Number One Player

Chapter 275: False news?

Across the sea, the Bald Eagle Commonwealth.

For scientists who can leave a name in history, their golden age is often in their youth.

Especially in the period of 20 to 30 years old, they have the clearest mind, the most active inspiration, and can create the greatest invention. The most well-known example is that Einstein published six important papers in succession at the age of 26 in the "year of miracles" (1905). the fire of the physics revolution.

As scientists get older, their experience and knowledge become more and more stable, which also limits their forays into new fields. Therefore, high-collar scientists rarely make breakthrough discoveries, but instead give this space to young people.

Aledrich and Friberwyn were such young men.

The science and technology theory brought by the extraordinary era follows a completely different set of theories from the existing science and technology. It requires researchers to have breakthrough and innovative thinking, and start from the most basic and primitive scientific routines of experiments, records, summaries, and inductions. Start, and finally find the law of extraordinary technology.

This field is not very suitable for middle-aged and elderly scientists whose ideas have been partially solidified, it is difficult for cognition to break through the shackles, and who have already achieved success. On the contrary, it is very suitable for young scientists who are not yet famous, have flexible ways of thinking, and are in their golden age.

"It's like the time when quantum mechanics was just emerging," Alledrich said to Friedberg, who was sitting across from him. "The older generation of scientists was totally opposed to the weirdness of quantum mechanics, and the new generation was in this Breakthroughs have been made in the field one after another.”

"Yes, this is our age." Freebowwin laughed, "Even a second-rate scientist, as long as he has a breakthrough in his thinking and finds the right direction, can make first-class results in this age, not to mention us. Such a person?"

"The stars are shining," Alledrich said, unabashedly proud, "and we are destined to be the brightest of them all."

They seem to be right in saying that.

When the apocalypse of the [Creator] came, they discovered an efficient catalyst that could greatly speed up the absorption rate of most raw ore. Doesn't that mean they'll be the brightest stars of this age when they step on the podium of the United Nations, with the flash around them?

Of course, they don't want to simply indulge in the glory of the past.

Now what they are working **** is the alloy fragments exchanged from the copy of [Metal Roar]. They hope to deduce some of the manufacturing and principles from it, thereby radically improving materials science on modern Earth.

"How is your progress?" Albert Godfrey, who was sitting beside them, asked curiously after hearing the conversation between the two of them. "It sounds like you're making good progress?"

"It's very good," said Aledrich proudly, "We have already studied the molecular formula of this alloy fragment, as well as part of the principle that it combines with extraordinary energy to change its properties. Just for the sake of confidentiality, this phased result We haven't made it public yet."

"Although there is still some way to go," Freeberwyn is also very proud, "but I think we are not far from success."

"What about you, Albert?" Aledrich looked at the genius who had become famous earlier than them. "How is your water wood power and medical research going?"

"It's not as smooth as you guys, I'm a bit stuck here," Albert spread his hands, "I can now directly strengthen my physique through the spirit stone of the combination of water and wood. But this panacea-style approach , it can only be said that it is barely effective - in other words, it may take a few tons of spirit stones to have some visible changes. In short, the effect is too poor, and now it can only be used as a placebo. "

"Where is it stuck? Shall we discuss it?" Freeborn warmly invited.

"Okay!" Albert was also polite, and immediately said, "My thinking is..."

Since Huaguo launched the spirit stone new energy ignition experiment, the federal government's attention to the research of super-related technologies has risen several steps. They have allocated countless funds generously, and they have also moved some well-developed research groups together to establish a large-scale federal joint extraordinary research institute.

Aledrich, Friberwyn, Albert, that's how they moved together.

Much scientific inspiration is gained through communication. Albert and the others voted in favor of this measure, and spontaneously held salon gatherings to discuss and study their respective problems.

With abundant funding and inspiration, the progress of each research group is almost visible to the naked eye. Among them, the fastest progress is, of course, the Lingshi New Energy Research Group, which has invested the most in the Federation and has concentrated the most elites.

"...This is indeed an idea, I'll go back and think about it carefully," Albert put away his notebook contentedly after a heated discussion, "Thank you."

