Number One Player

Chapter 277: Intelligence work in extraordinary times

Across the sea, Bald Eagle Commonwealth, White House Presidential Palace.

"Trash, a bunch of trash!"

The President of the Federation is in a rage in his office.

"Do you have to wait until China has completely developed space technology and flew directly to the outside of space, and then you will tell me in a panic: Ah, Your Excellency, I want to tell you some unfortunate news: China officially launched interstellar voyage today. The spaceship is up!"

"Tell me, isn't it!"

The federal president slammed the paper information in his hand to the ground. Unfortunately, the carpet on the ground has eliminated the sound, making this action less powerful.

Just now, the Federation finally got the information about "China officially completed the first animal teleportation experiment of the space teleportation device".

How could such a science-fiction-like and absolutely century-breaking experiment be completed on the Huaguo Line? !

The progress to the animal transmission experiment shows that the circulation of this experiment has clearly progressed to a very late stage. Why did the federation not get the news until China completed the animal transmission experiment? !

This was like a bolt from the blue, and the federal president was blinded in one fell swoop.

After the fire for most of the day, the federal president finally regained some of his sanity and began to ask for more detailed information: "Is the information accurate?"

"Accurate." The Director of Federal Intelligence replied with a wry smile.

The Federal President continued to ask: "To what extent have the relevant technologies in our country been developed?"

The director of the Intelligence Bureau replied: "I have already consulted the scientific research team in this area. They are still in the theoretical research stage, and they have not even figured out the principle of space transmission - that is to say, the progress is about zero."

Hearing this reply, the Federal President's anger rose again. He scolded a series of swear words directly and fiercely. This is the personal characteristic of the current president's blunt personality, and the intelligence chief listened honestly with a bitter face.

After scolding for a long time, the federal president finally returned to the intelligence details: "Does this technology require energy consumption and material restrictions?"

He has already calculated in his heart. As far as he knows, the Federation has made good progress in the research of extraordinary materials and new energy of spirit stones. If this technology has certain requirements on energy consumption and material restrictions, maybe the Federation can use this to participate in the research. this project.

But the intelligence director's reply gave him a head-covering blow: "Well, we haven't heard more detailed information..."

The anger in the Federal President's heart suddenly surged up.

Take a deep breath and hold back!

He exhaled a long breath, barely maintaining his reason, and continued to ask: "How far can the country teleport in space now? How many objects can it teleport?"

The Director of the Intelligence Bureau replied hesitantly: "Uh, that... we are still investigating further..."

Take a deep breath and hold back!

The federal president suppressed his emotions and continued to ask: "When will Hua Guo plan to conduct the next experiment? Can you get their approximate experimental plan?"

The Director of Intelligence replied with a wry smile: "Well... this, we are working on..."

Take a deep breath, hold back...I can't take it anymore!

The Federal President took three deep breaths, but still did not suppress the anger in his heart. He slapped the table with a slap, pointed directly at the nose of the Director of Federal Intelligence in front of him and shouted loudly:

"Trash! I spend so much money to support you every year, what kind of trash have I raised!"

—Space teleportation technology, what does it mean?

- This basically means changes in all areas of warfare, transportation logistics, aerospace and more!

- This means that the world will be re-divided into the cake, and the Federation may only be able to eat a small piece of it, or maybe not even a piece!

- And such an important technological breakthrough, not only did you get the news after being so late, but also asked three questions!

"What the **** do you know!"

The director of the Intelligence Bureau also knew that he was wrong. He had always been very confident when he spoke at this time, and he was almost powerless: "We know... Well, we know that the commander-in-chief of this experiment is Lu Yanchi again."

"Any other news?"

"...Your Excellency, our intelligence personnel have really, really worked very hard." The director of the intelligence bureau who did not have much goods explained with a wry smile, "But the extraordinary era has completely changed intelligence work, especially about a month ago, China's espionage and counter-espionage work has suddenly improved by leaps and bounds, and our intelligence work in China suddenly reversed..."

Although his words sounded like sophistry, they were indeed true.

In modern society, especially before the White Mist Mutation, when the overall situation of the world was generally peaceful, espionage and counter-espionage work had been going on in the shadows. The Federal Intelligence Service, as the world's top 5 intelligence agency, has always been at the forefront of the world's intelligence warfare.

As ordinary people, we can only see the bright sunshine on weekdays, but we don't know how many undercurrents are surging in places where the sun can't reach.

Take the situation of Chinese spies as an example. According to AFP statistics in 2016, there were 115,675 spies in China, including 48,564 foreign nationals and 67,111 native nationals. The biggest head is from the Federation, with about 2W people, including 9,876 military professional spies (including 7,766 nationals) and 9,695 commercial spies.

