Once the Crown Prince Joins In

236: It’s hard to avoid feeling guilty when I see you.

Early the next morning, Su Xinyi asked someone to go to Zheng Guogong's Mansion first. Because it was a temporary visit to a friend, it was too late last night and he didn't leave a message for Zhu Chanyi in advance, so he asked someone to ask Zhu Chanyi about her day today. It is inconvenient if there is no time. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕩.𝕔𝕠𝕞Google Search Reading

Zhu Chanyi was very free and seemed to be at home, so she even took the car to pick up Su Xinyi herself.

Su Xinyi:......

Not really.

Zhu Chanyi also suddenly decided to come, so she did not disturb the elders in the Duke of Qi's mansion. She waited for Su Xinyi in the carriage. When she saw her getting into the carriage, he immediately pulled her to sit down and said, I have wanted to ask you out for a long time, but It's a coincidence that I heard that your eldest brother was injured. I know that your family must be busy. Is Prince Su okay?

The carriage rolled, and Forsythia followed in the car behind. After Su Xinyi sat up straight, he said to Zhu Chanyi: Three ribs were broken, and now the bones are reattached. Next, I will stay in bed to rest.

Zhu Chanyi sighed, looked at Su Xinyi and said, Your eldest brother was injured, and this year's military tour suddenly attracted much attention. Wu Daohong really became famous all over the world.

Zhu Chanyi's words were a bit sarcastic. She really couldn't figure it out. Although military inspections were indeed an important event in the military every year, there were indeed invisible rules here.

People like Su Yi who come from different backgrounds and have their own strength, most people will not hurt them easily, even if they are really comparable, they will stop there. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫sɥnx˙ɔoɯ Especially for an honest person like Su Yi, if he really finds that he can't beat him, he will take the initiative to admit defeat.

You could break three ribs of such a person. I heard that he fell on the ring and couldn't get up. Everyone thought he was going to die.

Even this fool can tell something is wrong.

When Su Xinyi heard Zhu Chanyi's words, he smiled and said, Perhaps people just want to be famous. Only after they become famous can they know who they are. As for whether it is really unintentional, it is difficult to judge.

Zhu Chanyi understood the meaning of these words. The Su family must have suspected Wu Daohong, but because they had no evidence, they could only swallow it hard now that they were dumb.

The carriage arrived at Duke Zheng's mansion soon. Su Xinyi followed Zhu Chanyi to visit Mrs. Zheng Guogong. Mrs. Zheng Guogong was very cordial when she saw Su Xinyi and said with a smile: I have long heard that our Duke mentioned that the county master is in Zhangzhou. Regarding the deeds of Ping Mansion, I later heard from Chanyi that he and the County Lord hit it off instantly, and today I met the County Lord and he really lived up to his reputation.

Of course, Su Xinyi had met Mrs. Zheng Guogong in her previous life, but the two had no intersection. She only glanced at her from afar when attending a banquet.

The circles of Zheng Guogong's palace and Pingjing County Prince's palace are different, so the two families have very little contact.

At this time, Su Xinyi felt a little embarrassed after hearing what Mrs. Zheng Guogong said, and said to Mrs. Zheng Guogong: Zheng Guogong is always strong. In the first battle of Zhangping Prefecture, Duke Guo won the victory as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, which made the younger generation admire him very much. New 𝟔𝟗书Come on𝟨𝟫𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒄𝒐𝒎 Chanyi and I met in the palace, we really have similar temperaments, so please don’t blame me for taking the liberty of visiting today, madam.”

Mrs. Zheng Guogong smiled happily, You young people can talk freely together, and I, an old woman, will not interfere. Chanyi, entertain the county master well.

Zhu Chanyi smiled and said: Grandma, don't worry, I will entertain the county master well.

Su Xinyi said goodbye to Mrs. Zheng Guogong and went to her yard with Zhu Chanyi. She listened to her say: My mother is very happy to know that you are coming today. But unfortunately, Mrs. Liang asked my mother to have tea. It was so urgent that my mother had to go out in a hurry.

Mrs. Liang? Which Mrs. Liang? Su Xinyi had a bad feeling.

The wife of Liang Ju, the commander of Wu Xiangwei.

Their family still has a relationship with you? Su Xinyi was quite surprised. He was able to ask Zhu Chanyi's mother out so early. This was not something ordinary relationships could achieve.

After hearing this, Zhu Chanyi explained to Su Xinyi, Mrs. Liang and my mother are both from the He family in Ruzhou, but my mother is the eldest daughter of the direct lineage, and Mrs. Liang's family is a side branch of the He family from the fifth service. But Mrs. Liang’s father is very capable, so their family has gradually grown up over the years. Ever since Mrs. Liang married and moved to the capital, she has been close to my mother. Because she is from the same clan, my mother is still close to her.

Su Xinyi:......

They didn't expect that there was such a relationship. Their focus was all on the Li family, and they only paid attention to Mrs. Liang's family, but they didn't think of checking on the same clan.

Su Xinyi was very confused at this time. After all, he had just attacked Wu Daohong last night, and now he was a little embarrassed.

Zhu Chanyi did not notice anything strange about Su Xinyi, and whispered: Speaking of which, I don't like Mrs. Liang very much. She is good at playing tricks, and she is very flattering to my mother, but she is very arrogant towards the family members of Mr. Liang's subordinates. It was only when I met her by chance that I realized she was this kind of person. I told my mother, but she told me not to be black or white. Anyway, I didn’t like her very much.”

Su Xinyi knew that the bond between the same clan was a very strong natural alliance. She sighed slightly in her heart and decided not to mention anything about her eldest brother today.

Fortunately, Zhu Chanyi didn't care about this very much. He took Su Xinyi to her yard to drink tea first, and then took her to visit the garden at home. The two even went to the small martial arts field of the Duke's Mansion to compete. .

Zhu Chanyi always thought that her kung fu was good, but she didn't expect to be defeated by Xin Yi in just a few moves. She leaned on the hilt of the knife and gasped slightly: I finally understand why my grandfather praised you so much. You are so He is really capable.

Su Xinyi put away the knife and put it on the weapon rack. Hearing this, he smiled at Zhu Chanyi and said, What's the comparison? You just practice martial arts as a hobby. Just know how to do it. But I used to study martial arts to live a good life. , can it be the same? Our place has high mountains and dense forests, and if you don’t have enough time, going into the mountains to hunt is just to deliver food to the prey.

Zhu Chanyi thought about it and put the weapon back on the shelf, and the two of them went to the tea shed to drink tea.

Then it's not easy for you before. Zhu Chanyi looked at Su Xinyi and said very seriously. His words were sincere and there was no falsehood, but he really felt that it was not easy for her.

I don't feel bitter. The bitterness I have endured will become a gift in life. Do you think I will be fine now?

That's right. Zhu Chanyi gave a thumbs up, Your skills are so solid that most people really can't compare.

The two of them talked about the gossip in the capital. Zhu Chanyi took a sip of tea and looked at Su Xinyi for a moment and hesitated.

When Su Xinyi saw it, he said, If you have something to say, just say it. There's no need to hide it.

Hey, you can see this. Zhu Chanyi covered her face in embarrassment.

It's too obvious. You don't mean to cover it up. How can I still not see it? Su Xinyi also smiled. Zhu Chanyi clearly wanted to tell her, but was afraid that it would be too abrupt.

Zhu Chanyi coughed lightly, I think if I said this, it would seem like I was a bit too talkative, but you are my good friend. Since I know it, I won't tell you. If I see you, It’s inevitable to feel guilty.”


I’ll send you one update in the early morning, and there will be another update, which should be in the afternoon, my dears.


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