Chapter 270

In addition to the exchange, the tavern that Flohn in the Southwest Region is quite familiar with and often eats is also here.

Speaking of this tavern, it was the first tavern that Flohn had ever visited in Olali.

【Flame Bee Pavilion】Tavern, which is also located in the fifth district of the Southwest Region. Even among the many pubs in the downtown area of the Southwest Region, this one is the most well-known.

Of course, not only because the signature mead is delicious, but also because high-level adventurers such as Flohn and Bert frequent, as the saying goes, the near Zhu is red and the ink is black, and with the frequent haunts of high-level adventurers, the guest level of the Flame Bee Pavilion is also higher.

Without lv.2, you’re embarrassed to come here and sit for a while.

Looking out the window in fascination, the bright red bee sign flashed away, and Florn smiled heartily.

And the remaining landmarks, such as the Heroes Bridge, again… I am Canissa and so on, etc., all add a sense of history and prosperity to this center of the world.

“Okay, here we are!”

The carriage stopped steadily in front of a huge square.

Flohn got out of the car first, then reached out to catch Ace’s small hand and picked him up.

The weak and boneless little hands, even through lace gloves, can give Florne a different feeling, he instinctively squeezed.


Ace’s little face turned red, and she complained with anger like a coquettishness.

These days, every night the girl has to sit on the bed with her knees hugged, leaning against the wall and looking at the starry sky.

Why do you always become coquettish in front of Flohn?

Later, she understood.

His heart was completely open to that man.

Or…… What he has always shown is a disguise, and only in front of him will he completely relax and be his true self.

“Hey, hey, I said you! When I don’t exist as a god? And you, Floren, I always feel like you’re putting a hat on me again! Obviously Ace carbon is mine!

Saying that, Loki pulled Ace’s arm and walked with the crab step and dragged it first.


Floren’s arm froze in the air, and he looked at Ace who turned back and smiled bitterly.

This heavenly god really has an unchanging nature.



Compared with the “House of Dusk” of the Loki family, Apollo’s “House of the Sun” is completely nouveau riche.

The manor building and the vast lawn show the unique evil taste of the gods.

Walking on the neatly paved stone path, the stone carvings on both sides are all one person – Apollo.

Well, all kinds of expressions and various movements made the faces of several people darken.

“I said ah, Loki. Was Apollo also this taste when he was in the celestial realm? That’s too much.

The corners of Loki’s mouth hooked and he smiled playfully.

“That guy is a megalomaniac, narcissist, and a dead guy, disgusting to death, but well, he also eats both men and women, I know, the goddess he confessed, there are not ten thousand, there are eight thousand.” But they were all rejected.

“By the way, by the way, that little man of Hestia, and Artemis have all been pursued by him!”


There is a sense of picture.

Florn complained madly in his heart.

Why, it’s because the adult described by the Nether is too perfect, and the contrast between the real situation is a bit big???

This is also too realistic.

“Welcome to this feast hosted by Lord Apollo, Lord Loki, Miss Wallenstein, Mr. Argohn, please come here.”

Glancing at the butler who was receiving them in front of the door, the three of Flohn followed his guidance to the huge banquet hall on the second floor.

They arrived at just the right time, and the glamorous grand ballroom was laid out with a lavish red carpet and expensive marble floors, among which… The gods are already talking.

And when the three of Loki walked into the huge banquet hall, the originally lively space was suddenly silent for a moment, and then returned to normal.

“Hey, hey, it’s the goddess of regret!”

“WDNMD, can you stay away from me when you say this?”

“Well, the scar forgot to hurt? You guy really has a brain problem after the Nether, but I still remember the fate of Apollo and slipped away!

Everyone was chatting well, but this hilarious male god was instantly abandoned.

Especially when Loki’s contemplative eyes looked over, the whole person felt numb!


Florn was originally expressionless, but was instantly defended by Loki’s title.


Then, when Loki looked over, he changed his face in a second… The innocent look on his face made Ace next to him almost think it was an illusion.

“Hmph, these guys who talk hi later, I can remember them all in my little book, and when I’m free, just clean up the remaining guys who owe debts!”


Florn and Ace looked at each other, always feeling that Loki’s personality was a bit going in a bad direction.

“Yo, Loki, over here!”

Good at this kind of social occasion, and dares to take the initiative to say hello to Loki, there are no more than a few people.

Hormis is one of them.

Following the voice, I saw that this handsome male god, who was called Little White Face in the mouth of the gods, was holding red wine, and he kept greeting the three with one hand.

And next to him, there is also a girl, naturally the leader of the [Hormis Clan], Asphie.

