There is a parasol road in front of the Sixth Middle School. In midsummer, the branches and leaves stretch out, casting a large area of ​​shade. Sometimes it makes people feel that they have entered a season when everything grows crazily. The cicadas sing sharply and the green plants are lush, which makes people feel the vitality of life but at the same time be afraid of its wantonness.

There are two months of summer vacation this year, and the leaders of the No. 6 High School issued a notice in advance, and all students will stay in school to make up lessons, so it is not much different from not being released. It's just that when I came to class again, everyone was assigned to a new class.

Yan Na looked at the class schedule and wanted to cry, Me? Class Nine?

Her grades in class 8 were also suspended. Anyway, she didn't know how to take the test, and she lost half of the multiple choice questions.

Jin Heng already knew the truth in his heart, so he was not surprised. He just glanced at the new list of Class Nine, I'm in Class Nine just like you.

Yan Na thinks like an ordinary person. She thinks that Jin Heng is a good student, but he was assigned to the place where the students gather. Transferred to the rocket class.

Even though she knew it was unrealistic.

The stable grades of Class 9 students are well-known throughout the school. In the last placement test, except for a few individuals who were transferred out of nowhere, most of them did not move. The mainstays still stubbornly stick to their posts.

Teacher Cen, the head teacher, didn't know whether to be happy or sad. She led five students who were newly assigned to Class Nine into the classroom, and the noisy class immediately quieted down, which shows that it is usually very prestige.

Everyone be quiet, five new students have arrived in our class today. Although they joined midway, they must get along well.

Everyone in Class Nine gave a lot of face, whether they wanted to or not, they all clapped meaningfully. However, most of the eyes fell on Jin Heng, wanting to know why the number one in the grade was assigned to their class.

Teacher Cen used to be most afraid that a grain of rat droppings would spoil a pot of porridge, but now looking at the people in Class 9 in the audience, he was afraid that a pot of rat droppings would spoil Jin Heng's grain of white rice. Arranging seats for the new students one by one, but when it was Jin Heng's turn, he encountered difficulties.

sit in the back? It seems a bit far.

Sit in front? He is too tall.

middle? But those around are not good grades, what if Jin Heng is brought into trouble.

If it wasn't for the lack of exams, Jin Heng would have been a surefire candidate for the rocket class, but now he is assigned to the junior class. Mr. Cen remembered the instructions from the school leader, thought about it for a while, and finally looked towards the fourth row.

Cheng Doudou, you are the class monitor, take care of your new classmates.

The boy named wore glasses that were thicker than the bottom of a wine bottle, and had some small freckles on his face. He had an inexplicably strenuous and clumsy feeling when he spoke, Okay, I got it.

Class Ninth did not have good grades, but if one had to be taller than the short ones, that would be class leader Cheng Doudou. Although his grades are poor, he has a good attitude towards learning, but he is a bit stupid, and he may not be able to understand something that a smart child can learn ten times.

It didn't matter who Jin Heng sat with. Hearing this, he moved the table and chairs to Cheng Doudou's side. Since he was not familiar with Cheng Doudou, he didn't say anything. He tidied up his books and started class.

After the summer vacation, they are prospective high school seniors, and their study tasks are very intense. The timetable is full, English and English in the morning, physics and chemistry in the afternoon, the classroom and the laboratory run at both ends, and the physical education class has basically become a decoration.

While Teacher Cen was performing English listening exercises on the podium, Cheng Doudou was taking notes while secretly observing Jin Heng——

He thought that the other party had good grades and must be very serious in class.

But in fact, Jin Heng didn't even hold a pen in his hand, and sat motionless, as if he was wandering away. When the listening comprehension was over, he seemed to come back to his senses half a beat later, and then wrote down the answer on the exercise paper.

Cheng Doudou took a look and compared it with his own, it seemed different.

Mr. Cen estimated that the time was almost up, so he wrote down the answers on the blackboard, and while explaining, he walked around below to see the students' answers. In the end, he made a deliberate circle to see Jin Heng, nodded in his heart, secretly satisfied.

Cheng Doudou's multiple-choice questions were half wrong. Sometimes his mind can't turn the corner, and it is easy to fall into a trap.

Teacher Cen still wanted to help the students in his class. When passing by Jin Heng, he said softly to him, When you are doing the questions, you can communicate with Cheng Doudou and help him with his weaker subjects.

This kind of talk is actually a scene, who would bother to help an insignificant person. Besides, Cheng Doudou's parents don't know how much money they spent on the cram school, and it doesn't seem to have any effect.

The people around listened and didn't take it seriously.

Jin Heng responded, Well, good.

