Once the Crown Prince Joins In

272: The prince’s temptation

Yan Junchu smiled at his younger brother when he heard this, With your words, my eldest brother can feel at ease even if he stays in Beijing. New ⑥⑨ Book Bar→⑥⑨ⓢⓗⓤⓧ.ⓒⓞⓜGoogle search and read

King Rong felt a little heavy when he heard this. His mood was actually quite complicated. He used to love to compete with his elder brother, especially when he was young. He did many bad things, always targeting his elder brother, although he always got beaten in the end. It was him, but he felt like he had won.

In the blink of an eye, things that happened when he was a child seemed to have happened a long time ago. He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had gone against his elder brother.

Thinking about it like this, I couldn't help but think of Su Xinyi again.

Thinking of Su Xinyi, forget it, I still can't think how pitiful it is that such a gentle person like my eldest brother should marry such a evil woman.

Seeing how pitiful the eldest brother is, it is not impossible to be a good younger brother.

Thinking of this, King Rong looked at his elder brother with a very subtle look.

At first glance, Yan Junchu knew that his younger brother was thinking about something else. Ever since he met Su Xinyi, his mind was a little abnormal.

King Rong didn't notice the subtle look in his eldest brother's eyes. He followed him a few steps and suddenly asked: Brother, how did you find out that something was wrong in Zhangping Mansion? Why didn't I hear anything?

When Yan Junchu heard this, he glanced at King Rong very subtly, and then said seriously, You don't care about these things, so naturally you won't know.

King Rong thought about it and said, Then I will have to wait for a while to get to Zhangping Mansion. Maybe there will be a difference in the court, and there will be a war over there.

He had to go to the south to take over the caravan first, then buy the goods and send them to Yulinwei. When he arrived at Yulinwei, he handed the goods to Pang Lan and others, so that he could have time to go to Zhangping Mansion.

Thinking about it this way, ha, he is very busy.

It doesn't matter whether it's sooner or later, you just need to remember this. Yan Junchu said.

That's no problem.

The two brothers walked out while talking. The courtiers coming and going saw this scene from a distance, and their expressions were really different.

Everyone knows that King Rong, who has always loved to antagonize the prince, now has a good relationship with the prince, but he still feels uncomfortable seeing it with his own eyes, and it has really changed a lot.

Yan Junchu invited King Rong to the East Palace as a guest, but King Rong immediately left.

Yan Junchu smiled and shook his head, then turned around and went to the Sixth Department. He planned to go to the Ministry of War to explore the truth.

He always felt that the sudden arrival of the Tatar troops at the city was surprising. Logically speaking, such a thing should not happen. Many things were vague in the booklet sent by Zhangping Mansion, which was one of the reasons for his suspicion.

He planned to ask Chen Boyan to follow him this time, in the name of taking care of Su Yi, so King Rong would not think too much about it. New 69 Book Bar→69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒄𝒐𝒎

Rong Wang is in the light and Chen Boyan is in the dark, so he can always find out some clues.

If someone in Zhangping Prefecture really colludes with the Tatars, this is not a trivial matter.


The Queen in Yuanhui Palace was stunned when she received His Majesty's message. She looked at the chamberlain who came to deliver the message and asked: Your Majesty, do you mean that there is no need to select people to enter the East Palace?

Replying to the Queen, Your Majesty said that His Highness the Crown Prince is busy with affairs and has no intention of doing this, so he will put it aside for the time being. The chamberlain said respectfully with his head lowered.

The queen's expression was clearly filled with confusion. Fang Rong gave a gentle reminder to the side, and then she regained her composure. She looked at the chamberlain and asked, Does your Majesty have any other wishes?

Your Majesty said that the marriages of several princes have also been postponed.

The queen's face became even more ugly, I know, please go back.

Yes, I'm retiring. The chamberlain bowed and stepped back.

As soon as they left, the queen looked at Fang Rong and Aunt Zhao and sneered, I can't believe that our Majesty is still considerate.

Your Majesty, be careful what you say. Nanny Zhao said hurriedly, and then sent the palace servant away, and then said softly: My Majesty, please don't be angry. If you think about it, this is actually not a bad thing. There are people on Prince Xiang's side. My beloved concubine, you said that if His Majesty gives you another marriage after a year and a half, the concubine might be born. If this is the case, no matter who becomes Princess Xiang, I am afraid that she will not be able to live in peace in Prince Xiang's palace.

