On the Thousand Postures Reconstructed by the Scumbags

Chapter 163 Corrupt officials solve the case

ul csstentul

When a modern person travels to ancient times, would he want to make a career?


But Gongsun Zhuoyu must be this kind of person.

He is a little arrogant, standing on the shoulders of giants and looking back at the ancients, there is always an inexplicable sense of superiority. So when a baby who was born in Daye Dynasty crossed over into the sky one day, he naturally felt that he had to do something.

He reads, is literate, and takes the imperial examination. I walked the path that most people would take at that time. Although it is not a ten-year cold window, it is almost the same. Finally, he was assigned to Jiangzhou as a county magistrate.

The county magistrate, Zhengqipin, although he is only a small official with sesame and mung beans, but after a few years, it may not be that there is no room for improvement.

But in that dynasty where corruption was prevalent, there was no way out for being an upright official. Gongsun Zhuoyu always felt that the gods let him travel here, and he must do a great job, so he cut his head and wanted to climb up.

He has been a county magistrate for three years, and under his command there are countless unjust, false and wrongly decided cases. Not many cases have been solved, but a lot of money has been amassed. In the end, he used this to pave the way and bridge, and successfully joined the party of corrupt officials. However, before he had time to reap any benefits, the emperor issued an order to purge the government and the opposition. An imperial decree came down, and countless people were imprisoned.

The lofty ambitions of the past, like a bubble, will be broken with a poke.

The prison of Jinglu Division is the same as the hell gate of King Yama, it is not a good place to go. Gongsun Zhuoyu was imprisoned here for half a month, and saw countless people being tortured every day, but had no choice but to die.

The laws of Daye are strict, and now he is not only accused of forming a party for selfish interests, but also the unjust cases of wrongful convictions in the past have all been turned over. But the people of Gongsun's family did everything they could to atone for their sins by offering tens of thousands of dollars of money. According to the law, the death penalty can be commuted, but the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped...

The prison chief glanced at the old master who was sharpening the knife, and then at Gongsun Zhuoyu who hadn't eaten water or rice for two days. He thought to himself that castration is better than death, isn't it?

He knocked on the cell door, and the iron chain rattled, Gongsun Zhuoyu, there are three people ahead of you, get ready.

Gongsun Zhuoyu was sitting against the wall, wearing the prison uniform on him, looking a bit empty. But it is still neat and tidy, not as dirty as others, which shows that Ai Jie cherishes her life.

Kill me...

He was only twenty-nine years old, but his face showed a look of despair, with his eyes closed, it was not difficult to see the will to die.

The prison chief laughed, That's impossible, your family sold all the valuables, and finally got together the silver taels of atonement to leave this little life for you. You will be stabbed and passed away, and you will be exiled for another three thousand miles at most. , it's better than death, no, others want to suffer this knife and don't have the money to suffer.

The people of Gongsun's family wanted him to live, but Gongsun Zhuoyu was a man, and he would rather be dead than live like that.

The cell boss didn't wait for his response, didn't care, turned and left. It wasn't until the sun went down that when he was patrolling the room, he realized that something was wrong. Gongsun Zhuoyu's head was covered with blood, and he hit the wall trying to die.

The cell boss panicked, Damn it! Hurry up and get him out, and cut him up! Why is it so hard to eunuch a man!

Prisoners die in prisons, and guards are also involved.

Everyone hurriedly carried him out. Gongsun Zhuoyu had practiced martial arts and still had a little strength. He directly strangled the wrist of the nearest person with such strength that he could crush bones, and said hoarsely, I beg you! To die, not to live—

I don't know who attracted this movement, there was a sudden sound of kneeling outside, and the prison chief also knelt down in panic when he saw the person coming, and saluted with his hands clasped, I've seen Mr. Du!

What's the noise, the noisy people have a headache.

Gongsun Zhuoyu's deadline is approaching, his eyes are blood red, he can't see the face of the comer clearly, but he only listens to the voice, soft and feminine, icy and cool, he probably is an eunuch. It was the sissy he despised the most, and she became more and more determined to die.

