It would be bad to cause trouble for yourself.

In the royal city of Gondor.

The subjects are practicing the magic of the Eternal God, and the statues in the city have been replaced with plaques of the Eternal God.

It only took less than two months.

Saruman used magic to control the king and changed a country.

Then began to convert their beliefs.

Master Saruman, are you ready to travel?

Yeah, I'll leave it to you next, don't let me down.

As commanded.

This man was the minister of state of Gondor. He was imprisoned by Saruman for half a month, and finally controlled his mind with black magic.

Became his heartfelt slave.

As for the original soul, he had long since killed it.

Saruman has no time to waste too much time on these godless people.


The next morning.

The three great elf kings gathered together.

Discuss the next escape route.

Now that he can't go back to the Golden Forest, Rohan has become an accomplice of the orcs.

Gondor now.

Ming Ming received a letter from Thranduil early, but he said that he had encountered the Mordor army and could not support him at all.

Isn't this nonsense?

We now have two options, not to enter Gondor, and to retreat from their borders.

But in this case, we have no supplies, and our food will be at the bottom when we are in Rohan's capital.

Although the elves do not eat as much food as humans.

But this is the time.

There is no morning dew or fruit.

Supplies are also a problem.

Galadriel stood up at this time and said: Why don't you let me take this part of the army to have a look, even if you promise something, as long as you can get supplies.

No, if we divide our troops now, we will fall into the enemy's trap.

Galadriel sighed: Then what do you think we should do? The soldiers need time to rest, and the wounded also need treatment, but we have nothing.


King Elrond lowered his head in silence.

The facts are before our eyes.

Or he takes risks.

Either Galadriel takes the risk, Thranduil is already injured at this time and cannot run for a long time at all.

In other words, the best candidate right now.

It's Galadriel, the queen of elves.

But at this moment, King Elrond's daughter, Arwen, intervened: I suggest that we all act together.

Yawen, now is not the time for you to speak, push it down!

The people meeting here are all kings.

How could she, a mere junior, speak freely?

Keltrell raised his hand, asking King Elrond not to be angry.

The beautiful queen looked at Yawen and asked, Just say what you want, my child.

At this time, we are mentally and physically tired and stuck in a quagmire. Even if we go on an adventure, we should go together, otherwise we will only become the target of the enemy.

We don’t even know who’s behind it.

In this case, there is no need to divide the troops.

Yawen spoke with reason.

Although not very old.

But it does speak to the aspirations of countless young people.

Yes, I also think it would be better to do this. We can reach the border of Gondor in only seven hours, so we can go together so we can have someone to look after us.

Thranduil advised from the side.

Well... well, let's go together. If there are no problems, it's best. Otherwise, don't blame us for not abiding by our original agreement.

As an elven clan with a long life.

There has always been a constraint.

That means you can't actively start a war.

Now he is being calculated again and again.

The elegant queen couldn't keep calm anymore.

Although the soldiers were tired and hungry, they also understood that if they did not move forward, they would be waiting to die.

So there is no way to continue on the road.

After a long journey.

Galadriel and others finally arrived at around one o'clock in the afternoon.

Arriving at the border city of Gondor.

What a pleasant surprise.

The other party not only provided food, but also gave them a comfortable home for them to rest.

The defense officer said to Galadriel and others: I'm sorry, I can only provide you with rough food. Our capabilities are limited after all.

It's okay, this is already the best help. Thank your monarch for me...

The three elf kings breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally a place to stay.

At this time, a soldier ran from a distance and whispered to the garrison officer.

The latter nodded, smiled at the Elf Kings and said: The reception is ready, everyone, please...

How can this be so embarrassing? We are just here to take refuge.

Didn't you just say that you need to chat with our monarch? There will be an adult coming over just now.


The three Elf Kings, plus Arwen and Legolas Greenleaf.

The five people followed the defense officer to a mansion.

The reception was very deserted.

There weren't even many people.

There are only a few businessmen who are smiling but not smiling, and a few indifferent politicians.

They have completely opposite interests to the enthusiastic garrison.

But think about it.

Providing food to so many elf soldiers is not a small number.

And there is no return in sight in the short term.

Galadriel's heart moved, she picked up the cup and said: The materials consumed by our elves this time will be returned to you in double when we return to our clan.

Human beings are greedy.

Also easy to talk to.

There are pros and cons.

In the past, Galadriel looked down on all humans because of this.

Even those wizards.

Nor does it catch her eye.

But now the situation forced her, and she couldn't bear the contemptuous look.

So this is what happened.

Sure enough, after hearing this.

Some people couldn't help but smile.

King Elrond sneered in his heart, but he also raised his cup in agreement.

The same goes for the rest of the elves.

Then a maid came over and handed a note to Galadriel.

When the latter opened it and took a look, his pupils shrank sharply.

You guys should liven up the atmosphere first, I'm going out to do something.

Thranduil asked alertly: What are you going to do?

I'm just meeting an old friend, and I'm going to ask him to help investigate some things.

Do you need me to follow you?

No, are you still worried about my strength?

Galadriel pursed her lips and smiled, turned around and left the room, following the maid.

They arrived at another manor along the way.

Then he stopped.

Galadriel's face no longer had the smile just now, but instead had a touch of cold sarcasm.

I really didn't expect to see you here, the white-robed wizard Saruman...

That figure looked very familiar to her.


A cowardly and treacherous villain. should call me the black-robed priest now. I am not a lackey of those tattered gods. I have gained stronger power.

Hmph, hand over your things and I can pretend I've never seen you before.

Here...the Silmarillion.

The beautiful gem flew from the opponent's hand.

Galadriel held it in her hand.

Breathing began to quicken.

That's it, my treasure.

The thing that carried two thousand years of longing finally came back to me.

Looking at the excited Elf Queen, Saruman couldn't help but remind her: Seeing you so excited, I really can't bear to disturb you, but my Queen...

He lowered his voice and said with a sly smile.

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