"No thanks," Alledrich waved his hand, "Just help each other, we have also gained a lot of new ideas."

"I heard that the Lingshi research group has found a way to bypass Huaguo's patent wall?" After the business was finished, the scientists in the salon began to chat and gossip.

"That's right," replied Albert, a Nobel Prize tutor who was well-informed, "I heard the news that the Lingshi research group has started to apply for patents around the world, and soon this field will no longer be China's The country is the only one.”

"Huaguo has eaten enough. They have monopolized this technology for almost two months," Freebowyn commented. "The next time should be our federation."

"There is still a lot of room for us to exert our strength," Alledrich said with a kind of arrogance that is unique to the Commonwealth. "I don't believe that China can continue to surpass us..."

"Look at your phone! Look at your phone!" A loud shout suddenly came from the salon door, interrupting their conversation, "Everyone, emergency meeting!"

Albert rummaged for a while before finding his cell phone. When researching and discussing, he always sets his mobile phone to silent, and then throws it in his bag or pocket, so it often takes a while to find out.

Before he could read it, someone around him exposed the content of the text message: "Emergency meeting? Are all the core figures of the research group related to extraordinary research going to attend?"

"What emergency meeting?" Albert was a little curious, "The subject of the meeting was not written in the text message."

"Let's go and have a look first..." For some reason, a trace of unease appeared in Aledrich's heart.

The people who were still chatting leisurely in the salon stood up one after another and entered the large conference room No. 1 of the institute according to the content of the text message.

When everyone was seated, the door with good sound insulation was immediately shut tightly. The people standing on the podium couldn't wait to speak:

"Everyone, we just got the news: Huaguo has completed the technological breakthrough of space transmission, and is about to officially enter the experimental stage of animal space transmission."

Before he could finish his words, someone stood up and shouted, "This is impossible!"

Albert looked to the side and found that the speaker was the researcher in charge of the space technology team in the institute.

"Just wanted to ask," was interrupted, the person standing on the stage was not polite, and asked the space researcher who stood up directly, "What stage is your research progress?"

The space researcher's answer was as fast as a machine gun: "We haven't even found the principle of space power, how can Hua Guo move so fast? Where did you get the news? Is this sent out by Hua Guo? fake news? Do you have more detailed information? Which way is Huaguo’s space technology going?”

Faced with so many questions, the people on the podium replied: "Hua Guo has done a good job of keeping secrets in this regard. We only learned this information by accident, and there is no more news yet. Most of what you said, we don't know."

"However," he emphasized, "we can ensure the authenticity of this news—that is to say, Hua Guo has really deduced the space transmission technology to the stage of animal transmission."

"It's impossible, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!" The space researcher said over and over again, saying more and more firmly, as if to convince himself that the news really didn't exist. "If they really reach this stage, it means that they have studied the principle of completing space transmission, have been able to stably generate space gates, and have been able to stably transmit ordinary objects, and then they will do animal transmission experiments."

He murmured questioningly: " could they be so fast?"

The people on the podium spread their hands: "So, do you think this piece of news may be wrong?"

The space researcher hesitated for a while, not daring to make a deal, and instead asked: "In addition to their research and development progress, how much information can we find out now?"

The speaker replied: "We also know that the host of this space transmission experiment is Lu Yanchi again; in addition, Mu Shiming, the space expert of Huaguo, seems to have been conducting auxiliary experiments in his laboratory."

"I can be sure now: this is absolutely fake news!" the space researcher said decisively, "Didn't Lu Yanchi just finish the technology development of Lingshi New Energy? How could he turn to the Another field, complete the technological development of this new field?"

"I have been experimenting in this area since the first day the space system ability user appeared in the federation!" he said, "so this is absolutely impossible!"

"If it's fake news, then it's the best." The speaker was suspicious of the space researcher's unequivocal tone, "Let's go back and test the information..."

Albert couldn't help but whispered to Aledrich who was beside him: "Do you think it's fake news?"

Aledrich hesitated for a while before replying, "I have an ominous premonition..."

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