After listening to Aunt Zhao's words, the Queen felt much better, but she still couldn't help but said: Your Majesty is partial to the Crown Prince. It has always been necessary to select the concubines of the East Palace after the Crown Princess enters the house. Now she suddenly changed her mind. I'm afraid she will follow. Donggong can’t escape the relationship.”

At this moment, Aunt Zhao saw the figure of the little palace maid outside, so she walked out. After listening to the little palace maid, she came back and said to the queen: Your Majesty, your guess is right. His Highness the Crown Prince has indeed asked to meet His Majesty, and then His Majesty That’s why I made this decree.”

The Queen knew this would be the case, looked at Fang Rong and ordered, Publish this news, why can only I be happy? Concubine Li Guifei should also be happy.

Fang Rong said casually: What I'm saying is that the one who is most anxious is the imperial concubine. After all, King Xiang has a concubine by his side. I'll go and take care of it now. Just don't worry, the empress.

The queen was happy now. After Fang Rong left, she looked at Aunt Zhao and sighed, Is it Su Xinyi's intention that the prince beg your majesty for such a thing?

When Aunt Zhao heard this, she didn't think so, The Crown Princess has only been married for a long time. How can she persuade His Highness to do such a thing? And once she speaks, she will inevitably be labeled as jealous, old slave. I think the Crown Princess might not do this. New 𝟼𝟿Book →𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖”

Is that what the prince meant? Why did the prince do this? To win over the Duke of Qi? The queen frowned, this was not good news.

Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. No matter what the reason is, this matter cannot be changed for the time being. It is better for you to take advantage of this period to choose a good lady for His Highness Prince Rong. Aunt Zhao does not want the Queen to take advantage of her. Niujiao, now the East Palace is obviously on His Majesty’s mind, it’s better not to anger His Majesty.

The queen sighed, I asked him what he liked, but he refused to say anything. He insisted on choosing for him. How could I know what he liked? If he chooses something that doesn't suit his liking, he might not be able to quarrel with me in the future. .”

Aunt Zhao did not dare to say anything against His Highness King Rong, and immediately said: Your Highness trusts your Majesty. Your Majesty loves Your Highness so much. Your Highness must think that he must like the person Your Majesty chooses.

The queen's expression softened after hearing this, I hope so.

As she said this, the queen couldn't help but think of Su Xinyi again. Thinking of Su Xinyi, she couldn't help but feel angry and blocked. It was very difficult for her to do anything with such a troublesome person as the crown princess.

Is there any other news in the East Palace these days? the queen asked, looking at Aunt Zhao.

Aunt Zhao shook her head, The East Palace has always been strictly guarded, so it is difficult to find out the news. However, I have heard that the Crown Princess has to go to the martial arts field every day.

The martial arts arena? Isn't the martial arts arena in the East Palace used by the guards of the East Palace? She used to be a shameless person for a princess.

That's not the case. It was His Highness the Crown Prince who changed the Beiyuan of the East Palace into a small martial arts arena, exclusively for the Crown Princess. Aunt Zhao said hurriedly.


Beiyuan? That's the garden of the East Palace, so it was turned into a martial arts arena? Your Majesty agreed? This was the first time the Queen heard about this matter. She didn't even know about such a big thing. This shows that the East Palace protects information. How much better.

I heard that His Majesty knew and allowed it.

The Queen was so angry that she almost couldn't stand up. It's really strange. How can His Majesty be so tolerant of Su Xinyi? Even because of Su Chun, he wouldn't have reached this point? How many soldiers in Southern Qi sacrificed their lives for the country? Su Chun is not the only one.

Aunt Zhao couldn't explain it. She thought for a long time and could only say: It's probably because General Su was ordered to go on an expedition when he was in danger. It's better for the empress not to think about these things anymore. That is to say, the princess is getting married. Wait a few days. Naturally, it faded away. Your Majesty has so many things to do, how can you keep an eye on a princess all the time?

Although she said this, the queen was still very uncomfortable, and it inevitably reminded her of some old things.

When she first married His Majesty, she was trembling with fear because of the difference in status. It wasn't until she had a son that she felt her back straightened out, and she was justified as the queen.

The prince was not very old at that time, so she wanted to keep him by her side for the sake of fame, but His Majesty disagreed and insisted that the prince go to the East Palace at a young age.

At that time, she had no other thoughts except that she was a queen and it was her duty to take care of the prince. However, it was obvious that His Majesty was very wary of her and refused to let her get involved in anything related to the prince.

From that time on, she knew that she could not compare with the late empress, nor could she compare with the prince. His Majesty had no other affection for her, so she could only rely on her son.

But now...the son is getting closer and closer to the prince, and he is like a demon.

