Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 6 Overlord is Difficult

The Western Army officers and soldiers who stayed at Tongguan continued to withdraw their troops into the pass, and Li Tai and his entourage also followed them. Although the number of people has more than doubled, it is still just an inconspicuous small team.

"Is this the predecessor of the imperial army that will unify the world and build several empires in the future?"

Dust was flying on the dirt road, and the soldiers were all ragged and unkempt. There was an atmosphere of panic and desperation in front and behind the team, like a group of wandering refugees more than an army.

Although it was said to be a newly defeated army, what he saw was still very different from what he imagined the soldiers of the Western Wei Dynasty should have. Li Tai was also disappointed.

Although historically the Western Wei Dynasty's military organization was completed only a few years later, during the 14th and 15th years of Datong, when the upper-level generals of the military including the Eight Pillars and the Twelve Generals were in place. The failure of the Mangshan War was the biggest motivation that prompted Yuwentai to build the Fubing system.

However, the formation of a military system and the creation of a strong army are not accomplished overnight. There must be a good foundation to have a glorious future.

Of course, if we put aside the high expectations brought about by the prophets of history, the defeated army in front of us is still better than the ordinary mob.

At least the basic array can be maintained. Although the soldiers are frustrated, they obey military orders. Most of them are in their prime, and there is still a lot of room for improvement and growth.

Compared with the Eastern Wei army in the memory of the predecessor, the proportion of Hu and Han in the Western army is not too serious, basically half and half. After careful calculation, the number of Han sergeants even vaguely exceeds that of the Hu people, and the number of Hu soldiers is obviously higher than that of the Hu people. There are also other ethnic groups, and specifically the Xianbei people account for an even smaller proportion in the team.

This kind of clan ratio has its origins. The origin of the basic base of Yuwentai Bafu in the Western Wei Dynasty is extremely complicated.

The first to occupy the core position were the veteran troops who followed Erzhu Tianguang and He Bayue into Guanzhong to suppress the rebellion. However, these soldiers only numbered less than 3,000, and they were divided into several parts.

Such as Erzhu Tianguang's Qihu warriors, Hou Mo Chen Yue's Daidi armed forces, and the respective tribes of Wuchuan tycoons such as He Batayue. The entire team gradually grew stronger by suppressing, appeasing and reorganizing the rebels in Guanzhong at that time, and Han Chinese, Di Qiang and other miscellaneous people from Guanzhong gradually joined it.

Later, Er Zhu Tianguang led his direct army to Hanling, Hebei to merge with Gao Huan's army but failed. He Bayue became the boss of the army staying in Guanzhong. It wasn't until Gao Huan's plan to alienate him that Mo Chenyue, the powerful marquis of Daidi, killed He Bayue, and Yu Wentai became the boss of Guanzhong.

After Yuwentai avenged He Bayue, Hou Mo and Chen Yue's general Li Bi rebelled against the enemy and led a part of the local armed forces to join Yuwentai's team.

The military power of the Western Wei was not complete until Emperor Xiaowu of the Northern Wei Dynasty fled westward from Guanzhong and brought thousands of Luoyang Forbidden Army with him.

Compared with the Eastern Wei Dynasty Gao Huan directly defrauded hundreds of thousands of townspeople from the Erzhu family, the establishment of the Western Wei Dynasty's military power was much more tortuous. In addition to various annexations and defections, the biggest addition to the Western Wei army was the capture of prisoners from several battles with the Eastern Wei.

Specific to every battle, the Battle of Xiaoguan during the founding of the Western Wei Dynasty and the subsequent Battle of Shayuan all successfully defeated the Eastern Wei Dynasty's attack on Guanzhong.

Especially in the Battle of Shayuan, due to Gao Huan's improper command, the Eastern Wei army lost more than 80,000 men and horses, and 180,000 armors and staffs. It was also with this glorious victory that the Western Wei Dynasty had the confidence to compete with the Eastern Wei Dynasty. Yuwentai directly recruited a total of 20,000 troops from the defeated army!

During the Battle of Shayuan, the Western Wei Dynasty also took advantage of the situation and captured the Heluo area including Luoyang, which also became the inducement for the next big battle, the Battle of Heqiao.

In order to establish the legitimacy of the Western Wei regime, Yuwentai took the Western Wei emperor to Luoyang to worship heaven and ancestors. However, the Eastern Wei generals Hou Jing and Gao Aocao took the opportunity to launch an attack on Luoyang.

This war should be the most evenly matched among the five wars between the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties.

The Western Wei Dynasty relied on the remaining power of its victory in the Battle of Shayuan a year ago, and its morale and military strength did not fall behind. However, the Eastern Wei Dynasty only participated in the war with some armed forces such as Hou Jing and Gao Aocao.

At the beginning of the Battle of Heqiao, although Yu Wentai was in danger due to underestimating the enemy's risk, and was able to escape with the help of Governor Li Mu's quick wit, it still started with a smooth start overall. Li Tai's predecessor's idol, Gao Aocao, died in this war.

Just when the battle was in full swing, a sensational scene happened in the army of the Western Wei Dynasty.

At that time, heavy fog fell from the sky on the battlefield. The right armies of Dugu Xin and Li Yuan, and the left armies of Zhao Gui and Yifeng of the Western Wei Dynasty were unsuccessful in fighting. At the same time, they lost contact with Yuwentai, and they actually withdrew their troops and ran away!

Li Hu and others who led the rear army saw Dugu Xin, Zhao Gui and others retreating, so they also retreated together, leaving their boss directly on the battlefield.

