, couldn't help but sigh that He Basheng was really at ease with him.

His character is a bit stingy and lacks tolerance, but he never feels that he should accept help from others. So after the money was initially withdrawn, I quickly paid back part of it.

Hearing He Basheng talk about this topic at this time, he quickly said: "Recently, my family has been busy with accounting, and the dispatch of goods has not been easy. But at the latest before spring farming next year, all the borrowed goods will be collected and replenished. Uncle This kind of help has been of great benefit to me, and I will keep it in my heart. I will do my best in the future.”

Although he made a fortune from the futures market, he also donated five hundred dendrobiums of ointment materials to Zhou Changming, and he also had a debt of ten thousand shi of grain to be delivered to the county government after autumn. The profit from this operation is not enough to even out expenses, and debt is still needed to maintain it for a period of time.

But the most difficult initial stage has been overcome, and he is confident about the operation and development of various businesses in the future.

Now there are more than a hundred women weaving in his manor workshop. The scale of the work has increased, and the efficiency of the large spinning wheel has also been improved. After deducting the daily labor expenses and material costs, the daily profit is 150 yuan. More than ten horses.

The oil mill is the next project to be launched. Party leader Zhao from Shangyuan is already helping him contact the craftsmen in the township who were previously engaged in oil pressing operations.

Li Tai didn't need these people's oil-pressing skills, but he needed their skills in steaming and frying seeds. The actual production of oil used wood-pressing. Although there is only one word difference between pressing and pressing, the oil yield rate of oil pressing is much higher than that of oil pressing.

The ancient oil-pressing technology developed greatly in the late Tang and Northern Song Dynasties. Vegetable oil also became the mainstream of diet. In the Northern Song Dynasty, there was even a trend of frying everything. Even oysters were fried directly in the oil pan!

Although the big households in the village were frightened by Li Tai's previous operation, they might not be willing to sell the seeds to him again. However, it is also human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Li Tai was confident that relying on the effectiveness of the oil pressing method compared to the oil pressing method, he could lower the oil price to the point where the production profits of these large companies were not as good as expected.

The reason why he promised Liu Gong not to sell oil before this year was to prepare for lowering the market price next year and continuing to purchase sesame seeds. It is his unshirkable responsibility as a time traveler to allow the elders in Huazhou to eat sesame oil.

Of course, this is an exaggeration. In terms of people's livelihood needs, sesame oil does not rank high. It is not the bottom line that large rural households strictly guard against, so it gives Li Tai room to manipulate the market and make profits.

In addition, Li Tai also recruited many casual workers from the countryside. In addition to building houses, he also built several large kilns one after another, and gradually trained skilled workers starting from the firing of bricks and tiles. The previous smelting furnaces for melting and casting copper materials have not been destroyed, and will be upgraded in the future when the technical and financial resources are available.

In short, his career blueprint is huge, but it is limited by his current strength and capital, and he can only promote its realization step by step.

He didn't want to use the fabrics from He Basheng's family in vain, and he had already calculated the interest return in his mind. It's just that the current liquidity of various industries is still not enough. It is not too early to say that next year the situation will ease and we will pay them together.

"How many feet do I have, and how much fabric do I need? You don't have to be hasty, just do everything according to your ability."

He Basheng is a good creditor and is not in a hurry to collect debts.

He paused and then looked at Li Tai and said, "If you want to express gratitude, you don't have to pay it in the future. I have something to do for you today, shouldn't you do it?"

"My uncle always gives orders when he has something to do, how can I not respond!"

Li Tai said with a smile after hearing this.

"Just agree! This matter is a problem for me, but it's not difficult for you."

He Basheng said with a smile again, raised his finger and pointed to the world of the manor outside the hall, and said to Li Tai, "What do you think of this estate?"

"I heard about it yesterday that my uncle was awarded the title for his merits. The fertile land near the river, if it were not disturbed by the war, would indeed be a rich and prosperous property that can sustain him for many years."

Li Tai replied when he heard this, not hiding his envy and regret.

"I still have several such gardens. If I were alone, I wouldn't need to own so much property. But the disciples always need constant industry to support them, and whatever Daxingtai is given, they will accept it with shame. ”

He Basheng sighed with emotion, and then said to Li Tai: "But most of my subordinates are veterans, who are more than fierce but not shrewd. So I want to pay the business to Apan and you can take care of it on my behalf, as long as I can keep the people fed and clothed." It’s good to have more than enough.”

Li Tai was still guessing what He Basheng wanted him to do. He was shocked when he heard this. He shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Uncle, are you teasing me? Not to mention whether my intelligence is enough. The business here alone is about cultivating mulberry trees." At that time, it was more than enough to feed thousands of people, so why rely on this talent!”

