Chapter 253 Return to the Hokage world

If Hokage’s world is a struggle between man and man, a confrontation between order and war, then in the world of pirates, there are still many confrontations between man and nature.

Some top beasts often appear on the islands of Pirate World, and the most terrifying creatures in Pirate World must be Sea Kings in the sea.

The island they are on is located in the Calm Belt of Pirate World. There is no wind in this place, and ordinary ships cannot navigate.

Only ships specially forged by the World government can move forward here at any time.

This place is quite interesting. A group of Xiaoqiang is very curious about everything here, but most of the work falls on Uzumaki Naruto and Xiao Li.

Whether it’s 643 cutting trees to clean up various things or building houses, one of these two guys can create a large number of clones, and the other is a 100% actionist. All work is done for exercise.

The two were moving. Everyone sat next to Uchiha Zhanyue quietly, and talked to them about the basic structure of the world and some points that need attention.

Relatively speaking, compared with the Hokage world, the entire Pirate World is relatively stable. Although it will be divided into different regions and different forces, the world of benevolence has endless silk roads and battles between major countries.


Pirate World is mainly a struggle between World government and Pirate Pirates.

“You will stay in this world for a period of time. One is to test your survivability. Now you can form a pirate group.

“Of course, it doesn’t matter if it is called a ninja group. You have to open your own ships and search for Devil Fruit in this ocean.

“Devil Fruit is a very useful thing, but everyone can only use one Devil Fruit force. If the force used exceeds the limit, it will blow up your body. This is very important.”

“The other thing is that this world has a lot of unusual fighting skills, you can also learn it, the past and the future can bring you more good things.

After Uchiha Zhanyue gave orders, he left directly, and left all the remaining combat studies to these young people.

They should learn for a long time, and there are a variety of different fighting skills and various requirements in between.

What kind of pirate group they will form, Uchiha Zhanyue didn’t know or cared that he just returned to his space, and just saw Ōtsutsuki Kaguya waiting there.

Seeing Uchiha Zhanyue’s return, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya’s face was filled with excitement and contentment.

He hurriedly prepared Uchiha Zhanyue, food and drink, and even changed a special costume for him carefully, allowing him to rest here for a period of time.

The place where they are located is the legendary Guanghan Palace. They can look at everything in Guanghan Palace with the most distant eyes, and they will always calmly feel the changes of thousands of things.

In this place, you can see everyone on the planet working hard to harvest, but unfortunately the lives of those people are not very much related to them. They will always look at it with a very distant look.

At this time, Uchiha Zhanyue was resting here quietly, but the Kagura was always beside him.

The family of Kagura is quite different. They have acted in many places in the universe, and they also understand some weird things about the concept of the universe, so their existence provides some knowledge expansion compared to other people. . .

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