So much so that when Yu Wentai escaped from the battlefield, he was so frightened that he couldn't sleep at night. He had to rest his head on the thigh of his godson, the powerful Han Cai You, to fall asleep. This shows that this defeat and being abandoned by the generals had a huge psychological impact on him.

By the time Gao Huan learned of the battle situation on the front line and led his troops to reinforce, the Western Wei army had already withdrawn to the west of Tongguan.

Although the Western Wei Dynasty was defeated in the Battle of Heqiao, because everyone ran fast, except for the lord Yu Wentai who was almost scared out of his mind, they did not suffer much losses. The Eastern Wei Dynasty lost the general Gao Aocao, so that some of the powerful Han people represented by Gao Aocao once separated from the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

After the Battle of Heqiao, the Western Wei Dynasty gathered its forces again and successfully recaptured Luoyang. Then the two sides entered a period of rest that lasted several years. Yuwentai also took the opportunity to reorganize his troops, eliminate some hidden dangers in the pass, and organize his subordinates into six armies, directly commanded by Daxingtai. There was no war between them. .

Next, Gao Aocao's brother Gao Zhongmi surrendered Yuzhou north to the Western Wei Dynasty, especially the surrender of Hulao Pass, an important town in Henan and the east gate of Heluo, which then triggered the current Mangshan War.

In the Mangshan battle, aside from the twists and turns of the war process, the two countries basically mobilized the main forces that they could dispatch. The results of the war also proved that, at least so far, the national power of the Western Wei Dynasty was still far inferior to that of the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

Li Tai came to this world at this time and rebelled from the Eastern Wei Dynasty to the Western Wei Dynasty. Generally speaking, it was really stupid.

But in terms of the future, there is also a sense of abandoning the dark side and turning to the bright side, because the disastrous defeat in the Battle of Mangshan prompted Yuwentai to make a major decision, which was to recruit powerful Han people into the team and use the rural soldiers and private individuals in Guanzhong. Qu Armed Forces supplemented the shortcomings of the army and began to establish a government army system.

There is no doubt that during this period, as a Han Chinese, you had many more opportunities in the Western Wei Dynasty than in the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

But if we want to be specific about the region, the window of opportunity for the Western Wei Dynasty this time was mainly open to the powerful Han people from Guanlong and Han who supported their respective tribes.

As a native of Dongzhou, Li Tai is still in an embarrassing situation. If he wants to join the future Guanlong Group and become its core member, the chance is still slim.

Therefore, when he wrote the memorial for Shuo Hui, he also mixed in his own personal belongings and argued that the large-scale recruitment of Han people in Guanlong would contribute to the stability of the regime.

Such suggestions are certainly not inspiring. Yuwentai was an outstanding figure of his generation. He was able to withstand the strong pressure of Gao Huan and establish his own business in Guanzhong. He could even catch up from behind in the future. Of course, it was impossible not to see the importance of recruiting powerful Han people.

Such thoughts and ideas should have taken shape in Yuwentai's mind long ago, but the specific measures and steps were still undecided, and the tragic defeat at Mangshan left him no room for hesitation. Even without Li Tai's letter of advice, this measure would have been implemented in a big way soon.

Li Tai did not expect that with just one letter, Yu Wentai would treat him with utmost courtesy and regard him as a national scholar. The main purpose was to express his agreement with the other party: The leader and I are close soul friends, and everything you think of me is I thought, if you are too busy, I can give you a little help!

However, he still underestimated the complexity of personnel disputes within the Western Wei regime, or the scale was not precise enough, and he still failed to achieve the expected results.

This is normal. Although he has some foundation in writing due to his profession and is also historically forward-looking, after all, he is not a native figure of this era.

In the past, I was faced with forum veterans and platform spectators, but now I have to fight for the attention of a real hero in troubled times. It is inevitable that I cannot control the scale of my efforts and the depth of my strategies.

However, as a core figure in the Guanzhong regime, Hui Hui is still willing to provide him with asylum. It can be seen that his advice may not be as expected. At least it does not violate any major taboos, and it is not a big problem to survive in Guanzhong.

Yuwentai, you are arrogant and great. If you ignore me, I will go find Yang Jian. In the future, I will help bring order to the chaos and restore Han unification! If Yang Jian couldn't get along, he asked Li Hu to help my eldest brother educate his children and grandchildren.

While he was still making plans from his intracranial orgasm, Li Zhusheng came up again, handed him a string of bamboo slips and whispered: "Alang, the names of the dozens of foreign guests have been recorded, and they also Everyone is willing to follow Alang.”

Although the Western Wei regime is weak and backward, it has not degenerated into cutting bamboo to record events. However, the output of paper was probably not high, and it was not widely used as a military material reserve. Li Tai could not find paper and pen for the time being, so he could only use local bamboo to make brief notes.

Engraved on the bamboo slips are the dozens of Western soldiers who have recently joined the team. They were mistakenly arrested as Li Tai's companions outside Tongguan. No one believed or ignored them even if they loudly expressed their grievances, and they still followed Li Tai's troops. Qu was imprisoned together.

When Li Tai caught up with some Huifa to return the tribe, these people were returned to him as his tribe, without bothering to distinguish their original belongings.

Although Li Tai had no experience in rebellion and entrepreneurship, he was well aware of the supremacy of soldiers and horses in troubled times. Naturally, he would not refuse this free-for-all young man and recruited him first. Therefore, during the march, he asked Li Zhusheng I wrote down the names of these people.

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