Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 71 Remarks on the launch

After several years, a new book is on the shelves again, which makes me excited and nervous at the same time.

The book "Northern Dynasties" also has some twists and turns.

After finishing Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, I actually came up with some ideas, but I was still a little timid to start writing because of the complexity of the background of the post-Three Kingdoms era and the difficulty of sorting out the data.

Then something happened, and changes in life and work status forced people to make a more conservative choice. After several hesitations, I finally made up my mind and started to actually prepare this book.

To be honest, historical web articles are a little less difficult to conceive and write than other types of web articles. After all, they have specific historical backgrounds and contexts, and the requirements for imagination are relatively low. This is similar to fan fiction. But compared to fan fiction, the background of the story is broader and more real.

Choosing the Western Wei Dynasty as the main perspective of the narrative also has certain considerations. After all, the political, economic, and cultural development of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, and the Sui and Tang Dynasties are in the same line. As long as the relevant background information is qualified, the development of the characters and plots will not cause too much sense of ambiguity and dissonance in the description.

The first volume of this book is titled "New Guests from Guanxi". It observes, intervenes, influences and promotes the establishment of the military system of the Western Wei Dynasty through the perspective of an outsider after the Battle of Mangshan in the two Wei Dynasties. To give you a little spoiler, the title of the second volume is "The Rookie of the Overlord", and it will be further developed after it is based in Kansai.

Thanks to the popularization of science by many UP official public accounts, the popularity of historical knowledge about the post-Three Kingdoms has been quite high.

Many book friends are familiar with historical concepts such as the Guanzhong Standard, the Twelve Generals of the Eight Pillar Kingdom, the Fubing System, and the Guanlong Group. The choice and setting of the protagonist's identity is in the hope of describing the reasons for these concepts through this perspective and his struggle process.

So much about the ideas and follow-up of this book, and then I would like to sincerely thank you all for your support.

Since Han Zuo was uploaded in early 2017, I have been writing for many years without realizing it. There are many old book friends who have been supporting me since then. Now that this new book is uploaded, I can still see these old faces. It is really interesting. gratitude. There were also many new book friends who supported me during the process, which made me excited and happy.

There are more than five years in life. What was a newbie back then has become a veteran now. Time has gone by, and his mentality has changed. The only thing that has not changed even now is this handsome face that will only make people jealous.

Thanks to new and old book friends for their support, and my editor-in-chief, Qingzhou Boss, of the fourth group. When a new book is added to V, it is a new beginning. I hope everyone can subscribe and support it, especially the first subscription.

The book is uploaded to V at 12 noon, and four chapters are updated on the first day, which is considered an old practice.

By the way, you may not want to mention the issue of rewards, but I have to mention it. You really need to do what you can. I don’t mean that everyone should measure their own ability, but that I can measure my ability. I really don’t have many manuscripts saved. It’s normal to write two chapters a day. Three chapters is a bit rushed, and four chapters will make me die. . .

Who doesn’t love the family’s big rocket? It’s just that my moral integrity in this aspect is so-so, and there are still many alliance leaders who owe updates to the last book. Tang Huangshi was lucky enough to get a fan from Silver League Brother Yun, but he still owes him more money and is still embarrassed to talk to him. . .

If you don't use your muscles and bones as your strength, you won't be able to roll. Although Peng Zushangwen was eight hundred years old and Jiulang was still a child, these words were just a verbal reluctance to admit defeat. After all, my keys are not as shiny as when I was young. . .

So really, I am very grateful to everyone who can subscribe and support, and the rewards will be within your ability. . .

I wish you all success in your work, a happy life, a new beginning, and your company for more than ten or even dozens of months. I wish you all the same seriousness, enthusiasm and good looks as always. Thank you all! ! !

In addition, the book friend group number is 317955662. If you are interested, you can add it to discuss the plot and history. Details.

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