Number One Player

Chapter 286: Joint Office for Earth Civilizations

Huaguo, Yongliang City in the northwest, the base of the extraordinary.

"Today is a day destined to be remembered in history."

"Just today, over 80 percent of the UN member states voted in favor of it, following consultations and discussions among governments."

"After a vote, the official subordinate agency of the United Nations, the [Earth Civilization Joint Office] was officially established!"

Following the words on the live TV channel, Shang Yinhe, who was sitting in front of the TV, couldn't help raising the teacup in his hand and touched it with Nie Zhibo and Mu Shiming beside him.

"Substitute tea for wine?"

"Go!" Nie Zhibo raised the teacup in his hand with a smile.

"Cheers!" Captain Mu Shiming's actions were even more heroic. He really "replaced tea with wine", which made him bored.

Being in the base camp of the supernatural beings in China, some words are not suitable for wanton communication. They can only congratulate each other with a subtle smile at the corners of their mouths, curved arcs at the corners of their eyes, and subtle implied words.

After three months, they finally completed this seemingly impossible task—

A truly authoritative global joint organization capable of contacting foreign countries on behalf of the earth's civilization and coordinating the world's resources has finally been established!

Unexpectedly, Shang Yinhe originally thought that he would be very excited at this moment. But in fact, in addition to the joy he deserves, his greatest feeling is actually a matter of course that the world is in control.

In the past three months, they went from a state of daze with no clue to slowly formulating a plan of coercion and inducement, and then through Lu Yanchi's epoch-making breakthrough in space technology, the whole plan was turned into a conspiracy.

The so-called Yang Conspiracy is the general trend and the right way.

That is a state where even if you see through the layout, you can only follow the rhythm of the layout.

Just as Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty implemented the decree of grace, allowing the non-eldest sons of the princes to also have the right of inheritance. Under the push order, those children who were not the eldest son, but were deeply loved, and their mothers, began to compete for power and profits. As a result, the contradiction between the imperial court and the feudal lords turned into an internal conflict between the feudal feudal lords; thus, the fiefdoms of the feudal feudal lords became smaller and smaller. Eventually, naturally, the central court regained its authority.

Even if a smart person sees through this scheme, what can he do?

This is Yang Conspiracy, making the best use of the situation, being upright, and unavoidable.

And the strategy of coercion and inducement by the Guardian Alliance is a typical conspiracy.

In fact, in this era of endless supernatural powers and the ever-changing international situation, any conspiracy is very likely to encounter fatal loopholes. Only by using conspiracy can the plan be carried out smoothly.

The so-called coercive tactics,

First, it refers to the news that higher civilization is about to invade in a short period of time in "The Extraordinary Age: Eyes From Afar";

Second, after the invention of space technology, human beings are about to encounter the future of alien civilizations whose good and evil are unknown;

Thirdly, it refers to the country of China, which has almost obtained the tickets for interstellar voyages by itself after possessing the space transmission technology.

In the face of a huge threat that is about to invade and the level of technology is far beyond the current earth, shouldn't mankind unite?

In the face of an extremely likely alien civilization, shouldn't human beings have a unified voice and a unified decision-making?

In the face of China's rapid technological advancement, don't other countries not want to be jealous and want to take a share of the pie?

For China itself, it is indeed worth the loss for an independent country to support the hugely consuming interstellar voyage project.

This will not only make him a target of public criticism in the world, which is inconsistent with China's consistent moderation attitude and national policy of peaceful rise, but also a huge consumption of national strength.

Unless the Chinese state wants to consume a lot of people's and national strength, and even prepares for a significant decline in the level of development of its own country, it uses the power of a single country to engage in interstellar voyages. Otherwise, for them, the best strategy is always to divide the cake. Let's make a big cake together and share the results together.

Unlike many leaders in TV dramas or novels who have a halo of stubbornness, in reality, no one who can step on the stepping stone of a large wave of competitors and sit in a high position is not a smart person.

Everyone has a clear understanding of priorities, and has experienced many events such as the last-apocalypse warning of the Creator, the global catastrophe of the Third World War, and before the entire human civilization is right and wrong, some things must be done.

If they don't, they are doomed to be nailed to the pillar of shame in history;

If they do, they are destined to make a lot of marks in the history of youth because of their wise leadership during this special period.

The general trend is like this, and Yang Conspiracy is like this.

Another example is when Sun Bin was besieging Wei to save Zhao, or when Cao Cao held the emperor to command the princes during the Three Kingdoms period, no additional measures were needed. Some strategies, once you made them, others could only follow in your footsteps.

For the Guardian Alliance, a small team hidden behind the scenes of history, after setting a general direction, they only need to control Lu Yanchi's exaggerated level of technological development, and only need to focus on the strategic direction of China. To make critical suggestions, it only takes one or two strokes in some seemingly inconspicuous places...

Everything will happen naturally.

- Of course, although the final result is logical, but some of the confrontations between the great powers that happened, those turbulent and turbulent and vertical and horizontal, are really stunned and amazed.

Take, for example, the realization of this last global federation.

The [Earth Civilization Joint Office] was finally realized in the form of a subordinate agency under the name of the United Nations, and in this realization, there have been rounds of international competition.

In what way should a global joint organization with great authority appear on the earth?

If the United Nations is directly transformed into a window for this earth civilization to speak out, then there are too many problems to face.

The accumulated drawbacks left over from history have turned this global joint organization with a huge reputation and status into bloated and inefficient, and there are still disputes between various countries in history.

Change is always the hardest. It is better to start from scratch when painting on a piece of paper that has already been painted.

But what if a whole new international coalition was re-created outside the UN?

This seems like a good idea, but it requires a lot of energy, money and manpower. It will take at least half a year to debate the composition of this new joint organization. After that, the establishment of offices around the world and the establishment of the framework of this organization cost at least several billion dollars to start.

-what? You say don't build a framework and do it in the most economical way?

—In this day and age, without money, nothing can be done, and this institution has no authority.

Take a look at the United Nations: after so many years of accumulation, the United Nations has already accumulated a large amount of resources, manpower, reputation, institutions, etc., and has a set of commendable teams all over the world. The United Nations swallows $2.5 billion a year in dues, which is not for nothing.

In addition to these obvious reasons, there is actually a turmoil in the dark about the establishment of this global joint organization.

In a place that ordinary people can't see, there is a lot of competition between the five standing members of the United Nations and a country that is not among the five permanent members but has a strong national strength.

With the power of the five permanent members in the United Nations, these five countries have basically locked their international status, and they are coveted by some countries that are clearly not bad, but have always been outside the gate of the five permanent members. Taking this opportunity, they are clamoring to restructure a new international joint agency.

But this kind of behavior has greatly threatened the status of the five permanent members of the United Nations.

Since then, you come and go, intrigue and deceive, the waves are treacherous, and the vertical and horizontal are combined.

It's been a while since you sang the big drama that I appeared on!

There have been so many stories during this time.

Some were "little intervention" by the Guardian Alliance, and some were natural evolution of the international political situation; the form was once tense, the situation deteriorated to a dangerous level, and it was once prosperous, hello, hello, hello, everyone.

But now, all this has finally come to an end.

"Want to have a nice meal to celebrate?"


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