The Queen felt not only uncomfortable, but also extremely annoyed. Could it be that this was fate? Her successor was like a joke.

The only good thing is that although she, the queen, cannot get involved in the affairs of the East Palace, His Majesty still gave her the power of the harem.

Thinking of this, the queen's mood became even worse. She raised her head and looked out the window, and the past things came out of her heart, making her annoyed and depressed.

What made the queen even more angry happened the next day. King Rong was ordered to go south, but he didn't say what he was going to do.

The daughter-in-law has not been married, and now she wants to go south, without even mentioning any errands, which makes the queen very uneasy.

In the East Palace, Su Xinyi came back from the martial arts field and heard about this incident. She did not expect His Majesty to move so quickly.

Then she remembered that Yan Junchu told her yesterday that she didn't have to worry about choosing a concubine. She really couldn't believe it at the time, but His Majesty actually agreed.

But he refused to say anything about how His Majesty the Crown Prince persuaded His Majesty, and he couldn't keep asking. Looking at His Majesty's expression, he seemed to have not been reprimanded, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course Su Xinyi was happy. She was surprised that the joy was so intense.

After washing and changing clothes, she had nothing else to do for a while, so she simply went to the study to read, but she couldn't stand it anymore. She kept thinking about King Rong going south.

His Majesty did not say what errand King Rong was on when he went south. The matter of the caravan was still being kept secret, but she believed that if King Rong did not cover it up when he arrived in the south, it would soon be reported back to the capital that he was on errand.

At that time, the caravan's affairs will no longer be a secret matter.

Princess. Forsythia walked in quickly, saluted and said, The Crown Prince is going south with His Royal Highness Prince Rong.

Su Xinyi was startled, Really?

Yes, this slave has just received the news. The imperial edict has been issued, and this matter cannot be faked.

Su Xinyi frowned slightly, Why would you let your eldest brother follow you south...

Suddenly, she thought of the prince. Could it be what His Highness meant?

With this in mind, she waited for His Highness to come back at noon before she had time to ask.

Only then did Yan Jun remember that he had forgotten to tell her about this last night. They were newlyweds, so they couldn't help but feel a little greedy...

He watched Su Xinyi nod, pulled her to sit down, and then said to her: That's what I mean. His original mission in the Imperial Forest Army has been taken over, and there is no suitable position for him now. Instead of being in the Imperial Forest Army, Rather than waiting in embarrassment, it’s better to do some other errands.”

Knowing that it was the prince's intention, Su Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at him and said, Although the elder brother's injury has recovered, I'm afraid I shouldn't be too tired. It's very hard to follow the caravan. I don't know if I can bear it.

I asked him and he said he was fine and recovering well.

Su Xinyi had nothing to say. She looked at the prince and said softly: I didn't expect that your highness would still remember your eldest brother's errand. Thank you very much.

We are husband and wife now, so your matters are naturally my matters. Yan Junchu said with a smile.

Su Xinyi smiled and said, Your Highness is right.

Yan Junchu squeezed Su Xinyi's hand and asked, Is there anything else you want to ask?

Su Xinyi was not surprised that the prince could see it, so she asked softly: After my eldest brother, who else is there?

King Wu, plus Chen Boyan.

His Royal Highness the King of Wu? Su Xinyi was surprised, Why would Your Highness think of letting His Highness the King of Wu follow? Doesn't this mean that he will know about the caravan?

I just want him to know that it will depend on how he chooses after this incident. Yan Junchu said with a calm expression.

Su Xinyi was startled. It turned out that she wanted King Wu to take sides, but she really didn't know which side King Wu would take. She couldn't remember anything about King Wu in her previous life. It seemed that King Wu had always been quiet and few things about him were spread outside. .

King Wu's biological mother is Concubine Ruan Ming. Concubine Ruan Ming behaves similarly to her son, and she is not a pushy person. Moreover, Su Xinyi had met her several times in the harem, and it was really hard to tell who Ruan Mingfei was close to or had a good relationship with. She seemed to have a good relationship with everyone.

Your Highness, are you worried about whose side King Wu is on? Su Xinyi asked, looking sideways at the prince.

King Rong has long since stopped opposing the prince, and now he has become the prince's errand brother, so he must not be King Rong.

In her previous life, she only knew that King Rong and the Crown Prince were facing each other head-on. But now that King Rong has changed, who is the Crown Prince guarding against?

In her mind, the face of Prince Xiang who always had a subtle smile suddenly appeared, and she thought of Fu Yun who was brought back to the capital by him. She didn't know what was going on, but she felt a little uncomfortable.


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