The head of the cell hesitated and said, This man is Gongsun Zhuoyu, the prefect of Jiangzhou, who took bribes and was in the same party with Cai Jie. It should have been a death sentence, but his family gave him money to exonerate him, but he would rather die than accept the palace sentence... ...

When he said this, his heart trembled, because the person standing in front of him was an eunuch even though he was powerful.

With his sleeves in his hands, Du Lingchun lazily looked down at Gongsun Zhuoyu who looked like a bloody man on the ground. Although he is embarrassed, it is not difficult to distinguish a good appearance, and he is a scholar at first glance. Xin Dao said that these literati and scholars are full of character, and they would rather die than become eunuchs, as if they have polluted them or something.

With a nasty smile, like a poisonous snake swallowing a letter, he said slowly, If you don't want to suffer the castration, then you will suffer it even more.

The prison chief understood what he meant, and he answered repeatedly, and was about to lift Gongsun Zhuoyu onto the wooden bed, when he heard Du Lingchun suddenly say, Wait a minute.

The jailer immediately turned around, What else can the company order?

Du Lingchun narrowed his slender eyes and frowned slightly, You said he is from Jiangzhou, and his surname is Gongsun?

This surname is rare.

The prison boss said, Yes, if you dare to ask the company, what's wrong?

Du Lingchun remained silent, raised his hand and shook his sleeve robe, his fingertips were white and slender, like a woman, he remembered something, and said without beginning and end, Jiangzhou...is a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers, he doesn't want to be castrated , let’s get rid of it.”

After saying this, it seemed that he had had enough of staying in this stinky place, so he covered his mouth and nose with a veil, turned and left.

Gongsun Zhuoyu raised his eyes in a trance, couldn't see his face clearly, only saw the man's fair neck was tightly wrapped by a black collar, and there was a very light cinnabar red mole. My heart suddenly relaxed, and I slowly closed my eyes.

Seeing Du Lingchun go away, the cell boss dared to straighten up and kick

He gave Gongsun Zhuoyu a kick, Your life is good, Du Sigong spared your life.

Gongsun Zhuoyu didn't move.

Seeing this, the jailer stretched out his hand to check his breath, and said to the cell boss, Boss, he's dead.

This is Gongsun Zhuoyu's short life in Daye. There is no famous name in history, only the body is full of filth. He was a magistrate for three years, and a magistrate for another three years. There were sixty-four unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, and 18 people were killed. After death, the body returned to the hometown, and thousands of people reviled.

He thought with all his heart that he would create an earth-shattering career in this dynasty, but now that he thinks about it, it's just a stupid idea, which really embarrasses his time-traveling colleagues.

After watching Gongsun Zhuoyu's fate, 009 thought to himself that he was a corrupt official who disregarded human life, and he had to reform himself. The wings flapped lightly, dragging the ray of soul out of the body, and returned to his second year as the county magistrate.

Jiangzhou is close to commercial roads, and it is a prosperous place. Unfortunately, although the mountains and rivers are beautiful, but the people are poor and the land is not effective, it is known as the three evils. The first victim is the big tiger that eats countless people in the Mizi Forest, the second victim is the bandits rampant on Qingfeng Mountain, and the third victim is the local magistrate Gongsun Zhuoyu.

That is a master who has fallen into the eyes of money, only recognizes gold and silver, and does not recognize black and white. Since he took office, he only knows how to spend time and drink, and there are countless wrongful convictions in his jurisdiction. His reputation is rotten, but the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, so no one can control him.

The common people could only lament, thinking they were unlucky.

Gongsun Zhuoyu has always been lazy and sleeps until the sun rises every day. Today, the maid didn't wake up after lunch time, so she didn't think it was strange, she put the food on the table quietly, and then quietly retreated out, otherwise it would be a mess if she woke up.

The bed curtain was quietly lowered, and a corner was lifted by the wind, revealing a man lying inside. He frowned tightly, dripping with cold sweat, as if he had fallen into some kind of nightmare and couldn't extricate himself from it, and finally sat up from the bed with a thud, panting heavily.