He always seems indifferent to people he doesn't know well, and those who are more sensitive will feel that he is perfunctory and reluctant, like thin needles pricking people's self-esteem.

Cheng Doudou lowered his head to help his glasses, and covered his paper with his arm, feeling embarrassed, his face flushed, and he felt disgusted.

Jin Heng didn't think too much about it, anyway, he has been helping Wen Yan and Yan Na to practice the questions recently, and there are not many Cheng Doudou. Holding a blue fountain pen with his slender fingertips, he slowly turned it around a few times, just like the movement of a wall clock.

During the class break, Zou Kai and others specially came over to say hello to him, probably because they were afraid that Jin Heng would be bullied and excluded, and said directly, If you have anything to do, you can call me. Cheng Doudou is the monitor, and I am the deputy monitor.

Zou Kai is very popular, he eats well in class, and his appeal is more than a star and a half higher than that of Cheng Doudou, which is not determined by his position alone. Seeing this, everyone in Class Nine knew what was going on. Although they

Of course they won't bully anyone, but when a newcomer joins the class midway, alienation and exclusion are inevitable.

Comparing the two transfer students, Jin Heng's side was the most lively.

Cheng Doudou is different from the others. During the recess, he always keeps his head down and practices the questions. This kind of hard work makes the teacher feel sorry every time. He is willing to endure hardships, but he is not very enlightened.

Jin Heng glanced aside inadvertently, saw that he was writing a trigonometric function problem, tapped the tip of the pen on the table twice, and suddenly said, You wrote it complicated.

Cheng Doudou raised his head subconsciously, looked around, and realized that Jin Heng was talking about himself, and was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to react.

Jin Heng tore off a piece of draft paper casually, and wrote down two general formulas and a rough solution process on it with a pen. The question gives a hidden condition, a large set of small ones, and the information of the equation can be obtained by disassembling it into two parts. In this way, not only can the answer to the first question be deduced, but the conditions obtained in the process can also be directly applied to the second question.

Jin Heng had a clear idea of ​​the questions, and the process was simple and clear. But Cheng Doudou always kept in mind what the teacher said to solve the problem to write down the steps in detail, so that even if he didn't know the answer, he could still get some process points, and he got into a dead end without knowing it.

He glanced at Jin Heng's steps, and it was indeed much simpler than his own. He blushed inexplicably, raised his hand and hammered his head, and said in a clumsy and laborious voice, Thank you...

The other transferred students seemed to dislike Class Ninth quite a lot. He thought that Jin Heng was also very proud, but it seemed to be just his own illusion.

Jin Heng hummed, and tidied up the messy table, The question will not give you useless information, try to use all the conditions, sometimes the answer to the first question is the key to solving the second question.

He is too familiar with the routines of those teachers.

Cheng Doudou nodded, half understanding, and continued to write the second question. According to what Jin Heng said, he tried to dismantle the answer to the first question into details, and finally found that the two questions before and after were indeed related, so he couldn't help scratching his head, feeling a little excited.

After about ten minutes, Cheng Doudou looked at Jin Heng hesitantly, pointed to a question on the test paper, held back for a long time before boldly said, Jin Heng... can you teach me this question...

He has always been scolded for being stupid since he was a child, and he was probably afraid that Jin Heng would be annoyed by asking too many questions, so he seemed a little uneasy.

Jin Heng glanced at the question, and did not tell him the answer directly this time, but circled the information points with a pen, guiding him to think, First list the known conditions, classify them, and push them backwards if they can't.

Cheng Doudou thought slowly, and after thinking about a short question for a long time, Jin Heng didn't seem a little impatient, and occasionally reminded him insincerely. In the end, it took more than 20 minutes to finally solve this medium-difficulty problem.

Several students sitting around couldn't help turning their heads to look at Jin Heng twice more, with surprise on their faces. After all, sometimes the teacher gets angry when Cheng Doudou slaps the table with his stupid head. Not only is Jin Heng calm all the time, but he also teaches people. It has to be said that it is a miracle.

The students in Class Nine spend a lot of money, and occasionally order takeaways during class breaks. A few boys take advantage of the teacher's absence and go to the school gate to get them in groups, just like doing wholesale.

Jin Heng has already passed the age of greedy, and besides, he does not have any income at present, so it is not suitable for excessive consumption. So I just sorted out the exercise book for Wen Yan in my spare time, quietly and silently.

Have some drinks.

Somebody put a glass of passion fruit juice on his table, but Jin Heng didn't see clearly, but when he looked up, he saw Zou Kai and a few other boys smilingly distributing snacks, all ordered from nearby dessert shops.


Jin Heng thought everyone had it, but when he looked left and right, the desks of the students who turned around with him were empty.