At least 11W spy, what is this concept? Maybe just beside you and me, there is a spy who looks ordinary but is actually hidden.

According to the investigation, the governments of more than 100 countries and regions have arranged long-term spies and spy agencies in the imperial capital. The most foreign spies lurking in the imperial capital are South Korean spies, the second is Japanese spies, and the third is federal spies.

The Internet often jokes that "Aunt Chaoyang" is the fifth intelligence organization in the world, and behind this kind of online joke, espionage and counter-espionage work are in full swing.

However, one thing is estimated to be beyond everyone's expectations: before the white fog mutation, the city with the most spies in China was not the imperial capital, but Urumqi. The city is a bridgehead for many countries to fight against Central Asia and has more than 18,000 spies. [Note]

After the White Fog mutation, the situation naturally changed. Yongliang City in the northwest quickly replaced many cities such as Urumqi, Imperial Capital, and Magic Capital, becoming the place with the largest number of spies and the most complicated situation in China.

Immediately after the arrival of the extraordinary era, the work of spies and counterintelligence has undergone great changes.

The emergence of many extraordinary abilities has directly voided many of the original anti-espionage confidentiality measures, and also led to new developments in espionage work.

For example, space ability, this kind of skill can directly break through many protections and directly enter the most core area, take away information or key items, and then leave quickly. At present, there is not even a very perfect anti-space ability technology, and can only rely on the same The perception and interference of the space-capable person can be used for defense. And this is why, even as deputy ministers of the foreign affairs department, Mu Shiming and Shang Yinhe still have to go on missions from time to time - there are only a few powerful space capable people, and there is no other way but to trouble them.

There are also the ability to eavesdrop on the sound of the wind power, the ability of some hearing enhancement abilities, and some strange abilities, such as the shadow walker that Shang Yinhe has seen before, such as some strange causal detection abilities, such as Some divination abilities... These abilities make the entire espionage and counterintelligence work extremely complicated.

Under such circumstances, no country would dare to guarantee the security of its own national intelligence, cover up with misinformation, use brand-new preventive measures... Battles of wits and bloodshed in the dark will never be put under the sun.

The extraordinary age is destined to bring about changes in all aspects, and espionage and counterintelligence work is just one of the "little" parts hidden in the dark.

In China, the work of espionage and counter-espionage was originally undertaken by Guoan. However, with the passage of time and the emergence of people with extraordinary abilities in large numbers around the world, the focus of espionage and counter-espionage work has gradually shifted to the Intelligence Department of the Huaguo Extraordinary Affairs Bureau.

The reason behind this is that the Huaguo Transcendent Affairs Bureau has the most extraordinary abilities, the most detailed extraordinary ability information, the most cutting-edge extraordinary response mechanism, and the most advanced extraordinary related technologies.

Likewise, in the Federation, in Europe, in Siberia, this trend is becoming more and more pronounced.

As the world's top intelligence agency, the Federal Intelligence Service set up a special extraordinary department at the beginning of the extraordinary era (some people may remember that Stuart was the minister of this department).

They closely followed the pace of the times, quickly iterating on espionage and counter-espionage work, and laid a dense network in all parts of China, especially Yongliang City, which is the center of the superhuman in the new era.

In the early years of China's new energy ignition experiments, the Federal Intelligence Service immediately got the latest intelligence progress. All the details were almost at a glance, and there was even a leisurely layout.

However, all this changed about a month ago.

I don't know why, since about a month ago, the espionage and counter-espionage capabilities of China (especially Yongliang City) have suddenly improved dramatically. The country's intelligence work has become increasingly strenuous.

(Someone Nie from China: Joining the Guardian Alliance, the benefits are really good!)

As for the information about the first animal transmission experiment of this space transmission device, it was the piece of information they had worked so hard to get. The initial information basically only contains some rough content, and there is no detailed information. Moreover, when the information first arrived, it was unanimously identified as "fake news" by the scientific research team, which made the Federal Intelligence Agency itself suspicious and uncertain.

After they paid a lot of money, the FIA ​​finally got the exact message:

The experiment is real! Hua Guo has really completed the space teleportation experiment!

The experiment has progressed to the stage of animal transmission experiment, and the chief host should be Lu Yanchi!

However, want to check further and more detailed information? It's so hard...

"I don't want excuses!" The federal president was still furious. "What I want is the result, the result! How much budget do you take every year? Just use this kind of intelligence to fool me?"

The director of the Federal Intelligence Service hesitated.

After hesitating for a while, he finally said, "Okay, Your Excellency, we will work hard."

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