Gongsun Zhuoyu had no time to think about other things, his first reaction was to lower his head to touch his kudang, and finally found that the thing was still there, and he fell into the quilt and almost cried out.

Woohoo, damn it, luckily it's still there.

009 hid beside him for a long time, only to see the new host biting the corner of his mouth and crying, with red nose and tears in the corners of his eyes. Unable to hold back, he floated over gently, and asked curiously, are you crying?

Gongsun Zhuoyu was weeping with joy, unable to extricate himself, suddenly saw a blue ball of light flying in front of him, and paused his movements, ... who are you?

There were no such high-tech gadgets in ancient times, right?

The system flapped its wings lightly, and put on a gorgeous pose, dear, I helped you to be reborn~

It's not that Gongsun Zhuoyu hasn't read those novels about the male protagonist's rebirth. In fact, he has read them a lot, so he was deeply poisoned, thinking that he would be the protagonist after time travel, and he would not die no matter what he did.

Hearing this, he looked around subconsciously, and suddenly found that the setting of the scene was very familiar. Clutching his fast beating heart, staring at the system, he wondered if he was really reborn?

He tentatively said You...

The tone of the system is intimate, I am system 009~

Gongsun Zhuoyu's Adam's apple twitched, Are you the kind of super system that helps the protagonist marry Bai Fumei to the pinnacle of life?

System amount...

An invincible shop where Gongsun Zhuoyu can be exchanged for modern items?

The system...

Gongsun Zhuoyu heard the difference in its tone, and was slow to sense something was wrong, What kind of system are you?

System scum... Have you ever heard of a scumbag transforming the system?

Gongsun Zhuoyu jumped off the bed, wearing only his underwear, looking romantic. He poured himself a cup of tea, then shook his head, I haven't heard of it.

A scumbag transformation? Doesn't sound like a good thing.

The system flew to his side, and said with high spirits that it doesn't matter, 009 will help you change your ways and be a good person in the future!

Change... from evil to righteousness?

Gongsun Zhuoyu glanced at it, Did you misunderstand something, I am a very honest official.

The system is in a daze, why are the hosts these days more shameless than the other, bewildered and upright?

Gongsun Zhuoyu took it for granted, Of course he is an upright official.

He walked to the window and stretched himself. Because of his rebirth, he was in a good mood. Although I am already an adult, I still haven't been able to let go of that naive idea, My dream is to be famous in history, to become a famous official of a generation, like Qin Hui! Zhao Gao!

The system was silent for a moment... they are not good people

Gongsun Zhuoyu crossed his arms and disapproved of his words, Whoever said that being a good person can go down in history, and being a bad person is also possible, and it is easier.

System Do you want to be a bad guy?

Only then did Gongsun Zhuoyu realize that he had slipped his tongue, and coughed softly, That's not the case, I've already wept bitterly and changed my mind.

As he said, he touched the corners of his eyes with his fingertips, and there were still wet tears on them, Look, I'm crying.

The system doesn't believe him, you are obviously crying your little jj

Gongsun Zhuoyu ...

Where is it small? !

Just when Gongsun Zhuoyu was about to discuss this issue with it, Master Wan Zhongshan suddenly rushed in all the way, and hurriedly knocked on the door outside, My lord! My lord! It's not good, someone beat the drum to complain!

Gongsun Zhuoyu hated to interrogate these things the most in his life, not to mention he was so angry when he got up, Didn't you see that my lord is not up yet? Let the big things go aside, and the trial will be postponed!

Wan Zhongshan is over forty years old, and his angry goatee is raised up and down. My lord, you have pushed this case three times. If you don't go, you will die!

Gongsun Zhuoyu flicked his sleeves, It's not my family who died!

The system's eyes are piercing——

The electric current flashed, and there was only a thud, and Gongsun Zhuoyu was directly knocked down to the ground. He practiced martial arts since he was a child, so he barely stood up straight trembling, and was about to see what was going on, when he saw that strange blue light ball with a serious voice, Daoist, this is not right.


Hurry up and go to trial~

Gongsun Zhuoyu ...

As far as this case is concerned, it was actually tried a few days ago.

