Once the Crown Prince Joins In

309: Do you want such a blessing?

Pei Nianwei's eyes swept over You Xiangzhe's body, with a shallow friendly smile still on her face. Even when she spoke to her mother, her voice still sounded a bit coquettish, Mom, when my cousin comes to the capital, I always have to let her go. I am a landlord. Xin𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒄𝒐𝒎 I took my cousin to the Yuande Theater to listen to a play, and it’s not like I’m going somewhere else, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

When she heard the words Yuande Theater, Mrs. Wu'anhou's eyelids twitched. There was no good choice. She had to choose Yuande Theater. How many times had the princess made trouble there?

Mrs. Wu Anhou always loved her daughter, but this matter was related to the future of the family, so she had to look at her with a straight face and said: What are you talking about? There are people coming and going in the theater all day long. Your cousin is weak. If she is hit, What should I do? Wait for your cousin to recover in a few days, and then you cousins ​​can go out for a stroll.

Pei Nianwei didn't insist anymore this time. She watched You Xiangzhe walk to sit next to her and murmured in a low voice: Cousin, this is not because I don't want to take you out to play. Look at my mother, I don't dare to show off her power. You're out of breath. After you rest for a few days, my cousin will take you out again. Let me tell you that the plays in Yuande Theater are the best, the incense in Daling Temple is the most prosperous, the Drunken Duck in Yiyuanju, and the Xinghua in Xinghua Tower Wine is a good thing.

Hearing what her cousin from the Pei family said, You Xiangzhe smiled and said softly: Thank you very much, cousin. I will have to work hard for you when the time comes.

What one family says to two families is just a trivial matter. Pei Nianwei said with a smile.

Mrs. Wu Anhou asked someone to bring the silver. She stretched out her hand and handed it to her daughter, Go, don't worry about playing all day long, go to the East Palace for a walk when you have time. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫ⓢⓗⓤⓧ.ⓒⓞⓜ

When mentioning the East Palace, Pei Nianwei's expression froze slightly, then returned to normal. She snorted and said slowly: Mom, aren't you making things difficult for me? I know that the Crown Princess is not happy with me, and my cousin is not in Beijing, so I will go Whatever you do in the East Palace, you don't have to offend anyone. If I go, I have to wait until my cousin comes back.

Pei Nianwei stood up impatiently, looked at You Xiangzhe and said, Good cousin, please chat with my mother for a few words, I'll leave first.

Mrs. Wu Anhou laughed angrily and waved her hand, Go away quickly, you will be angry with me all day long.

You Xiangzhe chuckled softly and said softly, The relationship between my aunt and my cousin is really good.

Pei Nianwei raised her eyebrows at You Xiangzhe, Cousin, I'm going to leave first. Come and sit at my place when you have time.

You Xiangzhe responded with a smile, then watched Pei Nianwei turn around and leave.

Mrs. Wu Anhou smiled at her niece and said, Your cousin is so old and has a temper like a child. Fortunately, she is obedient. You cousins ​​can talk together more often if nothing happens.

You Xiangzhe nodded, I know about my aunt. My cousin is very talented and smart. I also want to get closer to my cousin.

The Marquis of Wu'an was so happy that he looked at You Xiangzhe and said, You don't have to worry. Of course, your uncle will take care of things outside. Just stay in the house and wait for the news. You are a lucky child.

You Xiangzhe smiled and lowered his head, but his dark eyes became cold. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫sʜᴜx.ᴄᴏᴍ


Why don't they leave such a blessing to their daughter?

After arriving in the capital, she found out that her uncle and aunt had decided to let her cousin go to the East Palace, but they wanted her to go to the harem. They really thought she was a fool. The prince was young and handsome, but where was the emperor?

Thinking of His Majesty whom he met that day, You Xiangzhe could hardly keep the smile on his face.

This is really a blessing.

On the other side, Pei Nianwei returned to her yard, sent everyone around her out, and closed the door behind her back, her face suddenly darkened.

