Zhang Yunhu also had a black line on his face.

"Chen Yan, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Yunhu paused: "These special advisors are cutting-edge talents in each field. If you can deal with these people in the future, you will have a wider network of contacts and learn more things."

"Xiao Chen," Qin Chuan nodded, "Team Zhang is right."

"Let's not talk about experts in other fields, let's talk about the retired special advisor of the detective team."

"Everyone, before retiring, is either an old detective with extremely rich experience in handling cases, specializing in major and important cases!"

"There are even some retired leaders, and they are all powerful, and they are all detective heroes."

"You can get in touch with them in the future, and it will have an unexpected effect on your future learning and development!"

Old detective, retired leader...

No wonder Zhang Yunhu had a hint of envy in his eyes just now.

Chen Yan had seen this kind of person.

The police academy has it.

Some visiting professors.

The school sometimes invites some retired old detectives to give them lessons.

When Chen Yan solved the case of dismembering his wife and killing his wife, the smell of meat he smelled was actually when he was in class at the police academy.

They were being taught by a retired interior detective who specializes in autopsies and autopsies.

At that time, just after class, this great **** cooked a pot of meat for everyone.

Let everyone smell it one by one.

As a result, he finally said that this is the taste of human protein tissue after cooking.

Thirty-five people in class at that time, including Chen Yan, all vomited.

Of course, I learned later that the teacher cooked ostrich meat.

Ostrich meat…

What's the matter, think about it very carefully.

The two tastes are exactly the same.

Therefore, Chen Yan was particularly impressed.

I will never forget it in this lifetime.

Or in other words, as long as you have taken that kind of class, no one can forget that kind of taste.

And now, Chen Yan, who has been hired as a special advisor, may have access to a similar God-level detective in the future.

Suddenly, Chen Yan felt... a little scared.

Liao Provincial Detective Brigade.

Conference room on the third floor.

In the hall that can accommodate 300 people for a meeting, there are no empty seats.

Looking around, there were three hundred participants in neat uniforms and straight waists.

On everyone's shoulders, the stars shone, and at first glance, the lowest police rank was the third-tier detective chief.

Sitting in the first row, there is even a detective inspector.

On the rostrum, the leaders of the Provincial Detective Brigade took their seats in order.

"Comrades, today we are holding a celebration meeting. The purpose is to recognize a group of advanced heroes and models, and thank them for their heroic efforts regardless of themselves in the detective work!"

"First of all, please stand up!"


Three hundred people stood up collectively.

"In order to protect the safety of people's lives and property, and to safeguard the overall situation of peace and stability in Liao Province, we observe a moment of silence for the detectives who fought and died on the front line!"

"Take off your hat!"


"The silence is over!"

"Please take a seat."

"Comrades, in the past year, our vast number of detectives have thrown their heads, poured blood, and fought on the front line. Some comrades were injured, some comrades died, but some comrades fought bravely for nothing, fighting criminals to the end, glorious. They have completed the mission that the people entrusted to them!"

"Next, ask the representatives of the advanced workers of the year to come to the stage, and ask the leaders to sit on the podium and present awards to them!"

"Next, please get the collective representative for the third-class merits of the collective, and come to the stage to award the honor!"

"Next, please invite the representatives of the third-class individual merit recipients to come to the stage to award the honor!"

Chen Yan, who was sitting under the stage, had a straight uniform, and two third-class merit medals and one second-class merit medal on his chest shone with stars.

Today is the annual ceremony of honoring and awarding awards in Liao Province.

"Now, please come to the stage to award the winner of personal second-class merit!"

Chen Yan under the stage stood up with a snap.

Step out of the sitting area and come to a wheelchair.

Chen Yan bent down slightly: "Comrade Zhao Feng, next, I will push you to the stage to award honors!"

Zhao Feng, a detective of the DPRK City Detective Team, has been undercover at the border for five years, and solved a very large cross-border case.

In order to cover the retreat of his companions, he was seriously injured and has not yet recovered.

This time, it was the person who awarded the second-class personal honor with Chen Yanwei.

Zhao Feng nodded and smiled at Chen Yan. The warm smile was very warm, not like a detective who could kill nine criminals: "Thank you."

At the scene, there was only the sound of a wheelchair rolling over.

Liu Jinsong stood upright in the center of the rostrum, waiting for Chen Yan to push Zhao Feng's wheelchair.


"Comrade Zhao Feng, on behalf of the Liao Provincial Detective Brigade, I will award you a personal second-class medal of merit!"

Zhao Feng, who was in the wheelchair, bowed back in awe.

Eye circles are already rosy.

At that time, he could only block a bullet with his back and save a teammate, but another teammate died.

"Chen Yan," Liu Jin saluted Chen Yan after solemnly wearing the second-class medal for Zhao Feng: "On behalf of the Liao Provincial Detective Brigade, I will award you a personal second-class medal!"

Standing straight, Chen Yan responded with a snap.

"Please all stand up to honor the comrades!"


"Comrades, you... sacrificed for the people and the motherland, do you... regret it!"

"No regrets!"


"Live up to the mission, live up to the people!"

"Live up to the mission! Live up to the people!!"

The roars of the three hundred people shook the conference hall and the hearts of the people.

The sky in Shen City is very blue.

Like Liancheng, the sky is warm, but the smell of the sea is missing.

After leaving the Provincial Detective Brigade, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Chen Yan was ready to embark on his return journey.

Special advisor, really good.

Chen Yan will be able to receive two wages from today.

Also, the salary of the special advisor seems to be higher than that of the vice-captain of his 2nd Detective Squad.

It seems that temporary workers are also quite successful.

The reward for Chen Yan's second-class merit has also arrived, another 500,000 yuan.

Now, Chen Yan is also considered a rich man.

There are 1.2 million in the bank card, all of which are awarded.

Of course, after Chen Yan retires, his pension can also go up a lot.

Needless to say, Huaguo's rewards in this regard are very humane.

While spiritual encouragement is important, material rewards are also essential.

Two days ago, Chen Yan paid Wang Shun, the captain of the detective team in Tieshi, 100,000 yuan and asked him to hand it over to the mother of the two-year-old child.

My father died, and my father's comrades are still there.

In fact, in addition to this, the Charity Fund of Changhai Group has also given corresponding care.

It can be said that this child does not need to worry about money in the future to support him.

Not only that, Shen Yunyi is currently arranging for the Changhai Group's charity fund to connect with the Liaoning Provincial Detective Corps.

In the future, for the children and parents of the martyrs sacrificed by the Liaoning Provincial Detective Team, the Changhai Group Charity Fund will have corresponding charitable funds.

However, Shen Yunyi did not tell Chen Yan.

The people's police are for the people.

The people do something for the police without expecting anything in return.

Living up to the mission and the people's oath, Chen Yanhui will stick to it as his motto.

Like now.

Chen Yan felt that there was a people who should be in great need of him.

"Sister, are you there?"

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