There is a family at the east end of the village, in which there lives a young and beautiful widow Shi Yu, who is virtuous and virtuous. Although her husband died in battle in the early years, she has been serving her in-laws wholeheartedly.

One day she went to the market to buy cloth. Who would have thought that she would be kidnapped by the son of Liu Yuan's family. The next morning, she was thrown on the side of the road in disheveled clothes. When she found out, she was already dead.

Both her parents-in-law are old, and it is embarrassing for a white-haired person to give a black-haired person. However, Mr. Liu had a lot of money, so he bought the dog officer with money, and he insisted on helping Mr. Liu get rid of the crime.

That day, Mrs. Yu's mother-in-law came again to beat the drums in front of the government yamen to complain about her grievances. At her age, with the support of her fellow villagers, she walked a dozen miles of mountain road on crutches to get here.

The noodle vendor on the side of the road shook his head when he saw this, Yeah, it's another trip for nothing.

A group of people dressed as business travelers sat at the table next to them. The leading man is majestic and imposing. Hearing what the peddler said, I became interested, Dare to ask Your Excellency, why did you say that?

While pulling the noodles skillfully, the peddler chatted with them, It seems that some of them are from other places, our county magistrate, he's very indifferent...

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the sky, I guess I haven't woken up at this hour, and besides, Yu's mother-in-law has been here several times, and she was sent back by the yamen every time. Another waste of time.

He talked vigorously to himself, but he didn't realize that the old man's brows were already furrowed. I thought that the people in Jiangzhou are simple and honest, and the people must be happy and prosperous. I didn't expect the parents and officials to be such people.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old young man next to him said in a low voice, Father, calm down. There are many officials in Daye, and there are only a few people who eat vegetarian food with corpses.

The master didn't answer, took a sip of tea, put it back after he thought it tasted normal, got up from his seat and said, Come on, let's go and have a look.

The young man wanted to stop him, but unexpectedly, a man in purple held his hand. The other party didn't say a word from beginning to end. He was slender and his complexion was fairer than that of a woman. With slender eyebrows and eyes, there is a hint of indistinguishability between male and female, and the voice is soft and hoarse, The master is in the dark, you don't have to worry.

The young man seemed to respect him very much, and nodded, Uncle is right.

Only then did Du Lingchun let go of his hand, slowly wiped his fingertips with the handkerchief, and slowly put it in his sleeve.

Yu's mother-in-law did not want to leave, and knelt on the steps outside the government office, looking weather-beaten and tearful, kowtowing, I beg my lord to redress the old woman's grievances, my lord to redress my grievances...

A crowd of spectators gradually gathered around, and the kind-hearted people couldn't help but persuade, Old man, go back quickly, it's a good thing to kneel down.

The magistrate will not come out.

This dog official is working hand in hand with the Liu family!

Just when everyone was discussing, the gate of the government office opened with a creak, and there were three groups of government servants standing on both sides of the court hall, hitting the ground with water and fire sticks, shouting mighty in unison. A man who looked like a teacher came out from the inside, Who beat the drums to express their grievances? Let us express our grievances in the hall!

Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but look up at the sky. The sun came out from the west, and the county magistrate was promoted? !

Gongsun Zhuoyu was wearing a seventh-grade light green official robe, with a silver belt and nine culls, sitting high above the court, she looked like a dog. Although he always felt that the official uniform of this color was ugly, it looked like a green bastard in it.

Seeing Yu's mother-in-law being brought up, Gongsun Zhuoyu slapped the gavel and asked symbolically, Who is in the hall and why are you beating the drums?

Yu's mother-in-law knelt tremblingly, Master, Mrs. Qian, is from Hekou Village. The day before yesterday, my poor daughter-in-law was kidnapped and killed by the son of Liu Yuan's family in the town. I beg you to avenge me!

In this era, there are no mobile phones or computers, and entertainment resources are quite scarce. The people who are hearing the trial are crowded outside, and they all stretch their necks to watch the excitement.

Gongsun Zhuoyu, with a clear wind and bright moon, has the appearance of a gentleman, but his behavior is sloppy. He leaned lazily on the chair, yawned, and rubbed a piece of fine jade pendant around his waist, loving it——

Delivered by Member Liu.

