Leaving the city detective team, Chen Yan looked up at the sky.

The sky is blue and the sun is shining.

However, no matter how beautiful the sun is, there are also shadows.

【Ding! The task of the strongest police training system is released. 】

[Detection of over-prison murders, within ten days, complete the task, the reward will unlock the power gene lock, and the task reward will be canceled if it fails or expires. 】

Hearing the system beep, Chen Yan took out his mobile phone.

"Yunyun, I'm going to miss an appointment tonight. I'm sorry to auntie. It's urgent business and I need to travel to the iron market. It's about... 5 days."

WeChat still replied in seconds: "Okay, pay attention to safety!"

Shen Yunyi looked at the phone, frowning slightly.

Of course, she knew what Chen Yan meant by urgent business.

The Shen family has a net worth of hundreds of billions, and it's not just that old Shen has a business acumen.

Without a good external environment, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, there is no place to display it.

At this time, Shen Yunyi could only silently support Chen Yan.

However, looking at the word "Yunyun" on the phone, the corners of Shen Yunyi's mouth twitched slightly, and the graceful waist in the large office chair slowly stretched out, which was breathtaking.

Shen Yunyi smiled, her heart warmed.

Three hours later, Chen Yan had reached the Iron City Detective Team.

Chen Yan was greeted by Wang Shun, deputy captain of the Iron City Detective Squad.

As for why it's the vice-captain instead of the captain...

Because the captain was dismissed.

The team leader of the Yuejian homicide case was the captain of the Tieshi Detective Team. He didn't solve the case within the specified time, and was dismissed just yesterday afternoon.

Wang Shun looked at Chen Yan who got off the car, surprise flashed in his eyes.

Chen Yan, Wang Shun is no stranger.

Liancheng detective team is now the hottest star detective, and the youngest deputy leader of the municipal detective team in the whole Liao Province.

At the same time, he is also the winner of two personal third-class merits. As for Chen Yan's second-class merits, because the case involved was sealed, there was no publicity in the province, and Wang Shun did not know.

However, even so, the winner of the third-class personal merit is still a model for the province's investigation system to learn.

Although Wang Shun had never met Chen Yan, he had heard of it for a long time.

But as the saying goes, being famous is worse than meeting, meeting is far better than being famous!

Wang Shun did not expect that Chen Yan was so young!

He looks to be in his early twenties, but the police rank on his shoulder...

The third-level detective director!

The third-level detective chief in his early twenties, this was not promoted by two individuals with third-class functions.

Wang Shun took the lead to salute: "Vice Captain Chen, hello, I'm Wang Shun, Deputy Captain of the Iron City Detective Team."

Because it is a cross-regional command and handling of the case, Chen Yan is in full uniform at the moment.

After returning the salute, Chen Yan took the initiative to extend his hand: "Hello Captain Wang, I'm Chen Yan."

Although Wang Shun has a higher level than Chen Yan, his attitude is very low.

This one is said to be a ruthless man recommended by the National Detective Corps to be the leader of the task force.

Wang Shun held Chen Yan's right hand: "Captain Chen, you came here this time to show that your superiors care about us."

"With you leading the case, it will definitely give an explanation to our sacrificed colleagues!"

"Chen team, don't worry, our iron city detective team will fully cooperate with your work."

Chen Yan nodded, no more politeness.

He immediately began to inquire about the current situation of the Tieshi Detective Team: "Team Wang, this case is a serious case, and we have a heavy burden on our shoulders, so let's be polite and talk about the case."

This time, Liu Qingshan was watching the house, and Chen Yan brought Wang Gang, Zhao Bing, and Zhang Chaoyang over.

When handling cases across districts, I don’t have a competent helper around me, so some work is still difficult to carry out.

Besides, even if the case is solved, even if you make meritorious deeds and receive awards, you can all have a share.

Speaking of the case, Wang Shun's face changed slightly, and his expression became serious: "The scene is located in the first prison in Tieshi, the only way to go out."

"This prisoner robbery case was carefully planned by the other party, the methods were neat and tidy, and there were very few valuable clues at the scene."

While introducing, Wang Shun led Chen Yan and the four into the conference room.

"Everyone has it, welcome Comrade Chen Yan, the new task force leader!"

In the conference room, all the case handlers stood up and saluted.

At a glance, Chen Yan saw more than 20 people. Although they were in good spirits, they all had dark circles under their eyes. It was obvious that they had been suffering for a few days since the incident.

It can't go on like this.

"Team Wang, is the crime scene still under lockdown?"

Wang Shun nodded: "The crime scene is from the No. 1 guard of Tieshan, on a side road leading to the main road. There are usually no vehicles in and out, so even after three days have passed, the scene is still preserved."

Chen Yan nodded. Since the scene is still there, he must go to the scene to check.

Although it has been three days, but the olfactory gene lock and the visual gene lock are turned on, there may still be some clues: "Wang team, let's go to the scene now, bring the file with me, I will see it on the way."

"In addition, all resident personnel are immediately forced to rest for three hours."

For such a big case, the time limit given by the system for solving the case is another ten days, which shows that the case is by no means simple.

Chen Yan didn't want to have just arrived in Tieshi to command, and he was under a group of exhausted teachers.

Everyone looked at each other, one of the detectives looked at everyone, stepped forward, and saluted: "Report!"

Chen Yan looked at it: "Li Bi, talk!"

"Reporting team leader, we don't want to rest, our colleagues and comrades-in-arms are sacrificed, we just want to solve the case as soon as possible!"

Solve the case?

Chen Yan walked up to the young detective: "I understand how you feel."

Chen Yan turned to look at everyone: "I also understand everyone's mood!"

"However, solving a case is not foolhardy. UU reading www.uukanshu.com must pay attention to strategy." Chen Yan clenched his fists and waved them in the air: "I promise everyone that the case will be solved in the shortest possible time."

"However, there is a lot of work ahead, and you will be very busy. If you don't rest now, how will you arrange the work when I come back?"

Wang Shun stood aside and continued: "Everyone, listen to Team Leader Chen. This is the big man sent from above, and even the legend of the city detective team."

"Don't you also know the case he solved, with Team Leader Chen here, we will definitely be able to get justice for our sacrificed colleagues!"

Chen Yan, who left the conference room, looked back at the twenty or so members of the task force.

They just stood silently, looking at Chen Yan who was leaving, without saying a word.

However, from their eyes, what Chen Yan saw was hope... and trust.

on site.

At the bend of the branch road, an ambulance rushed out of the roadbed and rolled over on the side of the road.

A blockade has long been set up around the scene. When Chen Yan and others arrived, a team of detectives was watching over the scene.

"We have already checked that the ambulance was on a turn, rolled over with steel studs, three tires were punctured, the vehicle lost control and rushed out of the roadbed."

"The driver fell into a coma on the spot and has not regained consciousness yet, and is still in the hospital for rescue."

"Two internal staff and a team doctor who were in charge of guarding the criminals in the carriage were killed, and the bodies have been refrigerated."

"Two criminals who had gone out for medical treatment temporarily disappeared!"

"Right now, the main traffic roads in the iron city are closed for inspection. Railways, cars, planes, and all people who leave the city are inspected one by one..."

Chen Yan surveyed the scene while listening to Wang Shun's report.

In the car just now, Chen Yan had already read the dossier.

What do you say... This case is a bit weird!

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