“Long time no see, Loki! What have you been working on lately? ”

Hormis, this small group, is not only his god, but also Jian Yulei, Mihe, Hephaestos and other familiar gods.

Especially Goddess Hephaestus.

“Oops, Fifi~ I’ve not been good at all lately, woooo

“Lord Hephaestus, Lord Mikh, Lord Jianyulei, Lord Homis, long time no see.”

“Yo, it’s Flohn, you boy. Hahahaha, it always feels like it hasn’t been long, as if in the blink of an eye you’ve grown to this point.

Jian Yulei was very talkative, and patted Flohn’s shoulder with a hearty smile.


It’s just that this beat, for the Martial God, instantly found the problem.

He squeezed Flohn’s shoulder suspiciously, looking suspicious.

“Wouldn’t you? Hiss…… You boy, can’t it be… lv.6 up? ”


This matter has not yet spread, it should be said that because of the busy past few days, Loki has not had time to report to the union, so the news that he became LV.6 has not spread at all, so it is normal for everyone to be surprised like this.

Facing a bunch of inquiring gazes from the gods, Flohn did not hesitate, nodded generously, and acknowledged the judgment of Jianyu Thunder God…



“Yes, Lord Jianyulei, in fact, more than a month ago, when I returned from the expedition, my great deeds were already able to upgrade, but at that time, the ability value had not grown to the limit, so it was sublimated a few days ago.”


Jian Yulei, Mih, and Homis gasped at the same time, only feeling that their scalps were numb.

[Loki family] is already outrageously strong, and the first echelon of 7 LV.6 overwhelmed them, good guys… This is not over, the monster known as [Invincible at the same level], the [Night Weaver] Florn Argohn, who has repeatedly created miracles, took advantage of their lack of attention to become lv.6, which is why they are not heartily ~ frightened.

Especially those who have looked for Loki stubble and mouth hi – that part is more funny than Tenjin.

“Grip grass, lv.6!”

“WDNMD, cheat! This is the cheat of the red fruit! He was just lv.5 a few months ago, and this is lv.6? Rip the calf! LV.6 and LV.5 are not the same field!

The wine and meat god friend next to him pretended to be careful, and also nodded.

“That’s right, lv.6 is [Hero Realm].”

“Good guy, I call a good guy, don’t you don’t know, it’s a shock!” How many [Heroic Weapon] children are there in the Loki family, can Nima still give us a way to live.

“[Brave], [Nine Devils], [Sword Ji], and another [Night Weaver]!”

“Cheat, Loki she cheats!!!”

“Huh, Loki cheating? Which one is the one who really cheats, right?



” “Hold the grass, don’t pull me when you want to go home, Lao Tzu doesn’t want to go back to that deserted and ghost-like celestial realm!”


The news that [Night Weaver] Flon Argohn became LV.6 spread in the banquet hall in the blink of an eye at a hurricane speed.

The gods gave a complicated look of envy and jealousy to Loki, who was there and wept with Goddess Hephaestus.

“Well, why don’t I have such good luck.”

“Who says it’s not, but anyway, Laozi is a commercial dependent, and there is not as much pressure as your exploration department, hahaha!”

“Cut, don’t say it. Come and drink! ”



On this side, Flohn and the others chatted first at the edge of the hall near the open-air balcony.

“How’s that, Flohn. How is our family dressed today? Jian

Yulei showed off his brave child, after all, his life had just risen to lv.2, and he had not yet had that excitement.

“Congratulations on upgrading to lv.2, life.”

“Thank you, thank you.”

Facing Flohn’s own warm male smile, he ordered this straight Far Eastern girl to bow and salute in a stern manner.

“Of course, Miss Naza’s dress and your beauty also frequently make the gods gaze.”

What is high emotional intelligence? And here it is!

Naza’s dress is special, her entire right arm is wrapped in tight sleeves, contrasting with Kan’s left shoulder.

Obviously, Mih, the male god, has a very delicate heart, and in order to cover the prosthetic leg of Naza’s right hand, he specially ordered a dress for her.

That’s right, Naza lost her right arm during a dungeon quest and created a shadow of the monster deep inside, so she had to give up her career as an adventurer.

There is a saying that fate is so naughty.

Naza, who turned pharmacist and became a pharmacist, has an extraordinary talent for reconciliation and pharmacy, and it is not too much to say that she is genius.

Therefore, this led to the later appearance of [Azure Medicine Store].

“Thank you for the compliment, but we still can’t compare to your female companion, even in the entire banquet hall, she is the most shining star at that moment!”

Naza winked at Floen, her mischievous eyes constantly looking at Flohn and Ace, who was wearing a dress and blushing around him.

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