You have no evidence, why do you conclude that the son of Liu Yuan's family killed your daughter-in-law?

At first glance, he is a stupid official.

The system rests on Gongsun Zhuoyu's shoulders, aren't you a little partial to the Liu family?

Hush, Gongsun Zhuoyu said, I don't want to either, but they give too much.

The system warns him to handle the case carefully, otherwise 009 will call you

Gongsun Zhuoyu gave a low cough, and slowly sat up straight. Seeing Mrs. Qian kneeling in the hall, she said in tears, That day... that day many people saw Liu Yaozu taking my daughter-in-law into the mansion, and she died early the next morning, her clothes were disheveled. Who else.

Gongsun Zhuoyu rubbed his chin, Even if he took him captive, he didn't necessarily kill him. Did you see him kill it with your own eyes?

He just put forward his own opinions on the basis of favoring the Liu family, but in the eyes of the common people, he was like a nest of snakes and rats. There was a lot of cursing from outside, and whoever smashed a vegetable leaf came in, Dog officer!

Gongsun Zhuoyu slapped the gavel, Whoever scolded, stand up for me!

Only a fool will stand up when no one responds


Master Wan Zhongshan coughed heavily and reminded, My lord, it's time to go to trial.

Gongsun Zhuoyu didn't care about them, while sending someone to summon Liu Yaozu, he said to the old woman, Mr. Qian, it's not because I don't want to appeal for you, but because I did an autopsy. Mrs. Yu died in the middle of the night when I was ugly. At this point in time, Liu Yaozu was rolling the dice at the Donglai Gambling House, as everyone in the company can attest to.

Mrs. Qian is old and a native of the country, with a clumsy mouth, and she doesn't know how to explain. Someone outside asked in a deep voice, What if Liu Yaozu bribed others to give false testimony, and he was in a gambling house, but let his subordinates die, so what?

Gongsun Zhuoyu followed the sound, but saw a majestic rich man, lightly tossed the jade pendant in his hand and said, According to what you said, there is no need for physical evidence in the trial of the yamen, anyway, it can be bribed by forging.

While speaking, Liu Yaozu had been brought here. He must have just been pulled out of the kiln, his clothes were disheveled, and his body smelled of makeup and powder. Seeing Mrs. Qian, his complexion changed, and then he knelt down to Gongsun Zhuoyu, Liu Yaozu, a grassroots man, I have met you.

Gongsun Zhuoyu motioned for him to flatten his body, Have you ever kidnapped a woman back home a few days ago?

Liu Yaozu couldn't help but glanced at Qian again, and then looked away, Go back to your lord, that little lady is beautiful, the grass people just want to invite her home for a few sips of tea, who would have thought that she would be ungrateful, crying and making noises? If she wanted to die again, Caomin had no choice but to let her go.

Mrs. Qian suddenly became agitated when she heard the words, and rushed to beat him, her voice was desolate and sad, You are talking nonsense, if you let her go, how could she die? It is clear that you killed her after defiled her! My poor child, I child...

She was old, and she almost lost her breath crying on the ground, her temples were disheveled, My lord, my husband fought for the country and broke a leg on the battlefield. My son was guarding the frontier, and his head was also in a different place. Yun alone, why did he end up like this, why is it difficult to sue for injustice...

In ancient times, there were years of wars, and even soldiers died ten times. A woman died, but the hope of the family was lost. The people listening to the trial outside couldn't help sighing, it turned out that it was after Zhonglie...

Liu Yaozu's expression turned ugly, My lord, Caomin really didn't kill anyone!

With everyone behind his back, he compared three in his arms, desperately reminding Gongsun Zhuoyu that my family gave you three thousand taels of silver!

The whole ball of the system couldn't restrain itself from crying, and beat Gongsun Zhuoyu's head with his wings, so pitiful, hurry up and try the case, hurry up!

Gongsun Zhuoyu was struck with stares, so he could only do as he did, slapped the gavel hard, and said in a deep voice, Come on, bring up Yu Shi's body! Please remember:,

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