She can't be appointed, she can't be an outcast. Once her family no longer values ​​her, they will just find her a similar marriage and send her away. How can she swallow this?

You Xiangzhe said that that day at the farm, he not only met His Majesty, but also the Crown Princess.

Su Xinyi would never think that someone who met her once would want to enter the palace, right?

She really wanted to see what kind of expression Su Xinyi would have on her face when she knew about this.

However, Pei Nianwei felt that this matter was a bit disgusting. His Majesty could become You Xiangzhe's father, and the relationship between You Xiangzhe and his family. If he really entered the harem, would the prince's face look good?

Speaking of which, You Xiangzhe is also the prince's cousin.

Moreover, You Xiangzhe actually agreed to this matter, which was why Pei Nianwei couldn't understand and was a little repelled.

For the sake of glory and wealth, a young girl like You Xiangzhe is really willing to sacrifice herself.

Not only did she not like such an ambitious person, but she was also afraid of him, so she didn't live near or far away from her these days.

However, this matter is not all bad for her. She thinks that the prince's cousin will definitely not want her cousin to enter the palace. Maybe she can use this to send herself to the East Palace.

Pei Nianwei leaned on the soft pillow and carefully considered the feasibility of this matter. It was a pity. It would be great if the prince's cousin was in the capital. She didn't know when the matter in Zhangping Mansion would end. She couldn't wait until her cousin came back, so she just Can deal with Su Xinyi.

Thinking of Su Xinyi, Pei Nianwei felt extremely bored, but thinking of what she had to do, she could only grit her teeth and lower her head.

Pei Nianwei's anxiety was unknown to Su Xinyi. She had just returned from Yuanhui Palace today and received a letter from the prince. The letter was very short and she was in a hurry. Only after reading the letter did she know that the matter of the traitor in Zhangping Mansion was ending. King Rong made great achievements in interrogating Lu Qin. The letter also stated that Qin Guansheng and his men continued to fight against the Tatars. They fought several times in less than half a month. The letter mentioned that Su Qi was injured. The injury was still a bit serious. Send her back to the city for treatment and tell her not to worry, her life is no longer in danger.

Seeing that his second brother was seriously injured, Su Xinyi's heart skipped a beat. No wonder his eyelids kept twitching these days.

Finally, I read His Highness's letter and said that the Tatar troops once again attacked Yunxiang Guards. Fortunately, reinforcements from Jie Jinglue and others arrived, temporarily relieving Yunxiang Guards' difficulties. Jie Jinglue proposed to go deep into the desert to track down the enemy, hoping to fight with them. Qin Guansheng and others gathered together to end the battle as soon as possible. The prince said that he was sure.

Su Xinyi was shocked. She didn't expect that her eldest brother-in-law would take the initiative to ask Ying to go out and pursue him. This was not an ordinary courageous move.

Su Xinyi was far away in the capital, unable to do anything, and looked at the news that Grandma She had heard today. Fuyun was pregnant, and Prince Xiang actually held a banquet. How could Prince Xiang do such a stupid thing at this juncture? matter?

No matter how you look at it, this matter seems a bit suspicious, and according to Grandma She, there were very few people at the banquet, but they were all related to the royal family, such as King Wu, King Jing and others.

What does King Xiang mean by doing this?

In the previous life, was he the person behind King Rong?

The more Su Xinyi thought about it, the more suspicious Prince Xiang became, and Fuyun was actually willing to cooperate with Prince Xiang in doing such a thing. This was either stupid or full of confidence.

Su Xinyi wanted someone to inquire about it, so Forsythia came in and said, Princess, Miss Pei asked to see you. She said she has something important to tell you.


There is only one update today. I have a fever and a headache. I feel dizzy and my brain is a ball of threads. I didn’t check for typos. I will check again later. Thank you for your support. I really rarely have a fever. I didn’t even have one in the past year. I have a fever once. After giving birth to my sister, my health is really bad. The updates in the past two days should not be very stable. If the updates are interrupted one day, please forgive me. I love you all.


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