"Alas, you don't know something either. Although the business here belongs to me, most of the output is lost to the assistant army, and only one out of ten people can enter the warehouse. It looks like Toyota Beauty, but in fact, I am doing all the farming and weaving. It’s hard to make up for the labor costs!”

He Basheng smiled bitterly and told Li Tai such a secret.

After hearing this, Li Tai couldn't help but his eyes widened, could things still be like this? The land is for you, and the harvest is for me!

Yuwen Heita, you have lost your conscience. An old man over fifty years old is fighting for you, but you are still extorting and exploiting me like this!

"Then Li Sikong Garden in the south..."

He pondered for a moment and then asked again, somewhat doubting whether Yu Wentai was deliberately suppressing He Basheng.

"The same is true. The land near the river needs a strong army to deter the thieves, and it is proper for the harvest of the fields to belong to the officials to help the army. The country is in crisis now. Since we have been deeply favored, we should not just be a portal. Private plan."

He Basheng said this, but his face was filled with sadness: "In previous years, if the garden had been replenished elsewhere, it would have been able to maintain more than enough. But in the previous battle at Mang Mountain, many of the soldiers were injured or killed. If you provide food to the injured and comfort to the dead, you will see hardship..."

When Li Tai heard this, his expression suddenly felt a little unnatural. I, my second uncle, also had to shoulder half of the emotional burden?

But he soon thought about how much cloth He Basheng had lent him before, and he suddenly felt even more moved.

But before he had time to express his expression, He Basheng said again: "I lent you the goods before because I really wanted to see how talented you were. Secondly, I also had my own agenda. If this heavy goods goes to waste and never returns, I can Rely on this to rob rural households! Although Daxingtai always teaches people to get along well, I have been deceived by local tyrants and lost all my wealth, so I should be given some immunity from the law. "

You know how to play with feelings better than I do!

After Li Tai heard this, he couldn't help but feel emotional. It was true that He Basheng was friendly to him, but after all, he was a powerful military leader who had traveled all the way from Beizhen Wuchuan to the ends of the earth. It would be too one-sided to think that he would only be kind to others. It turned out that he had already had this in his heart. The thought of using himself as an excuse to rob a wealthy country man.

Knowing this, Li Tai suddenly felt that he had noble moral integrity. It was true that he robbed these rich people by trading in futures, but he was still helping them. If they wait until He Basheng takes action, they will lose more than just money and silk.

So, in troubled times, you still have to have strong troops and strong horses. It's good to play with the rules and play around. You also have to have the confidence and power to overturn the table when necessary.

"Since uncle thinks that my talent is acceptable, of course I am bound to do my best and do my best!"

After pondering for a while, he no longer hesitated and expressed his stance directly.

When he was very poor, he still dared to make a lease transaction of tens of thousands of tons of grain with the county government. Faced with He Basheng's request, he naturally had no reason to refuse.

Compared with the ancients, what stands out most about him is not that his farming yields are higher than others, but that his production technology and methods are superior. The larger the scale of production, the more significant the improvement in results will be.

Zhao Gui blocked the river and built a dike, forcing him to use oxen to pull the spinning wheel, but now with the support of He Basheng's power and prestige, if you stop me from using water, I will give you a chance!

Seeing Li Tai's willingness to agree, He Basheng immediately laughed happily. He immediately summoned the subordinates in charge of Tian Sang's affairs in the mansion and ordered them to check and hand over the accounts in front of the court.

Li Tai was shocked because he didn't know what was going on. Only then did he understand how powerful the real military leader was.

There are more than 3,700 people in He Basheng's family alone, and the manor properties are spread over half of the Guanzhong Plain. From Chang'an to the east, there are more than a dozen large and small gardens. Tens of hectares, up to hundreds of hectares, the total area on the books alone reaches nearly a thousand hectares!

Although this number seems exaggerated, it is actually reasonable if you think about it carefully.

Even Gao Zhong Mi Xitou, who had no merit, was given a manor of more than ten hectares, and nearly 300 people were given as gifts. Li Tai accepted more than a dozen households in the village, plus other large households. The compensation has already reached the size of a tribe of nearly 600 people.

As a veteran of Beizhen, He Basheng participated in the wars of the two Wei Dynasties after returning from Nanliang and performed very well. It is normal to have such a tribe and the size of the manor.

After all, the financial situation of the Western Wei Dynasty was really worrying. If they really wanted to reward the money and silk, they might go bankrupt.

Yuwentai will reward the heroes with large amounts of land in his tribe, which can also strengthen his control over the core area of ​​​​Guanzhong, and he can also conquer the autumn wind and transport supplies. Why not?

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