Pang Yifan was also assigned to Class Nine. He didn't dare to mess with Jin Heng, but that didn't mean he didn't dare to mess with others. Embarrassed and ashamed at seeing this, he finally sat on the seat with a pale face and sneered, What's the big deal, a group of related households.

When the students in Class Nine heard it, they all looked at him, and then deliberately fanned the wind with their hands in front of him, Tsk, why is there such a sour smell, who ate lemons?

There was an uproar of laughter.

Jin Heng observed for a while, and finally found that it was Zou Kai who bought the snacks, and a boy sitting behind him who ordered the drinks. I'm not familiar with it, so as not to owe favors, I thought for a moment and turned around and said, Thank you.

The boy was stunned for a moment before he realized what Jin Heng was talking about, and waved his hand indifferently, What a big deal, you taught Cheng Doudou's stupid head, which shows that you have skills, and I admire people with skills the most.

Their families are wealthy, but they look down on those who fawn on them. Jin Heng didn't dislike Class Nine as much as the others, and he was quite patient with Cheng Doudou. He could see a bit of character from the side, and it wasn't a big deal to ask for a drink.

Cheng Doudou stuttered when he was nervous, and said, Yes... yes, you can drink, it's fine.

Jin Heng didn't say anything, and turned around.

Sometimes the goodness around you is more disorienting than the malice.

The first day of make-up classes during the summer vacation was relatively calm, and the class division did not cause any conflicts. After school, Jin Heng saw Wen Yan as soon as he walked out of the school gate. The other party was obviously waiting for him, so he threw an ice cream over and held it in his hands through the plastic wrapping paper to cool off.

Jin Heng saw that Yan was not wearing a school uniform, so he asked aloud, Did you not make up lessons?

Chongming also needs to make up lessons, but Wen Yan doesn't usually go to school, let alone make up lessons. He touched the tip of his nose guiltily, and then murmured vaguely, I'm too lazy to go. By the way, how about your class division, no one bullies you, right?

Jin Heng tore open the ice cream bag, and took a bite, No one bullies me.

The chocolate melts on the tip of the tongue, and the taste is mellow and cold. This brand of ice cream is a bit expensive, Jin Heng glanced at it, saw that Wen Yan was empty-handed, and when no one was paying attention on the side of the road, he handed it to his mouth, Take a bite.

Wen Yan tilted his head, I've eaten.

Jin Heng had no choice but to withdraw his hand, but he didn't know if it was an illusion. When he retracted his gaze, he inadvertently saw a figure flashing by the wall, which was somewhat familiar.

He thoughtfully took a bite of the ice cream, probably knowing it.

Seeing that he was not moving, Wen Yan asked aloud, What's the matter, why are you in a daze?

Jin Heng smiled, making people unpredictable It's nothing, I saw an acquaintance. Let's go, go back early, I have sorted out some exercises for you.

Wen Yan blew on the bangs on his forehead, reluctantly Oh.

Wen Yan is a smart boy, but not in terms of study. He didn't listen to what the teacher was talking about, and he forgot what he had learned before. It was equivalent to laying the foundation from scratch, and the amount of work was enormous.

Jin Heng spent more than half a month reading all the books of Wenyan School. In addition to practical skills, the vocational school college entrance examination only uses Chinese and English, and there is still time to make up for it.

You listen to it first, and I will pause in the middle of each question the second time, and you answer according to your listening ability.

Jin Heng downloaded a set of basic English listening comprehension from the Internet with his mobile phone, and sat at the desk with Wen Yan, doing the questions while listening. However, when the latter listened to the English dialogue on the mobile phone, he felt that the chattering sounded like a bible.

Wen Yan bit the cap of the pen, frowned, and began to answer.

Jin Heng stared at the tip of his pen, finally couldn't help it, and paused his listening, Do you understand?

Wen Yan rolled his eyelids, Listen... I understand.

Jin Heng slightly exerted his hand on his shoulder, and reminded in a low voice, Listening is only on the third question, but you have already done the sixth question.

Wen Yan ...

Fuck it.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Jin Heng smelled a faint smell of gasoline from Wen Yan's collar, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Kissed his ear, and translated the sentence pattern for him word by word.

For example, the most basic choice question and answer, listening to the protagonist and friends go to a restaurant to eat, and encountered difficulties in ordering a drink I want to drink orange juice, but it is too sour for me, or Coke, but it makes people fat, Forget it, let’s change it to a glass of lemonade, but I still like drinking Coke the most...

A few lines of dialogue go back and forth, making people dizzy.

Wen Yan cursed secretly, Drink the fucking dichlorvos.

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